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Jun 17th, 2016
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  1. [General]
  2. ISOPaths = 2
  3. LastFilename = /storage/emulated/0/dolphin-emu/Sonic Adventure DX - Director's Cut (USA) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es).gcm
  4. ShowLag = True
  5. RecursiveISOPaths = False
  6. NANDRoot = //sdcard/dolphin-emu/Wii
  7. WirelessMac = 00:17:ab:93:6b:ec
  8. ISOPath0 = /storage/emulated/0/Download
  9. ShowFrameCount = True
  10. NANDRootPath = //sdcard/dolphin-emu/Wii
  11. ISOPath1 = /storage/emulated/0/dolphin-emu
  12. [Core]
  13. OMPDecoder = True
  14. VSync = False
  15. VStream = True
  16. UseBBox = True
  17. OptimizeQuantizers = True
  18. Throttle = True
  19. BlockMerging = True
  20. DCBZ = True
  21. ZTPSpeedupHack = True
  22. MMU = False
  23. BAT = False
  24. TLBHack = True
  25. FastDiscSpeed = True
  26. CPUCore = 4
  27. CPUThread = True
  28. GFXBackend = OGL
  29. HLE_BS2 = True
  30. Fastmem = True
  31. DSPThread = True
  32. DSPHLE = True
  33. SkipIdle = False
  34. DefaultISO =
  35. DVDRoot =
  36. Apploader =
  37. EnableCheats = False
  38. SelectedLanguage = 0
  39. DPL2Decoder = False
  40. Latency = 0
  41. MemcardA =
  42. MemcardB =
  43. SlotA = 1
  44. SlotB = 255
  45. SerialPort1 = 255
  46. BBA_MAC =
  47. SIDevice0 = 6
  48. SIDevice1 = 0
  49. SIDevice2 = 0
  50. SIDevice3 = 0
  51. WiiSDCard = False
  52. WiiKeyboard = False
  53. WiimoteReconnectOnLoad = False
  54. WiimoteContinuousScanning = False
  55. WiimoteEnableSpeaker = False
  56. RunCompareServer = False
  57. RunCompareClient = False
  58. FrameLimit = 0x00000002
  59. UseFPS = True
  60. MemcardAPath = //sdcard/dolphin-emu/GC/MemoryCardA.USA.raw
  61. MemcardBPath = //sdcard/dolphin-emu/GC/MemoryCardB.USA.raw
  62. FrameSkip = 0x00000000
  63. GPUDeterminismMode = auto
  64. SyncOnSkipIdle = True
  65. SyncGPU = False
  66. SyncGpuMaxDistance = 400000
  67. SyncGpuMinDistance = -400000
  68. SyncGpuOverclock = 2.000000
  69. OverrideGCLang = False
  70. AgpCartAPath =
  71. AgpCartBPath =
  72. Overclock = 0.250000003
  73. OverclockEnable = True
  74. GameCubeAdapter = False
  75. AdapterRumble = False
  76. PerfMapDir =
  77. TimingVariance = 40
  78. FPRF = True
  79. AccurateNaNs = False
  80. AdapterRumble0 = False
  81. SimulateKonga0 = False
  82. AdapterRumble1 = False
  83. SimulateKonga1 = False
  84. AdapterRumble2 = False
  85. SimulateKonga2 = False
  86. AdapterRumble3 = False
  87. SimulateKonga3 = False
  88. EmulationSpeed = 1.00000000
  89. [Interface]
  90. ConfirmStop = True
  91. UsePanicHandlers = True
  92. OnScreenDisplayMessages = True
  93. HideCursor = False
  94. AutoHideCursor = False
  95. MainWindowPosX = 100
  96. MainWindowPosY = 100
  97. MainWindowWidth = 800
  98. MainWindowHeight = 600
  99. Language = 0
  100. ShowToolbar = True
  101. ShowStatusbar = True
  102. ShowLogWindow = False
  103. ShowLogConfigWindow = False
  104. ShowConsole = True
  105. ThemeName40 = Clean
  106. ExtendedFPSInfo = True
  107. PauseOnFocusLost = False
  108. [Hotkeys]
  109. Open = 79
  110. OpenModifier = 2
  111. ChangeDisc = 0
  112. ChangeDiscModifier = 0
  113. RefreshList = 0
  114. RefreshListModifier = 0
  115. PlayPause = 349
  116. PlayPauseModifier = 0
  117. Stop = 27
  118. StopModifier = 0
  119. Reset = 0
  120. ResetModifier = 0
  121. FrameAdvance = 0
  122. FrameAdvanceModifier = 0
  123. StartRecording = 0
  124. StartRecordingModifier = 0
  125. PlayRecording = 0
  126. PlayRecordingModifier = 0
  127. ExportRecording = 0
  128. ExportRecordingModifier = 0
  129. Readonlymode = 0
  130. ReadonlymodeModifier = 0
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  132. ToggleFullscreenModifier = 1
  133. Screenshot = 348
  134. ScreenshotModifier = 0
  135. Exit = 0
  136. ExitModifier = 0
  137. Wiimote1Connect = 344
  138. Wiimote1ConnectModifier = 1
  139. Wiimote2Connect = 345
  140. Wiimote2ConnectModifier = 1
  141. Wiimote3Connect = 346
  142. Wiimote3ConnectModifier = 1
  143. Wiimote4Connect = 347
  144. Wiimote4ConnectModifier = 1
  145. LoadStateSlot1 = 340
  146. LoadStateSlot1Modifier = 0
  147. LoadStateSlot2 = 341
  148. LoadStateSlot2Modifier = 0
  149. LoadStateSlot3 = 342
  150. LoadStateSlot3Modifier = 0
  151. LoadStateSlot4 = 343
  152. LoadStateSlot4Modifier = 0
  153. LoadStateSlot5 = 344
  154. LoadStateSlot5Modifier = 0
  155. LoadStateSlot6 = 345
  156. LoadStateSlot6Modifier = 0
  157. LoadStateSlot7 = 346
  158. LoadStateSlot7Modifier = 0
  159. LoadStateSlot8 = 347
  160. LoadStateSlot8Modifier = 0
  161. SaveStateSlot1 = 340
  162. SaveStateSlot1Modifier = 4
  163. SaveStateSlot2 = 341
  164. SaveStateSlot2Modifier = 4
  165. SaveStateSlot3 = 342
  166. SaveStateSlot3Modifier = 4
  167. SaveStateSlot4 = 343
  168. SaveStateSlot4Modifier = 4
  169. SaveStateSlot5 = 344
  170. SaveStateSlot5Modifier = 4
  171. SaveStateSlot6 = 345
  172. SaveStateSlot6Modifier = 4
  173. SaveStateSlot7 = 346
  174. SaveStateSlot7Modifier = 4
  175. SaveStateSlot8 = 347
  176. SaveStateSlot8Modifier = 4
  177. LoadLastState1 = 0
  178. LoadLastState1Modifier = 0
  179. LoadLastState2 = 0
  180. LoadLastState2Modifier = 0
  181. LoadLastState3 = 0
  182. LoadLastState3Modifier = 0
  183. LoadLastState4 = 0
  184. LoadLastState4Modifier = 0
  185. LoadLastState5 = 0
  186. LoadLastState5Modifier = 0
  187. LoadLastState6 = 0
  188. LoadLastState6Modifier = 0
  189. LoadLastState7 = 0
  190. LoadLastState7Modifier = 0
  191. LoadLastState8 = 0
  192. LoadLastState8Modifier = 0
  193. SaveFirstState = 0
  194. SaveFirstStateModifier = 0
  195. UndoLoadState = 351
  196. UndoLoadStateModifier = 0
  197. UndoSaveState = 351
  198. UndoSaveStateModifier = 4
  199. BalanceBoardConnect = 348
  200. BalanceBoardConnectModifier = 1
  201. ToggleIR = 0
  202. ToggleIRModifier = 0
  203. ToggleAspectRatio = 0
  204. ToggleAspectRatioModifier = 0
  205. ToggleEFBCopies = 0
  206. ToggleEFBCopiesModifier = 0
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  208. ToggleFogModifier = 0
  209. ToggleThrottle = 9
  210. ToggleThrottleModifier = 0
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  212. IncreaseFrameLimitModifier = 0
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  214. DecreaseFrameLimitModifier = 0
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  218. LoadStateSlot10Modifier = 0
  219. SaveStateSlot9 = 0
  220. SaveStateSlot9Modifier = 0
  221. SaveStateSlot10 = 0
  222. SaveStateSlot10Modifier = 0
  223. SelectStateSlot1 = 0
  224. SelectStateSlot1Modifier = 0
  225. SelectStateSlot2 = 0
  226. SelectStateSlot2Modifier = 0
  227. SelectStateSlot3 = 0
  228. SelectStateSlot3Modifier = 0
  229. SelectStateSlot4 = 0
  230. SelectStateSlot4Modifier = 0
  231. SelectStateSlot5 = 0
  232. SelectStateSlot5Modifier = 0
  233. SelectStateSlot6 = 0
  234. SelectStateSlot6Modifier = 0
  235. SelectStateSlot7 = 0
  236. SelectStateSlot7Modifier = 0
  237. SelectStateSlot8 = 0
  238. SelectStateSlot8Modifier = 0
  239. SelectStateSlot9 = 0
  240. SelectStateSlot9Modifier = 0
  241. SelectStateSlot10 = 0
  242. SelectStateSlot10Modifier = 0
  243. SaveSelectedSlot = 0
  244. SaveSelectedSlotModifier = 0
  245. LoadSelectedSlot = 0
  246. LoadSelectedSlotModifier = 0
  247. SaveStateFile = 0
  248. SaveStateFileModifier = 0
  249. LoadStateFile = 0
  250. LoadStateFileModifier = 0
  251. [Display]
  252. FullscreenResolution = Auto
  253. Fullscreen = False
  254. RenderToMain = False
  255. RenderWindowXPos = -1
  256. RenderWindowYPos = -1
  257. RenderWindowWidth = 640
  258. RenderWindowHeight = 480
  259. RenderWindowAutoSize = False
  260. KeepWindowOnTop = False
  261. ProgressiveScan = False
  262. DisableScreenSaver = True
  263. ForceNTSCJ = False
  264. PAL60 = False
  265. [GameList]
  266. ListDrives = False
  267. ListWad = True
  268. ListWii = True
  269. ListGC = True
  270. ListJap = True
  271. ListPal = True
  272. ListUsa = True
  273. ListFrance = True
  274. ListItaly = True
  275. ListKorea = True
  276. ListTaiwan = True
  277. ListUnknown = True
  278. ListSort = 3
  279. ListSortSecondary = 0
  280. ColorCompressed = True
  281. ColumnPlatform = True
  282. ColumnBanner = True
  283. ColumnNotes = True
  284. ColumnID = False
  285. ColumnRegion = True
  286. ColumnSize = True
  287. ColumnState = True
  288. ListElfDol = True
  289. ListAustralia = True
  290. ListGermany = True
  291. ListNetherlands = True
  292. ListRussia = True
  293. ListSpain = True
  294. ListWorld = True
  295. ColumnFileName = False
  296. [Movie]
  297. PauseMovie = False
  298. Author =
  299. DumpFrames = False
  300. ShowInputDisplay = False
  301. DumpFramesSilent = False
  302. [DSP]
  303. DSPHLE = False
  304. EnableJIT = True
  305. DumpAudio = False
  306. Backend = OpenSLES
  307. Volume = 100
  308. CaptureLog = True
  309. DumpUCode = False
  310. [Input]
  311. BackgroundInput = False
  312. [FifoPlayer]
  313. LoopReplay = True
  314. [Android]
  315. ScreenControls = True
  316. [Settings]
  317. SIDevice0 = 6
  318. SIDevice1 = 0
  319. SIDevice2 = 0
  320. SIDevice3 = 0
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