
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 20

Nov 30th, 2014
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >The time spent at the diner and driving home with Ty have done nothing to ease your mood, despite the good food and good company
  3. >Quite the contrary, actually
  4. >You are now Worried, with a very big W
  5. >Opening the door with Ty in tow, you briefly hope that you would be greeted by Celestia casually saying 'hi' while cleaning
  6. >Or even cussing you out, for that matter
  7. >You know as well as anyone that the rapidly fading light quickly brings out the worst in some people
  8. >And you also know that Slateside is no place for a lady like Celestia, especially not in the chill of November
  9. >And especially not with clothes that haven't even dried properly
  10. >You can't help feeling slightly guilty over this
  11. >She might have left without you cussing and insulting her
  12. >But as far as you know, you threatening to throw her out was the straw that broke the camel's back
  13. >And now, as far as you know, she's at best wandering the streets of the city without a place to call home
  14. >At worst, she's lying raped and dismembered in a ditch somewhere
  15. >Scratch that, you are feeling very guilty
  16. >Paranoia is a hell of a drug
  18. ''Hello? Anybody in here?''
  19. >You call out into the darkness of the hallway, empty silence the only answer you get
  20. ''Hello? Celestia? You home?''
  21. >Your second try gives as much results as the first one
  22. >''You still hoping she'll come back?''
  23. >You spin around quickly, worry and anger turning into an edge in your voice
  24. ''Yes, Ty, I'm still hoping. I mean, she's out there now, in the snow, and there's no guarantee she's safe in any way!''
  25. >''Nigga, take a fucking chill pill, alright? Listen. I know she's out there. I know you're worried. But there's no reason to start yelling at me, dig?''
  26. >You sigh and flick on the lights while rubbing your forehead
  27. ''Yeah, Ty, I know. I'm sorry, alright? It's just that, well, I'm kinda the one who threw her ass out.''
  28. >''Come on man, don't beat yourself up for nothing. Unless there's something you wanna tell me?''
  29. >You sigh again and walk to the refrigerator
  30. >Retrieving two cans from inside, you toss one to Ty, who thankfully accepts it
  31. ''Well, it didn't really go as simple as I told you.''
  32. >Ty answers with a nod and takes a sip from his beer
  33. >You crack yours open and follow suit
  34. ''To be honest, she wasn't the only one that flipped out. I kinda got mad at her, cussed her out, stuff like that.''
  35. >''Uh-huh?''
  36. >You wave your hands with an exasperated sigh
  37. ''I mean yeah, I was angry, but things got a little heated.''
  38. >''As in how?''
  39. ''I said that I'd throw her ass out on the street again if she told anyone. I mean, she might've left without me yelling at her, but I sure as fuck didn't make it better.''
  40. >''Alright. So what do you wanna do, man?''
  41. ''Let's take a seat. I really need to think this over.''
  42. >As you walk into the living room, you flick the stereo on
  44. >You slump down on the couch beside Ty and take a deep pull from the can in your hand
  45. >''So?''
  46. ''So, what?''
  47. >''What you gonna do, man?''
  48. ''Christ, I don't know. I mean, it's not exactly as if it's easy to find a motherfucker in Slateside, and she could be anywhere.''
  49. >''So you're saying you wanna go out there and look, dog? 'Cause I think that's pretty hopeless. Bitch disappeared hours ago.''
  50. ''I didn't say I want to go out and search, man! What I'm saying, is that I have no idea what to do, alright? I mean, looking for her is probably not gonna help, but it sure as hell beats sitting here with my thumb up my ass.''
  51. >Ty sighs and chugs the rest of his beer
  52. >''Dog-''
  53. >He puts his arm around your back and squeezes your arm reassuringly
  54. >''Whatever you decide to do, I'll back you up on it, aight? We like brothers, aight? But don't go doing anything stupid, you hear me?''
  55. >You nod mutely and finish your beer
  56. >After a moment of silence, Ty speaks up again
  57. >''Bro, how about this. We go to Santiago's place, bring some beer, and head to the bar or something. Find you a chick, get drunk, all that good shit. Plus-''
  58. >He cracks a mischievous grin and removes his arm from around you
  59. >''If you wanna look for your teacher or something, we can ask some motherfuckers on the way. Besides, we might even find those two suckas that jumped you.''
  61. >That didn't sound like bad idea at all
  62. >If you were lucky, you might even find her, apologize, and offer a place to stay
  63. >And if not, then Santiago would still serve as added safety, if he really was as unfuckwithable as Ty had heard
  64. >Besides, you might even find the kids who jumped you, and in that case, Santiago, Ty and you would probably form a pretty good team, despite your ribs
  65. >On the other hand, if Santiago had found Celestia things wouldn't turn out pretty
  66. >Maybe she just needs to get nailed, huh?
  67. >You shudder slightly, pushing the mental image away
  69. >Ty's gravelly voice shakes you from your thoughts
  70. >''Hey, dog, you okay?''
  71. ''Yeah, yeah. Just felt a bit cold for a second there.''
  72. >''Aight, good. Sure hope you ain't getting sick on me.''
  73. ''Nah, I'm fine. But hey, that sounds like a great plan, bro. You wanna call him, or should I?''
  74. >Ty fishes his phone out of his jeans with a grin
  75. >''On it. Hey, you wanna get a couple brews from the fridge?''
  76. 'Sure.''
  77. >Rising up with newfound energy, you take a final glance at the baggie on the table
  78. >Noticing that Ty is busy tapping on his phone, you discreetly pocket it and start off towards the kitchen
  79. >Walking to the kitchen in time to the beat pouring from the speakers, you feel better than you've felt in hours
  82. >Looking at the baggie in your hand, you feel a plan beginning to form
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