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Nov 5th, 2013
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  1. [[>]]
  2. [[module Rate]]
  3. [[/>]]
  5. **Item #:** SCP-XXXX
  7. **Object Class:** Euclid
  9. **Special Containment Procedures:** All occurrences of SCP-XXXX outbreak are to be intercepted and contained. Any subject(s) affected by SCP-XXXX are to be given Class A Amnesiacs before their release, including both Foundation personnel and civilians.
  11. In the event an outbreak of SCP-XXXX is exposed to the public, Mobile Task Force Delta-47 (aka “Walkers”) is tasked with derailing media reports and broadcasts referring to SCP-XXXX.
  13. **Description:** SCP-XXXX is an memetic pseudo-plague that causes infected subjects (hereby designated SCP-XXXX-1) to exhibit the following behavior;
  15. -Compulsion to swing arms wildly or crawl during movement, often described as “Shambling.”
  16. -Increased aggression to any living organism within five (5) meters of SCP-XXXX-1.
  17. -Grunting, moaning, or coughing fits. These fits are sporadic in nature and can occur at any time.
  18. -Urge to attack any individual within three (3) meters of the affected subject. SCP-XXXX-1 will usually attempt to restrain and bite their targets.
  19. -Refusing to consume food other than human flesh.
  21. Despite extensive testing, there are no signs of SCP-XXXX being an actual viral strain. Blood, tissue, and saliva samples are invariably identical to samples taken from uninfected individuals. All instances of SCP-XXXX-1 will expire in their expected time if not provided with sustenance. Class A Amnesiacs are capable of completely eradicating SCP-XXXX, even in advanced stages.
  23. SCP-XXXX is transmitted via bite by SCP-XXXX-1. The infection occurs in five (5) stages over the course of 5 hours. Information regarding SCP-XXXX’s symptoms is difficult to extract from the infected subjects, as they tend to ignore questions about their condition. It appears impossible for infected subjects to resist SCP-XXXX compulsions. [SEE INTERVIEW-XXXX-A, LEVEL 3 CLEARENCE REQUIRED]
  25. **Recovery Incident:** A large outbreak of SCP-XXXX occurred in the town of [REDACTED] when a group of approximately ███ civilians ravaged the streets, stopping traffic and assaulting uninfected townsfolk, including members of the ██PD. Armed Rapid Response Task Force Xi-13 (aka “Sequere Nos” [“Follow Us”]) responded in full force. Initially met with heavy resistance, initial response teams terminated ██ infected subjects before using electrically-charged shock nets to neutralize and apprehend multiple instances.
  27. [[collapsible show="+ STAGES OF SCP-XXXX INFECTION" hide="- Close Log"]]
  28. Hour 1: Subjects react with abnormal panic and shock for the first full hour. Symptoms include increased heart rate, accelerated breathing, and a self-proclaimed feeling of “hopelessness.”
  30. Hour 2: At this stage, infected subjects feel the compulsion to hide their bite from others. When enquired, subjects usually respond with phrases such as “I’m Fine”, “It’s Okay”, and “Don’t worry about it.”
  32. Hour 3: Subjects exhibit no unusual physical changes, but often complain of headaches, nausea, and the urge to vomit. In 28% of all cases, subjects have forcefully [DATA EXPUNGED] and are unresponsive when asked why.
  34. Hour 4: Subjects at this stage are almost entirely unresponsive to outside stimuli, despite showing no physical or neural change.
  36. Hour 5: Subject is now a fully-developed instance of SCP-XXXX-1, showing aggression and mannerisms usually associated with instances.
  38. [[/collapsible]]
  40. [[collapsible show="+ LEVEL 3/XXXX CLEARENCE REQUIRED" hide="- Interview-XXXX-A"]]
  42. > **Interviewed:** SCP-XXXX-1-04, Formerly D-88572
  43. >
  44. > **Interviewer:** Doctor Schraubaum
  45. >
  46. > **Foreword:** SCP-XXXX-1-04 is the fourth SCP-XXXX-1 instance in foundation custody, exposed to SCP-XXXX’s effects following an experiment to test the full extent of memetic transmission. Since then, SCP-XXXX-1-04 was fed via IV drip. Interview was conducted after SCP-XXXX-1-04 regained average composure, and was pacing the area of the containment chamber, “stretching” and “jogging”.
  47. >
  48. > **<Begin Log.>**
  49. >
  50. > **Dr. Schraubaum:** D-88572, can you hear me?
  51. >
  52. > **D-88572:** Yeah, I can hear you just fine.
  53. >
  54. > **Dr. Schraubaum:** May I ask why you appear to be…exercising?
  55. >
  56. > **D-88572:** No reason, I’m just healthier this way.
  57. >
  58. > **Dr. Schraubaum:** What do you mean?
  59. >
  60. > **D-88572:** Doing what I normally do takes a lot of work. Nothing like a good stretch and jog to keep me going after a rough day.
  61. >
  62. > **D-88572 is unresponsive for several minutes, engaging in what appears to be cardiopulmonary exercise. Doctor Schraubaum converses with Agent █████ currently patrolling the cell exterior, before returning to the microphone to continue the interview.**
  63. >
  64. > **Dr. Schraubaum:** D-88572?
  65. >
  66. > **D-88572:** Yes, doc?
  67. >
  68. > **Dr. Schraubaum:** Are you aware you’ve been crawling around your cell for the past two months, eighteen days, and fifteen hours?
  69. >
  70. > **D-88572:** Yes.
  71. >
  72. > **<End Log>**
  73. >
  74. > **Closing Statement: [DATA EXPUNGED] deviation in behavior since the recovery incident, suggesting that all instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are capable of stopping this act [DATA EXPUNGED] mob mentality being the heavily implied possibility.**
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