
the 'date'

Jun 16th, 2015
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  1. Tonight's the night baby, the table is set, the fine cutlery is out and you can barely contain yourself for what is to come this evening.
  2. You pass the time by rescuing Vital from Twilight and seeing if she has made a break-through on the goo's origins, expecting nothing more than a frazzled “no”.
  3. Greeted by spike you are led downstairs to the basement where a miasma of clinical chemicals assault your nose reminding you of hospitals, repressing a shudder you press on to the brightly lit room wherein sparkle and your goo pone are, a jolly “hello” causing twilight to stop whatever test she was running and vital to perk up knowing its time to go home and have fun. Twilight begins by asking if she can have a little more time to cross reference some things with you but alas, you must take Vital home as it is nearing the appointed time causing you to become jittery with excitement.
  4. Twilight notices the signs as she always will and allows you to leave jotting down some final notes for the next time you and Vital visit.
  6. The stroll through town is pleasant with a few greetings to the few pony's you pass and the rhythmic squelch of the goo pony's trot you decide to spark up a conversation with her “so, twilight wasn't getting to crazy today was she?” a few droplets hit the floor as Vital shakes her head no “ahh that's good, I never did find out what happened the last time you were there..” trailing off you glance down keeping an eye on Vitals body language but it is hopeless as she just trudges on acting as though you never said anything, giving a sigh you reach down and pick up the gooey pone and allow your other hand to slightly seep into her head rewarding you with a pleased gurgle from your captive. The rest of the walk home is in content silence even though you know these clothes are going to have to be changed before tonight
  8. Dropping Vital off in the living room you finish up dinner and change clothes, a shrill ding emitting from the kitchen alerting you that dinner is ready as you do up the second to last button on your shirt, you don't want to be too smartly dressed after all.
  9. Dishing up the food you serve it to the already awaiting goo pony sitting opposite your seat at the dining table the setting casting a lustrous light across your current object of affection, the perfectly steamed salmon with a small drizzle of soy sauce and stir fried veggies, with Vital having just the veg and sauce .
  10. You cant help but sigh.. you love mother fucking fish night.
  11. Yet, before you can take a seat the doorbell chimes an internal war between being polite and the still steaming fish in front of you rages with politeness begrudgingly coming on top. Resigned to the task ahead you power walk to the door wondering how murder is looked upon in Equestria.
  13. Restraining what is surely a look that could kill, you swing open the door to reveal Derpy of all ponies “Heya Anon, sorry for the late delivery its been hectic today at the mail office” “nah don't worry about It Ditzy, you weren't interrupting anything” mentally grimacing you finish “too important” Derpy's ears flatten against her head “oh sorry Anon, well I've done my job so I'd better be off bye!” you sigh as the mail mare flaps away still with the mail in her saddle bag. Quickly perking up you instead focus on the fish fillet still waiting at the table. Returning to the dining room you suddenly stop, feeling a disturbance in the force that all is not as it should be, you just don't know what. Surveying the room your eyes fall on Vital who you imagine that if she could then currently she would be sweating bullets. Slowly the floor pulls your attention as small damp spots line the floor from the living room, to Vitals seat, to your seat and back again. Finally your eyes give in and fall to your plate which has lost its fish and gained a small amount of a blue liquid. With a face set in stone you slowly walk towards Vital who has not yet moved an inch, even to follow you with her eye's even as you stand at her side. Her muzzle scrunches up and she slightly quivers as you slowly, deliberately crouch down and look under the table... only to see a steamed fish fillet with small traces of soy sauce suspended in a goo's stomach. You cant help yourself as your head tilts forwards and you almost stumble back to your seat which you flop into, head now lolled back as you eyes stare emptily to the ceiling. Seeing as almost all animals have a level of sapience in this world meat is relatively hard to come by as well as expensive. A permit is required to legally fish within Equestria, and even then it must be because of a talent or related job-neither of which you have.
  15. You barely hear the soft splat of goo hooves approach of the sound of some thing wet hitting a plate but you do notice when a gooey hoof poke's your leg the owner of that hoof looking down with her ears plastered to her scalp. Steam rises in front of you, and turning to your plate you see a fillet with some slime still attached. Turning from the fish to Vital and back again you reach down as a grin slowly finds its way across your face.
  16. “you know if you wanted to share, you only had to ask” As you cut the fish in half, Vital raises her head and mirrors your smile...tonight was a nice night...gonna need to order some more fish next time though.
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