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Mar 7th, 2015
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  1. 1:12 PM - distraughtduck4: yo mang
  2. 1:17 PM - wrech is now Online.
  3. 1:17 PM - wrech: sup
  4. 1:17 PM - wrech: this is saam right
  5. 1:17 PM - distraughtduck4: yeah
  6. 1:17 PM - distraughtduck4: you have a sibling right?
  7. 1:18 PM - wrech: yea
  8. 1:18 PM - wrech: why?
  9. 1:18 PM - distraughtduck4: they play tf2?
  10. 1:18 PM - wrech: yea but mostly league
  11. 1:18 PM - distraughtduck4: o
  12. 1:18 PM - distraughtduck4: so are you alting in open then?
  13. 1:19 PM - wrech: no
  14. 1:19 PM - wrech: What makes you say that
  15. 1:19 PM - wrech: u talking to trilby again lol
  16. 1:19 PM - distraughtduck4: the fact that someone with your ip played on an open team with deetr
  17. 1:19 PM - distraughtduck4: and that account has never played a game of tf2 at the same time as you
  18. 1:22 PM - wrech: trilby's been harassing me so I admitted to everything he claimed
  19. 1:22 PM - wrech: I'd just prefer if he left me alone tbh
  20. 1:22 PM - distraughtduck4: that doesn't change that the two accounts are from the ame ip
  21. 1:22 PM - distraughtduck4: and never play at the same time
  22. 1:23 PM - wrech: what IP?
  23. 1:23 PM - distraughtduck4: i think tf2 center admins would be above giving out ip's of the people who use their site
  24. 1:23 PM - distraughtduck4: but an admin confirmed it was the same one
  25. 1:24 PM - wrech: to trilby or yourself
  26. 1:24 PM - distraughtduck4: myself
  27. 1:25 PM - wrech: are you able to confirm the IP of the esea accounts
  28. 1:25 PM - distraughtduck4: same ip as the steam accounts
  29. 1:25 PM - distraughtduck4: because it is the same account
  30. 1:26 PM - wrech: I mean I played tf2 with my bro years ago but to my knowledge he didn't play tf2 until recently
  31. 1:27 PM - wrech: can I ask what you want from me?
  32. 1:28 PM - distraughtduck4: a lot of the people i play with think your alt has some sort of aim assistance
  33. 1:28 PM - wrech: its not true nor has it ever been
  34. 1:29 PM - wrech: I almost feel as if it isn't exactly legal for a website to confirm information that they store in their database.
  35. 1:30 PM - wrech: With anyone who adds an "admin"
  36. 1:30 PM - distraughtduck4: are you saying the information is wrong or it wasnt obtained ethically
  37. 1:31 PM - wrech: I feel you know the answer. But regardless is this a hackusation ?
  38. 1:31 PM - distraughtduck4: is it your account?
  39. 1:33 PM - wrech: I think this is a hackusation.
  40. 1:33 PM - wrech: Which is interesting tbh
  41. 1:33 PM - distraughtduck4: youre dodging
  42. 1:34 PM - wrech: as are you
  43. 1:34 PM - wrech: have I ever done anything to personally insult you saam?
  44. 1:34 PM - distraughtduck4: i wanna know if youre alting in open
  45. 1:35 PM - wrech: If I recall correctly, I have no connection to any of your team mates and yet they talked down to me as if I'm trash
  46. 1:34 PM - distraughtduck4: outside of running mediorcre pugs with leaky i dont know you
  47. 1:35 PM - wrech: you seem awfully involved with me
  48. 1:35 PM - wrech: For not knowing me
  49. 1:35 PM - distraughtduck4: if your dodging was this good as scout you might not need to alt in open :)
  50. 1:36 PM - wrech: deetr is an admin on my community and I tried him on medic on a team I ran in IM
  51. 1:38 PM - wrech: you realized I pocketed and scouted in IM right?
  52. 1:38 PM - wrech: So I don't know why your comment is relevant at all
  53. 1:38 PM - wrech: Nor do I understand your obsession with me at all
  54. 1:38 PM - wrech: What do you benefit from this interaction?
  55. 1:38 PM - distraughtduck4: i dont
  56. 1:40 PM - wrech: I'm having a baby in July so this is essentially my last season
  57. 1:40 PM - wrech: I could start next season but I can't commit to the end?
  58. 1:40 PM - distraughtduck4: none of this changes wheter or not youre alting
  59. 1:40 PM - wrech: Sorry I didn't mean to add a ?
  60. 1:40 PM - wrech: well what do you think?
  61. 1:41 PM - wrech: you seem Hellbent on this
  62. 1:41 PM - wrech: You're tri_ing very hard
  63. 1:41 PM - wrech: To get me b4nned?
  64. 1:42 PM - distraughtduck4: epic memes
  65. 1:42 PM - distraughtduck4: is it your alt
  66. 1:43 PM - wrech: In any case, I have never downloaded a hack in my life.
  67. 1:43 PM - wrech: The shadiest thing I have ever done is purchase a steam account for dirt cheap off the steam black market for a friend who wanted CSS 5 years ago
  68. 1:44 PM - wrech: I have contributed to this community far more than you ever have
  69. 1:44 PM - wrech: So what's your point?
  70. 1:44 PM - distraughtduck4: 1:42 PM - distraughtduck4: is it your alt
  71. 1:45 PM - wrech: I made an account for my brother in 2009 and bought him tf2
  72. 1:46 PM - wrech: but I wasn't even home last night which is apparently when this match took place
  73. 1:46 PM - wrech: I was at outback steakhouse
  74. 1:46 PM - wrech: I'll upload my receipt to you if you want which is timestamped.
  75. 1:47 PM - distraughtduck4: until 930 est?
  76. 1:48 PM - distraughtduck4: thats a late dinner
  77. 1:49 PM - wrech: This is getting quite invasive.
  78. 1:49 PM - wrech: You may need to speak with my lawyer.
  79. 1:49 PM - distraughtduck4: thats next level dodging
  80. 1:50 PM - wrech: Are you accusing me of something?
  81. 1:50 PM - distraughtduck4: alting in open
  82. 1:50 PM - wrech: Not I.
  83. 1:51 PM - wrech: I'm on mad lux blue with ex
  84. 1:51 PM - wrech: I was also with their team when this alt or something was playing matches
  85. 1:51 PM - wrech: Could you help me with that?
  86. 1:53 PM - wrech: Also, are you accusing me of hacking? And if so, what further information do you have? Any STVs?
  87. 1:54 PM - wrech: I'm trying to help you SAAM_
  88. 1:53 PM - distraughtduck4: this account and yours have never played a recorded tf2 match at the same time
  89. 1:55 PM - wrech: I think you are after the wrong guy
  90. 1:55 PM - wrech: I don't have any information to further assist you.
  91. 1:56 PM - wrech: But accusing someone who has been playing on steam since before steam was a thing of hacking is really silly
  92. 1:56 PM - wrech: You sound like Axiomatic.
  93. 1:56 PM - distraughtduck4: there were questions about that account hacking
  94. 1:56 PM - distraughtduck4: i just want to know if its your alt
  95. 1:57 PM - wrech: I see. Do you trust the VAC system?
  96. 1:56 PM - distraughtduck4: Nope
  97. 1:57 PM - wrech: Do you have proof of anyone hacking besides what your extremely biased opinion seems to tell you?
  98. 1:57 PM - distraughtduck4: 1:56 PM - distraughtduck4: i just want to know if its your alt
  99. 1:57 PM - distraughtduck4: hacking aside
  100. 1:58 PM - wrech: I made the account, I would hardly say Its mine anymore unfortunately.
  101. 1:58 PM - distraughtduck4: Yeah?
  102. 1:59 PM - wrech: You may have missed this
  103. 1:59 PM - wrech: I made an account for my brother in 2009 and bought him tf2
  104. 1:59 PM - distraughtduck4: who privated the profile, played 140 hrs of tf2, and then went into an open despite only having played a few centers?
  105. 2:01 PM - wrech: I work 50 hours a week unfortunately I can't always be home to monitor what happens
  106. 2:01 PM - wrech: Are you and I friends saam?
  107. 2:01 PM - distraughtduck4: nope
  108. 2:02 PM - wrech: Have I done something to you saam?
  109. 2:02 PM - distraughtduck4: nope
  110. 2:02 PM - wrech: I understand saam. Do you want to remove me?
  111. 2:02 PM - distraughtduck4: dont really care either way
  112. 2:06 PM - wrech is now Online.
  113. 2:07 PM - wrech: Do you see us being friends?
  114. 2:27 PM - wrech is now Online.
  115. 2:27 PM - distraughtduck4: not really
  116. 2:28 PM - wrech: rude
  117. 2:28 PM - wrech: we could do hard memes together
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