
Adventures of Dantgil in #Dickmegle - Part 4

Nov 13th, 2012
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  1. [12:30:38 PM EDT] IBLiS: you know
  2. [12:30:49 PM EDT] IBLiS: it would be just like dante to try and find nero's rEAL DADDY
  3. [12:30:51 PM EDT] IBLiS: WHO IS ALSO HIM
  4. [12:30:54 PM EDT] IBLiS: I
  5. [12:30:56 PM EDT] IBLiS: OKAY???
  6. [12:30:57 PM EDT] ZZ: FFF
  7. [12:31:25 PM EDT] IBLiS: despite the fact that the chances of that happening are so unlikely they might as well be non-existent
  8. [12:31:26 PM EDT] IBLiS: he is just
  9. [12:31:33 PM EDT] Nitro: Dante, Nero, and Vergil set off on an ePIC ADVENTURE
  10. [12:31:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: really uncomfortable with the idea of his alternate universe son being abandoned
  11. [12:31:42 PM EDT] IBLiS: really
  12. [12:31:42 PM EDT] IBLiS: really
  13. [12:31:47 PM EDT] IBLiS: really uncomfortable
  14. [12:31:48 PM EDT] IBLiS: all the feel bads
  15. [12:32:00 PM EDT] IBLiS: (the epic adventure fails)
  16. [12:32:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: (everyone goes home so much worse for the wear)
  17. [12:32:31 PM EDT] Nitro: Vergil eventually learns what happens to his alternate self
  18. [12:32:31 PM EDT] Jaspers: (In which Nero is Harry and Dante is Cheryl)
  19. [12:32:34 PM EDT] Nitro: O h
  20. [12:32:47 PM EDT] IBLiS: he doesn't know which part is worse
  21. [12:33:05 PM EDT] IBLiS: the part where he descended into paranoia and meglomania
  22. [12:33:12 PM EDT] IBLiS: or the part where he became a lAWYER , , ,
  23. [12:34:01 PM EDT] Nitro: Did he have to wear those bland suits
  24. [12:34:30 PM EDT] IBLiS: say it isn't so
  25. [12:34:32 PM EDT] IBLiS: god, please
  26. [12:34:39 PM EDT] IBLiS: tho
  27. [12:34:48 PM EDT] IBLiS: i think teente would actually pretty damn pleased with his future self
  28. [12:35:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: pointedly ignoring all the admittedly /shitty/ things about his alternate life
  29. [12:35:09 PM EDT] IBLiS: "rampant alcoholism?"
  30. [12:35:13 PM EDT] IBLiS: "fUCK THAT"
  31. [12:35:16 PM EDT] IBLiS: "LOOK AT THAT SWORD"
  32. [12:36:28 PM EDT] Nitro: It is a journey of self-discovery. Mostly discovering awesomeness, but that is beside the point.
  33. [12:37:00 PM EDT] IBLiS: vergil points out that it's really /not/ a journey of self-discovery if you're blatantly ignoring the neg-
  34. [12:37:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: "NOPE"
  35. [12:37:07 PM EDT] IBLiS: "N O P E"
  37. [12:37:30 PM EDT] IBLiS: "GO HOME"
  38. [12:38:36 PM EDT] Nitro: "Shall I start plans for fashioning a tinfoil hat?"
  39. [12:39:45 PM EDT] Nitro: Man we should just
  40. [12:39:58 PM EDT] IBLiS: "oh, /shut/ /up/. i- he's /obviously/ more professional than that"
  41. [12:39:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: "/duh/"
  42. [12:41:30 PM EDT] Nitro: "Oh, of /course/. I'll fetch you some stakes and garlic wreaths, then."
  43. [12:42:58 PM EDT] Nitro: I don't know if we could actually do this in Dickmegle, but if we need, we can just like
  44. [12:43:13 PM EDT] Nitro: Take it over to Bromegle and have epic adventures there.
  45. [12:43:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: "jesus dude, why you gotta be hatin' so hard? you /know/ it's all real, /numbnuts/!"
  46. [12:44:06 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: haha hang on zz, kind of juggling chats atm
  47. [12:44:08 PM EDT] IBLiS: "/somebody/'/s/ gotta take care of all 'em ghost n' goblins, right?"
  48. [12:44:32 PM EDT] ZZ: Jaspers.
  49. [12:44:35 PM EDT] ZZ: I found it
  50. [12:44:36 PM EDT] ZZ:
  51. [12:44:40 PM EDT] Nitro: "Consider it payback. /Somebody/ has to serve as a criminal prosecutor."
  52. [12:44:53 PM EDT] ZZ: Are yuo proud?
  53. [12:45:12 PM EDT] IBLiS: "hahahaha, /'course/ they do"
  54. [12:45:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: "suit business would be /toast/ without 'em"
  55. [12:45:56 PM EDT] IBLiS: "n' might i say you wear 'em /so/ well!"
  56. [12:46:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: "they almost look /decent/ on you!"
  57. [12:46:13 PM EDT] IBLiS: "...almost."
  58. [12:48:36 PM EDT] Nitro: "It's quite alright to be jealous, Dante. There is no need to be ashamed. No one, after all, can pull off the.../bedraggled/, /unrefined/ look that you attempt. It is, however, almost suitable to you."
  59. [12:50:24 PM EDT] * Nitro oh yeah Titbro is in this room?
  60. [12:50:26 PM EDT] * Nitro h m
  61. [12:50:52 PM EDT] * Nitro man having family in an internet chat with you is weird
  62. [12:52:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: "/bedragged/? i see /someone/'/s/ been tearin' a few pages outta his word-a-day calender."
  63. [12:52:30 PM EDT] * Nitro I use that word a lot hahaha
  64. [12:52:58 PM EDT] IBLiS: "n' it's not /unrefined/. it's /rugged/."
  65. [12:53:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: "somethin' you wouldn't know /jack/ /shit/ about, ya pansy."
  66. [12:54:49 PM EDT] ZZ: "can i dave strider of the strider striders have input on this?"
  67. [12:55:07 PM EDT] ZZ: "or is this a family thing only?"
  68. [12:55:32 PM EDT] ZZ: "because i think youre both pretty lame"
  69. [12:55:40 PM EDT] Nitro: "..."
  70. [12:55:56 PM EDT] IBLiS: "..."
  71. [12:56:00 PM EDT] ZZ: "but"
  72. [12:56:06 PM EDT] ZZ: "dante has a cool coat"
  73. [12:56:08 PM EDT] Nitro: "...For the record, the calendar was not for /me/, my dear, inarticulate brother."
  74. [12:56:36 PM EDT] * Jaspers What if my
  75. [12:56:38 PM EDT] * Jaspers Nero used
  76. [12:56:42 PM EDT] * Jaspers Mechanic puns
  77. [12:56:45 PM EDT] * Jaspers Just thought of this r/n
  78. [12:56:50 PM EDT] ZZ: FFF
  79. [12:56:59 PM EDT] * Nitro oh my word
  80. [12:57:12 PM EDT] * Jaspers "im going to pop a gasket at this entire fucking situation"
  81. [12:57:15 PM EDT] * Jaspers "it is wRENCHING"
  82. [12:57:19 PM EDT] ZZ: FFFFFFF
  83. [12:58:00 PM EDT] * Nitro "its gonna /backfire/"
  84. [12:58:19 PM EDT] IBLiS: "oh yeah, 'cause a bunch of itty bitty /notepads/ filled with bullshit sat words is the /best/ kind of birthday gift!"
  85. [12:58:20 PM EDT] * Jaspers "youve got a screw loose"
  86. [12:58:30 PM EDT] * Nitro it's funnier because they are all really valid terms oh my word ahahha
  87. [12:58:39 PM EDT] IBLiS: "shit"
  88. [12:58:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: "i just love"
  89. [12:58:44 PM EDT] IBLiS: "/words/"
  90. [12:58:48 PM EDT] IBLiS: "who needs stuff like"
  91. [12:58:49 PM EDT] Jaspers: I imagine they wouldn't be a stretch--
  92. [12:58:52 PM EDT] IBLiS: "oh i dunno"
  93. [12:58:54 PM EDT] Jaspers: Because that'd
  94. [12:58:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: "skateboards"
  95. [12:58:57 PM EDT] IBLiS: "headphones"
  96. [12:59:00 PM EDT] Jaspers: Be dumb and lame and embarrassing
  97. [12:59:01 PM EDT] IBLiS: "aNYTHING ELSE"
  98. [12:59:02 PM EDT] Jaspers: Hahah
  99. [12:59:03 PM EDT] Jaspers: h a h
  100. [12:59:12 PM EDT] Jaspers: Puns who does those not he
  101. [12:59:43 PM EDT] * Nitro yes Nero would only do the most subtle of puns
  102. [12:59:49 PM EDT] * Jaspers "would you pipe it down im trying to focus holy shit"
  103. [12:59:57 PM EDT] IBLiS: does nero even know what subtlety is
  104. [1:00:02 PM EDT] * Nitro except sometimes he's a dork and things that he thinks are subtle are not that subtle at all
  105. [1:00:03 PM EDT] IBLiS: i feel like his eyes would just
  106. [1:00:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: faze over
  107. [1:00:17 PM EDT] IBLiS: if he was to even /look/ at the word
  108. [1:00:18 PM EDT] IBLiS: omfg yes
  109. [1:00:19 PM EDT] IBLiS: this
  110. [1:00:25 PM EDT] IBLiS: he's a dork in coolkid's clothing
  111. [1:00:34 PM EDT] IBLiS: and his idea of subtlety is uh
  112. [1:00:36 PM EDT] IBLiS: unique
  113. [1:00:37 PM EDT] Jaspers: ur tryin 2 hard nore
  114. [1:00:53 PM EDT] * Nitro what you mean normal people don't know what ____ means
  115. [1:01:17 PM EDT] IBLiS: he tries so hard to pass off his mechanical talents as being completely and utterly mundane
  116. [1:01:19 PM EDT] IBLiS: gOD DAD
  118. [1:01:43 PM EDT] Jaspers: Strapping motors to all your shit is all the rage now
  119. [1:01:47 PM EDT] ZZ: FFF
  120. [1:01:49 PM EDT] Jaspers: It's like next gen steam punk
  121. [1:01:52 PM EDT] ZZ: EVERYONE does it.
  122. [1:02:08 PM EDT] Nitro: "You're correct -- headphones and skateboards /are/ unnecessary. They break quite quickly. Words will last you a /lifetime/, if you would ever dare to make worthwhile /use/ of them."
  123. [1:02:47 PM EDT] Jaspers: Latula feels a tinge of anger in her gut as she smashes her glass of juice
  124. [1:02:56 PM EDT] Nitro: "That is, to put them towards productivity rather than complaining about your brother's /thoughtfulness/."
  125. [1:04:00 PM EDT] IBLiS: "hey, y'know what i got you?"
  126. [1:04:05 PM EDT] IBLiS: "that's right, a /sword/."
  127. [1:04:11 PM EDT] IBLiS: "not just any sword either."
  128. [1:04:31 PM EDT] IBLiS: "i literally had to bust my undead ass out there to get that freaky deeky dream sword of yours"
  129. [1:04:34 PM EDT] IBLiS: "n' how do you repay me?"
  130. [1:04:47 PM EDT] IBLiS: "with /words/."
  131. [1:04:49 PM EDT] IBLiS: "/words/!"
  132. [1:05:01 PM EDT] ZZ: "did he write them down?"
  133. [1:05:07 PM EDT] Nitro: "The gift of knowledge that will last you a lifetime."
  134. [1:05:13 PM EDT] Nitro: "You're welcome."
  135. [1:05:21 PM EDT] ZZ: A life time
  136. [1:05:23 PM EDT] Nitro: (a deathtime)
  137. [1:05:25 PM EDT] ZZ: THAT HE NO LONGER HAS
  138. [1:05:48 PM EDT] ZZ: SO BASICALLY
  139. [1:06:01 PM EDT] IBLiS: "c'mon, you didn't even say /thank/ /you/ fer that stupid thing."
  140. [1:06:02 PM EDT] ZZ: YOU GAVE HIM WORDS
  141. [1:06:06 PM EDT] ZZ: THAT MEAN NOTHING!
  142. [1:06:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: "n' now yer tryin' to /defend/ yer shitty gift!"
  143. [1:06:13 PM EDT] IBLiS: "oh verge, that's /low/"
  144. [1:06:23 PM EDT] IBLiS: "don't you agree, strudabagel?"
  145. [1:06:56 PM EDT] ZZ: "agreed"
  146. [1:07:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: "see? he agrees."
  147. [1:07:17 PM EDT] ZZ: "i state we pass a motion where vergil has to buy you a new gift"
  148. [1:07:20 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil sometimes likes to troll Dante
  149. [1:07:25 PM EDT] IBLiS: "n' i bet anyone with even half a brain would too."
  150. [1:07:39 PM EDT] * Nitro though he does think it is actually a USEFUL gift kthx
  151. [1:07:40 PM EDT] IBLiS: except sometimes
  152. [1:07:44 PM EDT] IBLiS: it leads to stuff like this
  153. [1:07:54 PM EDT] * Nitro no this is still trolling
  154. [1:07:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: "...y'know what? i think i like the sounds of that."
  155. [1:08:06 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil is just
  156. [1:08:10 PM EDT] * Nitro 8^y
  157. [1:08:36 PM EDT] IBLiS: (dante thinks your attempts at trolling are lame)
  158. [1:08:36 PM EDT] IBLiS: (and)
  159. [1:08:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: (lame)
  160. [1:08:46 PM EDT] IBLiS: (...)
  161. [1:08:52 PM EDT] ZZ: (Dave seconds that motion.)
  162. [1:08:53 PM EDT] IBLiS: (i dON'T NEED NO CALENDER)
  163. [1:09:15 PM EDT] * Nitro (8^yyyyy)
  164. [1:09:35 PM EDT] IBLiS: (tho dante would probably be genuinely pissed)
  165. [1:09:39 PM EDT] IBLiS: (got you magic fucking sword)
  166. [1:09:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: (you gave me words)
  167. [1:09:49 PM EDT] IBLiS: (this is not a good start to our recovery)
  168. [1:09:52 PM EDT] IBLiS: (you)
  169. [1:09:54 PM EDT] IBLiS: (/you/)
  170. [1:09:57 PM EDT] IBLiS: (you /nutnumbs/)
  171. [1:10:09 PM EDT] * Nitro (hey man, that's what Vergil values MOST)
  172. [1:10:27 PM EDT] * Nitro nutnumbs
  173. [1:10:34 PM EDT] IBLiS: (oh don't you dARE HIDE BEHIND THAT)
  174. [1:10:37 PM EDT] ZZ: "i also would like to pass a motion that as part of this gift vergil has to get it while wearing the finest of womens clothing"
  175. [1:11:18 PM EDT] IBLiS: " /that/, i like."
  176. [1:11:36 PM EDT] IBLiS: "in fact, i think it's yer greatest idea so far!"
  177. [1:11:37 PM EDT] Nitro: "Unfortunately for you both, this is not a democracy."
  178. [1:11:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: "youse a real einstein, strudel."
  179. [1:11:58 PM EDT] IBLiS: "...oh?"
  180. [1:12:01 PM EDT] ZZ: "i try man"
  181. [1:12:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: "it's not?"
  182. [1:12:48 PM EDT] IBLiS: "you sure y'wanna go down that route, verge?"
  183. [1:12:54 PM EDT] IBLiS: "'cause if it's not a /democracy/..."
  184. [1:13:33 PM EDT] * IBLiS GRAB
  185. [1:13:36 PM EDT] * IBLiS /LIFT/
  186. [1:13:44 PM EDT] ZZ: "i would like to point out that this
  190. is considered a finery in the fashion world"
  191. [1:14:07 PM EDT] IBLiS: " must be a DICTATORSHIP!"
  192. [1:14:09 PM EDT] ZZ: "and is thus what he should wear"
  193. [1:14:14 PM EDT] Nitro: "If you did not notice, there is no governing law and order, making it a raw anarchistic society -- and while all true democracies are fundamentally anarchistic at their core, th-- /put/ /me/ /down/ --"
  194. [1:14:20 PM EDT] Nitro: "I was not /finished/ --"
  195. [1:14:26 PM EDT] * Nitro eLBOW
  196. [1:14:35 PM EDT] * IBLiS d'OOF
  197. [1:14:42 PM EDT] * Nitro THAT'S WHAT YOU GET
  198. [1:14:43 PM EDT] * IBLiS Oh, he is /so/ no finished with you.
  199. [1:15:42 PM EDT] * Nitro (why don't we do this more)
  200. [1:15:50 PM EDT] IBLiS: "sergeant strider, help me pin this /infidel/ down."
  201. [1:16:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: "we've got /plans/ fer him..."
  202. [1:16:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: (i don't know but)
  203. [1:16:13 PM EDT] IBLiS: (it's amazing)
  204. [1:16:15 PM EDT] ZZ: "noted"
  205. [1:16:31 PM EDT] * ZZ will just summon up some time clones to help hold Vergil down.
  206. [1:16:32 PM EDT] IBLiS: (also wow holy shit)
  207. [1:16:43 PM EDT] ZZ: (?)
  208. [1:16:52 PM EDT] IBLiS: (dante and dave really /are/ a disastrous pair together)
  209. [1:17:14 PM EDT] Nitro: "Dante, you /know/ this is foolish and pointless. /Strider/, since when did you pledge allegiance to /this/ hooligan?"
  210. [1:17:25 PM EDT] ZZ: woah woah woah
  211. [1:17:31 PM EDT] ZZ: you did not just call my buddy a hooligan
  212. [1:17:36 PM EDT] ZZ: im sorry man
  213. [1:17:38 PM EDT] ZZ: but this calls
  214. [1:17:40 PM EDT] ZZ: for drastic measures
  215. [1:17:52 PM EDT] * ZZ pulls out rose's lipstick.
  216. [1:17:59 PM EDT] ZZ: drastic
  217. [1:18:01 PM EDT] ZZ: measures
  218. [1:18:26 PM EDT] Nitro: "I /will/ injure you."
  219. [1:18:36 PM EDT] IBLiS: "how dare you? i'm /so/ much more refined than that. a /delinquent/ at best!"
  220. [1:18:52 PM EDT] ZZ: know your neredowell termenology man
  222. [1:19:13 PM EDT] * IBLiS cracks knuckles. Oh, he's gonna /enjoy/ this. Look at that shit eating grin.
  223. [1:19:25 PM EDT] * Nitro kICK FLAIL
  224. [1:19:32 PM EDT] IBLiS: "give 'em the third degree! we're goin' full on pretty in pink!"
  225. [1:19:34 PM EDT] * Nitro This is so undignified.
  226. [1:19:54 PM EDT] * ZZ will summon up as many clones necessary to hold Vergil down by sitting on him.
  227. [1:20:23 PM EDT] * IBLiS Should he slow him down...?
  228. [1:20:32 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: ah man i'm missing all the stuff in here
  229. [1:20:54 PM EDT] * IBLiS .../Nah/, there's no fun in that. Then he wouldn't be able to hear his /jubilant/ chords.
  230. [1:20:56 PM EDT] * ZZ yes his thrashing is intruding on my ability to beautify his face.
  231. [1:21:40 PM EDT] * Nitro Desperate times call for desperate measures --
  232. [1:21:42 PM EDT] * Nitro bITE
  233. [1:21:47 PM EDT] ZZ: ...
  234. [1:21:52 PM EDT] IBLiS: (oh shit)
  235. [1:21:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: (shark teeth and all)
  236. [1:21:58 PM EDT] IBLiS: (that's /gotta/ hurt)
  237. [1:22:05 PM EDT] * IBLiS !!!!
  238. [1:22:29 PM EDT] * ZZ haks a lugie in his face.
  239. [1:22:45 PM EDT] * ZZ is /refined/
  240. [1:22:45 PM EDT] * Nitro ...ok so it's more like a chomp and he doesn't really expect to get anythWOW GROSS
  241. [1:23:09 PM EDT] * IBLiS Pffffhehehehe!
  242. [1:23:13 PM EDT] ZZ: gonna let go?
  243. [1:23:14 PM EDT] * IBLiS Okay, okay--
  244. [1:23:15 PM EDT] ZZ: or
  245. [1:23:18 PM EDT] ZZ: do you want another?
  246. [1:23:24 PM EDT] * IBLiS This has gone on long enough.
  247. [1:23:29 PM EDT] * IBLiS Just--
  248. [1:23:30 PM EDT] * Nitro /Gr owl/
  249. [1:23:41 PM EDT] * IBLiS Let him recover from all this /giggling/ first.
  250. [1:24:08 PM EDT] * Nitro This is not cool at all Dante it really really iSN'T
  251. [1:24:18 PM EDT] ZZ: woah man i didnt think you were into me that way
  252. [1:24:26 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: (vergil you're not halley let go of him)
  253. [1:24:36 PM EDT] ZZ: dante man your brothers giving me the eye
  254. [1:24:38 PM EDT] IBLiS: "awwww verge, don't be so hard on 'im! you n' i both know i've done /waaaay/ worse than that!"
  255. [1:24:39 PM EDT] ZZ: the googly eye
  256. [1:24:46 PM EDT] IBLiS: "my spit's practically caustic!"
  257. [1:24:48 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil may or may not be freaking out a little about being completely out of control. That is terrifying, you know.
  258. [1:25:01 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...
  259. [1:25:09 PM EDT] * IBLiS O h , , ,
  260. [1:25:29 PM EDT] * IBLiS Uh.
  261. [1:25:56 PM EDT] * ZZ pulls out a tissue and cleans up the lugie.
  262. [1:26:15 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...Aw man, now he feels all /guilty/ and shit. It's not like he wanted to freak his brother out or anything! He just wanted to give a little payback for that atrocious gift! Honest!
  263. [1:26:20 PM EDT] * ZZ leaving it there would ruin your makeup.
  264. [1:26:23 PM EDT] * IBLiS S i g h
  265. [1:26:25 PM EDT] * Nitro ...lets go of his hand, whoops.
  266. [1:26:32 PM EDT] ZZ: thanks man
  267. [1:26:36 PM EDT] ZZ: appreciate it
  268. [1:26:39 PM EDT] * Nitro /Glare/.
  269. [1:26:42 PM EDT] IBLiS: "...let 'em go, strudel."
  270. [1:26:48 PM EDT] ZZ: you sure?
  271. [1:26:48 PM EDT] IBLiS: "we've had our fun."
  272. [1:26:56 PM EDT] IBLiS: "..."
  273. [1:26:57 PM EDT] IBLiS: "i'm sure"
  274. [1:27:00 PM EDT] ZZ: alright
  275. [1:27:06 PM EDT] * ZZ pops all the clones away and rolls off.
  276. [1:27:44 PM EDT] Nitro: "(/finally/)"
  277. [1:27:47 PM EDT] * IBLiS grumble mumble grumble
  278. [1:28:34 PM EDT] * IBLiS something about babies mumble grumble
  279. [1:28:40 PM EDT] * IBLiS Guilt /sucks/.
  280. [1:28:57 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil scrambles up and scrubs at his face with his sleeve, silent until the lipstick is but faint pinkish smears.
  281. [1:29:07 PM EDT] ZZ: ...
  282. [1:29:27 PM EDT] * ZZ walks right past Vergil and SMACKS dat ass on his way.
  283. [1:29:33 PM EDT] * ZZ you're, welcome.
  284. [1:29:35 PM EDT] * Nitro He frowns at Strider, more than willing to pass off his reaction as simple irritation.
  285. [1:30:00 PM EDT] Nitro: "...Remind me why you are carrying lipstick on your person."
  286. [1:30:10 PM EDT] ZZ: do you want to find out?
  287. [1:30:40 PM EDT] IBLiS: "(it's because he loves t'feel /pretty/--)"
  288. [1:31:13 PM EDT] Nitro: "(I can tell.)"
  289. [1:31:27 PM EDT] ZZ: "(are we having a whisper party?)"
  290. [1:31:32 PM EDT] * IBLiS sNI-CKER
  291. [1:31:37 PM EDT] Nitro: "(You were not invited.)"
  292. [1:31:59 PM EDT] ZZ: "(good thing im great at crashing parties cus im already here)"
  293. [1:32:07 PM EDT] * IBLiS Christ, maybe he won't have to apologize after all!
  294. [1:32:11 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Fuck/ /yeah/!
  295. [1:32:26 PM EDT] * Nitro /No/
  296. [1:32:30 PM EDT] * Nitro No apologies
  297. [1:32:34 PM EDT] * Nitro No nothing
  298. [1:32:49 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil has his pride thanks
  299. [1:32:56 PM EDT] * IBLiS Best way to handle everything and anything.
  300. [1:33:21 PM EDT] * Nitro Not talking about it is a great solution to everything.
  301. [1:33:39 PM EDT] IBLiS: "(well, good thing i hired a bouncer!)"
  302. [1:33:40 PM EDT] * IBLiS PUSH
  303. [1:33:46 PM EDT] IBLiS: (i like to think that somewhere out there)
  304. [1:33:51 PM EDT] * Nitro sNRK
  305. [1:33:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: (adulte and adultgil are watching)
  306. [1:34:00 PM EDT] * ZZ drags Vergil with him.
  307. [1:34:01 PM EDT] IBLiS: (and are just)
  308. [1:34:03 PM EDT] IBLiS: (oh you)
  309. [1:34:05 PM EDT] IBLiS: (you /dumb/ kids)
  310. [1:34:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: (you)
  311. [1:34:07 PM EDT] ZZ: oops
  312. [1:34:25 PM EDT] * Nitro oOF
  313. [1:34:51 PM EDT] Nitro: "Yes, that was a /believable/ oops."
  314. [1:34:57 PM EDT] ZZ: totally man
  315. [1:35:24 PM EDT] IBLiS: "that deadpan delivery totally sold it, dude"
  316. [1:35:35 PM EDT] ZZ: you know it
  317. [1:35:35 PM EDT] IBLiS: "i'd give ya..."
  318. [1:35:39 PM EDT] IBLiS: "a -9.5"
  319. [1:35:43 PM EDT] ZZ: damn
  320. [1:35:43 PM EDT] Nitro: [Adulte and Adultgil still don't talk about stuff, man, unless it's particularly necessary.]
  321. [1:35:47 PM EDT] ZZ: gotta work on that
  322. [1:35:58 PM EDT] IBLiS: (for dante it's mostly that accent)
  323. [1:36:02 PM EDT] IBLiS: (he sort of)
  324. [1:36:09 PM EDT] IBLiS: (blocked all of those fer and youse out)
  325. [1:36:09 PM EDT] ZZ: hey
  326. [1:36:12 PM EDT] ZZ: vergil
  327. [1:36:31 PM EDT] IBLiS: (just)
  328. [1:36:38 PM EDT] IBLiS: (why can't he throw a dICTIONARY AT HIM)
  329. [1:36:40 PM EDT] Nitro: ">:\"
  330. [1:36:42 PM EDT] Nitro: ">:?"
  331. [1:37:16 PM EDT] * IBLiS Careful, he bites.
  332. [1:37:16 PM EDT] ZZ: you got lipstick smeared over your face
  333. [1:37:18 PM EDT] * IBLiS Oh /wait/.
  334. [1:37:21 PM EDT] * ZZ knows.
  335. [1:37:58 PM EDT] * Nitro grimace.
  336. [1:38:01 PM EDT] ZZ: like
  337. [1:38:02 PM EDT] ZZ: everywhere
  338. [1:38:08 PM EDT] ZZ: just
  339. [1:38:13 PM EDT] ZZ: thought youd like to know
  340. [1:38:16 PM EDT] IBLiS: "yeah, the lipstick /you/ brought with ya"
  341. [1:38:19 PM EDT] IBLiS: "in your pocket"
  342. [1:38:21 PM EDT] IBLiS: "alllll this time"
  343. [1:38:34 PM EDT] Nitro: "I am aware. Is there anything else that you'd like to point out, Captain Obvious?"
  344. [1:38:36 PM EDT] ZZ: actually its a recent acquirement
  345. [1:38:43 PM EDT] ZZ: huh? oh sure
  346. [1:38:46 PM EDT] ZZ: your hair
  347. [1:38:49 PM EDT] ZZ: its very
  348. [1:38:56 PM EDT] ZZ: messy after that kerfuffle
  349. [1:39:00 PM EDT] ZZ: also
  350. [1:39:06 PM EDT] ZZ: you frown a lot
  351. [1:39:07 PM EDT] ZZ: and
  352. [1:39:11 PM EDT] * Nitro >:[
  353. [1:39:23 PM EDT] ZZ: see there you go now
  354. [1:39:28 PM EDT] * IBLiS Dante swears he was /born/ like that.
  355. [1:39:39 PM EDT] * IBLiS Never a smile on that baby's face.
  356. [1:39:42 PM EDT] * IBLiS Poor thing.
  357. [1:39:50 PM EDT] * ZZ did he have fun once? Was it terrible?
  358. [1:40:22 PM EDT] * IBLiS Fun is reading the dictionary.
  359. [1:40:24 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Apparently/.
  360. [1:40:56 PM EDT] * ZZ damn that DOES sound terrible
  361. [1:42:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: "c'mon blondie, don't be /too/ hard on the poor guy."
  362. [1:42:22 PM EDT] Nitro: "While we are apparently pointing out obvious things that we are the cause of, are you aware that your hand appears to be in poor shape? Or that you have lipstick on it, presumably from the 'kerfuffle'?"
  363. [1:42:28 PM EDT] IBLiS: "he's been frownin' so long it might as well be stuck that way!"
  364. [1:42:33 PM EDT] * Nitro ...That is lipstick, right?
  365. [1:42:42 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...
  366. [1:42:45 PM EDT] * Nitro ...He actually feels kind of bad about that. Whoops.
  367. [1:42:46 PM EDT] * IBLiS That's
  368. [1:42:47 PM EDT] * IBLiS blood.
  369. [1:43:01 PM EDT] * Nitro ok there's some lipstick there too alright?
  370. [1:43:02 PM EDT] IBLiS: "..."
  371. [1:43:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: "welp."
  372. [1:43:09 PM EDT] IBLiS: "it's"
  373. [1:43:31 PM EDT] IBLiS: "not like he can /die/ from it or anythin'!"
  374. [1:43:34 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: [i think i've commented on the usual state of affairs in dickmegle enough to see what all this rabble's about]
  375. [1:43:38 PM EDT] IBLiS: "i mean, what's he gonna do"
  376. [1:43:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: "double die?"
  377. [1:43:57 PM EDT] ZZ: no i cant die
  378. [1:43:58 PM EDT] ZZ: but
  379. [1:44:03 PM EDT] Nitro: [We accidentally characters interacting in awesome ways?]
  380. [1:44:05 PM EDT] ZZ: i can certainly pass out from blood loss
  381. [1:44:19 PM EDT] IBLiS: "yer a /ghost/ dummy"
  382. [1:44:21 PM EDT] IBLiS: "ghosts can't pass out"
  383. [1:44:27 PM EDT] ZZ: shhhh
  384. [1:44:35 PM EDT] IBLiS: "we have only one state of consciousness"
  385. [1:44:36 PM EDT] IBLiS: "/dead/"
  386. [1:44:36 PM EDT] Nitro: "According to Dante, you could just as easily /imagine/ it away."
  387. [1:44:39 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...Consciousness?
  388. [1:44:49 PM EDT] ZZ: eeeeh yeah
  389. [1:45:02 PM EDT] ZZ: but i prefer to not use my imagination for that kind of shit
  390. [1:45:04 PM EDT] * IBLiS Maybe someone /was/ tearing pages out of that calendar after all.
  391. [1:45:06 PM EDT] Nitro: "By the same token, it is technically possible to pass out, if it is your perception that it will happen."
  392. [1:45:06 PM EDT] * IBLiS But sssssh
  393. [1:45:33 PM EDT] IBLiS: "seriously dude?"
  394. [1:45:36 PM EDT] IBLiS: "yer /bleedin/'"
  395. [1:45:38 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil is catching onto afterlife physics. He just can't actually take advantage of it.
  396. [1:45:49 PM EDT] ZZ: ive had worse
  397. [1:45:52 PM EDT] IBLiS: "suck it up and imagine the damn thing away already"
  398. [1:46:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: "is this some kind of rambo thing?"
  399. [1:46:09 PM EDT] * Nitro Frown.
  400. [1:46:14 PM EDT] ZZ: nah man
  401. [1:46:28 PM EDT] ZZ: it just helps to remember what it was like to be alive when i do things the old fashioned way
  402. [1:46:50 PM EDT] * ZZ has been dead for a long time.
  403. [1:46:54 PM EDT] IBLiS: "are ya gonna show all yer ghost buddies the one time some pantywaist in a sweatervest nibbled on yer thumb?"
  404. [1:47:03 PM EDT] IBLiS: "oh yeah, /there/'/s/ one for the books."
  405. [1:47:24 PM EDT] ZZ: man its not like im gonna show it off to the world
  406. [1:47:39 PM EDT] ZZ: im just not gonna make it disappear right away
  407. [1:47:47 PM EDT] * IBLiS He's going to patently ignore that nasty implication there. He knew how long forever lasted, goddamnit. He was the Witch of Time! That stuff was his bread and butter!
  408. [1:47:56 PM EDT] * IBLiS He'd seen infinity in the eye and laughed in its face.
  409. [1:47:59 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: D4V3 C4N 1 L1CK 1T OFF FOR YOU
  410. [1:48:01 PM EDT] * IBLiS He could handled eternity.
  411. [1:48:04 PM EDT] * IBLiS Noooo problem.
  412. [1:48:07 PM EDT] ZZ: sure
  413. [1:48:22 PM EDT] * ZZ yeah well Dave isn't you thanks.
  414. [1:48:34 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Wan/
  415. [1:48:35 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Smile/
  416. [1:48:48 PM EDT] IBLiS: !
  417. [1:48:50 PM EDT] IBLiS: "..."
  418. [1:48:56 PM EDT] Nitro: "Mundanity the flesh of life. It's just as well that he leaves it."
  419. [1:49:02 PM EDT] * Nitro oh wh
  420. [1:49:07 PM EDT] * Nitro Who's /that/?
  421. [1:49:12 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: *SN1FF SN1FF*
  422. [1:49:21 PM EDT] IBLiS: ", uh--"
  423. [1:49:27 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: MR CH3RRYCO4T! YOU GOT SHORT3R! O:<
  424. [1:49:27 PM EDT] IBLiS: "you've been followin' us for long, or...?"
  425. [1:49:44 PM EDT] * Nitro squints.
  426. [1:49:44 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...
  427. [1:49:50 PM EDT] IBLiS: "'ey!"
  428. [1:49:56 PM EDT] * ZZ snrk.
  429. [1:49:57 PM EDT] IBLiS: "six feet is /plenty/ tall!"
  430. [1:50:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: "taller than you, at least"
  431. [1:50:07 PM EDT] ZZ: not tall enough apparently
  432. [1:50:10 PM EDT] * IBLiS >BP
  433. [1:50:37 PM EDT] ZZ: hey terezi
  434. [1:50:46 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: 1V3 B33N P4T13NTLY W41T1NG 1N TH3 S1D3L1N3S FOR TH3 OPPORTUN3 MOM3NT TO T3ND TO D4V3S WOUNDS
  435. [1:50:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: "n' by tendin' 'em y'mean--"
  436. [1:51:00 PM EDT] ZZ: ah man thanks
  437. [1:51:02 PM EDT] IBLiS: "lickin' 'em"
  438. [1:51:17 PM EDT] IBLiS: "lickin' em clean"
  439. [1:51:20 PM EDT] IBLiS: "like a /dog/"
  440. [1:51:32 PM EDT] * ZZ BLEEEEEEEDS
  441. [1:51:47 PM EDT] Nitro: "...That is incredibly insanitary."
  442. [1:51:51 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: WOOFB34STS 4R3 4MONG TH3 F1N3ST M3MB3RS OF TH3 M3D1C4L SP3C1M3NS
  443. [1:51:59 PM EDT] * IBLiS Oh wow, he forgot how good blood smelled. That salty, metallic smell that almost made your mo-
  444. [1:52:02 PM EDT] * IBLiS /No/.
  445. [1:52:12 PM EDT] * IBLiS NO.
  446. [1:52:16 PM EDT] * IBLiS Nope.
  447. [1:52:20 PM EDT] * IBLiS Not gonna fall for this one again.
  448. [1:52:24 PM EDT] * IBLiS Blood tastes like blood.
  449. [1:52:26 PM EDT] * IBLiS That's it.
  450. [1:52:29 PM EDT] * IBLiS The end.
  451. [1:52:31 PM EDT] * IBLiS Everybody go home.
  452. [1:52:47 PM EDT] * ZZ pats Vergil on the back, with his bloodied hand, leaving a stain. "thanks man now terezi and i can have a bonding moment"
  453. [1:53:23 PM EDT] * ZZ Dante do you want to lick my hand?
  454. [1:53:29 PM EDT] * ZZ is that what this is?
  455. [1:54:06 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...
  456. [1:54:26 PM EDT] * IBLiS .../Pfft/, no. That's like
  457. [1:54:29 PM EDT] * IBLiS Dumb.
  458. [1:54:31 PM EDT] * IBLiS And gross.
  459. [1:54:32 PM EDT] * IBLiS And.
  460. [1:54:34 PM EDT] * IBLiS Dumb.
  462. [1:54:49 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil is tense and trying to ignore the sensation of liquid seeping into his coat wow he's way too keenly aware of that.
  463. [1:55:23 PM EDT] ZZ: no worries
  465. [1:55:29 PM EDT] ZZ: theres enough blood to go around
  466. [1:55:30 PM EDT] IBLiS: "aw, i think it suits ya verge!"
  467. [1:55:38 PM EDT] IBLiS: "looks sorta like a gang member's logo if ya squint."
  468. [1:55:39 PM EDT] * Nitro He tenses his jaw and focuses on the conversation. Control is not something he's willing to lose. Not now.
  469. [1:55:39 PM EDT] * IBLiS Squint.
  470. [1:55:42 PM EDT] ZZ: it just keeps coming
  471. [1:55:44 PM EDT] * IBLiS Smiiiiiile.
  472. [1:55:51 PM EDT] * IBLiS Yes good, this is the perfect distraction.
  473. [1:55:51 PM EDT] * IBLiS To.
  474. [1:55:52 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: C4N YOU 3V3R STOP BL33D1NG
  475. [1:55:55 PM EDT] * IBLiS Nothing in particular.
  476. [1:56:06 PM EDT] ZZ: eeeeh probably?
  477. [1:56:08 PM EDT] Nitro: "Red is /your/ color, not mine."
  478. [1:56:16 PM EDT] ZZ: but for the moment probably not
  479. [1:56:23 PM EDT] * Nitro frowns at the strange random girl??
  480. [1:56:31 PM EDT] Nitro: "Who is /this/?"
  481. [1:56:34 PM EDT] * ZZ who is also a troll don't forget that part.
  482. [1:56:36 PM EDT] IBLiS: "no shit dude, but i can't have /red/ logo over a /red/ coat now can i?"
  483. [1:56:43 PM EDT] IBLiS: "that's just common sense, bro!"
  484. [1:56:54 PM EDT] ZZ: woah man dont knock it till you try it
  485. [1:56:55 PM EDT] Nitro: "There are many shades of red, Dante."
  486. [1:57:02 PM EDT] * ZZ puts a hand print on dante's coat too.
  487. [1:57:04 PM EDT] * PurpleKoopa as many as
  488. [1:57:07 PM EDT] * PurpleKoopa fifty
  489. [1:57:17 PM EDT] ZZ: there
  490. [1:57:19 PM EDT] ZZ: now you match
  491. [1:58:17 PM EDT] * IBLiS Oh.
  492. [1:58:19 PM EDT] * IBLiS O h.
  493. [1:58:21 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: M1ST3R BLU3B3RRY SNOWCON3 1M T3R3Z1
  494. [1:58:22 PM EDT] * IBLiS Ohhhhhh.
  495. [1:58:27 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: 1TS 4 PL34SUR3 TO M33T YOU >:]
  496. [1:58:35 PM EDT] * IBLiS That was.
  497. [1:58:37 PM EDT] * IBLiS A feeling.
  498. [2:00:37 PM EDT] IBLiS: "careful"
  499. [2:00:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: "/he/ /bites/"
  500. [2:01:42 PM EDT] * PurpleKoopa Terezi takes this into stride, smiling broadly. /Jesus/, those teeth.
  501. [2:01:56 PM EDT] * IBLiS TEETH PARTY.
  502. [2:02:03 PM EDT] * IBLiS Dave finds himself surrounded by sharks.
  503. [2:02:04 PM EDT] * IBLiS What do.
  504. [2:02:17 PM EDT] * PurpleKoopa > dave: get a bigger boat
  505. [2:02:41 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: NO WORR13S CH3RRYCLO4K 1F H3 N33DS TO B3 R3STR41N3D 1 C4N G3T 4 MUZZL3 FOR H1M
  506. [2:04:15 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: M4YB3 YOU SHOULD T4K3 H1M TO OB3D13NC3 SCHOOL
  507. [2:04:25 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: H3 DO3SNT W1DDL3 ON TH3 C4RP3T DO3S H3? >:?
  508. [2:07:00 PM EDT] * IBLiS SNRK
  509. [2:07:06 PM EDT] * IBLiS Oh no, he can't.
  510. [2:07:10 PM EDT] * IBLiS He /can/'/t/.
  511. [2:08:12 PM EDT] * IBLiS He cAN'T--
  512. [2:08:25 PM EDT] * IBLiS Annnd there he goes, off in a laughing fit.
  513. [2:10:16 PM EDT] Nitro: [oops I was]
  514. [2:10:18 PM EDT] Nitro: [characters]
  515. [2:10:20 PM EDT] Nitro: [and stuff]
  516. [2:10:56 PM EDT] * IBLiS Whoooo, that was a /good/ one.
  517. [2:11:08 PM EDT] * Nitro F r own
  518. [2:11:30 PM EDT] * ZZ still bleeding, yep that's a thing he's doing.
  519. [2:11:32 PM EDT] IBLiS: "n-no worries, no worries dude--"
  520. [2:11:34 PM EDT] * PurpleKoopa Terezi can't help but cackle along herself. H3H3H3H3H3H3 >:]
  521. [2:11:40 PM EDT] * IBLiS /sNRK/
  522. [2:11:42 PM EDT] IBLiS: "he's--"
  523. [2:12:19 PM EDT] IBLiS: "we got 'em his doggy degree yEARS ago!"
  524. [2:12:21 PM EDT] * IBLiS Pfffhehehe!
  525. [2:12:28 PM EDT] IBLiS: "he's a--"
  526. [2:12:32 PM EDT] IBLiS: "hE'S A--"
  528. [2:12:44 PM EDT] * IBLiS Annnnd he's gone again.
  529. [2:12:48 PM EDT] IBLiS: *pooch)
  530. [2:12:49 PM EDT] IBLiS: (i)
  531. [2:12:56 PM EDT] * Nitro Dante, he will get you later.
  532. [2:13:02 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: (dante BREATHE you fool)
  533. [2:13:08 PM EDT] * Nitro He knows where your jungle treehouse is.
  534. [2:13:21 PM EDT] * Nitro And he knows how to get past the natives.
  535. [2:13:23 PM EDT] * IBLiS What jungle treehouse?
  536. [2:13:34 PM EDT] * IBLiS I think you meant to say...
  537. [2:13:40 PM EDT] * IBLiS MAD MAX THUNDERDOME!!!
  538. [2:13:51 PM EDT] * Nitro Even easier to find.
  539. [2:14:01 PM EDT] * IBLiS Sure it is.
  540. [2:14:10 PM EDT] * IBLiS Out in the middle of that arid, desolate wasteland.
  541. [2:14:13 PM EDT] * IBLiS Full of /raiders/.
  542. [2:14:19 PM EDT] * PurpleKoopa Terezi wipes a teal-colored tear away from her eye and manages to catch her breath.
  543. [2:14:23 PM EDT] * IBLiS And /monster/ /trucks/.
  544. [2:14:42 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: OH MR CH3RRYCLO4K YOUR3 B3TT3R TH4N 1 3V3N R3M3MB3R3D
  545. [2:15:06 PM EDT] * IBLiS And /sand/ /worms/.
  546. [2:15:22 PM EDT] * IBLiS Dante might've gotten his Mad Max and Dune lore mixed up a bit, oops?
  547. [2:15:53 PM EDT] IBLiS: ...?
  548. [2:16:12 PM EDT] IBLiS: i-i'm sorry mi'lady, i don't think we've ever met.
  549. [2:16:13 PM EDT] Nitro: "Remind me, /who/ is this mysterious other friend, Dante."
  550. [2:16:22 PM EDT] * Nitro Barely even a questi-- oh?
  551. [2:16:28 PM EDT] * Nitro >:?
  552. [2:16:43 PM EDT] IBLiS: i'd like t'think i'd 'member a /radiant/ beauty like yerself
  553. [2:18:20 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: OH CLO4KM4N YOU FL4TT3R M3 SO >;] BUT YOU C4NT GO FOOL1NG M3 4BOUT 4LL TH3 1NV3ST1G4T1ONS W3 D1D TOG3TH3R!
  554. [2:18:50 PM EDT] IBLiS: investigations...?
  555. [2:19:01 PM EDT] * Nitro /Snrk/.
  556. [2:19:25 PM EDT] Nitro: "(And you make fun of /me/ for being a lawyer in another life.)"
  557. [2:19:34 PM EDT] IBLiS: now i know i'd /definitely/ 'member those! there ain't nothin' else i love more than gettin' down n' di-
  558. [2:20:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: "(oh, don't you even /start/.)"
  559. [2:20:24 PM EDT] IBLiS: "(you've got yer stupid hobbies, n' i've got mine.)"
  560. [2:20:24 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: Y34H, YOU R3M3MB3R TH3M! L1K3 TH3 T1M3 W3 BUST3D TH4T D3MON G1RLS C4S3 SO W1D3 OP3N TH4T 1T WOULD N3V3R GO 4J4R 4G41N?
  561. [2:20:47 PM EDT] IBLiS: demon girl? y'don't mean morgy, do ya?
  562. [2:21:12 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: SORRY, DO3SNT R1NG 4 B3LL >:[
  563. [2:21:17 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...Aw.
  564. [2:21:19 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: BUT 1 GU3SS YOU COULD S4Y W3 TOOK 4 LOT OF TH3M TO TH3
  565. [2:21:27 PM EDT] * IBLiS And here he had his hopes are fired up, too.
  566. [2:21:27 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: MORGU3Y
  567. [2:21:30 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: >BD
  568. [2:22:42 PM EDT] IBLiS: hahaha, good one! yer really startin' t'grow on me, m--"
  569. [2:22:53 PM EDT] IBLiS: ...uh.
  570. [2:23:23 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: T3R3Z1
  571. [2:23:27 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: T3R3Z1 PYROP3
  572. [2:24:26 PM EDT] ZZ: ...
  573. [2:24:43 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: D4V3 4R3 YOU ST1LL BL33D1NG
  574. [2:24:48 PM EDT] * ZZ wiiipes most of the blood off onto Vergil's shirt.
  575. [2:24:51 PM EDT] ZZ: ... looks like
  576. [2:26:09 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: M4YB3 YOU SHOULD JUST W1P3 1T OFF UNT1L 1T STOPS
  577. [2:26:15 PM EDT] * Nitro /Ew eugh/
  578. [2:26:49 PM EDT] Nitro: "...You're going to wash this, Strider."
  579. [2:27:22 PM EDT] * Nitro /Man/ blood sure does have a strong smell when it's smeared all over the front of your shirt right under your nose?
  580. [2:28:07 PM EDT] * Nitro He shrugs out of the sweatervest (yes it's a sweatervest okay) and shoves it at Dave.
  581. [2:28:20 PM EDT] ZZ: sounds good to me terezi
  582. [2:28:29 PM EDT] Nitro: "You can do that after you've used it to stop the bleeding, since you seem so determined to use me as a rag."
  583. [2:28:41 PM EDT] * Nitro That was not out of guilt or anything ahaha
  584. [2:28:43 PM EDT] * ZZ wraps the sweatervest around his bleeding hand. "thanks man but nah i aint washing it"
  585. [2:29:51 PM EDT] IBLiS: (helllllooo)
  586. [2:29:54 PM EDT] IBLiS: (8y)
  587. [2:30:39 PM EDT] Nitro: "Make sure to do it on the delicate cycle."
  588. [2:30:46 PM EDT] * Nitro Yes he is ignoring what you said, Dave.
  589. [2:31:22 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: YOU COULD 4LW4YS JUST R3M3MB3R UP 4 PR3C1OUS M3MORY W1TH YOUR SW34T3R V3ST
  590. [2:31:30 PM EDT] ZZ: yeah man do that
  591. [2:31:33 PM EDT] IBLiS: terezi, eh?
  592. [2:31:37 PM EDT] Nitro: "..."
  593. [2:31:38 PM EDT] IBLiS: ...damn, you trolls got some funny names.
  594. [2:31:42 PM EDT] * Nitro f r own
  595. [2:31:48 PM EDT] IBLiS: not that that's a bad thin-
  596. [2:31:53 PM EDT] * IBLiS pffffhehehe.
  597. [2:32:14 PM EDT] * IBLiS Laughing at your misfortune while he himself suffers from the same misfortune.
  598. [2:32:21 PM EDT] * IBLiS There is nothing two-faced about this no way no how.
  599. [2:32:59 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: HOW 4BOUT WH3N YOU JUST TOOK 1T OUT OF TH3 DRY3R OR TH3 F1RST T1M3 YOU R3M3MB3R W34R1NG 1T 4ND F33L1NG OH SO F4SH1ON4BL3 >:]
  600. [2:33:03 PM EDT] IBLiS: c'mon verge, s'not like you can just /think/ /up/ a new one!
  601. [2:33:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: ....ohhhhh, wait.
  602. [2:33:20 PM EDT] IBLiS: that's /right/.
  603. [2:33:26 PM EDT] IBLiS: you've got the imagination of a /boulder/.
  604. [2:33:31 PM EDT] IBLiS: no, wait.
  605. [2:33:35 PM EDT] IBLiS: that's insultin' t'boulders.
  606. [2:35:18 PM EDT] * Nitro >:l
  607. [2:36:53 PM EDT] * ZZ sweater vest soon becomes so saturated in blood that it starts dripping oops.
  608. [2:37:14 PM EDT] * Nitro ... < :l
  609. [2:37:58 PM EDT] ZZ: at least it's not like
  610. [2:38:05 PM EDT] ZZ: gonna have one awkward stain
  611. [2:38:38 PM EDT] ZZ: now its all stained evenly
  612. [2:38:52 PM EDT] ZZ: im doing you a favor here man
  613. [2:39:02 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...Ohhh, that's
  614. [2:39:07 PM EDT] * IBLiS That's /overpoweringly/ strong.
  615. [2:40:03 PM EDT] * ZZ unwraps the bloody vest and lets it drop to the floor with a squelch.
  616. [2:40:08 PM EDT] Nitro: "...You should probably actually bandage that at some point. A sweater is not going to be suitable to stem the bleeding."
  617. [2:40:22 PM EDT] ZZ: yeah probably
  618. [2:40:25 PM EDT] IBLiS: /action May or may have
  619. [2:40:30 PM EDT] * IBLiS glanced at that sweatervest.
  620. [2:40:33 PM EDT] * IBLiS H i
  621. [2:40:40 PM EDT] * IBLiS Yes hello.
  622. [2:40:44 PM EDT] * Nitro frowns at Dante.
  623. [2:40:44 PM EDT] * IBLiS Okay just
  624. [2:40:49 PM EDT] * IBLiS Gonna ignore you.
  625. [2:40:50 PM EDT] * Nitro F r o w n s
  626. [2:41:14 PM EDT] IBLiS: or y'could just, oh i dunno, /wish/ the damn thing away already!
  627. [2:41:20 PM EDT] ZZ: nah
  628. [2:41:38 PM EDT] ZZ: besides whats it matter to you?
  629. [2:41:43 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...
  630. [2:42:03 PM EDT] ZZ: well?
  631. [2:42:08 PM EDT] IBLiS: it should be /you/ askin' that one, blondie.
  632. [2:42:25 PM EDT] IBLiS: the hell do you gain by lettin' yerself bleed out like a stuck pig?
  633. [2:42:41 PM EDT] ZZ: its not like im gonna die
  634. [2:43:03 PM EDT] ZZ: again
  635. [2:43:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: it's not like you /need/ it either
  636. [2:43:07 PM EDT] IBLiS: do-
  637. [2:43:11 PM EDT] IBLiS: do you /want/ to bleed out?
  638. [2:43:16 PM EDT] ZZ: what if i do?
  639. [2:43:20 PM EDT] IBLiS: geeze strudel, didn't think you were into /that/.
  640. [2:43:39 PM EDT] ZZ: itll stop eventually man
  641. [2:44:29 PM EDT] IBLiS: but you could stop it /now/
  642. [2:44:30 PM EDT] IBLiS: like
  643. [2:44:33 PM EDT] IBLiS: /right/ /now/
  644. [2:44:58 PM EDT] ZZ: look i just miss it alright? feeling dizzy like this like it matters if im awake or not like its important if i bleed
  645. [2:45:49 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...
  646. [2:45:51 PM EDT] * IBLiS What the fuck...?
  647. [2:46:32 PM EDT] ZZ: because once youre dead youre dead you bleed whatever its not gonna hurt you nothing is ever gonna hurt you like what could when you were alive
  648. [2:46:38 PM EDT] * IBLiS He pauses to wrap his head around that statement. He wants to bleed just to know he's alive?
  649. [2:46:44 PM EDT] * Nitro <:l
  650. [2:46:45 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...Hey, /wait/ /a/ /second/--
  651. [2:46:50 PM EDT] * Nitro /Ahem/.
  652. [2:47:05 PM EDT] IBLiS: you stole that from a goo goo dolls song. blondie
  653. [2:47:12 PM EDT] IBLiS: do i need to recite the chorus fer you or...?
  654. [2:47:23 PM EDT] Nitro: "Dante, please don't."
  655. [2:47:35 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...?
  662. [2:48:22 PM EDT] * IBLiS (i just waaaant you to know whooo i am)
  663. [2:48:58 PM EDT] ZZ: dude im into /recent/ pop culture do you think ive even listened to whoever the fuck youre talking about?
  664. [2:52:33 PM EDT] ZZ: anyway why are your briches all up in a bunch about it?
  665. [2:53:15 PM EDT] * Nitro cASUALLY STEPS IN. "At /any/ rate. Strider, since my brother seems to be having a conniption as a result of it, let's go scour for a first aid kit of some kind."
  666. [2:53:26 PM EDT] IBLiS: !!!
  667. [2:53:27 PM EDT] IBLiS: 'ey!
  668. [2:53:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: i ain't havin' no conniption fit or nothin' over here!
  669. [2:54:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: i was 'memberin' the /song/, dumbass
  670. [2:54:09 PM EDT] * IBLiS Not really.
  671. [2:54:12 PM EDT] ZZ: is that why youre so hard pressed for me to stop huh?
  672. [2:56:57 PM EDT] ZZ: Hey guys
  673. [2:57:07 PM EDT] ZZ: PK and I have a present, if you'll take it.
  674. [2:57:11 PM EDT] Nitro: [o:]
  675. [2:57:20 PM EDT] ZZ:
  676. [2:57:31 PM EDT] ZZ: The season premeier of Adventure Time.
  677. [2:57:39 PM EDT] ZZ: Three days early.
  678. [2:58:01 PM EDT] Nitro: [Haha, I really need to actually watch Adventure Time.]
  679. [2:58:14 PM EDT] * IBLiS He was honestly trying to grasp why the /hell/ anyone would be so stubborn about this. What was so /great/ about pain, anyway? Did you really have to remember what /pain/ felt like? What /suffering/ felt like? Just to feel alive?
  680. [2:58:17 PM EDT] * IBLiS No, fuck that.
  681. [2:58:20 PM EDT] * IBLiS Fuck that to hell and back.
  682. [2:58:24 PM EDT] * IBLiS >:T
  683. [2:58:35 PM EDT] * IBLiS He never wanted to feel either of those things again.
  684. [2:58:38 PM EDT] * IBLiS Good riddance.
  685. [2:58:52 PM EDT] Nitro: [oh is this the part where paragraphs explode all over everything CG]
  686. [2:59:02 PM EDT] * ZZ maybe he's being stubborn because YOU'RE being stubborn?
  687. [2:59:05 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i accidentally literacy]
  688. [2:59:21 PM EDT] Nitro: [we always do]
  689. [2:59:22 PM EDT] ZZ: (Blissy, did you see my present?)
  690. [2:59:27 PM EDT] IBLiS: seriously dude, it's /pain/.
  691. [2:59:31 PM EDT] IBLiS: who needs it?
  692. [2:59:45 PM EDT] IBLiS: (i sure did 8y)
  693. [2:59:49 PM EDT] IBLiS: (i'll go watch it later, i promise)
  694. [2:59:53 PM EDT] ZZ: (Okay. :B)
  695. [3:00:01 PM EDT] IBLiS: you don't need to 'member /that/.
  696. [3:00:04 PM EDT] ZZ: (Just thought you might like that.)
  697. [3:00:07 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: [gotta make time for brotimes, yo]
  698. [3:00:10 PM EDT] * IBLiS >vergil: oh god no
  699. [3:00:13 PM EDT] * IBLiS >no please
  700. [3:00:15 PM EDT] * IBLiS >not this
  701. [3:00:27 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: [sorry for being quiet, i think terezi just fell asleep on her cane or something]
  702. [3:01:29 PM EDT] ZZ: then what do you suggest i do?
  703. [3:02:21 PM EDT] IBLiS: just
  704. [3:02:26 PM EDT] IBLiS: /get/ /rid/ /of/ /it
  705. [3:02:30 PM EDT] IBLiS: s'not even that hard!
  706. [3:03:05 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil folded his hands together, white-knuckled. He forgot about things like this, sometimes -- maybe because where he, for once, was well-adjusted (sort of), Dante was...not.
  707. [3:07:35 PM EDT] * Nitro He levelled a meaning look at Strider, reaching to grip his arm as though to grip his attention and communicate.../something/, he didn't know, with the same motion. "/About/ those bandages."
  708. [3:11:25 PM EDT] Nitro: [brb, I'm not sure if anyone's even home right now?? because people keep not answering the phone]
  709. [3:12:35 PM EDT] * IBLiS Vergil feels himself under the gaze of a /pointed/ look. All /kinds/ of pointed up in here.
  710. [3:13:35 PM EDT] * IBLiS What
  711. [3:13:39 PM EDT] * IBLiS are you getting at?
  712. [3:19:59 PM EDT] ZZ: for fucks sake i can handle myself
  713. [3:21:24 PM EDT] IBLiS: so yer just gonna let yerself /bleed/ /out/?
  714. [3:21:33 PM EDT] IBLiS: d'you miss pain /that/ freakin' much?
  715. [3:21:49 PM EDT] IBLiS: y'wanna take that wound out for date or two while yer at it?
  716. [3:21:52 PM EDT] IBLiS: is /that/ it?
  717. [3:25:37 PM EDT] * Nitro Really, Dante? Vergil sighed. "It is not a matter of feeling pain. Not so simply." He released Dave, not unaware of the pointed response, and crossed his arms, quietly irritated by his stubborn brother and his brother's stubborn friend.
  718. [3:26:10 PM EDT] * IBLiS The levels of stubbornness in this room were at an all time high here.
  719. [3:26:12 PM EDT] * IBLiS
  720. [3:26:14 PM EDT] * IBLiS Room place.
  721. [3:26:21 PM EDT] * IBLiS ~It is a mystery~
  722. [3:26:24 PM EDT] Nitro: [Where even]
  723. [3:26:54 PM EDT] Nitro: [I accidentally imagined there was grass already? but I have no idea where they'd be.]
  724. [3:29:15 PM EDT] ZZ: why the fuck does it matter to you? so the fuck what maybe i do like it? maybe it helps me remember shit specific shit specific shit i wouldnt be able to remember without it
  725. [3:30:57 PM EDT] * IBLiS "...don't act like i'm dumb, /vergil/" he scowled, narrowing his eyes. If one were to squint, they could've sworn they'd be looking at the wrong twin. "i get it, okay? he wants to relive the /good/ ol' days where he used to bleed out like a river of fuckin' /lava/. but y'wanna know what /i/ think...?"
  726. [3:31:27 PM EDT] * Nitro "(Yes, probably.)" Not like Dante was going to listen to him at this point.
  727. [3:31:57 PM EDT] IBLiS: if you gotta cut yerself up like a /voodoo/ doll to 'member it
  728. [3:32:02 PM EDT] IBLiS: it ain't a memory worth havin'
  729. [3:32:19 PM EDT] * IBLiS Vergil would be hard pressed to remember a time where his brother looked this serious.
  730. [3:32:20 PM EDT] * IBLiS Oh wait.
  731. [3:32:21 PM EDT] * IBLiS Yes.
  732. [3:32:27 PM EDT] * IBLiS Yes he would.
  733. [3:32:38 PM EDT] * IBLiS But none of them were /happy/ times, that's for sure.
  734. [3:33:37 PM EDT] ZZ: sure fine my death isnt worth remembering but it was the last time i saw them so call me stupid but ill keep the pain thanks
  735. [3:34:51 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil thinks this is ridiculous and he is done letting his brother be stupid and tactless. "I don't think it's your /business/ to say that, Dante."
  736. [3:36:23 PM EDT] * Nitro Glare.
  737. [3:36:28 PM EDT] * Nitro /Hint hint./
  738. [3:37:24 PM EDT] * IBLiS He doesn't have an answer to least, not a verbal one. But he does his /damnedest/ to glare that boy into the dirt. Anyone who'd frolicked in their more painful memories like it was some kind of /candy/ buffet wouldn't, no, /couldn/'/t/ understand. They were too caught up with living a life they didn't /have/ anymore.
  739. [3:38:16 PM EDT] * IBLiS They couldn't see that some memories just weren't worth remembering. Better off tossing them into the abyss, never to be seen again. So much better.
  740. [3:39:53 PM EDT] * ZZ doesn't seem to falter under the weight of the glare he was getting. Staring right back at Dante through his shades. It was his after life, he'd live it the way he wanted, and if he wanted to remember what his friends from his life time looked like every now and then, he would.
  741. [3:41:24 PM EDT] * IBLiS He glances at Vergil, not bother to dial down the intensity of his contempt, then back to Dave.
  742. [3:41:39 PM EDT] * IBLiS And then...he snorts.
  743. [3:42:00 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil holds onto his rapidly waning patience by a thread. "Is something /funny/, Dante?" he snaps flatly. Okay so maybe it's a really thin thread.
  744. [3:42:37 PM EDT] IBLiS: ...maybe you're right. maybe it's not any of business.
  745. [3:43:33 PM EDT] IBLiS: but it's /so/ nice to see that /some/ people get to skip alllllll over memory lane without a single care in the world.
  746. [3:43:58 PM EDT] IBLiS: that's just
  747. [3:43:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: /great/.
  748. [3:44:03 PM EDT] IBLiS: fuckin'
  749. [3:44:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: great.
  750. [3:44:38 PM EDT] * IBLiS And that's all he has to say about /that/. Any more, and he just know he'll fall apart. He can't stand to fall apart again. This wasn't the /place/ for that. This wasn't /ever/ the place for that.
  751. [3:45:07 PM EDT] * IBLiS So he turns about face, coat swinging in his wake, and makes his leave.
  752. [3:45:11 PM EDT] * IBLiS O h.
  753. [3:46:20 PM EDT] ZZ: yeah but it must suck when your life is so wretched you dont even have the balls to make foot down that path
  754. [3:46:28 PM EDT] * IBLiS /Woosh/.
  755. [3:46:37 PM EDT] * Nitro Ah, this is turning out wonderfully. Vergil sighs, then holds his breath, then sighs it out again, quietly watching his brother cling to escapism. As always.
  756. [3:46:39 PM EDT] * IBLiS ...And now he's /flying/ away.
  757. [3:46:45 PM EDT] * IBLiS Great.
  758. [3:46:58 PM EDT] * IBLiS It's a damn good thing he didn't hear you there, Dave. You'd have a wicked meltdown on your hands then.
  759. [3:47:02 PM EDT] * IBLiS And not the radical kind of wicked.
  760. [3:47:52 PM EDT] * Nitro After a pause, he faces Dave with a tired expression. "Apologies, Strider." He isn't sure whether he owes the young man an explanation or how to go about such a thing, so that's all he says, stewing in his uncertainty.
  761. [3:48:07 PM EDT] ZZ: not your fault man
  762. [3:48:26 PM EDT] ZZ: how about we go get you a new sweater vest?
  763. [3:48:36 PM EDT] ZZ: itll be the shopping trip of the year
  764. [3:48:39 PM EDT] ZZ: barbie will be jealous
  765. [3:51:51 PM EDT] * Nitro Oh, /another/ escapist. Sort of. Sort of escapist. But Vergil thinks he wouldn't mind letting things cool down a little, so he /smirks/ for the first time in quite a while and says, "You'd know how to do shopping trips, wouldn't you? I imagine you simply /had/ to have that lipstick."
  766. [3:52:16 PM EDT] ZZ: yeah bought that shit for rose
  767. [3:52:35 PM EDT] ZZ: probably should get her a new one though
  768. [3:52:52 PM EDT] ZZ: i doubt shed like a pre-used one
  769. [3:53:27 PM EDT] ZZ: but bro gave me a wicked allowance when i was a kid you bet i was taught the ways of a proper fashionista
  770. [3:54:01 PM EDT] ZZ: didnt want me spending it on something silly like loafers
  771. [3:54:17 PM EDT] ZZ: or worse
  772. [3:54:19 PM EDT] ZZ: loafers
  773. [3:54:20 PM EDT] ZZ: with
  774. [3:54:21 PM EDT] ZZ: fringe
  775. [3:55:48 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil almost takes the topic towards loafers -- them's fightin' words, Strider -- but decides that that might result in being pinned down and tormented with time clones again. Instead, he asks (amicably?), "Rose? A friend of yours, I presume?"
  776. [3:56:10 PM EDT] ZZ: sort of?
  777. [3:56:15 PM EDT] ZZ: shes technically my sister
  778. [3:56:25 PM EDT] ZZ: well okay this one is technically technically my sister
  779. [3:56:35 PM EDT] ZZ: since the one from my universe is still alive i hope
  780. [3:57:19 PM EDT] ZZ: you two dont have any other siblings do you?
  781. [4:01:08 PM EDT] * Nitro "No." He paused, then reluctantly qualified (because qualifying and technicalities were kind of his thing), "I suppose we had one or two foster siblings over the years, but no one important."
  782. [4:01:56 PM EDT] ZZ: (Gotta go do yard work... Later I guess.)
  783. [4:02:09 PM EDT] IBLiS: (we'll be waiting! uvu)
  784. [4:02:19 PM EDT] Nitro: [Later hon! Thanks for the great RP. uvu]
  785. [4:02:26 PM EDT] IBLiS: (no)
  786. [4:02:28 PM EDT] IBLiS: (seriously)
  787. [4:02:30 PM EDT] IBLiS: (we'll be waiting)
  788. [4:02:33 PM EDT] IBLiS: (like /hawks/)
  789. [4:02:37 PM EDT] IBLiS: (BT)
  790. [4:02:40 PM EDT] IBLiS: (>BT)
  791. [4:02:41 PM EDT] Nitro: [pff yes]
  792. [4:02:54 PM EDT] IBLiS: (no wait that's more of a vulture thing isn't it)
  793. [4:02:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: (i accidentally birds)
  794. [4:03:35 PM EDT] Nitro: [nah hawks chill out and watch the area too but]
  795. [4:03:37 PM EDT] Nitro: [owls man]
  796. [4:07:08 PM EDT] Nitro: [ I mean]
  797. [4:07:12 PM EDT] Nitro: [ OWLS man]
  798. [4:11:50 PM EDT] IBLiS: [dante is the hawk]
  799. [4:12:02 PM EDT] IBLiS: [vergil is the dorky looking /owl/]
  800. [4:12:04 PM EDT] Nitro: [Vergowl]
  801. [4:12:07 PM EDT] IBLiS: [fair deal?]
  802. [4:12:22 PM EDT] IBLiS: [vergowl and hawkte]
  803. [4:12:30 PM EDT] IBLiS: [spiritual animals ~combine~]
  804. [4:12:39 PM EDT] Nitro: [Vergil says screw you ok owls are unbelievably skilled hunters]
  805. [4:13:12 PM EDT] Nitro: [ seriously though creepiest animal in the world]
  806. [4:13:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: [hawks can snatch their prey in /mid/ /air/]
  807. [4:14:01 PM EDT] IBLiS: [uh]
  808. [4:14:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: [he thinks]
  809. [4:14:13 PM EDT] IBLiS: [b-but he's pretty sure!]
  810. [4:14:18 PM EDT] IBLiS: [anyway]
  811. [4:14:31 PM EDT] IBLiS: [the thunderbird reportedly looked like a hawk, and that thing is grade a badass]
  812. [4:15:15 PM EDT] IBLiS: [legend has it that thunder rolls every time they beat their a /warning/]
  813. [4:16:22 PM EDT] IBLiS: [n' god bless the dumb fuck who decides t'ignore all that and stroll right on over to their grounds.]
  814. [4:16:43 PM EDT] IBLiS: [/swoosh/]
  815. [4:16:51 PM EDT] IBLiS: [snatched right offa the ground]
  816. [4:17:00 PM EDT] IBLiS: [n' they're never]
  817. [4:17:02 PM EDT] IBLiS: [ever]
  818. [4:17:07 PM EDT] IBLiS: [seen again]
  819. [4:17:14 PM EDT] IBLiS: [(probably got eaten)]
  820. [4:17:22 PM EDT] IBLiS: [(8y)]
  821. [4:18:50 PM EDT] Nitro: [ silently judging you]
  822. [4:20:05 PM EDT] Nitro: [also owls represent kNOWLEDGE and wisdom]
  823. [4:20:12 PM EDT] Nitro: [can outsmart your hawk any day]
  824. [4:23:08 PM EDT] Nitro: []
  825. [4:25:57 PM EDT] IBLiS: [but can they outsmart a /thunderbird/?]
  826. [4:26:05 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i don't think so dude]
  827. [4:29:44 PM EDT] Nitro: [actually the thunderbird is also commonly thought to be an eAGLE]
  828. [4:30:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: [well no shit]
  829. [4:30:08 PM EDT] IBLiS: [but]
  830. [4:30:15 PM EDT] IBLiS: [hawks n' eagles are similiar enough, right?]
  831. [4:36:32 PM EDT] Nitro: [not even symbolically]
  832. [4:36:40 PM EDT] Nitro: [and mythologically]
  833. [4:37:25 PM EDT] Nitro: [Vergil casually points out all the reasons they aren't ahahahaha 2bad4u Dante, there is no "close enough" with your brother]
  834. [4:41:31 PM EDT] Nitro: [also ok I should]
  835. [4:41:34 PM EDT] Nitro: [really write]
  836. [4:41:41 PM EDT] IBLiS: [you go do that]
  837. [4:41:42 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i mean]
  838. [4:41:47 PM EDT] IBLiS: [while we're waiting at all]
  839. [4:41:54 PM EDT] Nitro: [pff]
  840. [4:41:56 PM EDT] IBLiS: [~multi-tasking!~]
  841. [4:42:06 PM EDT] Nitro: [I have barely written for my NaNoWriMo story this entire week oops?]
  842. [4:42:13 PM EDT] IBLiS: [ffff]
  843. [4:42:17 PM EDT] IBLiS: [better get to it then]
  844. [4:42:24 PM EDT] IBLiS: [high ho silver!]
  845. [4:48:07 PM EDT] ZZ: (B-but I just got back! ;A; )
  846. [4:48:43 PM EDT] ZZ: (Also Dave wins, as there is already a bird sprite version of himself. :B)
  847. [4:49:15 PM EDT] Nitro: [Welcome back! :3 Also trufax.]
  848. [4:49:29 PM EDT] Nitro: [I got a few sentences written, which is better than nothing.]
  849. [4:49:34 PM EDT] ZZ: (WOO)
  850. [4:49:36 PM EDT] Nitro: [Slow progress is still progress.]
  851. [4:49:57 PM EDT] ZZ: thats something i guess me i just got my bro and my ecto sis
  852. [4:50:17 PM EDT] ZZ: but like once we all got together john jade rose and i we were like family
  853. [4:50:21 PM EDT] ZZ: even the trolls man
  854. [4:50:36 PM EDT] Nitro: [and now back to heartbreaking conversations]
  855. [4:50:42 PM EDT] ZZ: (YEP)
  856. [4:51:06 PM EDT] Nitro: [I just have all these feelings, how can you possibly expect me to hold them]
  857. [4:51:23 PM EDT] ZZ: thats why i want to remember sure... the last time i saw them i was dying but... it means something
  858. [4:54:04 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil had never been good at this kind of thing. His first instinct is to close off and shut down the uncomfortable direction of the conversation. But... "I think I understand. At least, better than my brother. It is almost impossible to remember the good times without remembering the bad."
  859. [4:54:39 PM EDT] ZZ: Yeah
  860. [4:54:43 PM EDT] * Nitro And with this place, when escapism falls short, you take what you can get.
  861. [4:55:08 PM EDT] ZZ: i mean its not like i like i enjoy pain but my brain tries so hard to lock that memory away cus well dying
  862. [4:55:14 PM EDT] ZZ: and its the only thing that helps
  863. [4:55:16 PM EDT] ZZ: and i think
  864. [4:55:29 PM EDT] ZZ: damn john youve got a stupid looking face crying like that
  865. [4:55:52 PM EDT] ZZ: but then i start to remember the other times he was crying cus he was happy
  866. [4:56:04 PM EDT] ZZ: same with jade and rose
  867. [4:56:22 PM EDT] ZZ: sure i see them now walking around but its not the ones that /i/ knew the ones from /my/ universe
  868. [4:57:16 PM EDT] ZZ: all ive got of my family is memories so why should i throw those away?
  869. [4:58:42 PM EDT] Nitro: "...You shouldn't, despite what my brother said. He..."
  870. [4:59:01 PM EDT] ZZ: has is issues everyone does
  871. [4:59:26 PM EDT] Nitro: "(Some more than others.)"
  872. [4:59:58 PM EDT] ZZ: i aint lucky like you two though... you two you got each other back i havent seen my bro like /my/ bro from /my/ universe since he died...
  873. [5:00:13 PM EDT] ZZ: another reason why i like these things
  874. [5:00:17 PM EDT] * ZZ holds up the bloody hand.
  875. [5:00:27 PM EDT] ZZ: man my bro and i we would spar all the damn time it was awesome
  876. [5:00:44 PM EDT] ZZ: hed always stitch me up afterward because fuck if he didnt constantly kick my ass
  877. [5:02:41 PM EDT] Nitro: "...Sounds like you miss him."
  878. [5:02:44 PM EDT] * Nitro Yeah duh Vergil.
  879. [5:02:47 PM EDT] ZZ: yeah...
  880. [5:02:55 PM EDT] ZZ: i was going crazy for a while
  881. [5:02:58 PM EDT] ZZ: trying to find him
  882. [5:03:08 PM EDT] ZZ: ran myself thin with time clones
  883. [5:03:27 PM EDT] ZZ: thousands of the things everywhere just running through dream bubbles looking for the guy
  884. [5:03:54 PM EDT] ZZ: but i just... sort of gave up i guess
  885. [5:04:14 PM EDT] ZZ: well no i sort of got harrassed by a horror terror is what happened
  886. [5:04:33 PM EDT] * Nitro Blink blink. "What?"
  887. [5:06:02 PM EDT] * ZZ scratches the back of his neck. "its not exactly the most comfortable topic for me but basics include force feeding sexual abuse and shrinking me down to the size of a thumb and eating me again and again and again until i coulding eat sleep or even walk around a corner without being paranoid but im getting over it finally so well keep it at that"
  888. [5:06:21 PM EDT] Nitro: [Titbro's home]
  889. [5:06:27 PM EDT] ZZ: (FFFFF)
  890. [5:06:27 PM EDT] Nitro: [ahaha this will be fun]
  891. [5:08:41 PM EDT] Nitro: [We accidentally roleplaying]
  892. [5:09:00 PM EDT] Nitro: [so use your brackets]
  893. [5:09:12 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [you're a bracket]
  894. [5:09:44 PM EDT] Nitro: [Your maturity is staggering.]
  895. [5:09:50 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [your face is stagering[
  896. [5:09:54 PM EDT] Tit Bro: fuck
  897. [5:10:00 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [your face is staggering]
  898. [5:10:08 PM EDT] Jaspers: [TITBRO ENTERS THE RP
  899. [5:10:09 PM EDT] Jaspers: ]
  900. [5:10:26 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[WHAT DO DANTE/VERGIL]]
  901. [5:10:37 PM EDT] * Tit Bro scratches the back of his head, glancing around him uncertainly. "Um...sure. Okay."
  902. [5:10:50 PM EDT] ZZ: yeah you dont wanna know trust me
  903. [5:11:04 PM EDT] * Nitro "...Right." Dante, what kind of place have you gotten yourself tied up in. Vergil was not stupid and had not missed his brother's various reactions to various things -- the reasons for which he had not known at the time.
  904. [5:11:12 PM EDT] IBLiS: [dante is too busy being a /dick/]
  905. [5:11:19 PM EDT] * Nitro It was beginning to make sense, gradually.
  906. [5:11:22 PM EDT] Nitro: [Titbro meets Dante]
  907. [5:11:24 PM EDT] IBLiS: [giant flying fucking bat]
  908. [5:11:45 PM EDT] ZZ: just stay away from a horror terror named alpha
  909. [5:11:53 PM EDT] ZZ: thats the jist of what you need to know
  910. [5:11:57 PM EDT] Tit Bro: am i supposed to create a character
  911. [5:11:57 PM EDT] Tit Bro: or
  912. [5:12:15 PM EDT] Nitro: [Do you actually want to RP?]
  913. [5:12:19 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [Sure]
  914. [5:12:28 PM EDT] Nitro: [Go read Homestuck]
  915. [5:12:29 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [Why the hell not]
  916. [5:12:34 PM EDT] ZZ: (FFFFF)
  917. [5:12:37 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [Oh. Nevermind~~~~~]
  918. [5:12:39 PM EDT] Nitro: [so we don't have to give context for the context of this RP]
  919. [5:12:46 PM EDT] IBLiS: [what she said]
  920. [5:12:52 PM EDT] IBLiS: [now you've got /incentive/ boy!]
  921. [5:13:04 PM EDT] Nitro: [I mean you COULD join in anyway]
  922. [5:13:05 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [No I don't. I rolled a 1 on my initiative]
  923. [5:13:14 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [*ba-dum tss*]
  924. [5:13:26 PM EDT] Nitro: [Yes your RPG jokes are hilarious.]
  925. [5:13:33 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [YES. THEY ARE.]
  926. [5:14:23 PM EDT] ZZ: ( )
  927. [5:14:28 PM EDT] ZZ: (GUYS GUYS LOOK)
  928. [5:14:29 PM EDT] Nitro: "Dante seems to have done a fine job of keeping himself, and myself by extension, away from him, as I have no idea who that is."
  931. [5:14:59 PM EDT] ZZ: not him it
  932. [5:15:07 PM EDT] ZZ: alpha is an it
  933. [5:15:11 PM EDT] Tit Bro: you're an it
  934. [5:15:12 PM EDT] ZZ: a disgusting moraless it
  935. [5:15:21 PM EDT] Nitro: [Titbro pls]
  936. [5:16:54 PM EDT] * Jaspers You make redemption a really difficult thing for alphy to achieve i would just like to say this right now 3:>
  937. [5:17:02 PM EDT] * Nitro "Duly noted." He also made a note to casually question his brother about this later, when he was not already under emotional duress.
  938. [5:17:16 PM EDT] * ZZ good.
  939. [5:17:43 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [now i really am in an rp mood but i don't really feel like reading homestuck]
  940. [5:17:59 PM EDT] IBLiS: [psst hey]
  941. [5:18:00 PM EDT] * Nitro But -- "What about the smaller one? Nova, I believe, was h-- its name."
  942. [5:18:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: [there's this thing called b r a c k e t s]
  943. [5:18:14 PM EDT] IBLiS: [they're really great]
  944. [5:18:16 PM EDT] ZZ: yeah novas okay
  945. [5:18:17 PM EDT] ZZ: just
  946. [5:18:18 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [oh are they]
  947. [5:18:24 PM EDT] Nitro: [dude seriously Homestuck is really good with really good characters and a very interesting plot and it's just]
  948. [5:18:26 PM EDT] ZZ: any horror terror that isnt alpha is pretty much okay
  949. [5:18:26 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [thanks for the tip]
  950. [5:18:28 PM EDT] IBLiS: [because it is redic hard to read an rp without them]
  951. [5:19:53 PM EDT] Nitro: [or at least redic annoying]
  952. [5:20:01 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [you're redic annoying]
  953. [5:20:11 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [TIME TO GO FIND A FREEFORM RP]
  954. [5:21:59 PM EDT] Nitro: "I see. Is there anyone else I should make a point of avoiding? I have yet to actually make any acquaintances outside of you and princess sprite. Jaspersprite, I believe, was his name?"
  955. [5:22:51 PM EDT] ZZ: ah man i love jaspers hes a cool dude but yeah stay on doc scratch and the handymans good side and you should be okay
  956. [5:22:56 PM EDT] ZZ: but neither of them are around much
  957. [5:23:01 PM EDT] ZZ: so thats a pretty moot point
  958. [5:25:27 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [anyone know any good freeform rp places?]
  959. [5:25:57 PM EDT] Nitro: "Interesting. Thanks for the tip. Dante has not made it a point to actually tell me what he's done since he arrived here or what the people are like, though I've...gotten a bit of an idea."
  960. [5:26:00 PM EDT] IBLiS: [uhhhhh]
  961. [5:26:35 PM EDT] IBLiS: [also]
  962. [5:26:35 PM EDT] Nitro: [I don't off the top of my head -- I usually just RP with this bunch these days, if at all.]
  963. [5:26:37 PM EDT] Nitro: [Well I mean]
  964. [5:26:42 PM EDT] Nitro: [TM is pretty freeform 8y]
  965. [5:26:48 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i think you got your verbs messed up there verge]
  966. [5:26:56 PM EDT] IBLiS: [dante has made it a point /not/ to tell you]
  967. [5:27:05 PM EDT] IBLiS: [grammar! 8y]
  968. [5:27:08 PM EDT] IBLiS: [...]
  969. [5:27:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: [<8y]
  970. [5:27:39 PM EDT] ZZ: just leave it to nasty shit that basically encompasses everything
  971. [5:27:49 PM EDT] Nitro: [You challenging Vergil's grammar]
  972. [5:27:52 PM EDT] Nitro: [He will fite you]
  973. [5:28:20 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i am more fite dan u]
  974. [5:28:25 PM EDT] IBLiS: [bring it on B[ ]
  975. [5:28:36 PM EDT] * Nitro ...pause.
  976. [5:28:44 PM EDT] * Nitro C ou gh.
  977. [5:29:15 PM EDT] IBLiS: [oh did i forget to mention that my brother is deathly allergic to anythin' remotely sexual?]
  978. [5:29:21 PM EDT] IBLiS: [o o p s!]
  979. [5:29:25 PM EDT] ZZ: (OOPSIE)
  980. [5:29:54 PM EDT] * Nitro "Well. I...probably ought to find wherever he went." Which is to say, virtually anywhere, with his brother's imagination.
  981. [5:30:13 PM EDT] ZZ: good luck with that man he could be anywhere by now
  982. [5:31:21 PM EDT] * Nitro "I wouldn't suppose you'd want to help." Please help, Vergil really doesn't want to wander around here on his own, this place is kind of nuts.
  983. [5:32:38 PM EDT] Nitro: [Brb, should feed the horse and also see what's for dinner, if anything.]
  984. [5:33:10 PM EDT] ZZ: eh sure you seem like you could use the help
  985. [5:35:27 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [I hate when people text me[
  986. [5:35:31 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [and I text them back]
  987. [5:35:35 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [and then they don't reply]
  988. [5:35:47 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [like why even text me in the first place you twat. wasting my damn time]
  989. [5:39:23 PM EDT] Nitro: [pff. First world problems]
  990. [5:39:31 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [shut up]
  991. [5:39:33 PM EDT] Nitro: "What's /that/ supposed to mean?"
  992. [5:39:51 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [I'm easily annoyed. This world is full of annoying idiots.]
  993. [5:39:52 PM EDT] * ZZ grins. "nothing man lets just find your brother"
  994. [5:40:50 PM EDT] * Nitro squint.
  995. [5:40:58 PM EDT] * Nitro He's pretty sure that's not a "nothing" look.
  996. [5:41:55 PM EDT] * Nitro invited thelphenom
  997. [5:42:06 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [sup thel]
  998. [5:42:42 PM EDT] Thel Phenom: heyyo
  999. [5:42:52 PM EDT] * Nitro "Sure, right. He's most likely in his room, though that could be problematically difficult to find, if my understanding is correct." It was, of course.
  1000. [5:42:54 PM EDT] Thel Phenom: you can call me Phenom
  1001. [5:42:54 PM EDT] IBLiS: [guys pls]
  1002. [5:42:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: [pls]
  1003. [5:42:58 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [no[
  1004. [5:43:06 PM EDT] Nitro: [shh CG she didn't realize even]
  1005. [5:43:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: [u /rebel/]
  1006. [5:43:09 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO]
  1009. [5:43:30 PM EDT] IBLiS: [and i know 8y]
  1010. [5:43:33 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i'm just being]
  1011. [5:43:35 PM EDT] IBLiS: [a jerk]
  1012. [5:43:44 PM EDT] IBLiS: ['cause that's how i roll]
  1013. [5:43:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: [imma jerk]
  1015. [5:43:57 PM EDT] Nitro: [i kno]
  1016. [5:44:03 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [dude you've got nothing on me]
  1017. [5:44:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: [ty 4 knowin]
  1018. [5:44:41 PM EDT] ZZ: eeeeh not if youve been here this place is more easy to navigate once youve been around a while and believe me i have
  1019. [5:45:03 PM EDT] Nitro: [ok brb again]
  1020. [5:45:08 PM EDT] IBLiS: [okay brb]
  1021. [5:45:10 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i gotta find]
  1022. [5:45:19 PM EDT] IBLiS: [an appropriate piano song to play]
  1023. [5:45:25 PM EDT] IBLiS: [dante why you gotta be so damn smart]
  1024. [5:45:27 PM EDT] IBLiS: [at pianos]
  1025. [5:45:28 PM EDT] ZZ: (FFF Okay.)
  1026. [5:45:31 PM EDT] Jaspers: (Ahem)
  1027. [5:45:38 PM EDT] IBLiS: [nO]
  1028. [5:45:40 PM EDT] Jaspers:
  1029. [5:45:44 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[uvu]]
  1030. [5:45:45 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i know what you're about t-]
  1031. [5:45:54 PM EDT] IBLiS: [oh]
  1032. [5:46:00 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[/tOO/]]
  1033. [5:46:00 PM EDT] IBLiS: [ffffff]
  1034. [5:46:03 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[/l8/]]
  1035. [5:46:12 PM EDT] IBLiS: [nO WAIT]
  1037. [5:46:22 PM EDT] IBLiS: [dON'T--]
  1039. [5:46:34 PM EDT] ZZ: (BECAUSE IT CAN BE THAT INSTEAD!!!)
  1040. [5:47:04 PM EDT] IBLiS: [in a word?]
  1041. [5:47:05 PM EDT] IBLiS: []
  1042. [5:47:09 PM EDT] IBLiS: [this]
  1043. [5:47:28 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[Laughter]]
  1044. [5:47:30 PM EDT] ZZ: (FFFFF)
  1045. [5:47:36 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[This is an acceptable substitute]]
  1046. [5:47:45 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[Dante plays both of these at the same time]]
  1047. [5:47:51 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[While solving a rubix cube]]
  1048. [5:47:52 PM EDT] IBLiS: [because]
  1049. [5:47:54 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[dANTE..............]]
  1050. [5:47:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: [time]
  1051. [5:47:57 PM EDT] IBLiS: [shit]
  1052. [5:48:01 PM EDT] IBLiS: [because time okay]
  1053. [5:48:08 PM EDT] ZZ: (Pshhh)
  1054. [5:48:10 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[Time is his reason]]
  1055. [5:48:22 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[It is the cause and also the effect]]
  1056. [5:48:44 PM EDT] IBLiS: [he actually did try manipulating time in his favor to play this song once]
  1057. [5:48:48 PM EDT] IBLiS: [it ended...]
  1058. [5:48:50 PM EDT] IBLiS: [not so good]
  1059. [5:49:16 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[He accidentally summons Beethoven]]
  1060. [5:49:19 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[oOPS]]
  1061. [5:49:27 PM EDT] ZZ: (OOPSIE)
  1062. [5:49:32 PM EDT] IBLiS: [scom's true final boss]
  1063. [5:49:37 PM EDT] IBLiS: [thanks a /lot/ dante]
  1064. [5:49:58 PM EDT] ZZ: (Dave doesn't play any instruments, unless turn tables count.)
  1065. [5:50:15 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [titbro plays the xbox]
  1066. [5:50:19 PM EDT] IBLiS: [dave can rap]
  1067. [5:50:21 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [and the pc]
  1068. [5:50:28 PM EDT] IBLiS: [that's all you need]
  1069. [5:50:29 PM EDT] ZZ: (Yes, he can rap.)
  1070. [5:50:30 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [BUT THOSE AREN'T INSTURMENTS]
  1071. [5:50:31 PM EDT] ZZ: (FFF)
  1072. [5:50:35 PM EDT] IBLiS: [and you really don't need to know how many instruments dante plays]
  1073. [5:50:35 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [instruments]
  1074. [5:50:43 PM EDT] IBLiS: [it'd instantly make you feel inadequate]
  1075. [5:50:54 PM EDT] ZZ: (Dante you instrumental whore.)
  1076. [5:51:11 PM EDT] ZZ: (You'll just play with ANY INSTRUMENT WOULDN'T YOU! ;A; )
  1077. [5:51:17 PM EDT] IBLiS: [(it's because it's the one thing he can consistently beat his brother at)]
  1078. [5:51:28 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [holy shit i just found the best magic card ever]
  1079. [5:51:31 PM EDT] Nitro: [(rUDE BROTHER)]
  1080. [5:51:33 PM EDT] IBLiS: [(vergil wasn't amused)]
  1081. [5:51:40 PM EDT] Tit Bro: [not that you guys care. but i'm lonely :C]
  1082. [5:51:45 PM EDT] Nitro: [(he's never amused)]
  1083. [5:51:56 PM EDT] IBLiS: [(they took out that part of his brain)]
  1084. [5:52:00 PM EDT] Nitro: [also where is RP]
  1085. [5:52:03 PM EDT] Nitro: [I lost it]
  1086. [5:52:06 PM EDT] ZZ: (FFF)
  1087. [5:52:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: [uhhhh]
  1088. [5:52:13 PM EDT] Nitro: [wait no]
  1089. [5:52:15 PM EDT] Nitro: [found it]
  1090. [5:52:29 PM EDT] IBLiS: [oh phew]
  1091. [5:53:18 PM EDT] ZZ: think of it this way this place is like a living maze you just gotta know how to get on its good side and once you do you can go anywhere you want
  1092. [5:53:32 PM EDT] IBLiS: [it's like labyrinth[
  1093. [5:53:37 PM EDT] IBLiS: [you liked that movie didn't you vergil?]
  1094. [5:53:40 PM EDT] IBLiS: [...didn't you?]
  1095. [5:54:46 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil scrutinizes his companion for a moment. "Are you telling me that you have visited my brother's room with enough frequency to be able find it in this maze?" No, he gets what Dave was actually saying. But he is not going to simply let the opportunity slide.
  1096. [5:55:38 PM EDT] ZZ: haha real funny and for your information ive never been there not once but i know how to get on this things sweet side
  1097. [5:56:35 PM EDT] ZZ: to
  1098. [5:56:36 PM EDT] ZZ: you have
  1099. [5:56:38 PM EDT] ZZ: rap
  1100. [5:56:46 PM EDT] * ZZ srs face
  1101. [5:57:06 PM EDT] IBLiS: [>vergil: wonder what rabbit hole you've accidentally stumbled through]
  1102. [5:57:08 PM EDT] IBLiS: [>that is to say]
  1103. [5:57:11 PM EDT] IBLiS: [>the fuck is this]
  1104. [5:57:19 PM EDT] * Nitro What.
  1105. [5:57:29 PM EDT] * Nitro That seems like such a good sentiment that he voices it. "What."
  1106. [5:57:34 PM EDT] ZZ: yep
  1107. [5:57:39 PM EDT] ZZ: rap
  1108. [5:57:49 PM EDT] ZZ: get your flow going
  1109. [5:58:01 PM EDT] ZZ: and just work with it
  1110. [5:58:11 PM EDT] ZZ: and soon enough itll work with you
  1111. [6:02:14 PM EDT] * Nitro ...but. "That doesn't make sense in even the most remote capacity. Rhyming and rhythm have no bearing on one's capability to search out the relative location of something, even in this nonsensical realm."
  1112. [6:02:31 PM EDT] ZZ: ah man dont be like that
  1113. [6:02:43 PM EDT] ZZ: come on let me show you
  1114. [6:03:05 PM EDT] ZZ: ready?
  1115. [6:03:14 PM EDT] * Nitro nO --
  1116. [6:10:42 PM EDT] * ZZ starts walking, dragging Vergil along with him.
  1117. "yo hey check it the names dave strider and im the finest rhyme rider
  1118. got my bud vergil here and were on a ship we cannot stear
  1119. but no worries my friend cus were coming to the end
  1120. dont pretend its around the bend cus we gotta send ourselves through and mend
  1121. all these halls and doors make me wanna hit the floor and i just keep looking for more going from shore to shore
  1122. but wait and dont hate were almost there my mate
  1123. see now just around the corner is my room but now dont be a mourner
  1124. cus even though our trip is done i know you still had fun"
  1125. Yanking Vergil around corner as said the two are stopped in front of a door. Dave's door. "see? told you it works"
  1126. [6:11:29 PM EDT] Nitro: [do you mean Dante's door or Dave's door]
  1127. [6:11:35 PM EDT] Nitro: [either way I love you ok]
  1128. [6:11:40 PM EDT] ZZ: (Dave's, he was just doing an example)
  1129. [6:11:49 PM EDT] ZZ: now your turn
  1130. [6:11:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: [hAH]
  1132. [6:12:25 PM EDT] IBLiS: [/HAH/]
  1133. [6:12:29 PM EDT] Nitro: [aaaaah wow this RP is so great today is just a grea tday fo r RPing I'm so amused and giddy I'm messing up my spaces]
  1134. [6:12:31 PM EDT] IBLiS: [you've done well zee]
  1135. [6:12:34 PM EDT] IBLiS: [i am so pride]
  1136. [6:13:28 PM EDT] ZZ: (;w;)
  1137. [6:13:35 PM EDT] Nitro: "...You're kidding."
  1138. [6:13:44 PM EDT] * Nitro Please be joking.
  1139. [6:13:52 PM EDT] ZZ: nope
  1140. [6:14:09 PM EDT] ZZ: hes /your/ brother so /you/ have to rap his room into existance
  1141. [6:14:35 PM EDT] * Nitro Vergil is silently weeping on the inside.
  1142. [6:14:50 PM EDT] Jaspers: [6:14:08 PM] Nitro: [aaaaah wow this RP is so great today is just a grea tday fo r RPing I'm so amused and giddy I'm messing up my spaces]
  1144. <<<
  1145. [6:14:52 PM EDT] IBLiS: [vergil just wishes this stupid place made /sense/ for once]
  1146. [6:14:58 PM EDT] IBLiS: [and didn't involve rapping]
  1147. [6:15:00 PM EDT] IBLiS: [dear god no]
  1148. [6:15:02 PM EDT] * Jaspers bets it is]]
  1149. [6:15:05 PM EDT] IBLiS: [please no rapping]
  1150. [6:15:05 PM EDT] * Jaspers stands in the rain]]
  1151. [6:15:22 PM EDT] * Jaspers 's umbrella blows away]]
  1152. [6:16:08 PM EDT] * Nitro Ugh this is stupid this is stupid this is sTUPID
  1153. [6:16:12 PM EDT] ZZ: (FFF Nooo Jasperrrrrs.)
  1154. [6:16:15 PM EDT] * Nitro He's so done with this place.
  1155. [6:16:24 PM EDT] ZZ: come one
  1156. [6:16:28 PM EDT] ZZ: prove your brother wrong
  1157. [6:16:28 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[unu]]
  1158. [6:16:31 PM EDT] ZZ: you can do it man
  1159. [6:22:32 PM EDT] * Nitro "If you insist, then /fine/ -- I'd much rather find a /sign/, but I suppose I'll form a rhyme so we can find this brother mine." Stupid stupid /dumb/. >:l
  1160. [6:22:45 PM EDT] IBLiS: [hahahaha]
  1161. [6:22:55 PM EDT] IBLiS: [omfg i am already dying]
  1162. [6:22:57 PM EDT] * Jaspers slinks back to Oblivion]]
  1163. [6:23:10 PM EDT] Nitro: [as in the gAME?]
  1164. [6:23:19 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[Both]]
  1165. [6:23:26 PM EDT] Nitro: [I really really like the game 83]
  1166. [6:23:29 PM EDT] IBLiS: [jasps are u daedra]
  1167. [6:23:35 PM EDT] IBLiS: [daedroth]
  1168. [6:23:38 PM EDT] IBLiS: [whatever]
  1169. [6:23:39 PM EDT] Jaspers: [[Ionno]]
  1170. [6:23:41 PM EDT] Nitro: [^]
  1171. [6:23:44 PM EDT] ZZ: yeah thats it
  1172. [6:23:56 PM EDT] IBLiS: [btw i am so saving this]
  1173. [6:23:59 PM EDT] ZZ: just a bit more man almost there
  1178. -*- PrinceAmpora applauding Dave nodded. "you have the beginnings of a true raper just one more verse should do it"
  1179. <chthonianGunslinger> [raper]
  1180. <chthonianGunslinger> [/no/]
  1181. <PrinceAmpora> (FFF Shh)
  1182. <PrinceAmpora> (Rapper**)
  1183. <-- adequateAccuracy ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1184. --> Jaspersprite ( has joined #bromegle
  1185. -*- abstersiveTournure only offers a /very/ unimpressed stare, initially. "Be that as it may, I'm really not enjoying this -- though after this is over I'm sure you'll reminisce. Though, when I exact my vengeance, I'll attain similar bliss, perhaps revealing to your friends your unexpected prissiness." That devilish grin looks remarkably like Dante's.
  1187. <Jaspersprite> [[It's cool]]
  1188. -*- Jaspersprite I say even though I'm nto involved ffff]]
  1189. <chthonianGunslinger> [d4nt3 1s th4t you]
  1190. <abstersiveTournure> [Also Jasps you can totally join in if you want? They're in the dream manor so your sitting on the sidelines is essentially self-imposed. 8y]
  1191. <Jaspersprite> [[Sorry I guess]]
  1192. <abstersiveTournure> [No worries, bro. I'm okay with you jumping in if ZZ and CG are?]
  1193. <timaeusTestified> Holy fuck
  1194. -*- chthonianGunslinger Whether it was because of his unspeakably awe inspiring rapping skills or because his sudden devilish streak that did it in, the world would never know...but the mystical flow of the ever present had indeed brought them to their destination. Looks like Dave was pulling this one out of his ass after all.
  1195. <-> chthonianGunslinger is now known as cocksureGuttersnipe
  1196. <timaeusTestified> Er, wait something is going on in here, whoops. Anyway, There is an MSPARP thing going on that's so massive, it had to split into FOUR SEPERATE ROOMS. ))
  1197. <cocksureGuttersnipe> (oh)
  1198. <timaeusTestified> ))
  1199. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe This time, that is.
  1200. <abstersiveTournure> [I was rapping as Vergil and we moved an RP from a Skype room is what's happening, Rob.]
  1201. <timaeusTestified> (( Ah. ))
  1202. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe The pair found themselves standing in front of a door. Rather simple, wasn't it? Almost looked like it was made of plywood.
  1203. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Neither of them got the chance to examine too closely however, because it
  1204. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe just
  1205. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe fell down. Right then and there.
  1206. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Plop.
  1207. <-- Jaspersprite ( has left #bromegle
  1208. -*- abstersiveTournure If that at all reflected his brother's current state of mind, that was very...telling.
  1209. <-- Phenom ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1210. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Suddenly, a spray of sea salt splashed into their faces. Their shoes sunk into the soft and sandy shores, gently dampened by the lapping waves.
  1211. -*- abstersiveTournure Oh.
  1212. -*- abstersiveTournure He always had liked the beachfront places, hadn't he?
  1213. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe The sky was a dusty canvas of orange, pink, and red. The seagulls flew free and far, ocassionally cawing here and there. But never, ever too much.
  1214. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe It was only them, the shore, and the waves.
  1215. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe ...Oh, but what's that? You think you can hear something off the distance. It's not one of the birds, the noise was much too tinny for that.
  1216. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Though...'noise' almost seemed too harsh a word. It was more pleasant than that. Inviting.
  1217. <PrinceAmpora> (Oops sorry, was trying to fix something)
  1218. <PrinceAmpora> see man you did it
  1219. <PrinceAmpora> you just had to trust your beats
  1220. <PrinceAmpora> though something tells me your mad rhymes didnt get us to the ocean
  1221. -*- abstersiveTournure "...I suppose so," Vergil murmurs, almost distracted. "No matter how we got here, this is his room," he adds, entirely confident in that fact.
  1222. -*- abstersiveTournure He knew his brother's mind far too well not to know it when he saw it.
  1223. <abstersiveTournure> [verb tenses haha]
  1224. -*- PrinceAmpora reaches down to tug off his shoes before stepping into the sand, wriggling his toes around.
  1225. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe The sand is warm to the touch, almost unnaturally so. It too felt inviting, like stepping into a warm bath.
  1226. -*- abstersiveTournure That sound -- pleasant, inviting...familiar, almost painfully so. Vergil steps into the room quietly, minding not to disrupt the calm of the world. He doesn't check whether or not Dave is still following him as he starts up the beach. It's easy to follow the soft sound to its source, even amidst the low white noise of the tide and the scattered bird calls -- maybe just because he really does know his brother.
  1227. -*- PrinceAmpora is following, just carrying his shoes in his hands.
  1228. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Indeed, Vergil's instincts were as keen as they had always been. With every step they take, the noise starts to grow...or rather, noises. No, not even. It's much more than white noise.
  1229. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe It's a melody.
  1230. <abstersiveTournure> [white noise was referring to the waves tho]
  1231. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [metaphors]
  1232. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [that's my excuse]
  1233. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [metaphors]
  1234. <abstersiveTournure> [pffff]
  1235. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [i don't see any redundancy here nope]
  1236. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe A melody that soon starts to swell over the waves and gulls, softly but surely.
  1237. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe boop]
  1238. <abstersiveTournure> [will listen after I get back -- brb, grabbing dinner]
  1239. --> Jaspersprite ( has joined #bromegle
  1240. -*- abstersiveTournure "The wheel breaks the butterfly," Vergil muses aloud with the rhythm. He recalls this song. It's not his style, but the lyrics stuck with him inexplicably.
  1241. -*- abstersiveTournure It seemed morbidly appropriate to...everything, right then, but he wasn't about to be the one to point that out.
  1242. -*- abstersiveTournure It wasn't as though his brother was unaware.
  1243. <-- Jaspersprite ( has left #bromegle
  1244. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [you make that sound like it's some kind of surprise, /verge/]
  1245. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Suddenly, there's a pause in the music. Not abrupt, no. More like a fumble. There's a low string of mumbles, almost inaudible, before the music starts up again.
  1246. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe And stops, once again on the same troubling chords.
  1247. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe And starts. And stops. And st-
  1248. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe "ah, fuck it."
  1249. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe The fact that wasn't inaudible, however quiet it might've been, shows you're making progress. Slow progress.
  1250. -*- PrinceAmpora still walking Dave stops every now and then to squish the sand between his toes. Oh yeah, how's his hand doing?
  1251. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Too distracted (or perhaps, too disgruntled) to try and learn a new song, he goes to an old stand by.
  1252. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe 8y]
  1253. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Oh. This one.
  1254. -*- PrinceAmpora all patched up, well that's something. Must have happened when he was rapping earlier... Some times he does that.
  1255. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil grimaces -- this is not a song he likes to listen to for several reasons. But now is not the time to spark a debate with his brother about music, not when that music was the most uncensored expression of what was going on in that head. "Dante?" he says instead, tone steady despite his uncertainty. He's always a little uncertain of how to approach his brother when things are like this, no matter how many times he does it.
  1256. --> Jaspersprite ( has joined #bromegle
  1257. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [think you got cut off honey]
  1258. <PrinceAmpora> (Yeah.)
  1259. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [at no matter how many times]
  1260. -*- abstersiveTournure no matter how many times he does it.
  1261. <abstersiveTournure> [LITERALLY THREE WORDS]
  1262. <PrinceAmpora> (Wow.)
  1263. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [mibbit u /butt/]
  1264. <abstersiveTournure> [also sorry Dave haha]
  1265. <abstersiveTournure> [kinda bein' put aside for a minute oops?]
  1266. <PrinceAmpora> (It's fine.)
  1267. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe There's another pause, this one far more abrupt. Even the waves and gulls quiet down for a second, creating an eerie silence. Like a vacuum, no, a void. The beach that was seemingly so lush and laidback before takes on a tone of tension.
  1268. -*- PrinceAmpora welp... Will just... Stand there awkwardly.
  1269. <abstersiveTournure> [also I should probably ask where they are relative to Dante??]
  1270. <PrinceAmpora> (RIGHT BEHIND HIM)
  1271. <cocksureGuttersnipe> (close, but they can't like)
  1272. <cocksureGuttersnipe> (touch him)
  1273. <abstersiveTournure> [nope too late they're right behind him]
  1274. <abstersiveTournure> [:y]
  1275. <abstersiveTournure> [8^y]
  1276. <abstersiveTournure> [staring like that]
  1277. <abstersiveTournure> [anyway yeah that's what I thought, just wanted to make sure]
  1278. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe The fauna and flora eventually return, but the silence remains...though it's a more uncertain silence.
  1279. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Torn between dismissal and recognition, he found himself trapped in the silence.
  1280. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [the piano, by the way, is a baby grand]
  1281. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [#shitnoonecaresabout]
  1282. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [8y]
  1283. <abstersiveTournure> [you misspelled "important details"]
  1284. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [fffff]
  1285. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe When he had finally found his voice again, it had been too late. He had already betrayed himself. The best he could do right now was try and make up for it.
  1286. <cocksureGuttersnipe> "...too you long enough."
  1287. <cocksureGuttersnipe> *tOOK)
  1288. <abstersiveTournure> [will fix in post]
  1289. <abstersiveTournure> [er, as in post-RP editing]
  1290. <abstersiveTournure> [not my post]
  1291. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Even that came with its own traitorous warble, leaving him clear out in the open. Goddamnit, why couldn't he ever pull this off right?
  1292. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [answer: because he's your brother and he knows you far, far too well]
  1293. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [8y]
  1294. <abstersiveTournure> [omg yeah I'll fix it in my post. "Too" me long enough. Really, Dante? Really?]
  1295. <abstersiveTournure> [that is the most true answer]
  1296. <-- PrinceAmpora ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1297. <abstersiveTournure> [HE MAY NOT GET 90% OF EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD, but he gets you, Dante]
  1298. <abstersiveTournure> [and that is probably a little scary]
  1299. --> ZeeZee ( has joined #bromegle
  1300. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil hums a short note of acknowledgement, mostly to buy the time to think over his own response. He moves forward, seats himself on the bench with flawless posture and positioning, rests his fingers on the keys but doesn't play. "Apologies. Strider and I were considering taking a shopping trip but decided to stop by here first." It's true enough, although a light-hearted way of phrasing it. The atmosphere feels heavy, nevertheless.
  1301. <abstersiveTournure> [did that get cut off]
  1302. <cocksureGuttersnipe> (/yes/)
  1303. <cocksureGuttersnipe> (the atmosphere feel--)
  1304. -*- abstersiveTournure The atmosphere feels heavy, nevertheless.
  1305. -*- ZeeZee on the other hand Dave just sort of plops down in the sand and watches the brothers.
  1306. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe The fact that he hardly even smiles at that notion would be the first guess to anyone that something was wrong. Of course, that was something Vergil already knew, wasn't it? That's why Dante let him plop right onto the bench with hardly as much as a peep. Anyone else would've been punted with a push and a remark. Not Vergil. /Vergil/ was the only one he was willing to see in times like these. That was just the way i
  1307. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [did it]
  1308. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [get cut off]
  1309. <abstersiveTournure> [That was just the way i]
  1310. --> whisperingNightterror ( has joined #bromegle
  1311. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe That was just the way it had always been. ]
  1312. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [lITERALLY THREE WORDS]
  1313. <abstersiveTournure> [patpat]
  1314. <abstersiveTournure> [I know that feel bro]
  1315. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [wait hold on]
  1316. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [still not done]
  1317. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe /Dave/, however, was a different story.
  1318. -*- ZeeZee oops.
  1319. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe His eyes flickered to him, simply /wallowing/ there, then back to Vergil. "you brought him with." he hoarsely mumbles, far more a statement than a question. The lump in his throat warbles again, so tense it can be practically seen. Oh no, he's not a fan of this. He's not a fan at all.
  1320. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But he'll endure.
  1321. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe That's what he's always done, isn't it?
  1322. -*- ZeeZee woah, i am NOT wallowing im building a sand castle on top of my feet with dry sand, get it straight here.
  1323. <-> whisperingNightterror is now known as creepyCrawler
  1324. -*- abstersiveTournure It was virtually a given, even as far as he was concerned, and maybe he should have done something preemptively -- but he'd hoped that something had happened over all this relative time that Dante had been without him. He'd hoped that maybe he had --
  1325. -*- abstersiveTournure Something, he didn't know.
  1326. -*- ZeeZee just gonna sit there piling sand onto his feet like a cool kid.
  1327. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [deep]
  1328. -*- ZeeZee he is.
  1329. -*- abstersiveTournure He slid a finger over the smooth ivories before answering, almost gently but not quite patronizingly, as though coaxing a scared animal. "I did. He's your friend." He glanced at Dave, who was kindly not making a big deal of the situation (...instead occupying himself with a sandcastle?), before levelling his gaze at Dante and waiting patiently.
  1330. <abstersiveTournure> [shouldn't be cut off]
  1331. <abstersiveTournure> [?]
  1332. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [nope]
  1333. <abstersiveTournure> [yesss]
  1334. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [wE WIN NITRO]
  1335. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [WE]
  1336. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [WINNNN]
  1337. -*- creepyCrawler who's your friend?
  1338. -*- creepyCrawler dave?
  1339. -*- abstersiveTournure yes
  1340. -*- Jaspersprite Nova pls do not
  1341. -*- Jaspersprite Eat them 3:
  1342. -*- Jaspersprite 3:>
  1343. -*- abstersiveTournure eating people is rUDE
  1344. -*- Jaspersprite ^^^^^
  1345. <-> Jaspersprite is now known as charolettesChaperone
  1346. -*- creepyCrawler I haven't eaten people since E told me it was not nice :c
  1347. -*- charolettesChaperone It ain't nothin' of th'sort--
  1348. -*- creepyCrawler which was a long while ago
  1349. -*- charolettesChaperone Oh gosh okay good u^u
  1350. -*- ZeeZee but kittens who are currently the living embodiment of your friends is another story.
  1351. <-> charolettesChaperone is now known as Jaspersprite
  1352. -*- creepyCrawler wait is this a person who would get along swimmingly with Alpha because people eating)
  1353. -*- creepyCrawler can eat furry things with claws u_u
  1354. -*- Jaspersprite oMo
  1355. -*- creepyCrawler no one has said otherwise
  1356. -*- Jaspersprite And omfg possibly]]
  1357. -*- creepyCrawler and that's how Alpha got a new friend)
  1358. -*- Jaspersprite Danny St. John <> Alpha]]
  1359. -*- Jaspersprite Alpha nO]]
  1360. -*- creepyCrawler they have a paledate over people)
  1361. -*- creepyCrawler whoops we're distracting from feels)
  1362. <Jaspersprite> [[They have a romantic candlelit dinner over cannibalism]]
  1363. <Jaspersprite> [[Protip: That steak isn't from an animal]]
  1364. -*- creepyCrawler (yum)
  1365. <Jaspersprite> [[:y]]
  1366. -*- Jaspersprite 8y
  1367. -*- ZeeZee okay so it's like, less of a sand castle more of a pile of sand on my feet, but it feels pretty cool, also, gives Vergil a thumbs up when he looks back.
  1368. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe "He's your friend."
  1369. -*- creepyCrawler so we're at a beach right? unless Dave is in a sandbox
  1370. -*- creepyCrawler because if so Nova's goin crab huntin
  1371. -*- ZeeZee we're actually in Dante's room which is currently a beach.)
  1372. -*- creepyCrawler oh
  1373. -*- creepyCrawler can
  1374. -*- creepyCrawler I be there because dream bubble antics
  1375. -*- creepyCrawler or
  1376. -*- ZeeZee you can break in and cover Dave with sand.
  1377. -*- ZeeZee I doubt they closed the door.
  1378. -*- Jaspersprite Can Jaspers there also or would I be
  1379. -*- creepyCrawler might have considered atttacking dave's feet
  1380. -*- Jaspersprite Interrupting y8
  1381. <abstersiveTournure> [pffff]
  1382. -*- ZeeZee and then Dave was dragged away by the Nova and the Jaspers
  1383. -*- Jaspersprite Let us begin the feast
  1384. -*- Jaspersprite Purr purr
  1385. -*- ZeeZee I do not approve. :I
  1386. -*- creepyCrawler c:
  1387. -*- Jaspersprite <:3
  1388. -*- ZeeZee Dave is not on the menu. :I
  1389. <abstersiveTournure> [It would probably be easier if we waited a few posts? Dante is on the brink of an emotional breakdown and he needs his brother and a bunch of people barging in might end chaotically. Then again, it could also be interesting.]
  1390. <abstersiveTournure> [It's up to CG, I think?]
  1391. <Jaspersprite> [[Oh gosh I am]]
  1392. <Jaspersprite> [[Very sorry then]]
  1393. <Jaspersprite> [[ono
  1394. -*- creepyCrawler can wait
  1395. <Jaspersprite> ]]
  1396. <abstersiveTournure> [Nah, no worries! uvu]
  1397. -*- Jaspersprite can too uxu]]
  1398. -*- creepyCrawler (also Dave is always on the menu even if it's an accident)
  1399. -*- ZeeZee disagrees.)
  1400. -*- creepyCrawler no you don't)
  1401. <abstersiveTournure> [No need for apologies. Real life often has interruptions so it would not be weird for RPs to have interruptions.]
  1402. <Jaspersprite> [[But ssstill I'll]]
  1403. <Jaspersprite> [[Try not to step in when I shouldn't--]]
  1404. <Jaspersprite> [[It's what I worry about most half the time v8]]
  1405. <abstersiveTournure> [pff. Alright. uvu I am still totally okay with you jumping in in a little bit, though.]
  1406. -*- ZeeZee looks around for something within arms reach to use as a flag on his sand mound.
  1407. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe /Friends/. This, coming from /Vergil/'/s/ mouth. /Vergil/, of all people. It feels so foreign, so alien, it nearly gives him a jolt.
  1408. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe /Frienship/. Christ. When did Vergil ever talk about friends? Or acknowledge that friendship was something worth having?
  1409. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe It's...strange.
  1410. -*- abstersiveTournure He had a lot of time to think, too, you know.
  1411. -*- abstersiveTournure Far more time than he dared think about.
  1412. -*- ZeeZee damn, nothing... Will just kind of wriggle his foot up and use his big toe as a flag for now.
  1413. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Almost too strange. Too odd. It puts him on edge, if only by a little bit.
  1414. -*- ZeeZee awe yeah, mission accomplished.
  1415. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe ...But that doesn't make less true. And /truth/ was something that Vergil dealt in spades. That made it all a little better. Not nearly enough to help.
  1416. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe He doesn't want to deny it. For once, he doesn't want to deny anything. That felt so childish, so dumb. Maybe even more childish than butting heads over a bite wound.
  1417. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe ...But admitting it feels so filthy, so /wrong/. Like swallowing a entire jar of razors, or throwing himself into a pit of hot black tar. It'd be slow, excruciating process that could only end disasterously. He didn't want to go through all that. Not again. Not with /him/ here, watching.
  1418. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe He just wished it would all go away.
  1419. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But it wouldn't, not here. Not ever. It never worked that way, did it?
  1420. -*- Jaspersprite (The /cyanide/ is in the medicine cabinet in the /back/.)
  1421. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Oh, if only it did.
  1422. -*- Jaspersprite (You're /welcome/.)
  1423. <cocksureGuttersnipe> (but discord)
  1424. <cocksureGuttersnipe> (he's)
  1425. <cocksureGuttersnipe> (already dead)
  1426. -*- Jaspersprite (It's)
  1427. -*- Jaspersprite (/Super/ /cyanide/)
  1428. <creepyCrawler> (good thing the dead can die again?)
  1429. -*- Jaspersprite (I'm a god. I can do these things.)
  1430. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Finally, he tears himself away from his brother's gaze. It wasn't meant to be piercing, he knew, but he couldn't bear to look at anyone's gaze right now. Better to just stare at the keys. Much better. "...yeah, he is."
  1431. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe "...still isn't fair."
  1432. -*- ZeeZee will keep on entertaining himself while the two have their feels session.
  1433. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe It's said so quietly, /so/ softly, that it was a miracle Vergil heard it at all.
  1434. <-> Jaspersprite is now known as apocalypseMegido
  1435. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But it was just as embittered and broken as it was silent. The white flag had been flown.
  1436. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe And he couldn't possibly feel worse.
  1437. -*- abstersiveTournure The pause before the words was painfully drawn out, stretched to the point where Vergil had to wonder if he'd underestimated the damage that had been done in the time they'd been apart. But Dante had always been broken -- maybe he'd simply forgotten how badly.
  1438. <-> ZeeZee is now known as PrinceAmpora
  1439. -*- abstersiveTournure But no. These cracks ran a little deeper, as though spreading under pressure -- he wondered with a sinking feeling just what had happened to make him like this. If it was from before his death or after.
  1440. -*- abstersiveTournure He'd tried not to think about what it must have been like -- confronting a denizen. He never took the time to face his own.
  1441. -*- abstersiveTournure And now, it seemed that so much had happened without him -- as though Dante had lived an entire lifetime separate from him, refusing all throughout it to rely on anyone, to let anyone be there for him (or maybe he didn't refuse, maybe no one was -- but that seemed even worse). He felt like he had stepped into a new world and found his brother, except everything was just a little off.
  1442. -*- PrinceAmpora woah was that a crab? Dante could imagine crabs. Good Dante, soon there will be enough crabs for dinner tonight.
  1443. -*- abstersiveTournure But he couldn't ask that outright. Not right then. Instead, he listened to his brother's breath that barely resembled words, raw emotion hung on barely-formed syllables. He folded his hands in his lap -- something to fill the pause.
  1444. --> PurpleKoopa (Mibbit@ has joined #bromegle
  1445. -*- abstersiveTournure "Not very much is fair," he answered almost as softly, feeling exhausted just by admitting that fact. It hurt to think about -- it always hurt, like his heart was gripped in a vice and every bitter, horrifying memory was dredged up to the surface -- because he was far too entrenched in bitter reality to deny it.
  1446. <-> PrinceAmpora is now known as ZeeZee
  1447. -*- abstersiveTournure " to me." It was still a gentle prompt, but now a little sharper, like he was gripped with emotion and desperate not to face it alone.
  1448. -*- abstersiveTournure And that was the bare, raw truth of the matter. He was scared and hurting and tired of it, and tired of facing it alone while his brother ran from it.
  1449. -*- abstersiveTournure Maybe he was wrong, to feel desperate enough to push for someone to hurt with him -- maybe it was mostly selfish -- but it seemed so much more appealing than simply rotting in it on his own, than leaving his brother to pretend that it was but a distant dream.
  1450. -*- abstersiveTournure It was painful, bitter reality, and it was all they had left that meant anything at all.
  1451. <abstersiveTournure> [whoops I think I'm done]
  1452. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [holy shit]
  1453. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [u go grl]
  1454. <-> creepyCrawler is now known as tophatTimelady
  1455. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe "Not very much is fair." Hah, that could've been their goddamn slogan. Not just for them, no, but for the entire fucking game. Welcome to Skaia kiddies, hope you like /losing/. You thought watching your entire /planet/ die was bad enough? Oh, wait until you learn that your game was the piece of most /meaningless/ bullshit in all of paradox space. All those people died for nothing! All your friends are fucked for not
  1456. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Great.
  1457. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Fucking great.
  1458. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Just more fuel to throw in the fire for him.
  1459. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [uh]
  1460. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [did my first psot cut off or]
  1461. <abstersiveTournure> ["for not"]
  1462. <apocalypseMegido> [[Yeah, at 'All your friends are fucked for not']]
  1463. -*- apocalypseMegido Dammit Notro >8[ ]]
  1464. <cocksureGuttersnipe> All those people died for nothing! All your friends are fucked for nothing! /You/ amount to nothing! /Nothing/ /at/ /all/.]
  1465. -*- abstersiveTournure 2fast4u]
  1466. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe More memories he dare not tread, lest he be painfully reminded of all the times he let everyone down. How he screwed over any chance of anything amounting to this awful clusterfuck. How he died not in a blaze of glory, but a pointless sacrifice. All so he didn't have to say sorry.
  1467. -*- ZeeZee died in a blaze of glory, haha sucks to be you.
  1468. -*- ZeeZee shot.
  1469. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe No. Fuck, no. He couldn't do this. He couldn't walk down this path. Any path. It made his chest burn and his throat choke and--
  1470. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe No, no he couldn't.
  1471. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe He could already feel his heart spasm, threatening to burst. It shouldn't even beating anyway. He shouldn't be feeling anything. Stupid fucking thing.
  1472. --> KyButt ( has joined #bromegle
  1473. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Were it not for Vergil, he'd be about ready to stay there forever. Eyes closed, hunched over the piano, /gone/. Just gone.
  1474. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But it was hard to be gone when you were faced with your brother's own quiet, struggling desperation. Not violent, no, but sharp enough to burn. To /remind/. Vergil made a point to never look anything less than perfect, no matter the circumstances. He kept that iron jaw twisted tight no matter what. Much like everything else, it was so easy to forget him. Him and his pain.
  1475. <-- KyButt ( has left #bromegle
  1476. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But for once, this wasn't something he wanted to forget. Because there was only one other person in this hellhole that shared his suffering, utterly and completely.
  1477. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe It was easy to forget everything. Everyone. Treat it as a distant bygone that happened once, maybe. But not to him.
  1478. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But it was hard to forget when it was staring you right in the face. All the hurt, the pain, the struggling-- all of it was there. Somehow packed into that one single look.
  1479. -*- apocalypseMegido /nick calamitousGodlyhood
  1480. -*- apocalypseMegido c8
  1481. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe And suddenly, forgetting seemed so much more painful than reliving. At least then, he wouldn't be leaving anyone behind.
  1482. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil will pUNCH YOU DISCORD
  1483. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe That didn't make the tears sting any less, however silent they were. But.
  1484. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe He had to try. For his brother.
  1485. -*- apocalypseMegido You care to /go/, Vergil Redgrave?
  1486. -*- apocalypseMegido Somebody /please/ do hold my earings.
  1487. <cocksureGuttersnipe> i...
  1488. -*- apocalypseMegido I must teach this bitch what for.
  1489. -*- PurpleKoopa oh my, so gentlemanly
  1490. -*- abstersiveTournure Jaspers' cleverness wins because I am lame and awful and don't know how to answer that ahaha
  1491. <cocksureGuttersnipe> you remember oregon? quaint little house, like something out of one of those stupid fifty sitcoms.
  1492. <cocksureGuttersnipe> i hated it.
  1493. <cocksureGuttersnipe> i still think someone spiked their coffee with valium.
  1494. -*- apocalypseMegido \o/
  1495. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe There comes the bitter, choked laugh. It tastes like bile and it hurts like hell, but at least he's trying now.
  1496. -*- abstersiveTournure Vergil snorted, mostly because it was easier than thinking about how frustrating that particular house had been.
  1497. -*- abstersiveTournure But he thought about it, all the same.
  1498. <cocksureGuttersnipe> i remember sneaking into the missus' office once. dunno what i was looking for. don't think it mattered either way.
  1499. <cocksureGuttersnipe> i just needed something to do.
  1500. <cocksureGuttersnipe> her office was a piss poor excuse of a room and i almost turned right around but-
  1501. <cocksureGuttersnipe> i had to look into the stupid wardrobe first
  1502. <cocksureGuttersnipe> 'cause
  1503. <cocksureGuttersnipe> i dunno
  1504. <cocksureGuttersnipe> it was there
  1505. -*- ZeeZee is still there by the way.
  1506. -*- abstersiveTournure nO YOU'RE NOT YOU DON'T EXIST
  1507. -*- PurpleKoopa Dave. We've really fallen behind on the awkward brotherly feels. Come on man, step this shit up.
  1508. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe He nearly chokes there, embittered by his own stupid mistake. He knows what's about to come and the very thought makes his skin crawl. Threatens to shatter his entire being.
  1509. <cocksureGuttersnipe> so i open it
  1510. <cocksureGuttersnipe> and it's an okay wardrobe
  1511. <cocksureGuttersnipe> except there's this one stupid dress
  1512. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe His voice cracks on that word, betraying his already collapsing self. It wasn't like his voice was already climbing higher and higher, treading more and more dangerous waters.
  1513. -*- ZeeZee i dunno man can we compete with this?
  1514. -*- ZeeZee AND I /SO/ EXIST!!
  1515. <cocksureGuttersnipe> and suddenly there's just all these tears
  1516. <cocksureGuttersnipe> and i don't even know why
  1517. <cocksureGuttersnipe> and i just
  1518. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe He loses it there. Loses it to pure tears. He's got just enough dignity to bury himself in his brother's shoulder, but not much more.
  1519. -*- apocalypseMegido :[
  1520. -*- tophatTimelady :c
  1521. -*- apocalypseMegido Hey
  1522. -*- apocalypseMegido Hey Dante uh
  1523. -*- apocalypseMegido Do you want an ice cream cone
  1524. -*- apocalypseMegido Would that make you feel better
  1525. -*- apocalypseMegido Or
  1526. -*- abstersiveTournure It was heartbreaking in every way and he couldn't listen, he couldn't sit by idly while his brother hung suspended in despair and looked it in the eye. Vergil shifted closer, wrapped an arm around the sobbing mound of flesh and emotion.
  1527. -*- apocalypseMegido I don't know I never had kids before
  1528. -*- apocalypseMegido Save for Clementine??? But Clementine's more Lee's thing s o
  1529. -*- ZeeZee and then Dave joined the hug. But not really.
  1530. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe omfg
  1531. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe dave is just
  1532. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe awkwardly watching all this
  1533. -*- ZeeZee yep.
  1534. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe hey dudes whats going on over th-
  1535. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe oh
  1536. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe crying
  1537. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe crying is whats going on
  1538. -*- tophatTimelady and then he goes back to his sandcastle
  1539. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe um
  1540. -*- ZeeZee just... Gonna chill over here, with my sand.
  1541. -*- tophatTimelady I think we all need some double dipped dinosaur cherry ice cream
  1542. -*- ZeeZee double tirple dip dinosaur cherry*
  1543. -*- ZeeZee GEEZE
  1544. -*- abstersiveTournure He couldn't remember the last time he cried -- couldn't remember the last time Dante cried -- but he didn't try, hardly dared breathe, only gripped him with the desperation of a starving boa constrictor.
  1545. -*- tophatTimelady wwhatevver
  1546. -*- ZeeZee SOME FAN YOU ARE.
  1547. -*- tophatTimelady f u
  1548. -*- ZeeZee ilu2
  1549. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Funny, he couldn't remember either. ]
  1550. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe evil bracket ghost leave this place
  1551. -*- ZeeZee yep, well, gonna just... Keep on building this sand pile here, don't mind him.
  1552. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Then again, he couldn't remember a lot of things.
  1553. -*- ZeeZee and then Dave sneezed and the moment was ruined.
  1554. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But for once, he didn't push the arm away. He let it wrap all the way around him, pushing him deeper into his brother's shoulder. To hell with his fucking pride, it was too late for that. So if he wanted to cry, he was going to damn well cry as much as he wanted to.
  1555. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Because it still hurt, goddamn. It all still hurt.
  1556. -*- abstersiveTournure "I'msorry." The words were almost incomprehensible -- he didn't know why he was apologizing, but they rose as stubbornly as the tears and hissed through gritted teeth tenaciously, repeatedly. He was sorry because everything was wrong and everything was painful and he was a sorry excuse for a brother, in the face of it all -- far too proud and too wrong to be there when his brother had needed him so desperately, perhaps far too ignorant to make damn sure he didn't rot in this turmoil.
  1557. <abstersiveTournure> [ugh where did it cut off]
  1558. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [brother had ne]
  1559. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [neway]
  1560. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [8y]
  1561. -*- abstersiveTournure far too proud and too wrong to be there when his brother had needed him so desperately, perhaps far too ignorant to make damn sure he didn't rot in this turmoil.
  1562. -*- abstersiveTournure Or maybe.
  1563. -*- abstersiveTournure Maybe he just needed something to blame.
  1564. -*- ZeeZee stiiiiiill there.
  1565. <abstersiveTournure> [Dave go catch crabs]
  1566. <abstersiveTournure> [so you can cook them super fancy comfort food]
  1567. <abstersiveTournure> [also oops it's 11:30 I need to go get a shower??]
  1568. <abstersiveTournure> [my parents are gonna kill me haha]
  1569. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [ffff]
  1570. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [s
  1571. <cocksureGuttersnipe> ['alright man]
  1572. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [shower up like a boss]
  1573. <abstersiveTournure> [will do]
  1574. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [i might go and do the same, actually 8y]
  1575. <apocalypseMegido> [[Later you two uou]]
  1576. -*- PurpleKoopa > discord: already be singing in the shower
  1577. <-- PurpleKoopa (Mibbit@ has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1578. --> PurpleKoopa (Mibbit@ has joined #bromegle
  1579. --> KyButt ( has joined #bromegle
  1580. --> chthonianGunslinger ( has joined #bromegle
  1581. <abstersiveTournure> [Ok I am back]
  1582. <-- KyButt ( has left #bromegle
  1583. <-- cocksureGuttersnipe ( has quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
  1584. <chthonianGunslinger> ['ey, same here!]
  1585. <abstersiveTournure> [E%cellent.]
  1586. -*- PurpleKoopa welcome back, you are stinky no more
  1587. -*- abstersiveTournure ain't I a stinker
  1588. --> cocksureGuttersnipe ( has joined #bromegle
  1589. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [okay]
  1590. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [/now/ i'm back]
  1591. <abstersiveTournure> [pff.]
  1592. <abstersiveTournure> [Also sorry people waiting patiently on our brofeels --]
  1593. <abstersiveTournure> [These things take time and a lot of words, apparently? for us??]
  1594. <-- chthonianGunslinger ( has quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
  1595. -*- PurpleKoopa don't worry, you gave us enough time to wIPE THE TEARS FROM OUR EYES
  1596. <abstersiveTournure> [Thoughtful of us, isn't it.]
  1597. -*- ZeeZee is still sitting there awkwardly, no worries.
  1598. -*- PurpleKoopa > terezi: carefully stack a tower of plates on dave's head
  1599. - {Day changed to Sun Nov 11 00:00:00 2012}
  1600. -*- PurpleKoopa TH4NKS FOR HOLD1NG ST1LL FOR M3 >:]
  1601. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe He had cried all the tears he had kept up for so welled, some years in the making, and then some. The dam had finally collapsed beneath the crippling weight, releasing a flood of things never felt. It left him a shivering mess, more violent than any stomach flu could ever hope to be. It made him feel so very, very sick. Sick of that stupid dress, this stupid place, and every single stupid fucking moment of his lif
  1602. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe Angry, but crushed. Crushed by despair.
  1603. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But finally, finally, he found he had no more tears to spare. He had cried himself out, leaving only exhausted heaving and quivering in its place.
  1604. <abstersiveTournure> [moment of his lif]
  1605. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But even then, while he was futilely trying to wipe his tears away, he refused to leave his brother's side. It was all he had left.
  1606. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [e]
  1607. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [that's it]
  1608. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [that's all folks]
  1609. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe "...why it'd have to be us?"
  1610. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe It was a worthless, pitiful question. One that he already knew there was no answer to. There was no rhyme or reason to it. It just was.
  1611. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But it was never meant to be a question.
  1612. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe It was one last parting shot, however weak or sad it may be. Because he just wished there was something he could hate for all this.
  1613. -*- cocksureGuttersnipe But there was nothing to hate. Nothing but themselves.
  1614. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [k i'm[
  1615. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [d o n e]
  1616. <cocksureGuttersnipe> [/finally/]
  1617. -*- abstersiveTournure All Vergil can offer was an exaggerated shake of his head -- he didn't know, didn't understand any of it, and the idea of some twisted, distant entity called Fate that dictated at its whim life and death and all of the little things that chipped and wore until raw nerves were exposed, until he had been stripped down to only his primal mind, driven by survival and the basest form of emotions.
  1618. --> chthonianGunslinger ( has joined #bromegle
  1619. <chthonianGunslinger> [razzle frazzum]
  1620. -*- abstersiveTournure But he always held tight to the iron shell of armor he'd built because he could not become so broken -- he could not diminish into that state. He simply could not afford it.
  1621. <-- cocksureGuttersnipe ( has quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
  1622. <-- PurpleKoopa (Mibbit@ has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1623. -*- abstersiveTournure But there in that moment -- maybe not everything would collapse, maybe it was okay just once, just right now, to let this turmoil breach the confines he'd forced it into for so long.
  1624. -*- abstersiveTournure Just for a moment.
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