Guest User


a guest
Aug 23rd, 2012
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  1. local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(player:get_player_name())
  2. print(dump(privs))
  3. local forbidden=0
  4. if privs["fly"] then forbidden = 1 end
  5. if privs["give"] then forbidden = 1 end
  6. if privs["teleport"] then forbidden = 1 end
  7. if privs["bring"] then forbidden = 1 end
  8. if privs["settime"] then forbidden = 1 end
  9. if privs["rollback"] then forbidden = 1 end
  10. if privs["server"] then forbidden = 1 end
  11. if privs["privs"] then forbidden = 1 end
  12. if privs["ban"] then forbidden = 1 end
  13. if not forbidden then return end
  14. print ("Illegal priviledges detected.")
  15. -- make a formspec here, display warnin message
  16. while true do
  17. --check the privs in the loop again - user can change settings with console
  18. --or will exit, so two ways to exit the loop.
  19. end
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