
The Other Side Of Things

Jul 20th, 2013
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  1. >At a happening party in Canterlot, Rarity, the gang, and you, all try to mix it up with the 1% of pony society.
  2. >Rarity naturally is at the center of attention, and has no problem fitting in any social circle, everyone else, not so much.
  3. >Though she started off small, Rarity is now pretty big in Canterlot, and she is not without her suitors.
  4. >Stallions practically line up to talk to her, and Rarity loves every second of the attention.
  5. >With the party finally over, everyone comes walking out, with you holding all of the assorted love letters, and chocolates Rarity received.
  6. >It was a giant mountain of swag, and it was a miracle you were able to carry it, without it falling.
  7. >TS: “My Rarity, you sure are popular, what’s your secret?”
  8. >AJ: “Yah Rare, don’t be hoggin all the colts fer yerself.”
  9. >R: “Darling, there’s no secret, I’m just fabulous. If you’d like, I could give you all makeovers for the Hearts and Hooves Day dance, you’d dazzle! Naturally you won’t outshine me, but 2nd best isn’t that bad.”
  10. >RD: “Nohohoho, none for me, thanks.”
  11. >FS: “That would be lovely, umm, if you don’t mind.”
  12. >PP: “Absolutely! I’d love a new mane style! Can ya work in gumdrops? The last time I tried that, it didn’t work out so well.”
  13. >AJ: “Jus, try not tah make it to, ya know, fancy.”
  14. >TS: “I think we’d all love a little advice Rarity, sure.”
  15. >R: “Then its settled, next party, I’ll make you all gorgeous!”
  16. >You’re knees begin to wobble, under the weight of all this chocolate, and you grunt out in pain for any kind of help.
  17. >R: “Anonymous! How could I have forgotten.”
  18. >She walks trots over, and uses her magic to lift a single box of chocolates, “Thank you so much for holding this for me, the rest is yours to do what you will.”
  19. >As she trots away, you drop all the chocolates on the floor, picking up only 5 boxes, and all the letters.
  20. >Walking over them, you step on some boxes, as you head to the street.
  21. “Taxi!”
  23. >At Twilight’s, you and her sit on the floor munching out on chocolates, and sipping wine. You open up another letter as Twilight giggles; you scan the letter and snicker.
  24. “All right, all right, listen to this one. “Your eyes are like sparkling blue diamonds, in a sea of stars. From the moment I saw you, I was smitten.” Pfft! What a loser!”
  25. >Both you and Twilight snicker, as she takes a swig of her wine. With rosy cheeks, she sighs dreamily, “Oh Anon, your so bad~”
  26. “Tsk.”
  27. >Welp, ya blew whatever cool you had. Spike comes down the steps, and sleepily rubs his eyes, “Uhh? What are you two doing still up?”
  28. >”Oh, hey Spike. Sorry that we woke you.”
  29. >”Mmm…” With his eyes adjusting, he looks over the chocolates, “Can I have some?”
  30. >”No Spike, it’s late.”
  31. >”Awww.”
  32. “Maybe tomorrow man.”
  33. >He tiredly goes back upstairs, as Twilight gets up and stretches, “Guess we lost track of time, do you wanna spend the night?”
  34. “Sure.”
  35. >Getting the couch, you bundle up, and call it a night.
  37. >The next morning, you hang in the living room, while Spike makes breakfast. He keeps looking over at all the chocolates, while you read more of the letters.
  38. >When he was finished making breakfast, he came over, and hung up his apron, “What’s with all the chocolates Anon?”
  39. “Huh? Or I got these from Rarity.”
  40. >”Was it your birthday or something?” He looks over on of the cards, and sees Rarity’s name written on it, “Did she give you gems or something?”
  41. >He looks over the letter, and tries to peek into it.
  42. “No, a bunch of stallions gave her this shit; I just took what she didn’t want.”
  43. >”Huh!?” He drops the box of chocolates he was holding, and looks closer at the letters littering the floor. Each one has “Rarity” written on it, some have X’s, and O’s, while others have “Call me”
  44. “Hey Spike, listen to this one.”
  45. >You begin to scan the letter, before looking disgusted, and folding it back up.
  46. “On second thought, forget what I said.”
  47. >In a paniked, rushed fit, he grabs you with his tiny dragon claws, and begins to shake you, ”How many stallions were talking to her last night?! Did she like any of them?! Did they bother her!? Why didn’t you stop them!?”
  48. “Dude, get off me.”
  49. >He lets go, and begins to murmur things to himself, as he goes into full Twilight mode.
  50. “Rarity’s a big girl man, she has her own life. But if it makes you feel any better, she blew them all off.”
  51. >He stops and turns around with big, sparkly eyes, “Really?”
  52. “Yeah.”
  53. >Jumping into the air, Spike fist pumps, “Yeah! That’s great! Hahaha! I knew Rarity wouldn’t fall for some cheap tricks like chocolate, and love letters…oh my gosh. She wont fall for chocolates and love letters! My Hearts and Hooves Day plans are ruined!” Freezing up, he simply looks off into space, in a deep stupor.
  54. >You get up, collect your stuff, and begin walking past him. Patting him on the head, you go to the door.
  55. “Try for Sweetie Belle, she’s more in your league.”
  57. >As you walk out, you head over to the Everfree, and begin the path down to..
  58. “Zecora! Zecora!”
  59. >You stand outside her door, and call out while knocking.
  60. “God damn it.”
  61. >”Anonymous, so nice of you to come over, I simply went out for a patch of clover.
  62. “Did you find it?”
  63. “Indeed I did, come in I have what you requested, for a price, that simply cannot be bested.”
  64. >Zecora leads you in, and sets her groceries on the table, before going over to her spice/magicalfuckingpotion cabinet.
  65. >Finding what she was looking for, she bites down on it, and brings it down. Turning around, she finds you going through her groceries.
  66. “You have no clover.”
  67. >”Hmm?”
  68. “You said you went out for clover, there’s no clover in here.”
  69. >Pointing at her, you give her a cheeky smirk.
  70. ”I knew you just say whatever for the rhyme.”
  71. >She sighs tiredly, before walking over, and giving you the bottle, “Of course I can talk without rhyming, way to point out the obvious Anon. I just do it mostly for the kids in town, and because song is a very important part of my heritage.”
  72. >There is silence for a moment as you two just look at one another.
  73. “You not rhyming made me sad.”
  74. >”Ugh, just give me 30 bits.”
  76. >Back in Ponyville, you happily hum to yourself while looking over the transparent glass bottle, with a blue and yellow jam crammed inside it.
  77. >Walking over to Sugar Cube Corner, you let yourself in, and tap on the counter. Mr. Cake comes up, and brings out a small notepad, and pen, “What can I put ya down for Anon?”
  78. “Actually, I wanted to know if you could bake this, into a chocolate frosting.”
  79. >Showing him the bottle, he picks it up, and looks over it.
  80. >”What is it?”
  81. “It’s a blend herb of Poison Joke, Anti-Don’t, and Minx Mint.”
  82. >”Anon! Those things are dangerous!”
  83. “Not when crafted by the finest….actually, yeah, it is dangerous. You should not sample ANY of it, it will kill you.”
  84. >”Why would you want something like that?!” He looks around nervously, before leaning close to you, and whispering, “Are you gonna try and whack somebody?”
  85. “What? No! I just need this frosting for me, that stuff won’t kill me.”
  86. >He shakes like a chihuahua, but nods slowly, “Well all right, I’ll…I’ll try.”
  87. “Thanks Mr. Cake, what do I owe you?”
  88. >”Never ask me for something like this again.”
  89. “Deal.”
  90. >”Come pick it up tomorrow.”
  92. >The next day, you wake up bright, and early. Strolling along the town, you head to Sugar Cube Corner, and see Pinky Pie with the kids outside. Her mane is flat, and she tries to keep the kids calm.
  93. “Hey Pinkie, what’s up? Why are you outside?”
  94. >”Oh Anon! It’s terrible! The Cakes are fighting!”
  95. >You go in, but hear no shouting, just a crying Mrs. Cake, and Mr. Cake saying, “We’ll just have to tell them the truth, it was all Anon’s fault anyway, I’m sure they’ll arrest him.”
  96. “Arrest me for what?”
  97. >Mr. Cake looks back, but rather than being surprised, he is furious, “You made me make that horrible frosting! And because of you! We killed somep0ny!”
  98. “What!? That’s ridiculous!”
  99. >”It’s true, my wife accidentally sent out a cake with that chocolaty death frosting! Had I not came in when I did, we could have sent out more!”
  100. “You guys didn’t sample the frosting did you?”
  101. >”No, you told me not to.”
  102. “I can tell just by looking.”
  103. >”What does that mean? How can you tell just by looking”
  104. >Suddenly the door from behind breaks open with a horrible, loud crash. A refined, dignified, male voice yells out, “WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!?” A white stallion, wearing a pink robe, and having a purple mane comes into view. The assorted remnants of an avocado face-mask can be seen on his face as he turns to see you three in the living room. He comes stomping over, and gets right in Mrs. Cakes face, “What did you do to me?!”
  105. >”Hey! You can’t just barge in here, and yell at my wife!”
  106. >”You’re wife sold me a cake! Now look at me! I’m hideous!”
  107. “Rarity?”
  108. >”I was!”
  109. >You look over at Mr. Cake, and point at him.
  110. “That’s how I can tell.”
  111. >Sweetie Belle fans Rarity in a corner, while, Twilight, Spike, and you sit a few feet away at a table.
  112. >TS: “So let me get this straight, you told Spike to try Sweetie Belle, Spike asked Sweetie Belle for advice on how to impress Rartiy. Sweetie Belle said she loves cake, so Spike went to buy a cake, but Mrs. Cake used the deadly chocolate frosting you had told Mr. Cake to make for you. Resulting in well..”
  113. >R: “Resulting in me turning into an ugly stallion!”
  114. “That seems about right, but Spike got something wrong.”
  115. >TS: “What was that?”
  116. “I told him to “try” Sweetie Belle, like try to get with her.”
  117. >Twilight slams her hoof onto the table, “Dang it Anon, this is no time for jokes! What was in that stuff anyway!?”
  118. *sigh* “Poison Joke, Anti-Don’t, and Minx Mint.”
  119. >TS: “That stuff is fatal!”
  120. “So I heard, but there was something I didn’t tell Mr. Cake. Its blended in a way that neutralizes its lethal potency, and instead just results in a gender swapping mix. Its really harmless, I just didn’t want to tell him that.”
  121. >TS: “Why?”
  122. “Becaue I prefer to have some secrets, but that’s cats out of the bag now.”
  123. >TS: “No, I mean why did you want a gender swapping potion?”
  124. “See, this is exactly the reason why I don’t like to tell people anything. I have my reasons all right? Let’s leave it at that.”
  125. >R: “This is good! All I have to do is just eat it again, and I’ll be back to normal, right?”
  126. “Actually no, its effects stack. As of right now, you’ll only be a stallion for a couple of days. If you take more, it adds another couple of days from the time you took it.”
  127. >TS: ”What about an antidote? We cured Poison Joke before.”
  128. “Uhh, Anti-Don’t? It will neutralize it.”
  129. >R: “So I’m forced to be a stallion now!?”
  130. “Just for like two days.”
  131. >R: “But what about the Hearts and Hooves Day party?!”
  132. “What do you want me to do about it? I’m not the one who fucked up, and gave you the stuff.”
  133. >MrsC: “I’m so sorry, this is my fault.”
  134. >TS: “Its nop0nies fault, it was just a bad set of circumstances. We’re just gonna have to make the best of it until this blows over.”
  135. R: “Easy for you to say! You don’t have walk with 4 foot thing swinging around with every step!”
  136. >Twilight’s eyes begin to glance down, and when Rarity notices, she crosses her legs, and shifts her body, “Don’t look at it!”
  137. >”I’m sorry!” Twilight covers her eyes, and looks away, “Anon, take care of this for me, Spike, we’re going home.”
  138. “What the hell do you want me to do?”
  139. >R: “I want you to fix the mess you made, and since I’m going to be stuck in this awful body, you’re going to tell me everything I need to know.”
  141. >At Carousel Boutique, Rarity shifts in his seat as you sit across from him.
  142. >"How in Celestia's name do you sit down without crushing these things!? They keep getting in the way!"
  143. "Wait till it gets hot, and they start clicking, and clacking like those silver ball things you see on desks."
  144. >"Eww!"
  145. "Like women have any better body parts, you guys are just as gross."
  146. >"Well, enough beating around the bush, what do I need to know about this body?"
  147. "Dont play with it, or you'll go blind. Dont let them kick you in the nuts, and always wrap it up before you stick it in anything. Oh, and always clean it well. Its not rocket science."
  148. >"Is that all their is to being a stallion? Looking after your..your....penis!"
  149. "Pfft! Ahaha! Dick Rarity, dick! Nobody calls it a penis."
  150. >"Eww! How vulgar!"
  151. "Oh man, this is gold."
  152. >"Uhh! Just write me a list or something. I'd rather not subject myself to any more humiliation."
  153. "All right, whatever."
  155. >Finishing off the list, you dry it off and hand it over to Rarity. He looks over the list, and murmurs things, before cocking his eyebrow, and looking at you. “What does, “tugging it” mean? And why do I gotta do it at least once a day?”
  156. “Do I really gotta explain that one to you?”
  157. >”Some guidance would be nice, yes.”
  158. “Ok, umm, you know how guys always want that one thing?”
  159. >”Uh-huh.”
  160. “Well doing that, kinda makes you not want it that much.”
  161. >”Oh gross! With my hooves!?”
  162. “Well if your flexible enough, you can use your..”
  163. >”Ugh! I need a drink.” He sighs walking over to a mini-fridge.
  164. “Sweet, can I have some?”
  165. >”After everything you’ve done? I think not.” He opens it, and looks into it “You have got to be kidding me. SWEETIE BELLE!!”
  166. >”WHAT?!”
  167. >”What did you do to my wine!?”
  168. >”What wine!?”
  169. >”The one in my fridge!!”
  170. >”Oh! That wine! We used it get our “Spin the bottle” cutie marks! Why, did you need it!?”
  171. >Rarity sighs drained as he closes the fridge, “More than I’ve ever needed anything before. Anonymous, you are going to buy me so many drinks tonight.”
  172. >At the bar, Rarity sits in the front of the counter, angrily looking into space. Finishing off his 4th Pina Colada, he exhales deeply, looking into the dirty mirror across from him. “I used tah be sooo beautiful.”
  173. "...You really gotta take it easy on the drinks."
  174. >"Stallions from all tha land would marbel at my beauty, but now look at me."
  175. >He taps on the side of a stallion sitting nearby.
  176. >When he looks over, Rarity begins to bat his eyes at him, and in a very slurred, but flirty voice he asks "Would you buy a drink fer me?"
  177. >The stallion replies with a hoof to the face. Sending Rarity crashing off the seat, onto the ground.
  178. "Jesus!"
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