

Jun 10th, 2016
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  1. [18:11] IcePickLobotomy Time: 10:12am.
  2. [18:12] -->| Reagan (chatzilla@6D368B7.A8C60A9D.465BBD23.IP) has joined #TSWIC
  3. [18:12] IcePickLobotomy Following the directions Alex gave you brings you to a small storage shed behind a auto-parts store in the lower levels. The door is closed, but he forwarned you about that and said to simply knock.
  4. [18:16] Kasra raps sharply.
  5. [18:16] IcePickLobotomy The area is dingy, a thin film of dirt and dust coating the underground passageway. The scent of motor oil and rust lingers in the air, the grinding of machines mixes with the rumbling of cars overhead.
  6. [18:17] JohnH quietly says "I love this smell. Reminds me of home"
  7. [18:17] Kasra "What, the smell of dirt?
  8. [18:18] =-= Pale_Wolf is now known as Arina
  9. [18:18] Arina "I think it's the oil, actually?"
  10. [18:18] Reagan "So does that mean you were raised in a pig pen or a junk yard, Mr. Hunter?"
  11. [18:18] Arina humhums, looking around.
  12. [18:19] |<-- JohnH has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  13. [18:19] -->| JohnH ( has joined #TSWIC
  14. [18:19] IcePickLobotomy The door opens, music from the radio leaks outside, the scent of smoke with it. A girl wearing a tank-top and a vest with torn jeans, her hair a pink-Mohawk, answers the door. "Who's it?" She looks you all over, eyes settling over Arina "Ah, so you actually showed up, and brought the whole class at that."
  15. [18:20] RobinE "Hi!" Lana waves to the door lady.
  16. [18:20] Arina chuckles. "A few more were interested than I expected."
  17. [18:21] Arina "Not too crowded, I hope?"
  18. [18:22] JohnH "All eager, at least"
  19. [18:24] IcePickLobotomy "Nah, not today. Come on in." She invite you inside. The storage shed is roomier than you would imagine, though still cramped. A thick cloud of smoke hangs in the air idly being stirred by a lone fan. A large table dominates the center of the room, then entire space taken by several sheets of paper that make up a hand drawn map. Junk-food, beer, and soda line the shelves in various states of...
  20. [18:24] IcePickLobotomy ...consumption, and a rather racy calendar showing a blonde leaning on a red mustang hangs prominently on the wall opposite of you. Alex and another boy are leaned over the map, speaking to eachother in hushed tones.
  21. [18:26] Arina waves a hand slightly to clear some air and nods to the others. "Hello."
  22. [18:26] Kasra "Quite the operation you've got running here."
  23. [18:26] Reagan pulls a pack of cigarettes out of her jacket and puts one between her teeth.
  24. [18:28] IcePickLobotomy "Hey," Alex looks over and nods "So, we met but I'm Alex in case you forgot, this guy is Jack." He gestures to his friend, tall with blonde hair. Jack holds out a hand at Reagan "Hey, toss me a fag will yah?" He has a strong Brooklyn accent.
  25. [18:29] Reagan raises her eyebrows and takes out a second one, stepping over to place it in his hand.
  26. [18:29] Arina "So, this is our first time here, what do we need to know?"
  27. [18:29] Kasra "Oh, I'd like a fag too, if you wouldn't mind."
  28. [18:30] Reagan sighs. "It's a cigarette, honey."
  29. [18:30] JohnH raises an eyebrow at Kasra
  30. [18:30] JohnH "Didn't know you smoked..."
  31. [18:30] Kasra "Oh, uh...he said...?"
  32. [18:30] JohnH "Do you know what a fag is?"
  33. [18:31] Reagan "That's 'cause he's Northern." She offers Kasra her pack.
  34. [18:31] Kasra "Bundle of sticks, homosexual or in this case, a cigarette based on context."
  35. [18:31] IcePickLobotomy He lights it with a well practiced motion "So, we were just going over some stuff we found a few days ago." Alex says "So, few things. I had you come early for that exact reason, we've got some spare backpacks with water and such stowed for you guys. Normally we'll break off into teams of three and explore at our own pace, but seeing as it's your first time me and Sally will go with you guys...
  36. [18:31] IcePickLobotomy one big ggroup."
  37. [18:31] Kasra " were just using the other definition weren't you John?"
  38. [18:31] JohnH "This time, I was not"
  39. [18:31] Arina nods to Alex. "All right, then. Thank you."
  40. [18:32] Reagan "...Wait now how long're we s'posed to be in these tunnels?'
  41. [18:32] RobinE "Cool, an exploring party." Lana hops in place excited.
  42. [18:32] IcePickLobotomy "I don't feel like baby-sitting anyone." Jack interjects. The girl sighs, "Jack, don't be a dick, besides you're leading Mike and Veronica to the south side like you've /wanted/ to for the last 3 weeks, so stop being a bitch."
  43. [18:33] Arina "Sounds like a day trip, Reagan."
  44. [18:33] JohnH 's eyebrows raise in surprise at her comment
  45. [18:33] JohnH (at Alex's comment)
  46. [18:34] IcePickLobotomy "I don't plan on us staying more than about 8 hours at most. If we're not back within 12 hours my sister will let the authorities know." He gestures to the map "She knows our planned area of exploration to narrow the search. The last battle opened up a few tunnels that were sealed off, and I think that'd be a good start."
  47. [18:34] IcePickLobotomy "Oh, and that's Sally." He makes a small gesture to the girl, who's found a seat on a mostly empty milk-crate.
  48. [18:35] RobinE "Hi Sally!" Lana gives her a wave.
  49. [18:36] Arina hums, peering at the map. "So how much undercity 0x1dis0x1d there?"
  50. [18:37] JohnH "More than before, now that we had our way with it" John chuckles
  51. [18:37] IcePickLobotomy "That's one of our long term goals actually." He looks over at Sally and Jack.
  52. [18:38] IcePickLobotomy Arina: The map is huge, and there's at least 3 layers of paper. You're not sure how they've managed to orginize it but it's heavily marked up in symbols, notes, and different color of inks. Based on the uppermost layer (from what you can tell) the undercity spans the breadth and width of the city, and appears to go down quite far.
  53. [18:38] Arina chuckles. "Well, how much does there 0x1dseem0x1d to be? Did they just develop the place so fast they left chunks in it that everyone forgot about?"
  54. [18:40] IcePickLobotomy "A lot. Way more than they like to admit I think." He points to a large block of the map that's been crossed out "That appears to be a section of the base proper, but the tunnels seem to go all over the place. Most of it isn't even secured by METI, hell looks like they ignore a pretty good chunk of it outside of where it goes into their base."
  55. [18:42] Kasra "Well, not every rat den is worth securing I suppose."
  56. [18:44] Arina nods. "I've seen some 0x1dold0x1d tunnels down there, I honestly didn't think Gibraltar was this much of a warren before the plague, but some of the bunker construction is far too old."
  57. [18:44] IcePickLobotomy "Pretty much. So, few things to keep in mind, we're not the only people down there, and it's best to keep away from anyone you meet, they tend to be the sort who don't like other people." He taps a few sections marked out by symbols "Like here? That's the Sicilian Mafia, don't mess with them. There's other hazards as well, I'll let you guys know what to be on the look out for."
  58. [18:44] Arina raises an eyebrow. "We'll keep that in mind, thank you."
  59. [18:44] IcePickLobotomy "Not to overstate the danger, but this isn't safe, you can get hurt or even killed down here, though the worst we've had are broken bones. If you stay smart, listen to me, and keep on your eyes open the chances of serious injury are pretty low."
  60. [18:45] Arina nods.
  61. [18:45] JohnH "Do you guys have any formal training for this sort of stuff or is it all on the job experience?"
  62. [18:45] RobinE Lana nods, "got it."
  63. [18:46] IcePickLobotomy They all shake their head. "No," Alex says "But I've been doing this for 3 years now, and my father would take me out hiking and camping as often as he could."
  64. [18:47] Arina purses her lips, nodding. "... Good preparation, I suppose."
  65. [18:47] IcePickLobotomy "So, any more questions or shall we get started?"
  66. [18:47] JohnH "We won't get anywhere by standing and talking, so let's get to it"
  67. [18:48] RobinE "Yeah!" Lana sounds excited.
  68. [18:48] |<-- NapsCya has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  69. [18:49] IcePickLobotomy ---------
  70. [18:52] IcePickLobotomy The full group is almost 10 people not including yourselves. They break into 2 groups of 4, leaving Sally and Alex with you. They've gone their own way, heading to alternate access points. Each of you have been given a backpack, filled with tools (Crowbars, multitools, first aide-kits, 3 days of water and snacks) "And here we are," Sally gestures to a nondescript metal door in one of the...
  71. [18:52] IcePickLobotomy ...corridors of the lower level. "If you want to back out, this is the last chance."
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