
16 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-09-02 0200 +cabadejo

Sep 1st, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-09-02 0200 +cabadejo
  4. __
  6. +cabadejo __ ::sigh:: With almost every message you write to me these days I can't help but feel I overestimated you. While I have not finished describing aspects of the lie system that that does not stop you from discussing - or "debating" - the points that have already been established. After all - *that's what we have been doing.*
  8. I cannot agree with you when you state: _"This makes it impossible to debate the matter. There is always a detail I don't know or understand"._ Given that no one fully understands a great many subjects they may be interested in how can anyone ever discuss or debate them?! Your attitude isn't helpful. Actually, it's somewhat disingenuous.
  10. It is apparent that neither you nor Mr Hill have been keeping up (you admit this) and it is sad that both of you now reflexively accuse me of _"using lie system techniques"_ whenever you don't obtain the "satisfaction" you seem to be after.
  12. I am not convinced either of you actually _want_ to understand the things I write about but that's okay because my words are also for the silent reader. On that note - I thank you both for providing me with that opportunity.
  16. __________
  17. 2017-09-02 0620
  19. +cabadejo __ Yes - I overestimated you and I am aware it's a weakness on my part. People who are intelligent have a tendency to view _everyone else_ as at least _equally_ intelligent whereas stupid people have a tendency to view everyone else as _even more_ stupid.
  21. When someone doesn't grasp an explanation - _despite significant time and effort put into the explanation_ - it often seems to the intelligent person that the other must be faking, pretending, time-wasting or otherwise trolling. It's the Internet, after all.
  23. Yes - I often overestimate people and this is a recognised weakness on my part. I have been mindful of it for a long time.
  25. I believe that I have made a considerable effort _over the years_ to explain some *really basic things* to both you and Mr Hill. If you don't think I have then you're entitled to that opinion but I would have to disagree.
  27. No one suggests that a lie cannot be used to control others. *The truth can _also_ be used to control people!* But yet we were born into a *lie system* and if you had been keeping up you'd understand why.
  29. You remain stuck on the idea of the lie system as a "control system" *and have not processed the distinctions I have been pointing out.*
  31. If you see "control of others" as the _only_ utility for lies then you will never understand pathological liars and only be able to perceive the lie system to the level of pranksters and criminals. The world of "farmers" and the "entities" that influence them will remain imperceptible to you just as the lie system remains imperceptible to "normal people".
  33. Feel free to talk to others about "cabadejo's control system" but it has *nothing* to do with what I am talking about! By all means be a silent reader, but if you're only checking back from time to time then you cannot possibly expect to have the full picture.
  35. Despite that - I will always take what you and Mr Hill say into consideration. As to the rest of your reply - it is not worth addressing at this time. All the best.
  40. __________
  41. 2017-09-02 2015
  43. +cabadejo __ ::sigh:: You are repeating the same *rubbish.* I do not claim that those who disagree with me lack intelligence. However - it is undeniable that I have spent an enormous amount of time and effort explaining the same basic things to you and Mr Hill _over a number of years._ Things that both of you remain stuck on. *Meanwhile there are others who have come along - _been given the same explanations_ - and in no time at all have absorbed them and moved on.*
  45. So I am left wondering why it is that both you and Mr Hill (at first an unlikely couple but now it makes sense) haven't been able to benefit from the same explanations that have benefited others. If you aren't stupid (as you insist) - and if you aren't trolling (as you'd claim) - then perhaps it's just that you don't want to understand? I suspect that's it. *I suspect you don't want to understand because the ideas I am talking about do not sit well with "cabadejo's control system".*
  47. On that note - good grief. If you have resorted to asking me for an example of how truth can be used to control others then you have got to be trolling. And if you are not trolling *then you _must_ be stupid!*
  52. __________
  53. 2017-09-02 2135
  55. +cabadejo __ *Good grief - you have become unhinged.* I don't recall - _nor do I believe_ - that I have *ever* called Mr Hill either a "pig" or a "dog". *Show where I have _actually_ done so or retract that accusation.* If you can do so then I will apologise to Mr Hill if it wasn't appropriate. If you cannot back up your accusation then *apologise* else accept that you no longer deserve access to my platform here to spread *bullsh!t.*
  57. As you *must* know I keep a fully indexed copy of every conversation I have. On one occasion I referred to Mr Hill as a *"porch dog"* and if you are unsure what that term _actually means_ then I suggest you look it up on Urban Dictionary. The definition suits you both. Definition of a "porch dog" as I used it with Mr Hill:
  59. How miserable for you that your sour grapes with me has you making up sh!t in an effort to White Knight for the contemptible Mr Hill. *You have lost control and have become a time-wasting pest.*
  64. __________
  65. 2017-09-03 0945
  67. +cabadejo __ Sorry - I hadn't heard the expression _"from a pig to a dog"._ Given that the majority of my life has been spent in the company of those who have no need for such an expression I doubt I would have heard of it even if I had hailed from the North of England.
  69. I refer you to my lengthy reply to Mr Hill above and repeat the same question to you: *Where do you believe I have called Brian Hill something that he didn't deserve?* Go ahead and then I'll provide you with the relevant context that not only proves I was justified _but also restrained._
  71. I don't deny that I have called Mr Hill all manner of unsavoury (but appropriate) things. *I am under no obligation to be polite and civil towards a$$h0les.* The fact I am _mostly_ polite and civil towards a$$h0les only shows my class.
  73. All that you and the wretched Mr Hill can do is take cheap shots at me that don't stand up to scrutiny. All you can do is waste everyone's time with rubbish before shifting the goalposts. You have derailed this thread and that was intentional, wasn't it?
  78. __________
  79. 2017-09-03 1045
  81. +cabadejo __ ::sigh:: *Many people insult others without any greater justification than it makes them feel good in the moment.* That is _not_ why I have called Brian Hill a "porch dog" or a "contemptible loser" or anything else that has made him cry. *I have called him those things because they were true.* _That it felt good was just a bonus._ Few things taste better than the salty tears of a hater.
  83. There is always a context to everything and you are determined to direct attention away from it. That is why you won't give any actual examples of where I called Mr Hill something unsavoury *because you know that the context would reveal that not only was I justified _but restrained._*
  85. For someone who repeatedly told me you would not stick up for me *when you could have easily done so* - because you did not want to be seen as "bullying" or "ganging up" on Mr Hill (when he was repeating rubbish about me *that you knew* was not true) you sure seem happy to stir the pot on his behalf. _You have at long last revealed your true colours._
  87. *You have derailed the thread.* That you mix in comments and questions about the lie system with your garbage is disingenuous. *You are not here to get to the truth of a matter or to understand what I am saying.* You are here only to fuel division and waste my time. *Go away.*
  91. __________
  92. 2017-09-03 2020
  94. +cabadejo __ You say that Mr Hill isn't a hater but yet he has a history of telling others that I am a "shill", that I am in cahoots with people like "Peekay", that I am a "liar", that I "deleted posts" *that you know I didn't delete,* that I didn't credit him for things that *you know very well I did credit him for.*
  96. You say that Mr Hill isn't a hater but has he ever apologised for *any* of these things? *No he hasn't.* Not for a single thing. He just shifts the goalposts and throws a new accusation my way. You know all of this yet you continue to talk to me as you do!
  98. What I find *pathetic* - really pathetic - is how you are now speaking on Mr Hill's behalf. You know what he thinks and feels? You are here defending him to me when you repeatedly refused to stick up for me - _when I had asked more than once_ - at a time when he was repeating rubbish about me *that you knew was not true.*
  100. You could have helped to diffuse that avoidable drama by telling him *he was wrong* but somehow speaking the truth to Mr Hill would have hurt his precious little feelings and you just couldn't bring yourself to do that. _That would be bullying!_
  102. You refused my repeated requests to defend me against bullsh!t you knew wasn't true and yet here you are speaking up for Mr Hill! And I bet he didn't even have to ask you to do it!
  106. You have revealed your true colours on this thread. You are not entitled to anything further from me. *Go away.*
  111. __________
  112. 2017-09-03 2220
  114. +cabadejo __ ::sigh:: No one is blocked. Your bitter characterisations of me are everything to be expected from a desperate *revisionist* who has lost control. Oh my - just look at the latest string of projections coming from you: "Mini NSA database", "narcissistic tendencies", "stalled", "recycling the same techniques", "drama queen routine", "temper tantrum". Damn! If I listen to you I am an awful person who has made no progress and has fallen behind everyone else!
  116. ::sigh:: You are introducing *more unrelated bullsh!t* into the comments section of my video while expecting me to remain quiet about it.
  118. I thought you had better things to be doing? Quick! Some flat Earther has posted a video about augmented virtual reality! Quick! Some low IQ dummy has posted a video about how rockets can't work in space! Quick! Someone has posted a video blaming Jews!
  120. Yeah - it's easy to see that you're all about the truth.
  122. You're not sincerely wishing me luck on my journey. *There is nothing sincere about the garbage you write to me.* _"Please don't waste yours by replying"_ - Uh huh - because you want to be able to take cheap shots at me _on my own channel_ without a response *and* have the last word.
  124. Uh huh - what was that you were saying about "narcissistic tendencies"? *Joker.*
  128. ____________________________________________________________
  129. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
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  140. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  141. What exists - exists to always exist.
  142. As it is written - so it is done.
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