

Jul 12th, 2016
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  1. Vince McMahon accompanied Shawn to the ring for the main event, wearing a hat that says SHANE WAS NEVER GREAT. Vince cut a promo deriding Shane as a failson. He was a failure as a child, he's a failure now, and he'll always be a failure! "Sadly, my son can't come out to defend himself, as he's probably backstage licking his wounds after losing what may well be his only shot at a WWF Title opportunity! He may as well have stayed in the McMahon family basement all his life, playing video games, masturbating into his socks, and smoking marijuana just like ALLLLLLL the involuntarily celibate FAILSONS that pollute the inhospitable tundra up here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada!" With that, Shawn and Vince spat on the mat in unison.
  2. Shane came out, obviously the worse for wear. He talked about how he took on Stone Cold Steve Austin and gave it his all! He fought fair and square, he didn't need anyone to back him up, unlike Vince, who doesn't have the GRAPEFRUITS to go to the bathroom without his 7 foot tall Wrestling Buddy at his side!
  3. Vince smirked. "What are you gonna do, Shane? Fight me? Look at you, you can barely stand!"
  4. "No, Dad. I can wait 13 days for that. But you know who can't wait 13 days to get his hands on you after what you just said about ALL THESE FANS RIGHT HERE IN CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA?"
  5. The Final Countdown hit, and Owen Hart made his way to the ring, spitting mad. He took the mic, and began to speak, but before he could, Steve Austin stepped out onto the ramp, title slung over his shoulder.
  6. "WELL, NOW, WE GOT OURSELVES AN INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT OVER HERE! Now, regularly, I wouldn't give a good goddamn what y'all did down there, long as ya didn't try to touch this here gimmick perched on my shoulder. But as much as I hate the Harts, and all their dumbass little buddies," Austin rolled his eyes, ""right here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada," there's one sumbitch I hate just a little bit more, and he's standing right there in that ring. Vincent Kennedy McMahon, get yerself good and ready, BECAUSE THIS RIGHT HERE JUST BECAME A TAG TEAM MATCH!" Austin flipped double birds at everyone in the ring before strutting off, cackling all the way.
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