
False accusations

Mar 25th, 2015
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  1. >You are Anonymous, the only known human in all of Equestria.
  2. >This has been a subject of great debate among the ponies.
  3. >Some think you are a monster, certainly the fact that they found you in the Everfree Forest does not help this.
  4. >Others simply choose to ignore you, or pretend you do not exist.
  5. >As you walk through the town of Canterlot, not a single smile or happy pair of eyes meets yours.
  6. >The ponies that do not avoid your gaze choose to glare and mumble among themselves.
  7. >They hated you.
  8. >You were something so strange and alien, it offended them and their beliefs.
  9. >Every single achievement you had made in this town was an affront to their self security.
  10. >Every time you managed to succeed in something another had failed, it was a subject of malice for the ponies who had failed.
  11. >You had been lucky enough to find a job working behind the scenes for a business.
  12. >You were good with your hands, and your craftsmanship was considered the best in all of Canterlot.
  13. >The ponies simply did not know that you made their precious furniture.
  14. >As you slid the key into the lock of your home, quickly entering and closing the door behind you, the smell of cooking graced your nose.
  15. >You turned to see the one pony in all of Equestria who had given you a chance.
  16. >The very mare that did not judge your appearance, or personality.
  17. >The only mare you loved.
  18. "Honey, I'm home!"
  20. >You chuckled inwardly every time you said this.
  21. >The joke was lost on her, but it still raised your spirits every time.
  22. >"Well well, how was my human's day at work?"
  23. "A little bit of excitement actually. During my lunch break some mare freaked out when she saw me and had to be escorted away by the guards."
  24. >Your wife gave you a sympathetic look at this, and held her hooves out for a hug.
  25. >"Aww, sorry to hear that dear."
  26. >You accepted the embrace, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
  27. "Bah, no worries. Made me laugh a little bit. I think I caught the one guard eyeing me suspiciously though."
  28. >Your wife nuzzles you before turning back to cooking.
  29. >You peered into the pot and smiled.
  30. "Is that what I think it is?"
  31. >"Cheesy potato soup."
  32. >It was one of your favorites.
  33. >You pulled a small box out of your pocket, and held it next to her head.
  34. >She eyed the package with interest and glanced at you with a smile.
  35. >"What's this?"
  36. "Happy anniversary."
  37. >She opened the box to reveal a golden chain with her cutie mark on it.
  38. >A golden rose resting in a vase.
  39. >Her gasp of joy touched your heart as she once more embraced you, this time with more force and enthusiasm.
  41. >Another uneventful day at work.
  42. >You never ceased to amaze your boss, who saw past his distrust of your appearance because of the profit you earned him.
  43. >The calm grace with which you slid the blades over the wood, hand crafting them into shape and fitting them together.
  44. >It was art that he could appreciate.
  45. >As you strode through the streets, you were greeted with the familiar glares and averted gazes.
  46. >'One would almost assume you weren't welcome' you mused to yourself.
  47. >Sliding the key into its place on your door, you strode inside.
  48. >As you locked the door behind you, you called out as usual that you were home.
  49. >The house was dark however, and no answer came.
  50. "Odd..."
  51. >Perhaps Flora had to stay late at her market stall today.
  52. >You flicked on the light, and fell to your knees.
  53. >There was a bloodied Earth Pony lying still on the living room floor.
  54. >Even through the blood that stained the coat and mane of the mare, you would recognize your wife anywhere.
  55. >The necklace you had bought for her last night lay broken and sitting in the pool of blood beside her.
  56. >As you crawled over to her and pulled her into an embrace you lost desperately felt for a pulse.
  57. >She was cold.
  58. >So cold.
  59. "F-Flora..."
  60. >Your voice trembled as her limp body hung against you.
  61. >You let out an animal howl of grief over your wife's body.
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