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Aug 16th, 2010
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  1. Wce_Rex exports
  2. KxCriticalSection_Enter 00013558 1
  3. KxCriticalSection_Free 00013544 2
  4. KxCriticalSection_Init 000134F0 3
  5. KxCriticalSection_Leave 0001357C 4
  6. KxMutex_Free 000133AC 5
  7. KxMutex_Init 00013274 6
  8. KxMutex_Init_Shared 000132E0 7
  9. KxMutex_Lock 000133F8 8
  10. KxMutex_TryLock 00013450 9
  11. KxMutex_Unlock 000134B0 10
  12. free_virtual_address 00012178 11
  13. get_virtual_address 000125A8 12
  14. htc_rex_wait_timeout 00012474 13
  15. rex_assimilate_thread 00011798 14
  16. rex_autodog_disable 00011790 15
  17. rex_autodog_enable 00011788 16
  18. rex_calloc 0001147C 17
  19. rex_clr_sigs 00011E90 18
  20. rex_clr_timer 00012C58 19
  21. rex_create_timer_ex 000130B0 20
  22. rex_def_task 0001223C 21
  23. rex_def_task_ext 000122A4 22
  24. rex_def_task_ext2 00012308 23
  25. rex_def_timer 000131BC 24
  26. rex_def_timer_ex 00013010 25
  27. rex_delete_crit_sect 000113B8 26
  28. rex_delete_timer_ex 00013108 27
  29. rex_enter_crit_sect 000113E0 28
  30. rex_free 0001149C 29
  31. rex_get_pri 00011394 30
  32. rex_get_sigs 00011E64 31
  33. rex_get_timer 00012DD8 32
  34. rex_get_version_number 00011780 33
  35. rex_init_crit_sect 000113CC 34
  36. rex_int_free 0001142C 35
  37. rex_int_lock 00011FD4 36
  38. rex_ints_are_locked 0001144C 37
  39. rex_is_in_irq_mode 000120E0 38
  40. rex_is_initialized 00011738 39
  41. rex_is_rex_thread 00011748 40
  42. rex_kill_task 00011FAC 41
  43. rex_kill_task_ext 00011F5C 42
  44. rex_leave_crit_sect 00011418 43
  45. rex_malloc 0001146C 44
  46. rex_queue_apc 00012550 45
  47. rex_queue_dpc 0001200C 46
  48. rex_realloc 0001148C 47
  49. rex_resume_task 00011DB4 48
  50. rex_self 00011D18 49
  51. rex_set_pri 0001236C 50
  52. rex_set_sigs 00011EE8 51
  53. rex_set_timer 00012D4C 52
  54. rex_sleep 000113A8 53
  55. rex_suspend_task 00011D60 54
  56. rex_task_free 000116B8 55
  57. rex_task_lasterror 00011384 56
  58. rex_task_lock 00011648 57
  59. rex_task_pri 00011E08 58
  60. rex_tasks_are_locked 00011714 59
  61. rex_timed_wait 00012F7C 60
  62. rex_try_enter_crit_sect 000113F4 61
  63. rex_wait 000123DC 62
  64. snd_tcb 000180A8 63
  65. vs_tcb 00018008 64
  66. DllEntryPoint 00013860
  68. wce_rex imports
  69. 00015000 494 EventModify COREDLL
  70. 00015004 520 TlsCall COREDLL
  71. 00015008 16 TlsSetValue COREDLL
  72. 0001500C 495 CreateEventW COREDLL
  73. 00015010 1018 free COREDLL
  74. 00015014 630 SetKMode COREDLL
  75. 00015018 516 GetLastError COREDLL
  76. 0001501C 622 CeGetThreadPriority COREDLL
  77. 00015020 496 Sleep COREDLL
  78. 00015024 3 DeleteCriticalSection COREDLL
  79. 00015028 2 InitializeCriticalSection COREDLL
  80. 0001502C 4 EnterCriticalSection COREDLL
  81. 00015030 1233 TryEnterCriticalSection COREDLL
  82. 00015034 5 LeaveCriticalSection COREDLL
  83. 00015038 1041 malloc COREDLL
  84. 0001503C 1346 calloc COREDLL
  85. 00015040 1054 realloc COREDLL
  86. 00015044 497 WaitForSingleObject COREDLL
  87. 00015048 621 CeSetThreadPriority COREDLL
  88. 0001504C 556 ReleaseMutex COREDLL
  89. 00015050 15 TlsGetValue COREDLL
  90. 00015054 1047 memset COREDLL
  91. 00015058 524 VirtualAlloc COREDLL
  92. 0001505C 36 LocalFree COREDLL
  93. 00015060 33 LocalAlloc COREDLL
  94. 00015064 1724 VirtualSetAttributes COREDLL
  95. 00015068 525 VirtualFree COREDLL
  96. 0001506C 492 CreateThread COREDLL
  97. 00015070 500 ResumeThread COREDLL
  98. 00015074 499 SuspendThread COREDLL
  99. 00015078 491 TerminateThread COREDLL
  100. 0001507C 553 CloseHandle COREDLL
  101. 00015080 1239 ReleaseSemaphore COREDLL
  102. 00015084 1357 CeGetCurrentTrust COREDLL
  103. 00015088 560 VirtualCopy COREDLL
  104. 0001508C 545 NKDbgPrintfW COREDLL
  105. 00015090 1238 CreateSemaphoreW COREDLL
  106. 00015094 555 CreateMutexW COREDLL
  107. 00015098 1232 DisableThreadLibraryCalls COREDLL
  108. 0001509C 179 DeviceIoControl COREDLL
  109. 000150A0 168 CreateFileW COREDLL
  110. 000150A4 56 wsprintfW COREDLL
  111. 000150A8 535 GetTickCount COREDLL
  112. 000150AC 1068 strlen COREDLL
  113. 000150B0 196 MultiByteToWideChar COREDLL
  114. 000150B4 1876 _report_gsfailure COREDLL
  115. 000150B8 1875 _security_gen_cookie COREDLL
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