
My Little Dicking

May 20th, 2013
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  1. Day Barry White in Equestria.
  2. >You are you-know-who and daaaayum you need sum o' dat sweet pony poon.
  3. >Having the ponyvillians needing that hot monkey LOVE only goes so far to quell the beast within.
  4. >But now an opportunity arises, the mane six have had told you of an event called the Grand Galloping Gala and even invited you to go with them.
  5. >You remember it like it was yesterday.
  6. ---------------------------------------------------------
  7. >You were on your porch playing a harmonica like a fucking bumpkin.
  8. >Suddenly you saw the horizon to your house grow manes, six to be exact.
  9. >Slowly galloping into full view you see the mane six taking calm strides to your house.
  10. >"Hey 'Nonny!"
  11. "Yo pinks what up"
  12. >Me and the girls were gonna go to a super duper fun party called the GRAND GALLOPING GALA! Were gonna play music and party and have dry anal and meet the princesses and...
  13. >You quickly drown her out and focus on the others.
  14. >Twilight is the first to respond.
  15. >"The Grand Galloping Gala is the single biggest party all year, not many people attend because it's an invite only."
  16. >Rarity begins to perk up a bit.
  17. >"It's simply the greatest party for fashion in all of Equestria!"
  18. >"Yeah, and um, the gardens are beautiful too..."
  19. >You could barely hear fluttershy say that past the pink machine ranting in the background.
  20. >Twilight clears her throat and gains your attention.
  21. >"What we all wanna say is that we were given an invitation with a plus one, and were wondering if you would like to come."
  22. "Really? You'd use your only plus one on me? That's very sweet of you all, I'll defiantly come.
  23. >It's Applejacks turn to speak up.
  24. >"Yeah sugarcube, it'll be around in six days, dontcha' miss it fer nothin' ya hear?"
  25. >"Oh and I'll be making your suit darling, be around the boutique in five days."
  26. >Rarity said that excitedly enough to convince you that you are going to be a model.
  29. >Pinkies' face suddenly appears in your face.
  30. >"...AND IT'S GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN! So whatdya say Anon wanna come with us?"
  31. >All of the mane six turn pleading eyes to you.
  32. "I'll be there for sure."
  33. >"Thanks 'Nonny! See you there!"
  34. >The mane six all say goodbyes and head off towards town.
  35. >You start to think, a party? Drunk chicks? Pony poontang?
  36. >This is the perfect level of difficulty to make the dicking even sweeter.
  37. >All you have to do is wait.
  38. ---------------------------------------
  39. >Now that waiting is up, you stand eagerly at the castle gates to see the pussy game this place was storin'.
  40. >"Well girls, and Anon, this is the place. Now let's have-"
  41. >"FUN!"
  42. >Pinkie was quite quick to interrupt twilight on that word.
  43. >You walk inside and ignore the musical number kicking off outside.
  44. >You got a pocket full of bits and pussy on the mind, the makings of a true man.
  45. >You see your first target, a petite mare with and elegant dress showing of three frenchy thingies as her cutie mark.
  46. >She's all alone at the bar, begging for attention. Begging for the D!
  47. "Hey there babe, what's happening?"
  48. >"Eww, fuck off wierdo."
  49. >Ooookay, maybe not her but keep your chin up Anon, it was just one mare.
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