
SnekFilly Part 5b

May 5th, 2016
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  1. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  2. >You had just thrown what was probably Anon out the window along with your giant place-mat
  3. >You really liked that place-mat, ones of that size are hard to come by
  4. >But that wasn't important right now, you had failed to cast the transformation spell
  5. >Oh, and Celestia only knows where Anon is or if he's still alive. You did throw him pretty hard at a 75 degree angle. But that wasn't what called imminently for your attention
  6. >You had underestimated how much mana the spell would need
  7. >Re-doing your spell calculations you spot your error
  8. >How in the world of Equis did you miss THAT?
  9. >The spell you had created was impossible to fully cast, simply put
  10. >It simply needs more mana than what theoretically exists to complete the transformation
  11. >From what little you recall of seeing Anon post unsuccessful transformation you conclude that the spell managed to get a little over halfway complete, and that if you were to add about your full reserve of mana would get it 3/4ths complete
  12. >But the last quarter of the spell requires more mana than exists in this universe
  13. >You could spend your entire life trying to write down the number, and never come anywhere close to completing exactly how much this part of the spell costs to cast
  14. >But maybe you did the math wrong again
  15. >You re-did your work, same conclusion
  16. >You re-did your work again, still same conclusion
  17. >By your 15th re-doing of your incredibly complex and lengthy spell you look out the window you had tossed Anon out of
  18. >Its dark outside now
  19. >And Anon is still out there
  20. โ€œI'm sure he'll be okay for a night. I'll find him tomorrow, I mean how hard can it even be to be a snake anywayโ€
  21. >You go to sleep with all the plushies Fluttershy give you
  22. >As you go to sleep, you can't shake the feeling that they are all staring judgmentally at you
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