
Reunion (Shoney's 4th)

Dec 9th, 2013
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  1. [01:43] * @velvetStars began TROLLING seekingChains at [??:??]!
  2. [01:43] <@velvetStars> .:| Hookshot! |:.
  3. [01:44] <@velvetStars> .:| Oh by the Strife this /is/ wonderful! |:.
  4. [01:45] <seekingChains> Mamluk. Where did you...
  5. [01:46] <@velvetStars> .:| I had /all/ of about five minutes in the presession, I'm hardly surprised you didn't notice me! |:.
  6. [01:47] <seekingChains> You are in safe then, I hope.
  7. [01:47] <@velvetStars> .:| Yes, I am! |:.
  8. [01:48] <seekingChains> I have to say, I did not expect to session with you again. I am not unhappy to be proven wrong.
  9. [01:48] <@velvetStars> .:| 'Not unhappy', my you're as friendly as ever, dear. |:.
  10. [01:48] <@velvetStars> .:| It's lovely to see you on my coplayer list again too. |:.
  11. [01:50] <@velvetStars> .:| So what would your role be? I would appear to be covering Time duties this session. |:.
  12. [01:50] <seekingChains> I have the great misfortune to be Rain this session.
  13. [01:50] <@velvetStars> [A laugh.]
  14. [01:50] <seekingChains> As well as Thrall, though I am not familiar with it.
  15. [01:51] <@velvetStars> .:| You mean you have not already rolled it previously? |:.
  16. [01:51] <@velvetStars> .:| I /am/ surprised. |:.
  17. [01:51] <seekingChains> No, I have not.
  18. [01:52] <seekingChains> Blood, Might, Life, Time, Stars again.
  19. [01:53] <@velvetStars> .:| I don't /quite/ remember, did I tell you my run of roles when last we spoke? Aside from the present Muse of Time, I haven't added much more to the old list. |:.
  20. [01:54] <@velvetStars> .:| (Also, would you mind terribly if I stopped around to visit? I've just built up Miss Lyblac's spire high enough for me to reach the necessary gate.) |:.
  21. [01:55] <seekingChains> I do not recall. And I would not mind meeting up with you.
  22. [01:56] <@velvetStars> .:| In that case, I'll be on my way presently. And dear me, let me try to recall... |:.
  23. [01:57] <@velvetStars> .:| Mist, Heart, Space, Blood, Mist, a lovely reroll of Hope, Heart again, a Blood repeat, and another roll as Space! |:.
  24. [01:59] <@velvetStars> [Trot on up your spire, thanking a futureself as she stops by with a freshly hacked alimentator for you, just before the Gate.]
  25. [01:59] <seekingChains> That is quite the list.
  26. [02:00] <@velvetStars> .:| It rather is! I've had quite an interesting time. So many lovely people to meet and play alongside. |:.
  27. [02:00] <@velvetStars> .:| I do hope this session will be as nice as my last. |:.
  28. [02:01] <seekingChains> I, on the other hand, do not hope it is. My last session was rather...
  29. [02:01] <seekingChains> Unpleasant.
  30. [02:02] <@velvetStars> .:| Oh dear. |:.
  31. [02:03] <seekingChains> It is finished now though, which I am glad of.
  32. [02:04] <seekingChains> I am back at my spire. Let me know when you arrive and where you are.
  33. [02:05] <@velvetStars> .:| Of course! It shouldn't be very long at all. |:.
  34. [02:10] <@velvetStars> [Continue making your way along. You're not very fast- you're a heavy troll, and you really have all the time in the world to work with at the moment. You've not seen him for over nine sweeps. Taking a few more minutes to ensure you don't turn up purple in the face with exertion won't hurt.]
  35. [02:14] <seekingChains> [You take the time to change out of the clothes that are slightly torn and splattered with imp goo. Making sure the floor you're on is clear of underlings and clean.]
  36. [02:17] <@velvetStars> .:| At your spire now! What floor will I find you on? |:.
  37. [02:19] <seekingChains> The fourteenth floor. The room is at the end of the hallway, the door is open.
  38. [02:20] <@velvetStars> .:| See you soon, in that case! |:.
  39. [02:21] * @velvetStars ceased TROLLING seekingChains at [??:??]!
  40. [02:23] <@velvetStars> [You make your way to the fourteenth floor and along the hallway, pausing at the door and peering in with a broad smile. "Hello?"]
  41. [02:29] <seekingChains> [You turn from where you were looking out the window. Theres the smallest of starts at how much older she is, but you recover quickly enough and give a small smile and a nod. "Hello, Mamluk."]
  42. [02:32] <@velvetStars> ["Hello Hookshot!" Your smile, if it's at all possible, grows even wider, and you move through the door with the slightest of well-fed waddles towards him. "My goodness, you haven't aged a /night/!" Your arms are automatically opening to give him a hug as you approach.]
  43. [02:35] <seekingChains> [Theres a small pause as you consider not returning the hug, but you do open your arms for her. "And you are no longer the young troll that you were when I last saw you."]
  44. [02:39] <@velvetStars> [You note the pause, but continue smoothly in to hug him once his arms open, the thick, plush jumper masking much of your far colder body temperature, head carefully tilted so that you don't knock your horns on his head. "Well, I've had a lot more time to grow up since our native than you have! And a cocooning /does/ change a troll." You give him a squeeze and then let go, the hug kept brief.]
  45. [02:42] <seekingChains> [You're thankful that she kept the hug brief. "As I can see." Your smile is a little more relaxed now, and you gesture to a couple of seats nearby with views of the dimly-lit Land of Prisms and Outposts. The sky an ever shifting tapestry of colours. "How old are you now, and how recently was the cocooning, if I may ask."]
  46. [02:45] <@velvetStars> [You move along to the chairs, looking quite interested as you sit, watching the Land through the window. "I should be coming up on eighteen sweeps very soon- if I have not missed it already somehow. I suppose I will be able to find out for myself, once I have settled into my role a little. And it was in my third session, when I first rolled Heart! So some time ago indeed."]
  47. [02:49] <seekingChains> [You take your own seat, but are much more interested in studying her than your land. "It has only been about three sweeps for me since our native. And, as you have noted, I have hardly changed a night." Perhaps a new scar or two, but that is simply a part of the game. "This my seventh, and you said you were on your...tenth. Eleventh now, I suppose."]
  48. [02:50] <@velvetStars> ["Yes, this will be my eleventh!" You pull your gaze away from the landscape and lean forwards to tug gently over a small coffee table, uncaptchalogging your alimentator onto it. "A futureself was kind enough to drop this to me on my way over. Would you like anything to eat or drink?"]
  49. [02:58] <seekingChains> ["I have grown fond of tea. A consequence of sessioning with almost completely humans since our native. Black tea, if you know what that is, if not I can give you an image." A pause as you try and think of how many trolls you /have/ sessioned with.]
  50. [03:01] <@velvetStars> ["Oh, I believe I do have one on hand-" You being prodding at the options on the screen. "I've only sessioned with one human, a young second sessioner in my last session, but I made an effort to ensure I had plenty of human foods about for him." A cup of black Earl Grey tea is soon produced, and carefully offered towards Hookshot.]
  51. [03:12] <seekingChains> ["Thank you." You take it with another small nod. "I have had two trolls. Both in the session I had two sessions ago, when I first connected to the inter-session websites."]
  52. [03:16] <@velvetStars> ["My, you've been positively drowning in humans, in that case!" You make a drink for yourself- a mug of cafe mocha, with a good portion of milk froth, chocolate syrup and chocolate flakes atop it- and then sit back, sipping it and looking over at Hookshot with some concern. "Have you faced many problems, as a result of your differing species? I've heard plenty of stories of how many first contacts are not so smooth as mine thankfully went."]
  53. [03:23] <seekingChains> ["Several. Though most of them were sorted before too long. My native roll certainly helped on my end." You don't really want to get into how they were sorted for the most part. "I figured it was easier after the first two sessions to simply state that I would not tolerated any...difficulties."]
  54. [03:32] <@velvetStars> [You nod. "A little firmness can certainly serve one well," you say, fully aware that 'a little firmness' is understating how he likely expressed it. "Have you had a chance to speak with our current coplayers?"]
  55. [03:41] <seekingChains> ["Both of them. purloinedMetonymy or Tidehand Amaranth has been playing for a while, though much of that may have been during their Ring voyage. It is hard to be sure though, it is mostly rumour and legend regarding them." A drink from your mug. "The other, suelGlastig, or Shoney Lyblac, is relatively new and seems rather unsure. Though that may have just been the topic we were discussing. I do not think either will be...troublesome."]
  56. [03:42] <@velvetStars> ((paused))
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