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Sep 16th, 2016
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  1. [14.09.2016 17:15:45] Cloaking device on
  2. [14.09.2016 17:17:01] Elune: **yours...-never-..a/match**
  3. [14.09.2016 17:17:07] Core|WV-Herschel: Helm: It is running.
  4. [14.09.2016 17:17:18] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: I see that. Stop repeating the obvious.
  5. [14.09.2016 17:17:54] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Break off, this is pointless.
  6. [14.09.2016 17:18:34] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Bring us through, helm.
  7. [14.09.2016 17:19:30] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Quite dark here.
  8. [14.09.2016 17:19:40] Core|WV-Herschel: Helm: What was that about stating the obvious?
  9. [14.09.2016 17:19:54] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Someone wants to go to bed without food, it seems, hmm?
  10. [14.09.2016 17:20:08] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Bring me to Toledo.
  11. [14.09.2016 17:20:15] Core|WV-Herschel: Helm: Eh, yes, ma'am.
  12. [14.09.2016 17:20:47] Core|WV-Herschel: Helm: We are lacking the star charts on this vessel. Herr Nodtviet never deemed it necessary to update them.
  13. [14.09.2016 17:20:59] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Well, he bloody well only used it for show purposes.
  14. [14.09.2016 17:21:29] Core|WV-Herschel: Radar: Large stellar object on long range scanners, ma'am.
  15. [14.09.2016 17:21:45] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Easy, wasn't it?
  16. [14.09.2016 17:22:08] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Stop here.
  17. [14.09.2016 17:22:28] Core|WV-Herschel: Helm: Uh, ma'am, if I may ask... What are we doing here?
  18. [14.09.2016 17:22:35] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: No you may not.
  19. [14.09.2016 17:23:09] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She leans forward on the command chair, propping up her head on her hands*
  20. [14.09.2016 17:23:20] Core|WV-Herschel: Helm: *He shifts awkwardly*
  21. [14.09.2016 17:23:49] Core|WV-Herschel: Radar: *To the Helm quietly* She's bloody insane.
  22. [14.09.2016 17:24:02] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: I heard that.
  23. [14.09.2016 17:24:21] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Why don't you run a scan on this area? I find it hard to believe we're alone.
  24. [14.09.2016 17:24:38] Core|WV-Herschel: Radar: Uh, at once, ma'am.
  25. [14.09.2016 17:24:53] Core|WV-Herschel: *The vessel begins a deep scan of the area*
  26. [14.09.2016 17:25:36] Core|WV-Herschel: Radar: Ma'am, there is nothing out of the ordinary. We cannot pick up energy spikes that would indicate cloaked vessels.
  27. [14.09.2016 17:26:06] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Very well. Keep the scan running. I want to know once this little idyllic picture changes.
  28. [14.09.2016 17:26:20] Cloaking device off
  29. [14.09.2016 17:26:29] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Oh, how quaint.
  30. [14.09.2016 17:26:49] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I was expecting to see something different out here.
  31. [14.09.2016 17:27:14] Core|WV-Herschel: Radio Operator: This is the Core Warship Herschel under the command of Guildkeeper Lyell hailing 'Apahanta'.
  32. [14.09.2016 17:27:22] Core|WV-Herschel: RO: Please identify yourself.
  33. [14.09.2016 17:27:37] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *Rolling her eyes* Ugh, stop it. We know that vessel.
  34. [14.09.2016 17:27:52] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: This is Core Battleship Apahanta. Captain Ver-
  35. [14.09.2016 17:27:56] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *Directed at the Apahanta* Though you were supposed to be dead, no?
  36. [14.09.2016 17:28:20] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Until now, I guess.
  37. [14.09.2016 17:28:38] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Please, everyone leave the bridge.
  38. [14.09.2016 17:28:51] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
  39. [14.09.2016 17:29:18] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Or rather, please stay. There is company.
  40. [14.09.2016 17:30:07] Coreckroach.Stomper: Strange, interesting in this inhospitable place, once great.
  41. [14.09.2016 17:30:09] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Still, rather unwise to simply come here, no, Mr. Vertiga?
  42. [14.09.2016 17:30:47] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: It is, indeed. But as you may understand, Sirius is to small to hide for too long.
  43. [14.09.2016 17:31:11] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *Ignoring the Order ship* Perhaps. Where does that leave us, though.
  44. [14.09.2016 17:31:23] Coreckroach.Stomper: Core, poor, selling ships to Freelancers. Shall I be happy?
  45. [14.09.2016 17:32:10] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: See, if you don't mind to forget about this encounter, Miss...?
  46. [14.09.2016 17:32:28] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *Ignoring the Order vessel* Radar operator, give me a detailed scan of the Apahanta's cloak system.
  47. [14.09.2016 17:32:51] Coreckroach.Stomper: A rare sight, a famous vessel. Useless nevertheless.
  48. [14.09.2016 17:33:05] Core|WV-Herschel: Radar: *The ship runs a scan on the Apahanta, focusing on the cloak generators*
  49. [14.09.2016 17:33:21] Core|WV-Herschel: Radar: The ship's cloaking system is still operational, ma'am.
  50. [14.09.2016 17:33:30] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: So that means that it could've stayed hidden.
  51. [14.09.2016 17:33:36] Core|WV-Herschel: Radar: Correct, ma'am.
  52. [14.09.2016 17:33:36] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Right.
  53. [14.09.2016 17:33:56] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: The question is, what is a lonely Core cruiser doing here in Minor?
  54. [14.09.2016 17:34:00] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *At the Apahanta* You are either a moron or an attention whore.
  55. [14.09.2016 17:34:17] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: What do you want from this?
  56. [14.09.2016 17:34:32] Coreckroach.Stomper: For the record, I'm a moron too.
  57. [14.09.2016 17:34:34] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I guess moron. All I want for now is talking.
  58. [14.09.2016 17:35:06] Coreckroach.Stomper: And I'll be fine with stalking, for now. The situation is interesting.
  59. [14.09.2016 17:35:13] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *Ignoring the Order vessel* Aha. Just to make one thing clear: I don't care about your ship.
  60. [14.09.2016 17:35:26] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: It was not paid by us, thus I don't care what happens to it. Simple, right?
  61. [14.09.2016 17:36:02] Elune: **no..-regrets-...darkling/scum**
  62. [14.09.2016 17:36:12] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *Ignoring the Order ship* Radio control, establish a secure comm connection to the Apahanta.
  63. [14.09.2016 17:36:13] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: That's a statement I'm happy with. Would have been a shame to make sure there are no evidences of this meeting ever-
  64. [14.09.2016 17:36:15] The.Apahanta: happened.
  65. [14.09.2016 17:36:49] Coreckroach.Stomper: Except the God-Emperor, naturally.
  66. [14.09.2016 17:37:01] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: I'm 79 years old, Vertiga. I hardly care about threats.
  67. [14.09.2016 17:37:20] Core|WV-Herschel: Radio: We are oscilating frequencies.
  68. [14.09.2016 17:37:30] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Aren't you a bit too old for captaining then?
  69. [14.09.2016 17:37:41] Core|WV-Herschel: Radio: *Tuning in* We are established, ma'am.
  70. [14.09.2016 17:37:52] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Patching in comms. Order doesn't need to listen to everything.
  71. [14.09.2016 17:38:01] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Let that be my concern, Vertiga.
  72. [14.09.2016 17:38:40] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: So, who are you? You seem to have a bit more of a deal within the Core?
  73. [14.09.2016 17:38:50] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: I own the Core.
  74. [14.09.2016 17:39:06] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: So you are the new Nodtviet.
  75. [14.09.2016 17:39:15] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Still not too clever to come out here alone.
  76. [14.09.2016 17:39:46] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: I could retort likewise, so why do we just not, hmm?
  77. [14.09.2016 17:40:13] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *To the bridge crew* By the way, you are still to leave.
  78. [14.09.2016 17:40:39] Core|WV-Herschel: *The crew stands up in one motion and leaves the bridge, waiting in Lyell's ready room*
  79. [14.09.2016 17:41:00] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: And now?
  80. [14.09.2016 17:41:04] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She crosses her legs in her chair, leaning back with her hands folded in her lap*
  81. [14.09.2016 17:41:30] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: You wanted to talk. I assume there is a matter on your heart, considering your foolhardy move to unveil in this system.
  82. [14.09.2016 17:42:12] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: My business in Minor is hardly your concern, however, seeing a lonely Core Cruiser entering Minor is interesting.
  83. [14.09.2016 17:42:40] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Now that you're here, let us talk about solving this little situation here.
  84. [14.09.2016 17:42:45] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Note that I did not ask what you were doing here, since I don't care. Let the Order tell people where they-
  85. [14.09.2016 17:42:48] Core|WV-Herschel: may or may not be.
  86. [14.09.2016 17:43:42] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: My work forces me to enter Core territory now and then, Miss Lyell. And I would prefer to not get shot by Core for...
  87. [14.09.2016 17:44:15] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: ... faking the destruction of this ship. It's mine, it always was and Core has no claims on it any longer.
  88. [14.09.2016 17:44:16] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She looks at the camera unmovingly*
  89. [14.09.2016 17:44:41] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Nodtviet would kill for such a behavior. What do you do?
  90. [14.09.2016 17:44:49] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She nods* Depends. Are you deaf?
  91. [14.09.2016 17:45:30] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I just want a clear statement. You own the Core, but you aren't the Core.
  92. [14.09.2016 17:45:51] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: It's likely other pilots will take the opportunity to interfere with my causes.
  93. [14.09.2016 17:45:58] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: I stated that I care not for your vessel. If I had my way, I'd sell those to anyone with the money to buy them.
  94. [14.09.2016 17:46:29] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Now, indifference means that I will not dictate any course of action to my inferiors.
  95. [14.09.2016 17:46:57] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Unless, of course, I would have a reason that would make it worth my time.
  96. [14.09.2016 17:47:08] Elune: **..(RAGE)..**
  97. [14.09.2016 17:47:39] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She didn't even flinch at the Nomad*
  98. [14.09.2016 17:47:42] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I can assure you, I'm not worth your time, or the Core's time.
  99. [14.09.2016 17:47:51] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Aha.
  100. [14.09.2016 17:48:05] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Would that apply to this talk as well, then?
  101. [14.09.2016 17:49:00] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Depends. So you like money, hm? What would it cost to redeem my prior actions and assure me protection from the Core?
  102. [14.09.2016 17:49:11] Got lost? Can't find your way back? Use the Interactive NavMap on our forums.
  103. [14.09.2016 17:50:06] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Hmm, you're one of those people, aren't you?
  104. [14.09.2016 17:50:25] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Pragmatic.
  105. [14.09.2016 17:50:40] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: To be fair, I already have resources at my disposal. I could buy Curacao, probably.
  106. [14.09.2016 17:50:57] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: If you say so.
  107. [14.09.2016 17:51:32] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *she shakes her head* I have been overwhelmed by the desire to brag, it seems. I apologize.
  108. [14.09.2016 17:52:23] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She looks at her folded hands for a moment*
  109. [14.09.2016 17:52:42] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: I do possess the means to put a certain file from one folder to another that might make your life easier.
  110. [14.09.2016 17:53:30] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: The question is still: Why should I?
  111. [14.09.2016 17:53:58] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: What's your price? If not money, hm?
  112. [14.09.2016 17:54:15] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She chuckles for the first time, even if briefly*
  113. [14.09.2016 17:54:46] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: That is the crux of being at the top. What could I want? *She looks at the camera again*
  114. [14.09.2016 17:56:04] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: N'aww, this is difficult. Do tell, what could you even offer, besides sex, if the stories they tell on Durban and Yaren-
  115. [14.09.2016 17:56:07] Core|WV-Herschel: are correct?
  116. [14.09.2016 17:57:12] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I didn't expect to have stories about that around. Interesting. Well, if you don't want my money, what about some
  117. [14.09.2016 17:57:35] The.Apahanta: information about the nomads? I mean, I know APM knows more than I do, but do you know everything?
  118. [14.09.2016 17:58:07] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: The Nomads, you say. I am indeed mystified by them.
  119. [14.09.2016 17:58:31] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: I read the papers that land on my desk and stamped with the APM logo with great interest.
  120. [14.09.2016 17:59:32] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She makes a hand motion to tell him to continue*
  121. [14.09.2016 18:00:14] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: You see, I'm mystified by them as well. That's why I joined the Core back then, to learn more about them.
  122. [14.09.2016 18:00:35] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: To maybe find a solution to our two races' problem.
  123. [14.09.2016 18:00:45] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Aha. Wouldn't a Zoner group be more promising?
  124. [14.09.2016 18:01:14] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: We all saw how weak Zoner ships are.
  125. [14.09.2016 18:01:44] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Core was the only option. Your propaganda in the houses hit me back then.
  126. [14.09.2016 18:01:59] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Noted.
  127. [14.09.2016 18:02:29] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: However, obviously Core had no interest in finding a solution. Instead, it is interested in exploiting the nomads.
  128. [14.09.2016 18:02:50] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Correct. Nodtviet was quite firm on that point.
  129. [14.09.2016 18:03:14] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: So I need this ship to have my own researches. With the cloak, I'm able to patrol the nomad space quite often.
  130. [14.09.2016 18:03:27] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I don't know how often Core does, since the latest losses in Iota.
  131. [14.09.2016 18:04:04] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Nodtviet /was/ quite firm on that point.
  132. [14.09.2016 18:04:29] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: So no patrols. No new information about what lies beyond the Iota gate.
  133. [14.09.2016 18:05:03] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: It's a gamble, Miss. I could provide you quite a lot of information about the nomad installations and fleet.
  134. [14.09.2016 18:05:20] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: It is interesting to me, Mr. Vertiga. *She holds up a hand to silence him*
  135. [14.09.2016 18:05:38] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: You could receive a message this evening, containing what I know. In return, I want assurance that Core keeps their
  136. [14.09.2016 18:05:43] The.Apahanta: hands off me.
  137. [14.09.2016 18:06:03] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Why would a man that professes to seek the way of peace with the aliens deliberately provocate them by treading their -
  138. [14.09.2016 18:06:05] Core|WV-Herschel: truf?
  139. [14.09.2016 18:06:08] Core|WV-Herschel: //*turf
  140. [14.09.2016 18:06:40] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I see a solution. I wasn't talking about peace.
  141. [14.09.2016 18:06:50] The.Apahanta: // *seek
  142. [14.09.2016 18:07:05] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Not the best of auspices, though, starting from this, right?
  143. [14.09.2016 18:08:00] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: It's your choice, Miss.
  144. [14.09.2016 18:08:29] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Allow me to draw several conclusions from what you've given me so far, Mr. Vertiga.
  145. [14.09.2016 18:08:43] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Take your time.
  146. [14.09.2016 18:09:16] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: You profess to seek a way of, if not peace, then coexistence, which would necessitate a reason -
  147. [14.09.2016 18:09:30] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
  148. [14.09.2016 18:09:33] Core|WV-Herschel: to believe such a thing is possible that goes contrary to what is publically on display every day everywhere.
  149. [14.09.2016 18:09:54] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: That is my first conclusion: You are in contact with them directly.
  150. [14.09.2016 18:10:41] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Secondly, you profess to have obtained or gathered information about what lies beyond the precipice of the Iota gate-
  151. [14.09.2016 18:11:03] Core|WV-Herschel: yet you are still here, unharmed, both in mind and body. Not many can say this, considering cloaks are ineffective against the.
  152. [14.09.2016 18:11:06] Core|WV-Herschel: //*them.
  153. [14.09.2016 18:11:35] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Thus my second conclusion: You have a deal or some sort of arrangement that allows this to happen.
  154. [14.09.2016 18:12:02] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Now, what is typical for persons who are affiliated with the Nomads, I ask myself here.
  155. [14.09.2016 18:12:17] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Maybe you can tell me. It's public knowledge, after all.
  156. [14.09.2016 18:13:08] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: So you're afraid I could be infected? Or no, 'afraid' is surely not the word you would use in this case.
  157. [14.09.2016 18:13:38] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Surely, you are aware that they don't need to infect you to make you docile.
  158. [14.09.2016 18:13:46] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: However, let me put some things right, since your conclusions are maybe logical, but miss some factors.
  159. [14.09.2016 18:14:28] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: It's interesting to see how much you actually know about it. But you own the Core, so who wonders.
  160. [14.09.2016 18:15:20] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: I'm sure they would like to get to me. Simple caution.
  161. [14.09.2016 18:15:25] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: One could say I'm a special snowflake in all this. I'm not on your side, but also not on their's. That opens me unique
  162. [14.09.2016 18:15:32] The.Apahanta: opportunities on both sides.
  163. [14.09.2016 18:15:47] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She arcs an eyebrow*
  164. [14.09.2016 18:16:50] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Miss, it's easy. They know I'm not with you. So why would they neccessarily attack me?
  165. [14.09.2016 18:17:26] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Because they are territorial, Mr. Vertiga.
  166. [14.09.2016 18:17:53] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: And yet here I am. So maybe I lie, or maybe you are just wrong with your assumption.
  167. [14.09.2016 18:18:25] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: I'm willing to assume the former. Your claim goes against more than decades of empirical science.
  168. [14.09.2016 18:18:46] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Things have changed, Miss.
  169. [14.09.2016 18:19:13] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: You know it. I know Core knows what changed recently.
  170. [14.09.2016 18:19:24] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: So, back to the topic: Your choice.
  171. [14.09.2016 18:19:30] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Are you going to talk around the issue more, or will you concede that you have contact with them?
  172. [14.09.2016 18:20:21] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: *He laughs out loud, obviously amused.* I like you. Straight to the point. Contact, yes. Docile? No. The same way
  173. [14.09.2016 18:20:34] The.Apahanta: of contact you or anyone else could have with them. No infection.
  174. [14.09.2016 18:21:19] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Really now.
  175. [14.09.2016 18:21:42] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She leans back* Submit to a blood test.
  176. [14.09.2016 18:21:55] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Get a medical officer to do it and send the data.
  177. [14.09.2016 18:22:21] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Interesting.
  178. [14.09.2016 18:23:04] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I wonder what it would change, Miss.
  179. [14.09.2016 18:23:33] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: It would lend credibility to something that would otherwise be nought but conjecture.
  180. [14.09.2016 18:24:01] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: You heard the lady. Bring the Doctor to the bridge.
  181. [14.09.2016 18:24:27] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I'm sure you have some minutes of patience, Miss.
  182. [14.09.2016 18:24:40] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Until my heart stops, I would assume.
  183. [14.09.2016 18:25:11] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: You have one. I see.
  184. [14.09.2016 18:25:49] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: For how long are you the new Guildmaster? When did Nodtviet die?
  185. [14.09.2016 18:25:50] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: For children, mostly. I donate copious amounts of money to hospices in Rheinland.
  186. [14.09.2016 18:26:30] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Did the radio operator say Guildmaster? That is incorrect, Mr. Vertiga. I am a Guildkeeper.
  187. [14.09.2016 18:27:14] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: You're a Guildkeeper but say you own the Core?
  188. [14.09.2016 18:27:20] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Correct.
  189. [14.09.2016 18:27:33] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: What's with Matt Bishop then? Isn't he of another opinion about that?
  190. [14.09.2016 18:27:53] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Matt is hard eloquent enough to be more than a figure head.
  191. [14.09.2016 18:28:40] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Besides, it's nice having him in that position. I don't want to be Guildmaster.
  192. [14.09.2016 18:28:49] The.Apahanta: *He takes off his top, so the Doctor was able to get the blood of his arm. It was visible in the camera.*
  193. [14.09.2016 18:29:07] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Good shave.
  194. [14.09.2016 18:29:51] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 2 hours.
  195. [14.09.2016 18:29:51] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
  196. [14.09.2016 18:29:55] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I guess you want that blood to test it yourself?
  197. [14.09.2016 18:30:09] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: That would be most appreciated.
  198. [14.09.2016 18:30:38] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Oh, and don't think about replacing it. We still have all medical data, Mr. Vertiga.
  199. [14.09.2016 18:31:04] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I don't need to fake something here, Ma'am.
  200. [14.09.2016 18:31:16] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Splendid.
  201. [14.09.2016 18:32:06] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Have your tractor beam ready. We will eject the blood vial.
  202. [14.09.2016 18:32:18] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She enters a console command*
  203. [14.09.2016 18:33:36] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She presses a button* This is Lyell to deck 4. Please discern the haleness of the retrieved object.
  204. [14.09.2016 18:34:10] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *Releasing the button* Two minutes. In the meantime, why don't you tell me more about this, hmm?
  205. [14.09.2016 18:34:25] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: This?
  206. [14.09.2016 18:35:22] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She replays something that Vertiga said earlier* "The same way of contact you or anyone else could have with them."
  207. [14.09.2016 18:36:07] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Often the easiest ideas are the best. Have you never thought about contacting the nomads via the human neural net?
  208. [14.09.2016 18:36:19] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Actually, yes.
  209. [14.09.2016 18:37:01] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: They have enough human agents. Even one of their biggest entities can access the neural net without having a body.
  210. [14.09.2016 18:37:10] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: That's what they say, at least.
  211. [14.09.2016 18:37:24] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: And so far, they never gave me reason to think they lie.
  212. [14.09.2016 18:37:51] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Yet you must concede that they must be somewhat versed at lying to start a civil war in Liberty, yes?
  213. [14.09.2016 18:38:23] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Good point. But that's two different things.
  214. [14.09.2016 18:38:26] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: But I have figured that this would be possible. After all, we are merely imitating their technology at every turn.
  215. [14.09.2016 18:39:17] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: So what now. Am I infected?
  216. [14.09.2016 18:39:27] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Doesn't feel like.
  217. [14.09.2016 18:39:30] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Patience. *She taps the console*
  218. [14.09.2016 18:40:01] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: So let us assume that I did send a transmission to Dur Shurrikun. To what end?
  219. [14.09.2016 18:40:37] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Am I to say: "Hello there, I'd like for us to not shoot each other, but we still live in your galaxy. Is that okay?"
  220. [14.09.2016 18:41:41] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: It's a good approach after all. In the end, I'm standing here before you.
  221. [14.09.2016 18:42:04] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *The console beeps* Now let's see...
  222. [14.09.2016 18:42:26] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: We have the same blood type, Mr. Vertiga.
  223. [14.09.2016 18:42:51] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: You're quite stressed recently, is that correct?
  224. [14.09.2016 18:43:18] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I could ask you the same.
  225. [14.09.2016 18:44:03] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: With the difference that I know the answer.
  226. [14.09.2016 18:44:33] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: You were correct. There is no trace of Nomadic substances in your blood. However, you should relax a little more.
  227. [14.09.2016 18:44:34] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I can only judge by the tone of your magical voice and the position you are in.
  228. [14.09.2016 18:44:52] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Profuse stress causes aneurysms and heart failure.
  229. [14.09.2016 18:45:00] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: I could relax, if you say yes to the deal.
  230. [14.09.2016 18:45:44] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Well, as of now, you only offered intel that I could get myself, if I were so inclined.
  231. [14.09.2016 18:46:12] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: You think you could get it yourself.
  232. [14.09.2016 18:46:21] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Maybe you are being played in a game bigger than the both of us; who knows?
  233. [14.09.2016 18:46:56] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: If it's so easy for you to gain the information, why not set course to Omicron Iota with me?
  234. [14.09.2016 18:47:29] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Mr. Vertiga, I shall depart for now.
  235. [14.09.2016 18:47:49] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Ponder your words over a nice glass of wine and some music.
  236. [14.09.2016 18:49:00] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: So I guess I get a transmission later. Fine.
  237. [14.09.2016 18:49:15] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: No. No neural net.
  238. [14.09.2016 18:49:57] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: We meet here. In a week.
  239. [14.09.2016 18:50:13] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: *She presses a button and the bridge crew returns*
  240. [14.09.2016 18:50:15] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
  241. [14.09.2016 18:50:36] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Helm, I believe we are done. Set course to Durban.
  242. [14.09.2016 18:50:50] Core|WV-Herschel: Helm: At once, ma'am.
  243. [14.09.2016 18:51:13] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Hmpf. Au revoir.
  244. [14.09.2016 18:51:25] Core|WV-Herschel: Lyell: Good bye, Mr. Vertiga.
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