
TES writeup

Jun 26th, 2016
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  1. FelixCalamatus: kinda two phases in the session
  2. FelixCalamatus: So the players decided to travel back to Daggerfall since the week was up and their bounties were cleared.
  3. FelixCalamatus: They decide to take road through the Ilessian hills despite the rumors they heard that the hills were haunted
  4. FelixCalamatus: So the three of them are camping in the hills and Altmer mage is on watch, he sees a vision of the scary blue cat eyes that he saw in the dungeon a week ago and starts screaming bloody pained murder after he fails his willpower check.
  5. FelixCalamatus: So the other two rush over to help him and after a few seconds later he calms down but now they are all starting to hear the rumbling approach of a mass of soldiers in armor coming up the road. Nord Knight dons his armor and draws his sword reading himself and stands in the road trying to see who is approaching, Breton mage climbs up a tree to see what is approaching and he sees a large unit of Breton Knights with the dragon banner of Daggerfall coming up the road in their general direction.
  6. FelixCalamatus: Altmer nightblade goes stealth and starts sneaking behind a outcropping of rocks and boulders,and that's when he notices something really odd
  7. FelixCalamatus: A oddly pulsating group of rocks similar to the surrounding rocks but glowing bright green.
  8. FelixCalamatus: So he approaches rocks and gingerly reaches out a finger and touches the rock
  9. FelixCalamatus: I ask him to roll a endurance check and he crits the check, and i play this sound effect for all the players
  10. FelixCalamatus: stilll following me? I'll stop for one sec brb
  11. Autumn: sorry, I got up to get some snacks and I missed it
  12. Autumn: go on
  13. FelixCalamatus: Do I need to repost something?
  14. Autumn: no, I'm following
  15. FelixCalamatus: ok one sec
  16. FelixCalamatus: So the next thing the Altmer knows he is on his back staring at the midday sun when it was clearly night time a moment ago. Breton mage up in the tree notices this too but what is more striking is that the army he was watching approach up the road has now vanished and he can't see Nord Knight either failing his initial perception
  17. FelixCalamatus: Nord Knight finds himself up on the top of the hill nearby the roach with a group of encamped soldiers, and old grizzled veteran captain is talking at him, apparently as if he was already in a conversation, something about tryin to convince him to help fight the invading Wayrester army.
  18. FelixCalamatus: So Breton mage manages to spot where the army went apparently they are on the top of the hill nearby and my players are starting to question what the fuck is going on
  19. FelixCalamatus: The Breton Mage also sees something large rising out the mist nearby. The old grizzled veteran mentions King Gothryd and Nord Knight asks "You mean Gothryd the IV? (currently king of Daggerfall)" and the captain is like "What the fok r u tolkin bout m8-" And I start describing to Nord Knight that the Captain has stopped talking and him and all the soldiers are now standing wide eyed mouths agape staring at something behind him.
  20. FelixCalamatus: The way I describe it to Nord Knight before he turns around is that he dimly notes the soldiers are all appearing to wear strange mismatched uniforms as opposed to what they were wearing earlier. Ones dressed like a Reguard warrior, another looks like a Samurai, one is a WWII soldier, another is dressed as a clown
  21. FelixCalamatus: Now Breton Mage up in the tress doesn't notice this weridness he just is looking at what is rising up out of the mist and I bring up this picture to show everyone what the soliders are staring at.
  22. FelixCalamatus:
  23. Autumn: oooh boy
  24. FelixCalamatus: So the soldiers Nord Knight is with all start panicking some starting to fight each other, some trying to shoot Numidium with machine guns and arrows, The captain who now looks like a US army general wearing sunglasses grabs Nord Knight yelling at him that they have to take down the unnatural beheamoth weapon, before suddenly popping out of existance. Breton Knight and Nord Knight sees F-16s, WW1 biplanes, Dragons, and Space fighters all fly at the Numidium attacking it and a giant white speech bubble appears in the air next to Numidium with the words "NO" and all the soldiers and weapons attacking it suddenly blank out of existance as well.
  25. FelixCalamatus: Nord Knight rolls a lore check on this and gets a crit so I tell him that one word comes through his mind, "Numidium" and the giant golem raises up its foot and looks like it's about to stomp on the three PCs
  26. FelixCalamatus: Altmer nightblade comes in at this time, he has been on his back in a daze, and has finally come to. He gets up and asks me if the Green rock is still nearby and says yes
  27. FelixCalamatus: So he walks back over gingerly reaches out a finger and touches the rock and again. Aces his Edurance check (so doesn't die) and I play this sound again
  28. Autumn: right
  29. FelixCalamatus: So the next thing they know they have woken up at a campsite they don't remember making, it's dawn and Nord Knight figures out by checking the geography that they are several miles south of where they entered the hills. So after collecting their thoughts and accepting that they were indeed not dreaming they all collectively said
  30. FelixCalamatus: NOPE
  31. FelixCalamatus: and decided never to visit those hills again
  32. FelixCalamatus: they went ahead to the nearest town and found out two days had past that they could not account for
  33. FelixCalamatus: brb one sec
  34. FelixCalamatus: Yeah so that was Phase one of the session, i'm about to have to go real quick
  35. FelixCalamatus: will you be here in like an hour or two?
  36. Autumn: yeah
  37. FelixCalamatus: alright i'll be back in a bit and I'll tell you the rest
  38. Autumn: aight
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