
Zuihou LN - Part 1 [Translated]

Mar 16th, 2016
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  1. Zuihou LN - The Auspicious Seas, the Phoenix's Sky
  2. From
  4. 第1章 提督任命
  5. Chapter 1 - Admiral's Appointment
  7. 我受到的傷比想像中的還要嚴重,光是還活著就已經可以說是奇蹟了。
  8. So it turns out my wounds were quite a bit more serious than I imagined. It was a miracle that I even survived.
  9. 手術過後還是殘留了一點麻痺感,暫時還需要一段恢復訓練的樣子。
  10. The surgery left me with a certain numbness that would require some physical therapy.
  11. 但是,現在是交戰期。不管是誰都不能懈怠。
  12. But we are at war, and all men must do their part.
  13. ——就憑這幅殘留著麻痺感的身體,說不定會被開除軍籍?不,考​​慮到現在人手不夠的話,也有可能會被送上前線呢。
  14. ——Would this residual numbness qualify me for a medical discharge? No, given how undermanned we already are, it's just as likely that I'd just get sent to the front lines again.
  15. 在那次交戰中,謎之少女擊沉了深海棲艦的戰果並沒有得到公開發表,當然了,私下里也沒有任何流言傳播。看上去只是我們遭到了單方面的毀滅性打擊,失去了所有艦船而已。
  16. The sinking of the abyssal warships by that mysterious young girl in that engagement was not published, and I heard no rumors about the matter. Publicly, we were simply the victims of a one-sided slaughter that ended with the loss of all fleet elements.
  17. 那就是秘密兵器嗎?這樣推測比較妥當吧。能夠擊破深海棲艦的方法,我想不出別的。
  18. Was that the secret weapon? That would be the logical inference. I certainly couldn't think of anything else that could defeat the abyssals.
  19. 如果是這樣的話,那上級一定有出於某種理由隱瞞了她的存在。
  20. If that's the case, then high command must be hiding her existence for some reason.
  21. 我在那時見到了水上的少女這件事,也沒有對任何人提起過。
  22. At this time, I also noted that there was no mention of the girl who walked on water.
  24. 迎來初春的某個午間——
  25. A certain afternoon in early spring——
  26. 我數著剛出芽的櫻花樹,走向被叫去的某個場所。
  27. I strode towards a certain building, counting the budding cherry blossoms as I passed.
  28. 來到了一座紅磚砌成的建築物裡。
  29. Here it is——a red brick building.
  30. 組織的本部就設在這裡,也就是說,我所屬的組織裡最上層的人也在這裡。偶爾也想見一次看看呢……雖然在這麼大的建築物裡,想要偶然在走廊上擦肩而過基本是沒可能的就是了。
  31. This is my organization's headquarters——that is, the location of my unit's upper echelon are based here. I've wanted to tour it once or twice in the past...though the odds of finding my way inside its halls by chance were essentially impossible.
  33. 對我這樣的下級軍官發號施令的,頂多也就是少佐呀中佐之類的了。
  34. For a low-level officer like myself, the only brass that would be handing me orders would be a Lieutenant Commander, or maybe a Commander.
  35. 現在軍隊裡的軍銜嘛……最上頭的是元帥,再往下來是大將、中將、少將這些將官。再往下嘛,就是大佐、中佐、少佐這些佐官了。
  36. Currently, in the military hierarchy, a Marshal sits at the top, followed by Admiral, Vice-Admiral, and then the Rear Admiral. Going further down, we have Captains, Commanders, Lieutenant Commanders and other COs.
  37. 我目前的軍銜嘛,還在中尉。
  38. Me? As of now I'm a Sub-lieutenant.
  39. 從軍校畢業的人,首先是少尉。然後想要晉升的話……
  40. Fresh graduates of the academy start out as Ensigns. If you want to move up...
  41. ——為了保家衛國,首先要打倒敵人。
  42. ——Well, the priority is to defend the homeland and defeat the enemy.
  43. 但是,現在的武器對深海棲艦完全不起作用,我可是近距離親眼見證了這一點的。
  44. But, currently our weapons are completely ineffective against the abyssals; I saw that with my own eyes, far too close for comfort.
  45. 既然如此,現在的軍銜還有什麼意義?
  46. Given that fact, what use is a rank?
  47. 地位什麼的,管它娘的呢。
  48. Status can kiss my ass.
  49. 我只想要能夠打倒敵人的武器而已。
  50. I just want a weapon that can defeat the enemy.
  51. 如果就這樣碌碌無為地活下去,連一次都沒有擊沉過敵人的話,九泉之下的岩柱得有多生氣啊。如果我也能有那個時候出現的少女所擁有的力量的話……
  52. If I just live on aimlessly like this without sinking a single enemy, Iwahashira over in the afterlife will be pissed. If I had the strength that little girl showed at that time...
  53. 明明只要有能作戰的力量,北邊也好南邊也好,管它哪裡的前線我都會去攻下來的!
  54. As long as I have that power, they can send me up north or down south, throw me on the front lines and I'd take them all down!
  55. 我沒有一天不這麼想。
  56. There was never a day where I was not thinking that.
  57. 當然了,像那樣年輕的女孩子走到戰場上,也一定是有著什麼理由的吧。
  58. Of course, there must be a reason such a young girl had to deployed onto the battlefield.
  59. 我沿著漫長的走廊前進,途中擦肩而過的軍人,大都是一些年齡也好軍銜也好都在我之上的人。這時候就需要敬禮,然後讓路。
  60. I continued down the long hallway, brushing shoulders with military men far more advanced in both age and rank. Of course, this meant I would have to salute and step aside.
  61. 找到了指定的房間後,我停在門口,敲響了門。
  62. Having reached the given room, I stopped and knocked loudly.
  63. 按照軍規那樣,報上了自己的所屬、姓名與軍銜。
  64. Following military protocol, I reported my unit, name and rank.
  65. “進來。”
  66. "Come in."
  67. 聽起來不像是少佐或著中佐的樣子嘛。
  68. That didn't sound like a Lieutenant Commander or a Commander.
  69. “失禮了!”
  70. "Pardon my intrusion!"
  71. 我打開了那扇沉重的木質大門,進入室內,隨後行禮。
  72. I pushed open that dense wooden door and walked in, saluting as I went.
  73. 裡面有一個滿頭灰髮的老年男性,皮膚上刻著歲月的深溝,目光比至今為止見過的任何將官都要銳利。
  74. An older man with ashen-colored hair awaited inside, his skin etched with age. His gaze, however, was sharp; sharper than that of any superior who had laid eyes upon me.
  75. 我記得的確在哪裡見過這張臉,應該是軍校裡在錄像上見過吧。
  76. I remember seeing that face somewhere - from one of the recordings at the academy, possibly.
  77. 該不會?
  78. Could it be?
  79. 我緊張地咽了口唾沫。
  80. I gulped involuntarily.
  81. 是司令長官吧!?
  82. Is that the Marshal Admiral?!
  83. 一次都沒有在走廊上遇到過吧,畢竟這是對遍布全國的複數鎮守府下達所有任務的最高指揮官。
  84. I sure as hell have never run into him in the hallways; after all, this is the commander in charge of every one of the naval districts in the nation.
  85. 襯在雙肩上的軍銜章閃閃發光,金色的鷲與櫻花彷彿在宣告他的元帥身份。
  86. The epaulets on his shoulders glittered, the golden eagle and cherry blossoms attesting to his rank as Marshal.
  87. 司令長官的桌上,有什麼東西正在蠕動。
  88. On the Marshal Admiral's desk, something appeared to be moving.
  89. 大小差不多是半個蘋果那麼大,因為蓋上了白布所以看不到裡面是什麼。
  90. It seemed about as large as half an apple, but the white cloth that covered it precluded any attempt to identify it.
  91. ——大概是某種小型錄音機吧?
  92. ——A recording device, maybe?
  93. 隨後,司令長官向我投來了視線。
  94. Next up, the Marshal Admiral turned his gaze upon me.
  95. “你的傷,沒事了吧。”
  96. "Your wounds, are they alright?"
  97. “沒有問題。”
  98. "No problem sir!"
  99. “嗯……你在江田島的成績也已經寄過來了……這還真是了不起啊,不管是理論課還是實際運用都是頭名啊,還創造了長跑的新紀錄嗎?”
  100. "Mm...I have already received and looked over your academic record at Etajima. ...Quite impressive, I must say, you top the ranks, whether in theory or in practical application. Set a new long distance sprinting record too, huh?"
  101. “非常感謝!都是因為教官的指導!”
  102. "I am most grateful! That was thanks to my instructors' training!"
  103. 江田島是一所軍校,喝酒呀找女人之類的都與我無緣,拜其所賜比其他人有更多的時間用來學習。
  104. Etajima hosts one of the naval academies. Since I was neither interested in women nor drinking, I had quite a bit more time to learn and study than the average person.
  105. 用標準的句式回答之後,司令長官開始苦笑。
  106. In response to my textbook response, the Commander laughed wryly.
  107. “那麼,中尉,首先有任免令要給你。”
  108. "Well then, ensign, I have some new orders for you."
  109. “是!”
  110. "Yessir!"
  111. “鑑於你在上次的作戰中存活下來,特此晉升為大尉。恭喜你了。”
  112. "Firstly, in light of your survival of the last operation, you are hereby promoted to Lieutenant. Congratulations."
  113. “非常感謝!”
  114. "My deepest thanks!"
  115. 真是沒想到,居然會晉升。
  116. I can't believe it, I got promoted.
  117. 心情有夠複雜的。
  118. I am getting a feeling so complicated.
  119. 彷彿是看穿了我的心思一般,司令長官問道:
  120. As if he had seen through my thoughts, the Marshal Admiral remarked,
  121. “不服嗎?”
  122. "Displeased?"
  123. “不、不!完全沒有!”
  124. "N-No! Not at all!"
  125. “這裡只有我和你而已,老實點說出來吧。”
  126. "You and I are the only ones in this room, be a little more honest."
  127. “……非常抱歉,那麼,請容許我的無禮……比起軍銜,我更想要武器。”
  128. " apologies. Well then, pardon my rudeness...but, rather than a promotion, I'd rather have a weapon."
  129. “嚯?比如說——能夠把深海棲艦一擊擊沉那樣的?”
  130. "Ohh? As in a weapon that can destroy the abyssals?"
  131. “!?”
  132. "?!"
  133. 情不自禁地就探出了身子。
  134. I couldn't stop myself from leaning fowards.
  135. ——果然,那個少女是秘密兵器嗎!?
  136. ——As expected, that little girl is the secret weapon?!
  137. 他像是要擺脫話題那樣,開口道:
  138. As if to change the topic, he continued:
  139. “當然了,如果有那樣的東西的話,當然會想要了……如果有,的話。”
  140. "Of course, we'd all want that kind of thing if we had it...if we had it."
  141. “真的有嗎!?”
  142. "Do we have it?!"
  143. “你真嫩啊,大尉。怎麼可能有呢?如果有那種力量的話,這場苦戰又怎麼會愈演愈烈呢?”
  144. "How naive, Lieutenant. How could we have it? If we had that kind of power, would this war still be intensifying?"
  145. “但、但是,真的有嗎?”
  146. "B-but, is there really something like that?"
  147. 我把已經到了嘴邊的話嚥下去,只是重複問道。
  148. I swallowed the rest of the words that threatened to escape my lips——I was just repeating the question.
  149. 司令長官注視著我。
  150. The Marshal Admiral looked straight at me, into me.
  151. “為什麼會覺得,有呢?”
  152. "Why do you feel that there is?"
  153. “這我不能說!”
  154. "I cannot say!"
  155. 既然連他都不說,那麼我也不能開口。
  156. If he can't say it, then I certainly can't either.
  157. 那個秘密兵器,是人類的希望。我還不知道到底是為什麼要隱瞞,又是「對誰隱瞞」。
  158. It's a secret weapon, after all, humanity's hope. I still don't know why it's being hidden, and who it's being hidden from.
  159. “……你還真是認真啊。雖然很無趣,但正是需要這種人才的時候。”
  160. " sure are a serious one. A little boring, given, but we need boring men like you at a time like this."
  161. 司令長官點了點頭,向桌子伸出手。
  162. With a nod, the Marshal Admiral extended his hand towards the desk.
  163. 取走了遮掩的白布。
  164. And tore off the the white table cloth
  165. 桌子上,有著某種不可思議的生物。
  166. On the desk, was an unbelievable creature.
  167. 很小,小到足以放在手心裡,不僅如此,還有著人類的外表。
  168. Small, small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. Not only that, it bore the appearance of a human.
  169. 頭上戴著白色的圓帽,磚紅色的頭髮在兩端束成馬尾。性別是女嗎,服裝看起來也像是女學生的樣子。手上好像,還抓著什麼像貓一樣的東西。
  170. 她對我浮現出笑容。
  171. Wearing a white hat over brick red twin-tails, it was probably a girl, dressed like a female student. In her hands was what looked like a cat, and on her face was a grin.
  172. “誒嘿”
  173. "Ahem."
  174. “……咦?這、這是……”
  175. "...Eh? T-this is..."
  176. 見到我疑惑的樣子,司令長官探過身來。
  177. Seeing my hesitation, the Marshal Admiral leaned over.
  178. 他的臉上綻放出笑容。
  179. There was a grin on his face.
  180. “嚯,你能看見嗎?”
  181. "Ohhohh, you can see it?"
  182. “看、看得見?那個小人嗎?”
  183. "S-see it? That little person?"
  184. “是嗎,是嗎……沒想到還是有能夠看見「妖精」的軍人的啊……”
  185. "Really, think that there would be a military man who could see the 'fairy'..."
  186. “妖精?”
  187. "Fairy?"
  188. “嗯,正是。”
  189. "Yep, that's right."
  190. 這就是妖精嗎。
  191. That's a fairy?
  192. 我再一次,向鳥籠中的她投去視線。不知為何,她舉起手裡的貓,遮住了自己的臉。
  193. Once again, I cast my eyes upon her, standing in that birdcage. I don't know why, but she immediately raised the cat in her hands, covering her eyes.
  194. “……”
  195. "..."
  196. 這個動作,有什麼意義嗎?
  197. Is there some kind of significance to that movement?
  198. “司令長官,這是怎麼回事……能請您說明一下嗎?”
  199. "Marshal Admiral, what is going on...could I ask you explain this to me?"
  200. 他的眼神變得更加銳利了。
  201. His gaze at this point could pierce iron.
  202. “說明嗎?當然可以。但是啊,你聽了之後——就再也無法回頭了。你會被授予某項任務,這樣也沒問題嗎?”
  203. "Explain? Of course I can. But if and once I do, you won't be able to turn back anymore. You will be taking on a certain mission. Is that alright?"
  204. 既然司令長官都這麼說了,就代表真的無法回頭了吧。到底會是什麼樣的任務?
  205. If the Marshal Admiral was saying that, there really would be no way to turn back. What kind of mission would this be?
  206. 總覺得,我好像就要踏入某個未知的領域一樣,恐怕無法再度走出來的,某個領域。
  207. I felt as if I was about to step into alien territory——alien territory from which I might never be able to leave.
  208. 無意識地做出了吞嚥動作。
  209. I swallowed unconsciously.
  210. 把家人呀朋友呀之類多如牛毛的問題從腦海中清離,然後,只留下了一個疑問。
  211. I banished the vision of family, friends and countless problems from my mind, leaving behind a single, pressing question.
  212. 那就問吧。
  213. So I asked it.
  214. “……司令長官,那項任務……是要打倒,深海棲艦嗎?”
  215. "...Marshal Admiral, Sir, this it to defeat the Abyssals?"
  217. “取決於,你自己吧。”
  218. "That depends on you."
  220. 我握緊了拳頭。
  221. I clenched my fist.
  222. “我接受!請告訴我吧!”
  223. "I accept! Please tell me!"
  224. 我從此賭上了這條性命,又有什麼值得後悔的?什麼都沒有。
  225. And thus I bet my life upon this duty. Is there anything else worth regretting? None.
  226. 在那天,在那片海上,我向同級生的摯友如此發誓:
  227. On that day, on that lonely sea, I had made a vow to colleagues and friends since departed:
  228. 一定要打倒,深海棲艦。
  229. I will definitely defeat the Abyssals.
  230. 兩小時後——
  231. Two hours later——
  232. 我在晉升大尉之後,又馬上晉升成了少佐。這是執行任務所必須的,司令長官如此判斷道。那之後,甚至連準備的時間都沒有,我就那樣乘上了通用小型車,前往某個場所。
  233. A mere two hours after my promotion to Lieutenant, I was further promoted to Lieutenant Commander. The Marshal Admiral had explained that this was necessary to execute the mission. Thereafter, without any time for preparation, I boarded a small car and proceeded to a certain destination.
  235. “我們不被允許前往更深處!”
  236. "We are not authorized to proceed any further than this!"
  237. 載我來的車,在說完這句話之後就回去了。
  238. With that, the car that had bore me thus far turned away.
  239. 在寫著「禁止進入」的五米高圍牆,有著讓貨車和戰車通過的大門,以及另外的小型通用門。
  240. A single gate for trucks and tanks and a smaller gate for smaller vehicles interrupted the five-meter high wall, adorned with "Entry Forbidden" signs.
  241. 在向監視小屋裡的士兵們​​敬禮,並且出示了司令長官出具的文件後,他們馬上就打開了通用門。
  242. Having saluted and presented the Marshal's letter of introduction to the soldiers in the checkpoint booth, I was promptly let in through the entry gate.
  243. 在圍牆裡面,有著一條蜿​​蜒小道。
  244. Beyond the enclosure was a small snaking path.
  245. 我看了眼手錶。
  246. I checked my watch.
  247. 才下午一點嗎。
  248. It was only 1 pm.
  249. 距離預定到任的下午兩點還有足夠的時間,完全不用急。
  250. With a whole hour until our planned 2 pm meeting time, there was no need to rush.
  251. 小道的兩邊都有高高的土坡,感覺就像是走在谷底一樣。土坡上種滿了櫻花樹,看樣子正值賞花期。
  252. Two tall earthen embankments flanked each side of the road, giving off the appearance of a valley. Cherry Blossoms were planted on top of the embankment——it seemed like it was the Cherry Blossom viewing season.
  253. 起風了。
  254. The wind picked up.
  255. 櫻花瓣隨風飄落,隱約還能夠聞到潮水的氣息,因為離海邊很近吧。在道路的更前面,能夠看見一座紅磚砌成的建築物。
  256. Carried by the wind, the cherry blossoms fell, helping to mask the smell of the sea that came with proximity. Further along the road, a tall red brick building could be seen.
  258. “……這裡就是,我的鎮守府嗎。”
  259. "...So this is my Naval District, huh."
  261. 司令長官授予的任務就是:“前往某座尚未公開發表的鎮守府赴任,指揮那些擁有特殊力量之人,增強戰力,擊破深海棲艦。”
  262. The mission given to me by the Marshal Admiral were thus: "Take up duties at a certain Naval District not yet revealed to the public, command the specially-powered individuals within, strengthen your combat abilities, and defeat the Abyssal ships."
  263. 一般來說,這是很亂來的事情吧。
  264. In any other situation, these would be very confusing circumstances.
  265. 突然就被連升兩級,現在的我只不過是個佐官裡頭的新人,卻被派遣到鎮守府裡,當上了提督,也就是艦隊的司令官。
  266. Having abruptly been promoted two ranks, I am currently a brand new field officer who has just been sent to a Naval District to serve as an Admiral——a fleet commander, no less.
  267. 年輕人的負擔還真重啊。
  268. The burden of the youth sure is heavy.
  269. 再加上,還被要求“擊破深海棲艦”,到現在為止明明都還沒有過擊沉​​過的記錄,連要怎麼去對付都不知道啊。
  270. Moreover, I've been asked to "defeat the Abyssals." You know, the ones who up until now have yet to have been recorded as sinkable. The ones we still don't know how to sink.
  271. ——真的能打得倒嗎?
  272. ——Can I really do it?
  273. 雖然大概能猜到那些「擁有特殊力量之人」,就是那個時候出現的少女那樣子的,不過我並不能肯定那不是做夢或是幻覺。
  274. While I can guess that those "Individuals with special powers" will likely be like that girl from that time, I'm still not 100% sure whether that was a dream or a hallucination.
  275. 在夕陽下拉緊弓弦的那副身姿——從我腦中一閃而過。
  276. The silhouette, drawing her bow in the evening sun——the image flashed across my mind.
  277. 耳邊殘留著的螺旋槳飛機的聲音也……
  278. The lingering sound of propellers, too...
  279. “嗯?不、不對!”
  280. "Hm? T-that's not right!"
  281. 剛剛我確實是聽到了!和那時候一樣!是螺旋槳的聲音!
  282. I definitely heard it! Just like that time! The sound of propellers!
  283. 我開始奔跑。
  284. I began to run.
  285. 走出櫻花道,爬上土坡之後,眼前是一片雜樹林。在齊腰的高度有一圈圍牆,上面當然也寫著“禁止進入”。但是,我毫不猶豫地跨了過去。
  286. Having left the cherry blossom path and climbed upon the embankment, all I could see is a patch of forest. There was a waist-level fence, also adorned with "entry forbidden" signs. But fuck the police, I unhesitatingly crossed the fence with a single bound.
  287. 我穿過樹叢,不斷奔跑。
  288. I passed through the woods, running as fast as I could.
  289. 聲音越來越近了。
  290. The wounds were getting closer.
  291. 在前面,能夠見到那個少女嗎?
  292. Will I be able to see that girl in front of me again?
  293. 我來到了一片開闊的空地上。
  294. I've come to an open clearing.
  295. 在紅土地上,平放著白色的木板。
  296. On the red dirt, lay a white wooden board.
  297. “那是什麼?”
  298. "What is that?"
  299. 靠近一看,板子上畫著三個同心圓,正中央的那個塗成了紅色。
  300. On closer inspection, there were three concentric circles drawn upon the board, the center one dabbed in red paint.
  301. ——射擊靶?
  302. ——A target?
  303. 螺旋槳飛機的聲音越來越近了。
  304. The sound of prop planes was closing in.
  305. 啊!當我注意到的時候,九九式轟炸機已經來到了頭頂,投下了漆黑的炸彈。
  306. Ah! By the time I realized, the Type 99 Dive Bombers were already above me, dropping their black bombs.
  307. “糟糕了!”
  308. "Aww fuck!"
  309. ——這裡是演習場啊!
  310. ——This is a practice field!
  311. 在爆炸的同時,我理所當然地被吹飛了。
  312. Naturally, I was sent flying by the explosion.
  313. 在遠處的某人也“呀啊——”地發出尖銳的悲鳴。
  314. In the distance, I heard someone let out a sharp "Ahhhhhhh——" of horror.
  316. 我真是乾了件蠢事啊。就這麼死掉的話,岩柱一定不會原諒我的吧?雖然,很有可能會讓他笑掉大牙就是了。
  317. Well, I fucked up. If I die like this, there's no way Iwahashira is going to forgive me. Actually, he might just die a second time from laughter.
  319. 總覺得,腦袋正枕著什麼軟乎乎的東西。
  320. Hm, it kind of feels as if I'm laying on something soft.
  321. 光滑,溫暖,又有著足夠的彈性。
  322. Light, smooth, warm, with just enough springiness.
  323. 就連配發給將官的枕頭,都沒有這麼舒服的吧。
  324. Even the pillow they give to the higher-ups isn't this nice.
  325. 不知不覺就伸出了手。
  326. Without thinking, I reached out.
  327. 指尖觸碰到了某件布製品,傳來了很舒服的觸感。
  328. My fingers touch some kind of fabric. It feels really nice.
  329. 就在近在咫尺的距離——
  330. Right nearby——
  331. 傳來了少女的小聲悲鳴。
  332. Came a young girl's scream.
  333. “呀啊!?能、能請您別亂碰那裡嗎?”
  334. "Aaah?! C-could you not touch that?"
  335. 聽到了預料之外的聲音,我像是被狠狠地踢了一腳那樣徹底驚醒了。
  336. Hearing the unexpected sound, I snapped to wakefulness, as if I had been kicked.
  337. “!?”
  338. "?!"
  339. 映入眼簾的,是蔚藍的天空。
  340. All I see is a vast blue sky.
  341. 以及,滿臉通紅的少女正窺視著這裡。離得還真近啊。
  342. Oh, also the girl peering at me with a bright red face. From really, really close.
  343. “啊……醒了嗎?”
  344. "'re awake?"
  345. “啊?”
  346. "Ah?"
  347. “哈啊,太好了。發現有人在標靶邊上的時候,嚇了我一跳呢。”
  348. "Whew, that's good. I got really scared when I saw someone on the target."
  349. 此刻的我正面朝天空躺著,旁邊還有一個少女。
  350. At this moment, I am lying down with my face to the sky, next to a young girl.
  351. 我終於注意到,枕在頭下的那軟乎乎的觸感——
  352. I also finally realize that the soft feeling under my head——
  353. 正是少女的大腿。
  354. Is a young girl's legs.
  355. 也就是所謂的膝枕。
  356. That is, a young girl's lap.
  357. 在意識到這一點的時候,我覺得自己似乎又快要失去意識了。不管怎麼說,這也太讓人害羞了,臉上和耳朵都好熱啊。
  358. Once I realized this, I felt as if I was about to fall unconscious again. No matter how you look at this, this is far too embarrassing. My feet and ears feel hot.
  359. 我馬上站起身來。
  360. I immediately stand up.
  361. “對、對不起!”
  362. "S-sorry!"
  363. “啊啊!?沒事了嗎!?”
  364. "Ahh?! Are you alright?!"
  365. “當然沒事。”
  366. "I'm fine, of course."
  367. 老實說,這麼快站起來,頭還是有點暈得厲害……不過作為一個軍人來說,怎麼能做出枕著女性的大腿睡覺這種事呢!
  368. To be honest, I was hit with a wave of nausea as I rose up...but, as a military man, how could I fall asleep in a girl's lap?
  369. 再說,這個人不是……那天出現在水上的少女嗎!
  370. More importantly, isn't this person...that person I saw walking on water on that day?
  371. 我從來都沒有忘記過的那副身姿,就像現在一樣穿著巫女一樣的服裝,邊上還擺著紅白兩色的弓箭。
  372. I had never forgotten that posture, that priestess' uniform, and those red-and-white arrows.
  373. 我坐回到草地上,坐在她的面前。
  374. I sat back down on the grass in front of her.
  375. “你應該……就是那個時候出現的少女……吧?”
  376. "You're...that girl from that time...right?"
  377. “誒?我們有見過嗎?”
  378. "Eh? Have we met?"
  379. 看樣子她並不記得。
  380. It seems like she doesn't remember.
  381. 不過這也並不奇怪,當時我滿臉都是煤灰和血跡,怎麼看都認不出來的吧,再加上現在也是渾身土灰。
  382. But that's not too surprising. My face was covered in soot and blood back then - I probably wouldn't have recognized myself either. Not to mention I'm also currently covered in dirt.
  383. 比起那種小事,現在有著更重要的事情要問。
  384. That kind of thing aside, I have more important things to ask.
  385. “請問……你是不是,有擊沉過深海棲艦?”
  386. "If you don't mind me asking...have you sunk abyssals before?"
  387. “咦?啊,是的……”
  388. "Eh? Ah, yeah..."
  389. 面對我突如其來的詢問,她看起來很困惑的樣子。
  390. In the face of my sudden inquiries, her expression had turned to one of confusion.
  391. 但是,毫不猶豫地肯定了。
  392. Nevertheless, she had answered iwthout hesitation.
  393. ——她曾將,隨心所欲地蹂躪著世上最精銳的軍隊、最先進的武器的敵人,擊沉過。不是在做夢,也不是幻覺。
  394. ——She had once sank the enemy that had effortlessly crushed the world's best navies and finest weapons. It was no dream, no hallucination.
  395. 沒錯,我面前的這少女正是“擁有特別力量之人”!
  396. Without a doubt, this girl before me is one of those "specially skilled individuals!"
  397. 我有一種緊緊抱住她的衝動。
  398. I was tempted to hug her right and there.
  399. 這個女孩就是,人類的希望!
  400. This girl is humanity's hope!
  401. 能夠拯救世界的希望!
  402. The hope that can save the world!
  403. 由於太過激動,我的眼中溢出了淚水。而注意到這一點的她,露出​​了擔心的表情。
  404. Overwhelmed, I felt tears in my eyes. Seeing this, the girl looked concerned.
  405. “請問……有哪裡還在痛嗎?不過這裡沒有一般的醫生,要到明石小姐那裡去診斷一下嗎?”
  406. "If I there somewhere that still hurts? Well, we don't have a normal doctor, but do you want to get checked out at Akashi-san's?"
  407. “不,不……我沒事。只是……真的嗎……你能「擊沉」那些傢伙。”
  408. "No, no...I'm fine. It's's can sink those fuckers."
  409. “嗯……能打中的話就……”
  410. "Mm...if I can hit them, yeah..."
  411. 她像是害羞了一樣撓了撓頭。
  412. She scratched her head with a hint of embarrassment.
  413. 這動作怎麼看都只不過是普普通通的年輕女孩子而已。
  414. These movements seemed no different from that of your average teenage girl.
  415. 真是不可思議啊。
  416. How unbelievable.
  417. 並不像是在誇耀自己的力量,但也沒有自傲或是想要隱瞞的意思,自然得就像是在展示自己的得意菜式一樣。
  418. Without excess pride or excess humility, she answered naturally, as if showing a cute dish she had cooked.
  419. 如果沒有親眼見過的話,就算她說能「擊沉」我大概也是不會信的吧。
  420. If I hadn't personally witnessed it, I would not have believed her if she said she could "sink" those things.
  421. 到底為什麼,會有那樣特殊的力量呢?這個少女究竟——
  422. Why and how did she get such great power? This girl, what——
  423. “對了,可以問一下你的名字嗎?”
  424. "Ah, that's right, could I ask you for your name?"
  425. “啊、說起來,我還沒有自我介紹過哦。”
  426. "Ah, you're right, I haven't introduced myself."
  427. “哦喲,我也還沒有啊,抱歉,本來應該是我先來的。我就是被任命為該鎮守府的提督之人。”
  428. "Ah, I haven't either. Sorry, I should have been the one to start to begin with. I am the person who has been appointed to be this naval district's admiral."
  429. “誒誒!?是新來的提督嗎!”
  430. "Ehhh?! You're the new admiral?!"
  431. “是啊,也就是說,我還有很多不知道的東西。如果你能告訴我的話就好了。”
  432. "Yep. That's also to say that there's still a lot I don't know. So I'd be very happy if you could tell me about them."
  433. “好的!”
  434. "Of course!"
  435. 她很高興地點了點頭。
  436. She bobbed her head up and down eagerly.
  437. 然後,將手收在胸前,自我介紹道:
  438. Next up, with a hand on her chest, she introduced herself:
  440. “我是瑞鳳!雖然是輕空母,但是只要提升練度的話,就能讓您見識到不遜於正規空母的活躍表現!”
  441. "My name is Zuihou! I might just be a light carrier, but with enough training I can show you I can show you deeds deserving of standard carriers!"
  443. ——輕空母?
  444. ——Light Carrier?
  445. 因為有些納悶,我不自覺地問出聲。
  446. My wonder caused me to speak aloud.
  447. “那個……名字是叫瑞鳳嗎?輕空母……是?”
  448. " your name is Zuihou, right? And in Light Carrier you mean..."
  449. “就是說,比正規空母更加小型的空母,是這麼叫的。雖然搭載量也少,裝甲也更薄,但是航速可要快多了。”
  450. "That is, an aircraft carrier smaller than the standard fleet carriers. My armor is thinner and I carry fewer planes, but I sure am faster." (note: this is untrue. The fastest of the Light Carriers are Zuihou Class, RJ and the Chitose-class. These clock in at roughly 28 knots, nearly 29 in the case of the Chitose-class, making them only as fast as Kaga, the slowest of the standard carriers. Akagi, the oldest of the standard carriers, could go 31.5 knots and the Shoukaku-class, the fastest, went 34.5 and anecdotally could go even faster. Don't crush Zuihou's dreams, though.)
  451. “啊,不,輕空母嘛我還是知道的……”
  452. "Ah, no, I know what a light aircraft carrier is..."
  453. 那是由鋼鐵鑄成,能夠讓飛機在海上起飛的,巨大的軍艦。並且還設有長達百米以上的起飛跑道才對。
  454. They're made of metal, and ships, and generally very very big, so the planes could lift off. You'd need nearly 100m of deck runway for that.
  455. 而我面前的,則是一個嬌小的少女。
  456. What's in front of me is a petite little girl.
  457. 但是,名為瑞鳳的少女此時卻一副「既然知道輕空母是什麼,那還有什麼疑問嗎?」的表情歪著頭。
  458. And yet, this girl named Zuihou is giving me a "If you knew what a Light Carrier was, then what's the issue?" quizzical kind of look, head askew.
  459. 看樣子完全沒有說到一路去。
  460. It doesn't seem like we've reached a verbal understanding.
  461. “……你怎麼看都只是個女孩子吧?那麼,又為什麼是輕空母呢?”
  462. "...No matter how you look at it, aren't you just a girl? So, why are you a light carrier?"
  463. “咦?我是艦娘啊。”
  464. "Eh? I'm a shipgirl."
  465. “艦……娘?那是什麼?”
  466. "Ship...girl? What's that?"
  467. 瑞鳳皺起了眉頭。
  468. Zuihou's eyebrows furrowed.
  469. “那個……提督是,這所鎮守府的提督吧?”
  470. "Umm...Admiral, are you this naval district's Admiral?"
  471. “從司令長官那裡,接到的任命。”
  472. "That's the order I got from the Marshal."
  473. “這裡是為了運用艦娘而設立的鎮守府喲。”
  474. "This Naval District was constructed in order to make use of shipgirls."
  475. “首先,艦娘是什麼?”
  476. "First up, what's a shipgirl?"
  477. “啊……就是說——”
  478. " start——"
  479. 之後,瑞鳳向我解釋了艦娘的存在。
  480. And with that, Zuihou explained to me the existence of shipgirls.
  481. 概括一下的話,就是「裝備軍艦式的艤裝,雖然看似人類但並非人類,擁有與深海棲艦交戰的力量的存在」。
  482. To sum it all up, the idea was that they're "existences that superficially resemble humans but aren't strictly human that equip warship-style equipment and possess the strength to fight the Abyssals."
  483. 瑞鳳望著遠方,努力回想道:
  484. Zuihou looked into the distance as she dutifully continued:
  485. “老實說我也不是很明白……只是「知道」是這樣而已……當我注意到的時候,就已經一個人孤零零地站在海上了……當時發現我的是赤城小姐,她還邊對我伸手邊說「往後一起作戰吧」。”
  486. "To be quite honest, I don't completely understand either...I just 'know' this...when I came to, I was standing all alone on the ocean...the one who found me was Akagi-san. She said 'Let's fight together' as she reached out to me."
  487. “原來如此,也就是說沒有親人嗎。”
  488. "I see, so you have no family?"
  489. “和祥鳳是姐妹吧?”
  490. "Shouhou's my sister?"
  491. 仔細想想——赤城和祥鳳,這不都是相當古老的軍艦名嗎?
  492. Thinking back——Akagi and Shouhou, weren't those the names of some fairly old warships?
  493. 我喃喃念道:“一開始聽到司令長官說的時候,還不怎麼相信……不過現在看來,果然你們就是……”
  494. "When I first heard it from the Marshal, I didn't quite believe it...but looking at you now, you all really are..."
  495. 不,等等,她自己也說了「並不是很明白」,就不要再去追問了吧。現在比起來歷,更應該弄清楚那份力量的真相。
  496. Wait, hold up, she herself said that "she doesn't quite understand;" maybe it's best not to pursue this any further. Rather than puzzling out originals, it's more important to assess their true strength.
  497. 啊、說起來——瑞鳳合掌問道:
  498. Ah, speaking of which——Zuihou clapped her hands together, inquiring:
  499. “提督為什麼會在演習場的標靶那裡?”
  500. "Admiral, why were you on the practice field targets to begin with?"
  501. “那是我的失態。之前在前往鎮守府的時候,聽到了九九式轟炸機的聲音,所以就想著過來看看了。”
  502. "That was my fault. Earlier when I was heading to the Naval District, I heard the sound of Type 99 Dive Bombers so I wanted to come see them."
  503. 我低下頭。
  504. I lowered my head.
  505. 但是,就憑這種說明,瑞鳳應該是不會理解的吧。能夠打倒深海棲艦的力量,對我來說有多麼重要,又抱有多麼強烈的渴望……
  506. But Zuihou probably wouldn't understand based on that explanation. How important the power to defeat the abyssals was to me, how badly I needed it..."
  507. 憑剛才她的話來看,她似乎並沒有覺得那是很特殊的力量。
  508. From what she had previously said, it seems as if she didn't see her power as anything special...
  509. 不過,瑞鳳的眼睛又為什麼在閃閃發光呢?
  510. But, why are Zuihou's eyes nearly sparkling?
  511. “難道說!提督也喜歡九九式轟炸機嗎!?”
  512. "Could it be?! Does the Admiral like Type 99 Dive Bombers too?"
  513. “嗯?啊……算是吧。”
  514. "Hm? Ahh...yeah, I guess."
  515. 只要是能打倒深海棲艦的,管它是螺旋槳飛機還是降落傘我都喜歡。
  516. If they can defeat the Abyssals, I don't care if it's a prop plane or a goddamn parachute, I'll like it.
  517. 瑞鳳的臉上染上了興奮的紅潮。
  518. Zuihou's face flushed with excitement.
  519. “果然就是腳吧,腳很可愛的哦。”
  520. "It must be the feet, their feet are so cute!"
  521. “九九式轟炸機的固定腳嗎,那倒的確是挺有意思的外形啊。雖然對收納來說很不方便就是了。”
  522. "The Type 99's fixed landing gear,'s an interesting module. Though it sure is inconvenient when it comes to stowage."
  523. “新型機也很好呢,很想搭載一次彗星呀天山呀之類的呢,雖然一次都沒見過。”
  524. "The new model planes are so cool too! I really want to try mounting the Suisei, the Tenzan, that kind of thing. Although I haven't even seen them yet."
  525. “你很喜歡飛機呢,因為是輕空母嗎?”
  526. "Do you like planes because you're a light carrier?"
  527. “那是當然,只要是空母都會喜歡的吧。但是……為什麼大家都不肯討論固定腳的形狀之類的呢……”
  528. "Of course, all carriers like planes. But...why doesn't anyone want to discuss the cuteness of fixed landing gear...?"
  529. ——原來如此,這就是性格上的不同之處吧。
  530. ——I see, so they differ in personality.
  531. 雖然會喜歡戰鬥機的外形也是挺有意思的。
  532. Although admiring the exterior of warplanes is pretty interesting too.
  533. “糟了,不知不覺聊了這麼久,我得趕緊走了。”
  534. "Oh dear, I got carried away talking; I'd better go."
  535. “提督是要去哪裡嗎?”
  536. "Admiral, are you going somewhere?"
  537. “應該是要在下午兩點之前趕到指揮室的——嗯?咦?”
  538. "I should get to the Command Center before 2pm——hm? Eh?"
  539. 我再次將視線投向手錶。
  540. I looked once more at my watch.
  541. 從膝枕上離開的時候就有瞥到過,當時應該就已經是下午一點了。
  542. When I had gotten up from the lap pillow, I had seen the time: 1 pm.
  543. 當時還以為在遇上爆炸後沒過多久就醒了呢……
  544. At that time, I had thought that I had awoken soon after the explosion.
  545. 這塊刻著船錨標記的配髮品上,六點的位置上有一個小圓,那裡就是秒針。
  546. On my anchor-engraved timepiece's 6 o'clock position was a small circle, the seconds hand.
  547. 而那根短針,一點都沒有在動。
  548. It wasn't moving.
  549. “壞掉了!?瑞、瑞鳳!我大概睡了有多久!?”
  550. "It's broken?! Zui-zuihou! How long have I been sleeping?!"
  551. “大、大概一個小時左右!現在是一五一二了!”
  552. "A-an hour, roughly! It's 1512 right now!"
  553. 她完全不需要時鐘,就說出了精確的時間。
  554. Without even consulting a clock, she rattled off the time.
  555. 既然是軍艦,就應該是會知道的吧。一般來講是不會有連時鐘都沒有的艦船的。
  556. As a warship, she probably knows. I haven't seen a ship without a clock.
  557. ——是感慨這些的時候嗎!下午三點十二了!?
  558. ——Should I be thinking about this now?! It's 3:12 pm!
  559. “這不是遲到了嗎!”
  560. "Doesn't that mean I'm late?!"
  561. 我趕緊跑了起來。
  562. I broke into a run.
  563. 瑞鳳也站了起來。
  564. Zuihou, too, stood up.
  565. “我、我也一起去!因為提督是因為被捲入了我的演習,才暈過去的!”
  566. "I-I'll come too! It's because the Admiral got caught up in my practice that you got knocked out!"
  567. “不行,你沒有犯任何錯。捲進爆炸也好,遲到也好,都是我自作自受。”
  568. "No, you did nothing wrong. Getting bombed or getting late, I am responsible."
  569. “但是……”
  570. "But..."
  571. “別看我這樣,可是早就已經習慣被人發火了。我會說成是因為陽光太好所以睡過頭的。不被開除的話,還是能再見到的。”
  572. "Don't look at me like that, I'm used to people blowing up on me. I'll just say the sun was too nice so I overslept. If I don't get fired, we'll be able to meet again."
  573. 瑞鳳一副驚訝到要哭出來的樣子。
  574. Zuihou looks shocked. To tears, at this point.
  575. “開、開除?提督要走了嗎!?”
  576. "F-fired? Is the Admiral leaving?!"
  577. “啊……不,開個玩笑而已。應該不會受到那麼嚴重的處分的吧。”
  578. ", I was joking. I probably won't be punished that harshly."
  579. 大概——我在心裡悄悄添了一句。
  580. Probably, I muttered mentally.
  581. 在軍隊裡,遲到可是「足以導致同伴失去性命的失誤」,被降職都是很正常的。
  582. In the military, being late is "a mistake that could cost your comrades their lives"——it's normal to be demoted on that basis.
  583. 瑞鳳依然一臉擔心地看著我。
  584. Zuihou continued to look at me with a worried face.
  585. “真的嗎?”
  586. "Really?"
  587. “我和你約好了,一定會指揮你去作戰的。一起打倒深海棲艦……保護好這個世界。”
  588. "I promise to you, I will definitely command yo in battle. Let's defeat the abyssals...and protect this world."
  589. “是!”
  590. "Yes!"
  591. 她拭去淚水,伸出了右手的小指。
  592. Wiping away her tears, she extended her right pinky.
  593. “做什麼?”
  594. "What...?"
  595. “是要做約定吧?”
  596. "It's a promise, okay?"
  597. “哦哦……因為我很急所以就不唱歌了哦。”
  598. "Ahh...I'm kind of rushed, so I'm not going to sing the pinky promise song, okay?"
  599. (note:
  600. 我和瑞鳳勾緊了小指。說來這指頭還真細啊,軟軟的,很暖和。
  601. I linked my pinky with Zuihou's. Speaking of which, her pinky's real small and soft and warm.
  602. 就是這隻手,拉緊了擊沉深海棲艦的弓弦嗎。
  603. It was this hand that drew the bow that devastated hte abyssals.
  604. 她用歡快的調子哼道:
  605. She happily hummed,
  606. “拉~鉤~鉤!”
  607. "Pin~ky~swear!"
  608. (Note: literally "Pull~hook~hook, indicating the way you do a pinky swear)
  609. 我舉起剛剛才拉過勾的右手,跑向雜樹林。
  610. Raising my forsworn right hand, I ran for the woods.
  611. 穿過來時的樹叢,跳下土坡,沿著櫻花道走向那棟紅磚建築。
  612. THrough the woods, down the embankment, along the cherry blossom road to the red brick hosue.
  614. 鎮守府的佔地相當廣闊。
  615. The Naval District's grounds are quite vast.
  616. 有儲藏兵器的倉庫和整備場,能供大量士兵居住的宿舍、食堂和澡堂,甚至還有醫院、理髮店和雜貨店。幾乎可以算得上是座小鎮了。
  617. There are weapon's storage and maintenance fields, large-scale barracks, mess halls and bath halls; hell, it's got a hospital, barbershop and a grocery store. It's essentially a small town.
  618. 而且,空地也很多。
  619. There's also an awful lot of empty space.
  620. 並非只是純粹在浪費用地而已,大部分都被用作演習場了。當然了,也有是為了在遭到敵襲的時候,火勢不會蔓延附近的建築物上去。
  621. Of course, it's not all just open space; most of it serves as practice grounds, and they also serve as a firebreak in case of an enemy attack, slowing the progress of fires between buildings.
  622. 再加上,就算當前設施沒有了,只要有士兵和武器,就還要繼續作戰。那時候就需要有足夠建設臨時基地的空間了。
  623. Moreover, even if the structures are gone, war can continue as long as there are weapons to use and men to use them. At that time, it's important to have enough space for a temporary base.
  624. 也就是說,從瑞鳳所在的演習場到我正要前往的紅磚房,有著相當長的一段距離。
  625. What you can take from all that is that there was a hell of a lot of space separating the Practice Field where Zuihou was, and the red brick building I was running to.
  626. 再加上因為是頭一次來,所以完全不知道指揮室是在哪裡。
  627. Compound this with the fact that I had no idea where the Command Center was, it being my first time.
  628. 當我終於抵達了指揮室的時候——已經是下午三點三十九分了。
  629. And so, by the time I arrived at the Command Center——it was 3:39 pm.
  630. 在房間裡等待著我的,並不是秘書官,而是被稱作「秘書艦」的少女。
  631. Awaiting at the office was not a secretary, but a girl known as the "Secretary Ship."
  632. 她自稱是「正規空母加賀」。
  633. She introduced herself as Standard Carrier Kaga.
  635. 而那尖銳的視線彷彿射穿了我的思考一樣,讓我動彈不得。
  636. I found myself transfixed by a stare that seemed to look through me, down to my thoughts.
  637. “你就是提督嗎?”
  638. "Are you the Admiral?"
  639. “是、是的。”
  640. "Y-yes."
  641. 雖然一般來講,比起秘書艦,提督應該才是更高地位才對。
  642. Normally, the Admiral is supposed to be ranked above the secretary ship.
  643. 但是,我都已經遲到了,也不好再擺出什麼威嚴的姿態來吧。更何況,她還有著不輸給司令長官的尖銳視線。
  644. But at this point, I'm already late; there's no point in trying to act dignified. Not to mention that her gaze would match the Marshal in sharpness.
  645. 她將黑色的短髮在左側系上了馬尾,身著白色弓道服和護胸,還有藍色的袴裙。
  646. Her black hair was tied in a ponytail on her right side, and she wore a white kyudo uniform with muneate and a blue hakama.
  647. 腰間繫著硬質的圍裙,有著紅白相間的條紋和白線,讓人聯想到飛行甲板。
  648. Around her waist was tied a solid apron, decorated with red and white stripes reminiscent of a flight deck.
  649. 不過嘛,如果真要說她的特徵是什麼的話,應該就是那份壓迫力吧。就連軍校裡的惡鬼教官都比不過。如果是新兵的話說不定光是被她瞪一眼就會昏厥呢。
  650. But if there's one thing that defines her, it's that pressure. Even the worst instructor at the academy couldn't compare. A new recruit would have fainted just from her glare.
  651. 雖然明明看上去比我還年輕……
  652. Although she's clearly younger than me...
  653. 但卻有著一種久經沙場的威嚴。
  654. She bears the stately air of a veteran.
  655. 加賀冷冷地開口道:
  656. Kaga spoke coldly:
  657. “您來的是不是,有點兒晚了?”
  658. "Has it occurred to you that your arrival is a little late?"
  659. “嗚……非、非常抱歉。”
  660. "Uhh...I-I'm really sorry."
  661. “有什麼想解釋的嗎?不想說的話也沒事。”
  662. "Do you have any sort of explanation? It's fine if you don't."
  663. “因、那是……”
  664. "B, well..."
  665. 在如此具有壓迫感的少女面前,我實在沒有膽量說出是「因為陽光太好所以睡過頭了」之類的話。
  666. In the face of this foreboding girl, I found that I did not have the fortitude to say "the sun was so nice that I overslept."
  667. 只好乖乖嘆氣道:
  668. I could only sigh:
  669. “是我的過失,我不會找藉口的。”
  670. "It is my failure, I will not make an excuse."
  671. “是嗎。”
  672. "Is that so."
  673. “不管要怎麼處罰我都心甘情願,但是我在這座鎮守府裡還有必須要做的事情,所以,無論如何請至少不要開除我。”
  674. "You may punish me as you like, but there is something I must do in this naval district. Therefore, I ask that you do not fire me, no matter what."
  675. 加賀看上去沒有半點反應。
  676. Kaga barely responded.
  677. ——什麼都不想說嗎?
  678. ——Is there nothing she wants to say?
  679. 更讓我平添了一分緊張感。
  680. That just added to my panic.
  681. 她遞出了一份資料。
  682. Finally, she passed over a dossier.
  683. 作為一名軍官,在軍校裡有學過在尋求說明之前需要先閱覽資料,我掃了一眼她遞過來的這份資料。
  684. As an officer, I had learned at the academy that I ought to go through all available information before I ask for any clarification. I skimmed through the contents of the dossier.
  685. “所屬艦娘一覽……嗎?”
  686. "A summary of the shipgirls here...?"
  687. 上面記載了照片,艦名,艦種,還有由各種性能評價換算過來的數值。
  688. Each bore a photo, the ship name, class and various ability scores.
  689. 如果沒有從瑞鳳那裡聽來有關艦娘的解釋的話,是不會明白這上面都是什麼意思的吧。
  690. If I hadn't gotten an explanation from Zuihou, I wouldn't have been able to understand any of it.
  691. 封面上寫著「艦娘圖鑑」四個大字。
  692. On the front was written the four large words, "Gallery of the Shipgirls."
  693. 雖然我有在想怎麼會把女性的資料表用「圖鑑」來稱呼,不過只要當成軍艦來看的話,就沒有任何問題了。
  694. Although I'm not quite sure whether it was proper to refer to a list of girl's attributes as a "gallery," it would have been fine as long as they were seen as warships.
  695. 正是因為都還是一些年輕的少女,所以才會不習慣。
  696. It's because they're all young girls that it's a little off-putting.
  697. ——哪怕是面前的加賀。
  698. ——Even that Kaga in front of me.
  699. 雖然有著相當程度的威壓感,但她也算是一個美人啊,即便沒有化妝容姿也是相當端正,還有那曼妙的身材就算是穿著弓道衣也擋不住。
  700. While she has a certain sort of pressure, she still definitely counts as a beauty, with all the proper features devoid of makeup and a body that her kyudo uniform could not entirely hide.
  701. 如果在街上遇見的話,恐怕沒有男人不會駐足的吧?要把她當作軍艦來看,恐怕很難吧。
  702. No male would keep walking if they passed her on the street. It's going to be pretty hard to see her as a warship.
  703. 似乎是因為我看得入迷了,加賀盯著我的眼睛問道:
  704. As if in response to my enthrallment, Kaga looked into my eyes and asked,
  705. “我的臉上,有沾著什麼東西嗎?”
  706. "Is there something on my face?"
  707. “啊?啊、不,那個……這份圖鑑寫得還真有夠詳細的啊,連性格和人際關係都寫進去了啊。”
  708. "Ah? Ah, no, uhh...this gallery is rather specific; it even has personality and relationship information written."
  709. “那是因為從取材到編寫都是青葉負責的。”
  710. "That's because all the info-gathering and writing was done by Aoba."
  711. “哦哦,的確這裡也有寫,有那麼個喜歡做這種事的人。不過啊,她怎麼還寫了些讓人看不懂的地方啊。”
  712. "Ahhh, it does indeed say that here as well. To think there'd be someone who likes this kind of thing. But sometimes she writes some things I don't quite understand.
  713. “比如說哪裡?”
  714. "Such as?"
  715. “她這裡寫著說北上把大井看成是「摯友」,而後面大井卻是把北上當作是「最重要的」,為什麼說法變了啊?”
  716. "Well, here regarding Kitakami, she writes that she sees Ooi as a 'Sworn Friend,' and yet she writes that Ooi sees Kitakami as 'Dearest;' why did the terms change?"
  717. “……對哦……為什麼?”
  718. "...yes...why indeed?"
  719. 一直冷冷地瞪著我的加賀,居然也開始躲避我的視線了。
  720. The Kaga who had been coldly regarding me was now avoiding my gaze.
  721. 是很難說明嗎?唉,算了,反正見過當事人之後應該就會明白了吧。
  722. Is it that hard to explain? Ah, whatever, I'm sure I'll understand when I see them.
  723. 我還有更在意的一件事。
  724. There was one more thing that caught my eye.
  725. “……加賀小姐,也擊沉過深海棲艦吧?”
  726. "...Kaga-san, you have sank an abyssal as well, right?"
  727. “戰績的話都記在這裡了。”
  728. "My combat performance has been listed."
  729. 總算進行到提督和秘書艦之間該有的話題了。
  730. At least the Admiral and Secretary Ship have a topic to talk about.
  731. 我開始翻閱她遞給我的另一份資料。
  732. I start flipping through the data she had given me.
  733. “原來如此……嗯嗯……已經積累了相當多的戰績了呢,真是了不起。”
  734. "I've already accumulated quite a lot of accolades, impressive."
  735. “……大家都是好孩子啊。”
  736. "...they're all good kids."
  737. “大家?”
  738. "They?"
  739. 她指了指背後的箭矢。
  740. She pointed to the arrows strapped on her back.
  741. 就是說,「大家」指的就是那些箭啊。
  742. That is to say, "They" were the arrows.
  743. 那一瞬間她的表情,變得不像之前那樣冰冷,而是有如普通女性那樣柔和的微笑。
  744. In that moment, her expression had melted from her ice-cold stare to a warm smile befitting of a normal girl.
  745. 我繼續閱讀戰鬥記錄。
  746. I continued to look through the battle records.
  747. ——我說啊,這不是相當不得了的情報嗎?
  748. ——Oy, aren't these some impressive reports?
  749. 面對被世人認為是無力對抗的深海棲艦,取得了相當多的戰果。
  750. Against the enemies humanity had come to see as unbeatable, these girls had accomplished many real results.
  751. “真了不起啊。”
  752. "This is amazing."
  753. “……圖鑑還沒有完全填滿,恐怕,還在哪裡有著沒有被發現的艦娘。”
  754. "...the gallery is not complete. It appears that there are still shipgirls we have yet to discover."
  755. “原來如此,也就是說找到那些同伴們的話,就能夠「增強戰力」嗎?”
  756. "I see. And if we can find these comrades, we can 'strengthen our might', correct?"
  757. “並不只是找到而已,去建造她們也是可行的……有關建造,稍後再詳細說明可以嗎?”
  758. "It's not just searching, we can also build them...ah, regarding construction, could I give you a longer explanation in a bit?"
  759. “就交給你了,我要盡快掌握有關你們的一切。”
  760. "I'll leave it to you, I want to understand you all as soon as possible."
  761. 想到什麼問什麼的話,只會影響吸收。像那樣東學一點西學一點的,到頭來只會什麼都記不住。一項一項慢慢去理解,是最有效率的。
  762. Thinking of questions now would only impact my info absorption. Trying to learn a bit of this and a bit of that will just end with you not learning anything at all. Learning topic by topic is the most effective.
  763. 加賀點了點頭:
  764. Kaga nodded.
  765. “原來如此,比起增強戰力,現在更重視已有艦娘嗎。”
  766. "I see, rather than expanding our might, you're more interested in the shipgirls we already have."
  767. “啊啊,是啊。”
  768. "Ahh, yes."
  769. “雖然已經為此準備好了介紹會。”
  770. "Although I had already prepared a briefing for this purpose."
  771. 她嘆了口氣。
  772. She sighed.
  773. 看樣子由於我的遲到,沒能趕上的樣子啊。我只好乖乖低頭認錯:
  774. It looked like my lateness had prevented this from occurring. I could only meekly admit my guilt.
  775. “非常抱歉。”
  776. "I'm extremely sorry."
  777. “雖然之前,您有問過會遭到什麼樣的處罰吧……但是那應該是由提督來製定規定然後決定的。我沒有被命令過要採取什麼行動,只要好好執行本部下達的命令的話,也不會採取什麼措施的吧。”
  778. "Although you previously asked about your punishment...well, that is up to the Admiral to set up rules and punishments. I have not been ordered to do anything, so I will simply follow my orders, and I will not ask for any sort of remuneration."
  779. 原來如此。
  780. I see.
  781. 一下子主導權全到我這邊來了,有點不知所措。
  782. Having been given all this power all of a sudden, I'm not quite sure what to do.
  783. “由我來……制定規定嗎?”
  784. "It's up to determine rules?"
  785. “雖說如此,但是也要注意對年輕艦娘們的影響。這次的事雖然不會向上級報告,以後還請多加註意。”
  786. "Even so, this may have an effect on the younger shipgirls. Although I will not report this to the superiors, please be mindful of this in the future."
  787. “那真是多謝了。”
  788. "I am extremely grateful."
  789. “沒什麼。”
  790. "It's fine."
  791. “但是你剛剛說的,「年輕艦娘們」,總覺得聽起來怪怪的。”
  792. "But what you just said "the younger shipgirls," I'm a little confused."
  793. “……什麼意思?”
  794. "...what do you mean?"
  795. “在我看來,加賀小姐也相當年輕啊。如果是人類的話,差不多還是學生吧。”
  796. "From what I can see, Kaga-san is quite young as well. If you were a human, you could be a student."
  797. 讓我意外的是,她竟然變得滿臉通紅。
  798. To my surprise, she suddenly flushed red.
  799. “還是第一次有人對我說這種話呢。”
  800. "This is the first time someone has said that to me."
  801. “是嗎?看來我的前任還真是寡言少語呢。又或者說,是個相當在意女性感受的人嗎?我在唸書的時候,也是很不擅長和異性打交道的,如果有冒犯的話還請原諒啊。”
  802. "Is that so? It seemed like my predecessor was a person of few words. Or rather, someone who was very sensitive about girls' feelings. When I was still learning, I was not very good at communicating with the other gender, so I apologize if I have offended you."
  803. “上一任提督,的確是一位寡言少語,又在意我們感受的人。”
  804. "The last Admiral was indeed a taciturn, considerate person."
  805. “是嗎……”
  806. "Is that so..."
  807. “但是,您說的不擅長和異性打交道,是怎麼回事?”
  808. "But, when you say you're not very good at communicating with the other gender, what do you mean by that?"
  809. “嗯?”
  810. "Hm?"
  811. “那一位,是女性啊。”
  812. "The previous Admiral was a female."
  813. 什麼?我的前任居然是位女提督!?雖然也不是沒有過,不過那可是相當少見的啊。
  814. What? My predecessor was a female admiral?! It's not unheard of, given, but they are rather rare.
  815. 話又說回來,既然是叫艦娘,那就說明她們都是女性吧。這樣一來,提拔女性提督也是比較合理的了。
  816. Then again, they are called shipgirls; it only makes sense that promoting a female to the position of Admiral would be more effective."
  817. “前任她……怎麼了嗎?”
  818. "My predecessor, she...what happened?"
  819. 那個嘛……加賀低下了頭。
  820. Well...Kaga lowered her heard.
  821. “並不是您該在意的事情。”
  822. "That is not your concern."
  823. 真是冷漠無情。
  824. How cold.
  825. 是不能說吧,又或者,是不想說呢。
  826. Is it something she can't say, or something she doesn't want to say?
  827. “跟艦娘們也沒有,好好說明過嗎?”
  828. "Did she explain to the other shipgirls?"
  829. “不。”
  830. "No."
  831. 回答得還真快啊,看起來和艦娘們的關係很好的樣子。
  832. A prompt, terse response. It seems she got along very well with the shipgirls before.
  833. 至少在如何掌控人心方面,有著相當的參考價值。
  834. In terms of winning hearts and minds, this is worth looking into.
  835. 雖然沒有過於模仿前任的必要,但也最好不要犯下同樣的錯,至少學一下成功的地方吧。
  836. There's no need to imitate my predecessor, but I can at least learn through her successes and learn from her mistakes.
  837. “那麼,在鎮守府裡,有關遲到的處罰是什麼樣的呢?”
  838. "Well then, in this naval district, what were the regulations regarding lateness?"
  839. “還在在意那件事嗎?真是認真啊。”
  840. "Are you still worried about that? How serious."
  841. “啊哈哈,司令長官也是這麼說我的……雖然我並沒有打算那麼的不通人情就是了。”
  842. "Ahaha, that's what the Marshal told me as well...although I certainly didn't intend to be unkind."
  843. 我只不過是很清楚在這種地方懈怠的話,會有多麻煩而已。
  844. I am just very aware that things can get hairy if I slack off here.
  845. 就比如說現在這樣。
  846. Like right now.
  847. 如果對自己的遲到視而不見的話,日後又怎麼有臉面對違規的部下呢。像這樣紀律鬆散的艦隊,是打不過深海棲艦的。
  848. If I let my own lateness be overlooked, how could I be able to deal with subordinates who break regulations with a straight face? Such a lax fleet can't defeat the abyssals.
  849. 加賀將視線投向窗外。
  850. Kaga cast her eyes outside the window.
  851. 透過飾有紅色窗簾的隨處可見的窗戶,可以看到港口。
  852. The harbor was visible through the red-curtained windows.
  853. “繞著鎮守府,罰跑。”
  854. "Laps around the Naval District."
  855. “是嗎,和軍校裡一樣啊。不過連艦娘也要嗎?明明是艦船吧?”
  856. "Really, just like the academy, huh. But do the Shipgirls do it too? Aren't they warships?"
  857. “雖然艦娘能在海上急速航行,但是在陸地上就和普通的人類一樣。哪怕艤裝的火力或是單純的臂力再強也是一樣的。”
  858. While Shipgirls can sail on the high seas, they're no different from normal humans on the ground. This is the case no matter how much firepower or raw strength they have when they put on their rigging."
  859. “原來如此,也就是說並不適合路上行走啊……那麼,我也接受同樣的處罰。”
  860. "I see, so they're not well suited for walking...well then, I will take the same punishment."
  861. 加賀的肩膀哆嗦了一下。
  862. Kaga shuddered.
  863. “那是辦不到的。”
  864. "That's impossible."
  865. “不是我自誇啊,我對罰跑可是很拿手的。”
  866. "Not trying to brag or anything, but I'm fucking dope at penalty laps. They call me the Usain Bolt of running."
  867. “……那還真是沒辦法自誇的事呢,不過這並不是拿不拿手的問題。依照現在的規定,遲到一分鐘就要繞鎮守府一圈。”
  868. "...that's not something you could brag about, but this isn't about whether you're dope or not. According to current regulations, a minute's lateness means one lap around the naval district."
  869. “什麼!?”
  870. "What?!"
  871. 我記得我本來應該是要下午兩點到這裡,然後實際到達是下午三點三十九分吧。
  872. Thinking back, I should have arrived at 2 in the afternoon, and I arrived at 3:39.
  873. 要跑九十九圈嗎!?
  874. So I have to run 99 laps?!
  875. 加賀用彷彿在宣讀死刑判決一樣毫無抑揚頓挫的聲音說道:
  876. As if she were reading out a death sentence, Kaga grimly explained,
  877. “繞鎮守府的內側一圈,大約有一千八百九十一公尺。”
  878. "The inner circle around the Naval District is roughly 1,891 meters."
  879. “嗚啊!?”
  880. "Uwah?!"
  881. “雖然您的勇氣很值得欽佩,但至少還是聽人把話說完比較好。在有人遲到太久的時候,前任提督會讓她們去清掃船塢。”
  882. "While your courage is commendable, it's best that you listen to the entire explanation before you agree. If someone is far too late, the previous Admiral would have her clean the docks instead."
  883. 原來如此。
  884. I see.
  885. 但是從一開始就接受特例處分的話,對艦隊的紀律來說果然還是不太好吧。
  886. But to take the easy way out from the start would be bad for fleet discipline.
  887. 再說,跑九十九圈兩公里也不是辦不到啊……
  888. Plus, running 99 2-km laps isn't technically impossible...
  889. “是嗎,並非墨守成規,而是盡可能施行適當的處罰啊,我也參考一下她的做法吧。”
  890. "Ah, so it's not an ironclad rule, but the most difficult but doable punishment, as necessary. I should learn from her."
  891. “附議。”
  892. "I agree."
  893. “當然了,是在艦娘們違反規定的時候。”
  894. "Of course, this is when the shipgirls violate regulations."
  895. “……您到底在想什麼呢?”
  896. "...What is it that you want to do?"
  897. “當然是想跑了,沒必要推卸掉。”
  898. "I want to run. No need for excuses."
  899. 加賀睜大雙眼。
  900. Kaga's eyes widened.
  901. “淨做些蠢事……到底為什麼要拘泥於此?軍人的驕傲嗎?還是想說是男人的骨氣?”
  902. "To embrace something so stupid...why are you forcing yourself to do this? Is this a soldier's honor? Or a man's pride?"
  903. “艦隊要有紀律才會變強,為此需要嚴格處罰。而下達命令的我,首先就要以身作則。”
  904. "A fleet only strengthens through discipline, and it is for this that we have harsh punishments. As the rulemaker I must therefore abide by my punishment as a rulebreaker."
  905. “嘴上說得漂亮,但只是胡來而已。”
  906. "Pretty words, but nothing more."
  907. “即便如此我也要去跑,我來這裡不光是來當提督的,更重要的是要打倒深海棲艦。”
  908. "Even so, I'm going to run. I didn't come here to be an Admiral; I came here to kill Abyssals."
  910. 雖然在醫院裡也有跑過,但那是為了康復訓練。
  911. I had ran in the hospital, but that was largely for physical therapy.
  912. 像這種步伐的跑動已經很久沒有過了。
  913. I haven't done this level of running in a long time.
  914. 加賀站在鎮守府內側的正門口,給我計數。雖然並不是她的本意,但還是為了守紀律而過來幫忙了。
  915. Kaga stood at the side of the Naval District main gate, helping me keep count. It wasn't her idea, but it was for the sake of discipline.
  916. 雖然連我自己都覺得自己是在亂來……
  917. Although I kind of feel like I went a little too far...
  918. 但是為了讓周圍承認我這個提督,也只有這個辦法了。
  919. This is the only way to make them accept me as an admiral.
  920. 當然也可以利用自己的身份,強迫部下服從,但那是膽小鬼才會採取的手段。
  921. Of course, I could also use my rank and force my subordinates, but that is a coward's way out.
  922. 而且現在錯的是我,也只有這樣了。
  923. Right now I am the one who has done wrong, and so I must do this.
  924. 我奔跑在足夠通過一輛車的寬闊走廊上。
  925. I ran through hallways wide enough to take a car.
  926. 軍靴叩響在地板上。
  927. My boots echoed against the floor.
  928. 如果有跑鞋的話就好了,但因為前往本部後就被直接帶過來的關係,我的東西都還放在宿舍裡面,要過陣子才會有人送過來。
  929. It'd be nice if I had running shoes, but my direct transfer from GHQ meant that my personal belongings would not be brought over from my lodging until later.
  930. 大概過了五分鐘左右,第一圈結束,加賀顯得有些意外。
  931. About five minutes or so later, the first lap was complete. Kaga looked a little surprised.
  932. “還真快啊。”
  933. "H-hayai."
  934. “說了很拿手的吧?”
  935. "I told you I was fucking dope"
  936. “……1。”
  937. "...1."
  938. 她取出筆記。
  939. She took out a notebook.
  940. 被前任提督選擇的艦娘代表還真是個能幹的人啊。
  941. The girl chosen by the previous Admiral as the representative is quite capable.
  942. ——是不是乾脆讓她來當提督,對艦隊來說比較好呢?
  943. ——Would it be better for the fleet if I just had her be the Admiral?
  944. 歷史上也是,比起新來的指揮官,久經沙場的老兵更能把握住現場的狀況,戰場上更多需要的是這一類人。
  945. Historically, the greatest asset on the field of battle has not been new commanders, but the veteran officer whose experience and expertise provide them a much stronger grasp of the situation on the ground.
  946. 而現在我能做的,就是盡可能學習有關艦娘的一切,盡快獲取她們的信任。
  947. Right now, what I can do is to learn everything about these shipgirls and gain their trust.
  948. 根本就沒有時間留給我去苦惱。
  949. There's no time to think about this kind of thing..
  950. 繼續跑吧。
  951. Better keep running.
  952. 偶爾想抬手看看手錶,不過上面的時間果然還是停在下午一點,沒辦法掌控自己的步伐稍微有點不方便。
  953. I occasionally raised my hand to glance at my watch. Stuck as it had been at 1 pm, my inability to control my pace was a little inconvenient.
  954. 不過,身體動的比想像中還要來得靈活,是因為有足夠的體力嗎?
  955. Yet my body felt unexpectedly nimble; is it because I've recovered enough of my strength?
  956. 在路邊的草叢裡——
  957. In the grass by the road——
  958. 露出了年幼的女孩子的臉。
  959. A little girl's face peered out.
  960. 兩個人都長著棕色的頭髮,還有圓圓的臉。其中一人露出了自信滿滿的笑容,而另一人看上去有點膽怯。
  961. Both of them bore chestnut-colored hair with round faces. One peered at me with a confident grin, the other peeked with a much more bashful look.
  962. 先走出來的那個,指著我大叫道:
  963. The first one pointed at me with a shout.
  964. “你看!就和我說的一樣吧!果然是新來的司令官嘛!”
  965. "Look! Just like I said! I told you there was a new Commander!"
  966. “啊哇哇哇!真的是司令官耶!”
  967. "Hawawa! It really is a Commander!"
  968. 在她們兩人的身後,出現了一個氣質稍微有點不同的銀髮女孩子。隱藏在充滿透明感的銀髮下面的那雙眼睛,正直直盯著這裡。
  969. Behind them came a silver-haired girl with a somewhat different air. Eyes partly concealed by semi-translucent silver hair stared in this direction.
  970. “……是新的,司令官嗎?”
  971. " this is...the new Commander?"
  972. 和那容貌相襯的清澈嗓音。
  973. A clear voice that contrasted with her appearance.
  974. 這些艦娘應該​​是,驅逐艦吧。雖然沒想到會是這麼小的孩子。
  975. These shipgirls should be, uh, Destroyers. I didn't think they'd be this young.
  976. 我放慢了腳步。
  977. I slowed my pace.
  978. “哦,你們應該就是……第六驅逐隊的……”
  979. "Ah, you guys should be...the 6th Destroyer Division."
  980. 銀髮的孩子點了點頭。
  981. The silver-haired girl nodded.
  982. “……響……因為過去的活躍,也有被叫作不死鳥。”
  983. "...Hibiki...because of my past deeds, I've been called the Undying Phoenix."
  984. “我是雷喲!不是那個轟雷的意思啦!往後請多多指教啊!”
  985. "I'm Ikazuchi! Not Kaminari! Let's get along from now on!"
  986. “啊啊啊……我是電的說……還請、請多多指教……”
  987. "Hawawa...I'm Inazuma, nanodesu...p-pleased to meet you..."
  988. “說起來啊,提督為什麼在走廊上跑啊?”
  989. "Speaking of which, why are you running in the hallways, Admiral?"
  990. 在電自我介紹過後,雷向我問道。
  991. Ikazuchi immediately followed up Inazuma's introduction with a question.
  992. 由於她們跟在我的後面,我的腳步放得更慢了,雖然這樣一來馬拉鬆就變成了散步一樣,不過也不好無視她們直接跑掉吧。
  993. I slowed down further as they followed along. While this marathon had essentially become a walk, it would be even ruder to simply ignore them and run off.
  994. 我們四人正在走廊上慢慢前進。
  995. Us four slowly proceeded through the hallway.
  996. “那個嘛……就是我遲到了,所以在罰跑。”
  997. "Well...see, I'm late, so now I have to do penalty laps."
  998. “咦咦!?明明是司令官的說!?”
  999. "Ehhh?! But you're the Commander nanodesu!?"
  1000. “就是因為是司令官啊。”
  1001. "It's because i'm the Commander."
  1002. 對這麼小的孩子們說明自己犯的錯,總覺得有點羞恥。
  1003. It's a little embarrassing to confess my crime to these children.
  1004. 雷啪啪的拍著我的背。
  1005. Ikazuchi slapped my back cheerfully.
  1006. “沒事的沒事的!一定能搞定的啦!畢竟有我在嘛!”
  1007. "It's fine, it's fine! I'm sure it'll be alright! I'm here for you, after all!"
  1008. “噢、噢……”
  1009. "Eh, ehh..."
  1010. 明明就沒有什麼根據卻還敢如此斷言,到底是有著多麼不可思議的勇氣啊。
  1011. What sort of bravery drives her to say such words without substantiation?
  1012. 電則還是一副被嚇到的樣子說道:
  1013. Inazuma, meanwhile, spoke as if she had just been shocked.
  1014. “那個,雷啊……不要打擾司令官啦。”
  1015. "Um, Ikazuchi...please don't bother the Commander."
  1016. 走在旁邊的響,用不帶半點感情的口吻問道:
  1017. Next to me, Hibiki spoke without a drop of emotion:
  1018. “才剛來就罰跑,司令官,你沒問題嗎?”
  1019. "To be running penalty laps right after arriving; Commander, are you alright?"
  1020. “沒辦法啦,規定就是規定啊。”
  1021. "It can't be helped, rules are rules."
  1022. “……為了被人信任嗎,並不讓人討厭呢。”
  1023. "...So that people trust you, huh? That's not bad."
  1024. “啊、謝謝……”
  1025. "Ah, thanks..."
  1026. 雖然態度很冷淡,但卻是個好孩子啊。
  1027. Though she might act a little distant, she's a good girl.
  1028. 啊、雷好像想起了什麼那樣問道:
  1029. Ah, Ikazuchi looks like she just remembered a question.
  1030. “罰跑是……要多少圈?”
  1031. "Penalty many do you have to do?"
  1032. “還剩下九十八圈。那我先走了,等下再見哦。”
  1033. "I'm down to 98 now. Well, I'm off, I'll see you in a bit."
  1034. 我拋下三人開始加速。
  1035. I left the three behind as Vtech kicked in.
  1036. 啞口無言的她們呆若木雞地站在那裡。
  1037. They halted, gaping with open mouth.
  1038. “沒、沒事的啦!不是還有我在嗎!?”
  1039. "I-it's fine! You have me after all, don't you?!"
  1040. “啊哇哇、嚇了一跳的說。”
  1041. "Hawawa, what a shock nanodesu."
  1042. “……再怎麼說,那也太難了吧。”
  1043. " matter how you look at it, that's way too much."
  1044. 看樣子,就算是在艦娘看來,這也是在亂來啊。
  1045. It looks like this is crazy, even to shipgirls.
  1047. ——新來的提督被罰跑了,要繞鎮守府跑九十九圈的樣子。
  1048. ——The new Admiral's been given penalty laps, 99 around the Naval District.
  1050. 一瞬間,就傳遍了鎮守府。
  1051. The Rumor spread through the Naval District in a flash.
  1052. 當第十圈結束的時候,不光光是正門,到處都能看見艦娘的身影。
  1053. By the time the 10th lap was done, there were shipgirls everywhere, not just the main gate.
  1054. 光是遠遠看著的也有,為我加油打氣的也有,跟著一起邊跑邊聊的也有。
  1055. Shipgirls watching from afar, shipgirls cheering me on, even those that chatted as they ran along.
  1056. 但是再怎麼說,也沒有跟那麼多人都好好說話的閒工夫。所以我每次都是才聊上幾句就告別了。
  1057. But not matter how you look at it, I don't have time to have a long chat with anyone. So I just said a few sentences and then said goodbye.
  1058. 跑到第二十圈的時候——
  1059. By the 20th lap——
  1060. 有個引人注目的金發少女見到我之後,就朝著我揮手。
  1061. A rather eyecatching golden-haired girl saw and waved at me.
  1062. 那隻手上拿著水色的毛巾,另一隻手裡抓著杯子。
  1063. She held a water-colored towel in one hand and a cup in another.
  1064. “提督,您辛苦了!要喝點兒水嗎?”
  1065. "Admiral, nice work! Do you want some water?"
  1066. 發出那有如蜂蜜般甜美的聲音的,正是重巡洋艦愛宕。
  1067. The one who spoke in such honey-sweet voice was the Heavy Cruiser Atago.
  1068. 隨著手臂的揮舞——
  1069. With each wave of her hand——
  1070. 她的胸口也在搖晃。
  1071. Her chest shook as well.
  1072. 看樣子製服有點兒緊呢。
  1073. It looks like her uniform is a little tight.
  1074. 不愧是重巡啊,那份驅逐艦跟輕空母都完全無法同台競技的重量感。
  1075. As expected of the Heavy Cruisers. They carried a certain...girth that destroyers and light carriers couldn't compare with.
  1076. 要怎麼說呢……
  1077. How should I say this...
  1079. 就像桃太郎的故事裡,在河裡載沉載浮的桃子一樣。
  1080. Like the peach in the story of Momotaro, floating in the river.
  1082. ——我都在想些什麼啊!?
  1083. ——What am I thinking?
  1084. 看樣子對於一直過著禁慾生活的我來說,這份刺激有點太過強烈了。
  1085. It seemed like that had been too great a shock to me and my life of abstinence thus far.
  1086. 我努力搖著頭,趕走腦內的雜念。
  1087. I vigorously shook my head, banishing such remaining thoughts from my mind.
  1088. 為了喝水,我停下了腳步。前頭還有很長的一段距離,如果不補充些水分的話,搞不好會死在走廊上。
  1089. I slowed my footsteps to take a sip. There was still a long distance ahead; if I didn't rehydrate, I might actually just die in the hall.
  1090. 她遞出杯子。
  1091. She offered the cup.
  1092. “我是愛宕,提督記得嗎?”
  1093. "I'm Atago. Will the Admiral remember?"
  1094. “嗯,當然記得啊。”
  1095. "Mm, of course I will."
  1096. “呵呵呵,要稍微休息一下嗎?”
  1097. "Ohoho, would you like to take a break?"
  1098. “非常抱歉啊,暫時還不能休息。”
  1099. "I'm sorry, but I cannot."
  1100. “都跑了這麼久了,一定累了吧。”
  1101. "You've already ran so much, surely you are tired."
  1102. “畢竟是罰跑啊。”
  1103. "Well, it is a penalty."
  1104. 愛宕用手裡的毛巾給我擦去汗水。
  1105. Atago helped wipe my sweat with her towel.
  1106. 有些軟,又有些硬,這毛巾的觸感還真有夠奇怪的。
  1107. A little hard, a little soft, this towel sure feels odd.
  1108. 啊啦?她笑了起來。
  1109. Ara? She started laughing.
  1110. “哎呀——這可不是毛巾啊~”
  1111. "Ara——this isn't a towel~"
  1112. “什麼?”
  1113. "What?"
  1114. “我找不到自己中意的那條,賣毛巾的地方也已經賣光了~”
  1115. "I couldn't find my favorite one, and the towel vendor's all out of towels~"
  1116. 她攤開在我眼前的,是兩個連在一起的足以裹住腦袋的半球形。
  1117. "In front of my eyes are two hemispheres, big enough for a head.
  1118. 這不是什麼毛巾,而是某種貼身衣物啊——
  1119. This isn't a towel, but a certain kind of bodywear——
  1120. 我驚訝到忘​​記瞭如何發聲。
  1121. I was shocked into speechlessness.
  1122. 愛宕紅著臉道:
  1123. Atago explained, her face bright read.
  1124. “鐺鐺鐺鐺!這是我的胸部內壁!因為太重肩膀會很酸的喲。”
  1125. "Panpakapan! This is my chest's inner wall! Because my shoulders get sore when they get too heavy."
  1126. “啊、啊、啊——”
  1127. "Ah, er, ahhh——"
  1128. ——鐺鐺鐺鐺你個頭啦!不知道害羞的嗎!因為是艦娘所以就沒問題嗎!
  1129. ——Panpakapan my ass! Do you know shame?! Is it okay because you're a shipgirl?!
  1130. 雖然剛剛才擦過汗,但現在又是滿身冷汗。
  1131. Although I had just wiped off my sweat, I could feel cold sweat bead all over my body.
  1132. 腳上也使不上力氣,感覺踉踉蹌蹌的。
  1133. It seemed like strength had left my legs as well, leaving a reeling sort of feeling.
  1134. 愛宕擺出一副擔心的表情。
  1135. Atago's face took on a worried look.
  1136. “提督啊,果然還是休息一下吧……你看起來就很累吧?”
  1137. "Admiral, you really should rest after look really tired, you know?"
  1138. “不用不用不用!我、還是沒事的!謝謝你的水啊!”
  1139. "It's fine it's fine it's fine! I, I'm still fine! Thanks for the water!"
  1140. 現在在這裡休息的話,就肯定沒辦法跑完了,等著我的只會有精神層面上的淪陷吧。
  1141. If I rest here, I won't be able to finish the run; what's waiting would just be the exhaustion of my remaining vigor.
  1142. 我狠下心拒絕了誘惑,再次跑起來。
  1143. Ruefully rejecting the allure, I broke back into a run.
  1145. 夕陽西下。
  1146. Sunset.
  1147. 沐浴著晚霞,伴著等待在拐角的驅逐艦們的聲援,我又一次來到正門前。
  1148. Covered in the afterglow and accompanied by the encouraging shouts of the Destroyers at the corner, I once more rounded towards the front door.
  1149. 雖然還連一半都沒跑完。
  1150. I haven't even reached half yet.
  1151. 雖然體力早就已經到達了極限……
  1152. My body, however, has long since reached its limits.
  1153. 感覺隨時都有可能膝蓋一軟倒在地上一樣。
  1154. I feel as if I could keel over at any point.
  1155. 正門前,比其他地方有著更多的艦娘,還有更大的歡呼聲。
  1156. At the front door, even more shipgirls will be waiting with greater cheers.
  1157. 才對啊……
  1158. ...Or should have been.
  1159. 但現在卻好像是時間都被凍結了一樣寂靜無比,在那裡的十幾個艦娘,都一聲不響。
  1160. Right now, it seemed as if time itself had been frozen; of the ten plus shipgirls, not a single voice rang out.
  1161. 靠近之後,我才注意到加賀正在與誰對話。
  1162. As I closed in, I realized who Kaga was speaking with.
  1163. “咦?瑞鳳!?”
  1164. "Eh? Zuihou?!"
  1165. 我跑過去停下腳步。
  1166. I ran over and slowed to a stop.
  1167. 膝蓋顫抖得很厲害。
  1168. My knees were moving on their own.
  1169. 嚴厲的加賀竟然在和不管由誰來看,都是溫和無比的瑞鳳在對峙。我實在是很在意個中緣由。
  1170. That strict Kaga was currently in a confrontation with Zuihou, the very image of gentleness. I was immediately intrigued.
  1171. “餵,發生什麼事了?”
  1172. "Oy, what's going on?"
  1173. 轉過頭來的瑞鳳,不出我所料,臉色相當難看。
  1174. Zuihou turned. To my surprise, her expression was quite unpleasant.
  1175. “啊、那個……我從別人那裡聽來說,提督在照著規定那樣罰跑……我覺得那很過分!”
  1176. "U-umm...I heard from everyone else, that the Admiral has to do penalty laps...I think that's unfair!"
  1177. “嗯……好像是有些啦,不過我也不能一來就馬上無視規定啊。”
  1178. "Mm...a little, maybe, but I can't just immediately join and ignore the rules."
  1179. “但是!”
  1180. "But!"
  1181. 加賀舉起手,擋住她的話語。
  1182. Kaga raised her hand, as if to hold back her words.
  1183. “這次的罰跑是提督自己決定的。”
  1184. "The decision to run penalty laps was made by the Admiral himself."
  1185. “那、那樣的話,我也要一起跑!”
  1186. "I-in that case, I'm going to run too!"
  1187. 瑞鳳握緊了拳頭。
  1188. Zuihou clenched her fist.
  1189. 加賀露出詫異的表情。
  1190. Kaga's expression changed to bewilderment.
  1191. 周圍的艦娘們也開始交頭接耳。
  1192. The shipgirls around them are now also trying to listen in.
  1193. 把相機當作大砲的替代品抓在手裡的青葉探過身子。
  1194. Clasping her camera in hand as if it were a main gun, Aoba leaned over.
  1195. “啊、那個!青葉有話要問!為什麼瑞鳳小姐要說出那種話呢?難道說,已經和提督有某種關係了嗎!?”
  1196. "Ah, um! Aoba has a question! Why would Zuihou-san say something like that? Could it be, that you and Admiral have that kind of relationship?!"
  1197. 事情發展到現在這樣,想要隱瞞過去看來是有些困難了呢。
  1198. Now that things have went this far, it'd probably be way too hard to try to hide this.
  1199. 瑞鳳點了點頭。
  1200. Zuihou nodded.
  1201. “提督會遲到,都是因為我的錯……”
  1202. "Admiral's lateness, it's my fault..."
  1203. 青葉靠近了點。
  1204. Zuihou leaned closer.
  1205. “衝擊性的事實!新任司令官嗎!怎麼會這樣?請詳細說來!”
  1206. "Shocking Truth! New Commander! Happen, what? More details, please!"
  1207. “那、那個……就是說啊,提督他,在我那裡……睡著了……”
  1208. "U-um...well, Admiral, he, with me...slept..."
  1209. “和司令官睡過了嗎!青青青青青葉,沒聽錯吧!?”
  1210. "You've slept with the Commander?! Ao-ao-ao-ao-ao-ao-ba didn't mishear, did she?!"
  1211. 嗚哇,周圍的艦娘們再度開始交頭接耳,彼此交流各自的臆測,事態逐漸變得不太妙。
  1212. Uwaaaahhh, the surrounding shipgirls are listening hard, each throwing their own speculation into the mix. This might get bad.
  1213. 我慌忙出面收拾局面。
  1214. I desperately moved to salvage the situation.
  1215. “等、等一下!你們是不是有點誤會啊!”
  1216. "H-hold on! Aren't you all a little mistaken?!"
  1217. 艦娘們的眼神變得更加害怕了。
  1218. The shipgirl's gazes were starting to look scarier.
  1219. 真沒辦法。
  1220. It can't be helped.
  1221. 我只好乖乖地把自己遲到了理由詳細說了一遍。
  1222. I guess I'll have to explain my lateness.
  1223. 聽到九九式轟炸機的聲音,於是就忘記了本來的目的之類的……雖然不知道她們能不能理解我……
  1224. Hearing the Type 99 Dive Bomber and forgetting my original goal...well, they might not understand, but...
  1226. 我從深海棲艦奪走了同期生的性命開始,一直講到正處在絕望的時候瑞鳳的到來,還有被九九式轟炸機救了一命的過程。
  1227. I started with how the Abyssals stole away the life of me best mate, how Zuihou had appeared when all hope was lost, and how those Type 99 Dive Bombers saved my life.
  1228. 然後又告訴她們在經過短暫的入院治療之後,我被司令長官提拔,任命為提督。在剛來鎮守府的時候又一次聽到了轟炸機的引擎聲,所以著了魔一樣的跑去尋找。
  1229. I then told them how I was promoted by the Marshal to Admiralty after a short convalescence. How I had heard the sound of dive bomber engines as I came to the naval district, and how I had ran after that sound like a man bewitched.
  1230. 在說自己進入演習場,被瑞鳳的訓練波及到以至於失去意識的時候,稍微覺得有點羞恥。
  1231. As I explained wow I had entered the exercise field, how I was knocked unconscious by Zuihou's training flight, I felt a bit of shame.
  1233. “——也就是說,一切都是我的錯。”
  1234. "——that is to say, it's all my fault."
  1235. 周圍的艦娘們一言不發地盯著我。
  1236. The surrounding shipgirls stared at me wordlessly.
  1237. 怎麼回事?
  1238. What's going on?
  1239. 我開始懷疑自己剛剛說的那些話裡面是不是有哪裡觸到了她們的雷點。
  1240. I'm starting to get the feeling that something I said may have touched a nerve.
  1241. 但麥克風還舉在我面前的青葉,早已經熱淚盈眶,帶著哭腔叫道:
  1242. But Aoba, eyes long since blazing with manly tears, cried as she pressed her mike at me.
  1243. “原來是這麼回事嗎!司令官!您的摯友,居然遇上了那麼悲​​慘的事情……索敵也好,砲擊也好,雷擊也好,都請交給青葉吧!”
  1244. "So that's what happened! Commander! Your sworn friend, lost to such a tragic fate...whether it's scouting, shooting or torps, please leave everything to Aoba!"
  1245. 隨著青葉的一句話,周圍的艦娘們也紛紛說道:
  1246. The surrounding shipgirls all instantly began to speak in the wake of Aoba's speech.
  1247. “幹掉她們kuma!”“提督!我會努力加油的!”“就交給我吧!我會輕輕鬆松超越世界級水準的!”“放心啦,就期待下咱吧!”
  1248. "Go get 'em, Kuma!" "Admiral! I'll do my best!" "Leave it to me! I'll be easily greater than world-class!" "Don't worry, just leave it to me!"
  1249. (note: Kuma, Probably Fubuki, I don't know who the third person is and probably Tone, since 咱 is an unusual pronoun for oneself.)
  1250. 反而變得戰意高昂了。
  1251. It seems like their will to fight has intensified.
  1252. ——真是太謝謝了。
  1253. ——Thank god.
  1254. 她們並不是人類,正因如此,我一直在擔心她們對生命的價值理解到什麼程度。
  1255. They may not be humans——but it's exactly because of this fact that I must find out what a life is worth to them.
  1256. 但是,她們打心底里把我看作是同伴,為了素未謀面的人在落淚,表明了戰鬥的決意。
  1257. But it seems like they already see us as equals in their hearts, to be able to shed tears over somebody they've never met and demonstrate their resolve.
  1258. 這才是最重要的。
  1259. That is the most important.
  1260. “真的是太謝謝各位了。”
  1261. "I'm really thankful, everybody."
  1262. 我看向瑞鳳,她也和別人一樣,眼裡滿是淚水。
  1263. I looked towards Zuihou. Like the others, her eyes were also full of tears.
  1264. “提、提督之前……有那種事啊……對、對不起,我完全就不記得……”
  1265. " that happened...s-sorry, I don't remember at all..."
  1266. “別那麼在意,那時候我滿身都是煤灰,頭上還在流血,就連親兄弟都認不出來的。”
  1267. "Don't worry about it, my face was full of soot at that point and my head was bleeding; I don't think my brother would have recognized me."
  1268. “但、但是……那個時候……我讓那艘戰艦Ru級給逃掉了……如果,我能有更多艦載機的話……”
  1269. "B-but...I let that Battleship Ru-Class escape...if only I had more planes..."
  1270. “別說傻話了,那傢伙在深海棲艦裡也是數一數二的不好對付,我清楚得很呢。”
  1271. "Don't be silly, that fellow's hard to deal with even among Abyssals, I am well aware of that."
  1272. ——是嗎,還活著嗎。
  1273. ——Huh, so it's still alive.
  1274. 那艘戰艦Ru級……
  1275. That Ru-class Battleship...
  1276. 殺了岩柱的那個混蛋……
  1277. The bastard that killed Iwahashira...
  1278. 我握住正在發抖的右手。
  1279. I grasped my trembling left hand.
  1280. 雖然戰意充足是件好事,但是把私人恩怨推給部下去解決,是相當可恥的行為。
  1281. While it is good to be filled with fighting spirit, pushing your grudges onto your subordinates is despicable.
  1282. “為了保護好這個世界,我比誰都要迫切地想要打倒深海棲艦……”
  1283. "In order to protect this world, I am more committed than any other person to defeat the Abyssals..."
  1284. “我明白了,提督……請允許我助您一臂之力吧。”
  1285. "I understand, Admiral...please allow me to help you."
  1286. 她能認可我的想法,真的很讓我高興。為了指揮這支艦隊,必須要獲取她們的支持。
  1287. It makes me very happy that she understood and accepted my viewpoint. In order to command this fleet, I will need to earn their
  1288. “謝謝,瑞鳳。”
  1289. "Thank you, Zuihou."
  1290. “不過……果然還是要繼續跑的吧?”
  1291. "'re going to keep running after all?"
  1292. “哦,那是當然啊。我自己說好的嘛。不管有著怎樣的決心,光是嘴上說說的話就完全沒有任何意義啊。”
  1293. "Ah, of course. I stand by my word. Resolve is meaningless if the words it breeds are not backed by action."
  1294. 雖然就連我自己也覺得這手法太過拙劣了……
  1295. Although even I think that this is going a little too far...
  1296. 不過要讓艦隊遵守紀律的話這是必須要做的,如果在這裡逃掉的話,就和一開始選擇了特例處分沒什麼兩樣了。
  1297. But in order to maintain discipline in the fleet, this is necessary; if I try to worm my way out, I'll be setting a precedent of making exceptions.
  1298. 瑞鳳看起來好像很想說什麼的樣子,但最後還是選擇了咬緊嘴唇不出聲,大概是顧慮到我的想法了吧。
  1299. Zuihou looks like she really wants to say something, but ultimately bit her lip. Perhaps she understood my thoughts.
  1300. “……我明白了,那麼……提督,我就為了下次作戰的準備,回到自己的崗位上去了。”
  1301. "...I understand. Then...Admiral, I will prepare for the next operation and return to my position."
  1302. “嗯,好好做啊。”
  1303. "Mm, do your best."
  1304. 我為了鼓勵她而把手放在那小小的肩膀上,而她也隨之將雙手放上來:
  1305. To cheer her on, I put my hand on her tiny tiny shoulders. She, in turn, grasped it with her own hands.
  1306. “但是……可不能太過勉強哦。”
  1307. "But...don't overdo it."
  1308. 她的臉看上去稍微有點紅,大概是因為晚霞的關係吧?我這麼想著,和她互相對視。
  1309. Her face looked a little red, perhaps it was due to the evening light? I gazed at her as I wondered.
  1311. 咚的一聲,瑞鳳被推到一邊去了。
  1312. With a thump, Zuihou was pushed aside.
  1314. 而犯人正是愛宕。
  1315. The culprit is Atago.
  1316. 她按著瑞鳳,朝這邊逼近。
  1317. Pushing onto Zuihou, she closed in.
  1318. “真是的……說好不能獨占的吧?提督,我今晚就不休息了,一直在這裡給你加油哦!”
  1319. "Really now...didn't we agree not to monopolize? Admiral, I won't be resting tonight; I'll be here cheering you on!"
  1320. “啊?哦、哦……那真是……謝謝啊。”
  1321. "Ah? Oh, uh...that's...thanks."
  1322. “如果累了的話,朝我撒下嬌也是可以的喲?”
  1323. "If you're tired, it's okay to let me spoil you a little, okay?"
  1324. 她張開雙臂,展現出博大的胸懷。
  1325. She spread out her arms, revealing her fuckhuge chest.
  1326. ——不行不行!
  1327. ——No, no!
  1328. 是我太累了嗎,不知不覺就想倒在上面了。
  1329. I might be too tired, because out of nowhere I feel like I just want to fall ontoppa those.
  1330. 我慌忙挪開視線。
  1331. I hurriedly avert my gaze.
  1332. 被擠到一邊的瑞鳳撅起了嘴。她看向自己的胸前,嘆了口氣。
  1333. Shoved to the side, Zuihou pursed her lips. Seeing her own chest, she sighed.
  1334. 周圍艦娘們的視線刺得我好痛。
  1335. The glares of the shipgirls around me. It hurts.
  1336. ——再繼續留在這裡的話,恐怕比起提督我會首先失去作為人類的信用和尊嚴吧。
  1337. ——At this rate, I might lose the trust and respect of my shipgirls faster than my predecessor.
  1338. 雖然多虧站在這裡說了這麼久的緣故,體力稍稍恢復了點。
  1339. Though I've recovered my stamina a little, thanks to being able to stand here.
  1340. “那麼,各位。正式的見面就等改天再進行吧。”
  1341. "Well then, everyone. Our official meeting will have to wait for another day."
  1342. 我再次邁出腳步。
  1343. I once more broke into step.
  1344. 從加賀面前經過的時候,她好像什麼都沒發生一樣繼續給我計數,還真是冷酷啊。
  1345. As I passed Kaga, she ticked a lap as if nothing had happened. How cold.
  1346. 隨著時間的流逝——
  1347. Moving on——
  1348. 不知道從哪裡來的探照燈照亮了我的周圍。
  1349. Out of nowhere, a searchlight illuminated me.
  1350. “照明就交給我吧!我會認真負責的!不過說來夜裡還真好啊~夜裡超棒的~”
  1351. "Leave the illumination to me! I'll do my job! But the night sure is nice~the night is the best~"
  1352. 白天好像沒見過這傢伙的樣子……
  1353. I don't think I saw this fellow in the day...
  1354. 不過因為探照燈太晃眼,我看不​​清她的樣子……
  1355. But due to the glare, I can't quite see her.
  1356. “那個……請問你是?”
  1357. "Uh...could I ask for your name?"
  1358. “川內,參上!夜戰就請交給我吧!”
  1359. "Sendai has arrived! Leave the night battle to me!"
  1360. ——就是說這就是夜戰嗎?
  1361. ——So this is a night battle?
  1362. 原來她就是輕巡洋艦川內啊。
  1363. So she is the light cruiser Sendai.
  1364. 一直在給我加油的驅逐艦們——也就是雷她們,就躺在草地上睡著了。
  1365. The destroyers that had cheering me on the whole time——that is, Ikazuchi and company, were now sleeping on the grass.
  1366. 天龍一邊抱怨一邊把她們都背回到房間裡去了,雖然樣貌和語氣都有點嚇人,不過倒是挺會照顧人的。
  1367. Lifting them onto her shoulders, Tenryuu hoisted them back to their rooms, grumbling all the way. Her appearance and tone may be a little fearsome, but she seems like the caring type.
  1368. 由於太過疲憊,我現在與其說是在跑馬拉松,倒不是說是像強行軍裡的士兵一樣了。
  1369. At this point of over-exhaustion, I'm not a marathon runner anymore. I'm a soldier on a forced march.
  1370. 完全是強迫腳趾在往前挪動。
  1371. I'm just forcing my legs forwards.
  1372. 軍靴裡面浸滿了汗水。
  1373. My boots are waterlogged with sweat.
  1374. 恐怕早就已經磨破皮了吧。
  1375. The soles have probably started to peel long ago.
  1376. 一開始只要五分鐘就能跑完的路,現在要走上二十分鐘左右。
  1377. The route that had only taken five minutes at the beginning is now taking 20 minutes or so.
  1378. 我撞上了牆壁。
  1379. I crash into a wall.
  1380. ——等下?
  1381. ——hol' up?
  1382. 走廊中間怎麼會有牆呢?真是不可思議。明明有川內在好好給我照著路,不可能會走錯的啊。
  1383. Why would there be a wall in the hallway? How odd. Sendai was clearly illuminating the road ahead, I shouldn't have gone the wrong way.
  1384. 不,等等,不太對。
  1385. Ah, hold on, that's not right.
  1386. 我總算注意到了。
  1387. I finally noticed.
  1388. 這不是什麼牆壁,而是地板。也就是說我倒在路中間了。
  1389. It's not the wall, it's the floor. That is, I've collapsed.
  1390. “嗚啊……”
  1391. "Ah shit..."
  1392. “提督——!?”
  1393. "Admiral——?!"
  1394. 愛宕趕到我身邊來。
  1395. Atago bustled over to my side.
  1396. “真是的,快夠了吧!這樣會死在走廊上的!”
  1397. "Really, that's enough! You're going to die in the halls at this rate!"
  1398. “你在說啥啊……還沒到我休息的時候呢……咳咳”
  1399. "What are yo's not time to rest yet...blargghhhurgh"
  1400. 喉嚨好痛。
  1401. My throat hurts.
  1402. 不過,既然還有在痛,就說明我還活著。雖然四肢也很痛,但還能動得起來。
  1403. But if I'm hurtin', I must be livin'. Though all four limbs ache, they can still move.
  1404. 我撐起身子。
  1405. I prop myself up.
  1406. 其他艦娘也趕了過來。
  1407. The other shipgirls had caught up as well.
  1408. 每個人都在說著關切的話語,也有人強烈要求我趕快去休息。
  1409. Everyone was speaking concerned words, with others forcefully demanding that I rest.
  1410. 而我為了讓她們放下心來,對她們笑道:
  1411. In order to get them to relax, I laughed, saying,
  1412. “真的沒事啦……就這種程度,人類還不會死的啦。”
  1413. "I'm really fine...this amount won't kill a man."
  1414. 哪怕就在這麼一小會兒的時間裡,在世上的某處角落裡,也正有士兵為毫無勝算的戰爭獻出了自己的生命。我決不能只讓自己休息,我決不能讓自己如此懦弱。
  1415. 愛宕伸過手來。
  1416. Nevermind dying here——in that moment, in some godforsaken corner of this good earth, there is probably a soldier sacrificing his life for a cause that cannot be won. I can't just let myself rest like this; I cannot let my self know this weakness.
  1417. “提督!您還是休息吧!”
  1418. "Admiral! You really have to rest!"
  1419. 如果接過那雙柔軟的手,那就輸了。我決不能在這裡懈怠。
  1420. If I take those gentle hands, I'll lose. I can't do that.
  1421. 又有另外一人,出現在探照燈的照耀之下。
  1422. And another person now appeared under the searchlight's glare.
  1423. “……瑞鳳?”
  1424. "...Zuihou?"
  1425. “提督,這個是……拜託間宮小姐做的……”
  1426. "Admiral, this is...I asked Mamiya-san to make this..."
  1427. “間……宮?是?”
  1428. "Ma...miya? Is?"
  1429. “補給艦間宮小姐。雖然平時都是在做冰激凌,不過這次做的是飲料,肯定能恢復精神的吧。”
  1430. "Resupply Ship Mamiya. She usually makes ice cream, but this time it's a drink. I'm sure it'll help revive you."
  1431. “是嗎……那,謝謝了。”
  1432. "Is that so...well, thanks."
  1433. “因為肯定不管我說什麼,提督都會繼續跑的啦……所以我就想,我能做的事大概也就這點……”
  1434. "Since the Admiral will keep running, no matter what I in that case, what I can do is just this..."
  1435. 我接過水壺,喝了一口。
  1436. Taking the canteen, I take a sip.
  1437. 裡面充滿了辛辣的味道,以及某種不明所以的醇厚味道,還帶著又苦又甜的味道。雖然完全不好喝,但至少已經失去知覺的身體再次活了過來。
  1438. I'm filled with a burning and yet a mellow feeling, accompanied by a sweet and bitter flavor. It's pretty nasty, but I can feel sensation returning to my body.
  1439. 一不小心嗆了一口。
  1440. I accidentally choked up a gulp.
  1441. 不過,感覺真的是回來了。
  1442. But I can feel again.
  1443. “咳、呼……謝謝了,瑞鳳。不過你有一點弄錯了啊。”
  1444. "Bleeaurgh, whew...thanks, Zuihou. But you're a little mistaken."
  1445. “誒?”
  1446. "Eh?"
  1447. “你能做到的事,並不是只有這點而已。在我看來,你有著無限的可能性,其他人也是一樣。而將可能變為現實,就是我的工作。”
  1448. "What you can do isn't just this. The way I see it, you have boundless ability, the same with the others. And making that ability truly boundless is my job."
  1449. 瑞鳳和周圍的艦娘們,都驚訝到忘記了呼吸。
  1450. Zuihou and the other shipgirls looked a little breathless, as if shocked.
  1451. 我向她們舉起手,再一次邁出腳步。
  1452. Raising my hand to them, I started up once more.
  1453. 跑啊跑啊……
  1454. Run, run.....
  1455. 跑啊跑……
  1456. Run, ru...
  1457. ——到底跑到多少圈了呢?
  1458. ——How many laps has it even been?
  1459. 雖然加賀有好好在幫我數,不過因為意識模糊我都沒怎麼聽清楚。
  1460. While Kaga has been helping me to count, my senses have long since become too addled to understand.
  1461. 我挪動腳步。
  1462. I force out another step.
  1463. 在深夜的鎮守府裡,用比走還慢的速度跑著。
  1464. Running even slower than before in the naval district, clothed in night.
  1465. 在拐過不知道是第幾個的拐角的時候。
  1466. As I round another corner after so many corners...
  1467. 聽到了聲音。
  1468. I hear a sound.
  1469. “啊啦,啊啦啊啦,終於到最後一圈了嗎?哼哼,挺能幹的不是嗎?”
  1470. "Ara. Ara ara, you're finally up to the last lap? Hmhm, you're pretty capable, aren't'cha?"
  1471. 是一個頭上戴著如羚羊角一般尖銳的艤裝的女性,正用打量的眼神看著我。她的肩膀和小腹都裸露在外面,稍微露得有些多。她正是戰艦陸奧。
  1472. A young woman with two sharp pieces of rigging extending from her head like goat horns is looking at me with an appraising gaze. Her shoulder and midriff are bare, it's a bit much. This is the battleship Mutsu.
  1473. 而她剛剛的發言,則把我那快要飛到九霄雲外的意識徹底拉了回來。
  1474. And her words immediately yanked my thoughts back from oblivion.
  1475. ——最後一圈!?
  1476. ——The last lap?!
  1477. 在這棟紅磚砌成的建築物裡,所有的房間都亮起了燈。
  1478. In this red brick building, all the lights are on.
  1479. 從屋子裡。
  1480. From the buildings.
  1481. 從正門前。
  1482. From the main gate.
  1483. 從我身後。
  1484. From behind me.
  1485. 能夠聽到很多人的聲音,大家都在為我加油。
  1486. I can hear people calling to me, everyone telling me to do my best.
  1487. 再過一會兒就是日出的時間了——
  1488. Just a little longer and it'll be dawn——
  1489. 我終於回到了正門前。
  1490. I finally reach the front door.
  1491. 膝蓋徹底軟塌的我,被加賀抱住了。
  1492. Kaga catches me as my knees finally liquefy.
  1493. 被柔軟的感觸給抱住了。
  1494. Caught up in a gentle grasp.
  1495. “……九十九,終於結束了。要睡的話,請回到自己的房間裡去睡。”
  1496. "...99, you're finally done. If you want to sleep, please return to your own room."
  1497. “好好好……”
  1498. "Yep, sounds good, yeah..."
  1499. “到底有什麼做到這種地步的必要?希望往後您能適可而止。”
  1500. "Was there really a need to go this far? Please refrain from this sort of thing in the future."
  1501. “好好好……”
  1502. "Got it, yup, gotcha..."
  1503. 加賀果然很嚴厲啊。
  1504. Kaga is strict, after all.
  1505. 但是,沒有比如此嚴厲的她,接下來說出的那句話更溫柔的聲音了。
  1506. But, this incomparably strict girl spoke; gently, softly:
  1508. “……您辛苦了,提督。”
  1509. "...Good work, Admiral."
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