
Wwelcome to Gruball hosts tonight; Elliot and Jace!

Aug 7th, 2016
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  1. [15:29] <ailurAlliance> ==START==
  2. [15:30] <ailurAlliance> ailurAlliance began pestering battingProdigy
  3. [15:30] <ailurAlliance> AA: Hey! You're Jace, right?
  4. [15:30] <battingProdigy> BP: yeah why?
  5. [15:31] <ailurAlliance> AA: The name's Elliot. I got your handle from Celia.
  6. [15:31] <ailurAlliance> AA: I heard your computer got exploded. How are you feeling?
  7. [15:31] <battingProdigy> BP: okay if a little sore
  8. [15:32] <ailurAlliance> AA: Any idea how it happened yet?
  9. [15:33] <battingProdigy> BP: not yet but some people suspect foul ball
  10. [15:33] <ailurAlliance> AA: Gee, that's kinda scary to think about.
  11. [15:33] <ailurAlliance> AA: Glad you're alright.
  12. [15:34] <battingProdigy> BP: so you know me but who are you?
  13. [15:35] <ailurAlliance> AA: Just another guy who got dragged in with troll business.
  14. [15:35] <ailurAlliance> AA: It's strange to think about, to be honest.
  15. [15:36] <battingProdigy> BP: this or the troll thing?
  16. [15:37] <ailurAlliance> AA: The troll thing! It's so completely coincidental that something like this would happen!
  17. [15:37] <ailurAlliance> AA: Aliens are nothing like I thought they would be.
  18. [15:38] <battingProdigy> BP: yeah i knew they had gray skin but i didnt know they had horns
  19. [15:38] <ailurAlliance> AA: In my first chat with voltaireMortis, he kept complaining our smileys were wrong.
  20. [15:38] <ailurAlliance> AA: In retrospect, that is kind of hilarious.
  21. [15:39] <battingProdigy> BP: oh vox
  22. [15:39] <battingProdigy> BP: yeah hes kinda okay i guess
  23. [15:39] <ailurAlliance> AA: He did actually man up and apologize for shouting at me after that.
  24. [15:39] <ailurAlliance> AA: He's a good guy.
  25. [15:39] <ailurAlliance> AA: I'm glad I got to speak to him.
  26. [15:40] <ailurAlliance> AA: Jydbec on the other hand I'd rather leave alone.
  27. [15:40] <battingProdigy> BP: i second that
  28. [15:40] <battingProdigy> BP: she scares me
  29. [15:41] <ailurAlliance> AA: She's really unstable.
  30. [15:40] <battingProdigy> BP: cee really likes her though
  31. [15:40] <battingProdigy> BP: that kinda worries me
  32. [15:41] <ailurAlliance> AA: I got flustered when first talking to her, but if she contacts me again I'm going to tell her what's what.
  33. [15:41] <ailurAlliance> AA: Voxait was worried about Celia and Jydbec too.
  34. [15:41] <battingProdigy> BP: youre tellin me
  35. [15:42] <ailurAlliance> AA: Asked me to put in a word with her and all that.
  36. [15:42] <ailurAlliance> AA: I probably should.
  37. [15:42] <battingProdigy> BP: she threatened to stab me if i didnt pick a dress color
  38. [15:42] <ailurAlliance> AA: She threatened to kill my lusus. Good thing I don't have one.
  39. [15:43] <ailurAlliance> AA: Also an Alternian tea party apparently involves killing people and feeding their bodies a concoction with toenails in it or something.
  40. [15:43] <battingProdigy> BP: ...
  41. [15:43] <battingProdigy> BP: i dont even like tea
  42. [15:44] <ailurAlliance> AA: I wouldn't like tea either like that.
  43. [15:44] <ailurAlliance> AA: But fair enough. What do you like to drink, then?
  44. [15:45] <battingProdigy> BP: juice water energy drinks
  45. [15:45] <battingProdigy> BP: i try to stay healthy
  46. [15:45] <ailurAlliance> AA: Oh man, energy drinks. I'm pretty sure you'd like my buddy Nolan.
  47. [15:45] <ailurAlliance> AA: I don't drink it, but he's obsessed with the stuff.
  48. [15:46] <battingProdigy> BP: i dont drink it often though
  49. [15:46] <battingProdigy> BP: too much energy is bad for you
  50. [15:46] <ailurAlliance> AA: Exactly why I don't drink it. My body doesn't need it.
  51. [15:47] <ailurAlliance> AA: I just hang around the house most of the day.
  52. [15:47] <ailurAlliance> AA: I excercise sometimes, but not too often.
  53. [15:47] <battingProdigy> BP: im always exercising!
  54. [15:47] <battingProdigy> BP: gotta stay in shape and whatnot
  55. [15:48] <ailurAlliance> AA: I can imagine. You're an important player in your team, aren't you?
  56. [15:50] <battingProdigy> BP: yep im the captain of the team and our most consistent mvp!
  57. [15:50] <battingProdigy> BP: oh right
  58. [15:50] <battingProdigy> BP: i cant play anymore for a while :c
  59. [15:51] <ailurAlliance> AA: That's too bad.
  60. [15:51] <ailurAlliance> AA: Maybe we can get the club together, sans Jydbec, and do some fun stuff.
  61. [15:51] <ailurAlliance> AA: Gotta keep our spirits high, right?
  62. [15:52] <ailurAlliance> AA: Now that I think about it, Celia would probably want Jybec to be involved too.
  63. [15:52] <ailurAlliance> AA: But we just need to have fun together is the point I'm trying to make.
  64. [15:56] <battingProdigy> BP: yeah thatd be pretty cool
  65. [15:57] <battingProdigy> BP: do you live around my parts or some place else?
  66. [15:57] <ailurAlliance> AA: I live in Germany.
  67. [15:58] <battingProdigy> BP: darn
  68. [15:59] <ailurAlliance> AA: Yeah, most people I've met online are from the States.
  69. [15:59] <ailurAlliance> AA: My parents are actually Scottish, but I've lived here all my life.
  70. [15:59] <battingProdigy> BP: well i could probably afford to bring you all here
  71. [16:00] <ailurAlliance> AA: Really?
  72. [16:00] <ailurAlliance> AA: I don't know what to say... That must be quite an expense.
  73. [16:00] <ailurAlliance> AA: Especially if you want to haul in Voxait and Jydbec from across the stars.
  74. [16:01] <battingProdigy> BP: if i can afford a round trip to tazmania and back germany is nothing
  75. [16:01] <battingProdigy> BP: oh that
  76. [16:01] <battingProdigy> BP: no i meant just us humans
  77. [16:01] <ailurAlliance> AA: I imagined as much. It's still a whole lot of money though.
  78. [16:02] <battingProdigy> BP: i got more than enough
  79. [16:02] <battingProdigy> BP: my parents are loaded
  80. [16:02] <ailurAlliance> AA: If you can get the others to agree I won't say no.
  81. [16:02] <ailurAlliance> AA: My parents likely won't even notice if I go on vacation randomly.
  82. [16:02] <battingProdigy> BP: cool
  83. [16:03] <ailurAlliance> AA: If you're recovered by then I'd definitely like to see you play.
  84. [16:04] <battingProdigy> BP: my parents are trying to make us a national league so we can play all over the world
  85. [16:05] <ailurAlliance> AA: That's awesome. If you even come to Nordrhein-Westfahlen to play I'll come and cheer you on.
  86. [16:06] <ailurAlliance> AA: It's truly amazing to meet you, Jace.
  87. [16:07] <battingProdigy> BP: you seem pretty cool too
  88. [16:07] <battingProdigy> BP: you never told me your name by the way
  89. [16:07] <ailurAlliance> AA: Didn't I?
  90. [16:07] <ailurAlliance> AA: I'm Elliot.
  91. [16:07] <battingProdigy> BP: nice to meet you elliot
  92. [16:08] <battingProdigy> BP: itll be fun to get us all together sometime
  93. [16:08] <ailurAlliance> AA: Absolutely. We need to get the others on board with that.
  94. [16:09] <ailurAlliance> AA: It's been fun talking, but I'm afraid I'll have to head off.
  95. [16:10] <ailurAlliance> AA: Tschüss, Jace.
  96. [16:10] <battingProdigy> BP: huh?
  97. [16:10] <ailurAlliance> AA: Tschüss means bye.
  98. [16:11] <battingProdigy> BP: oh
  99. [16:11] <battingProdigy> BP: see ya then
  100. [16:11] <ailurAlliance> AA: Goodbye!
  101. [16:11] <ailurAlliance> ailurAlliance ceased pestering battingProdigy
  102. [16:11] <voltaireMortis> ==END==
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