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Fucking shitheads.

a guest
Jun 26th, 2011
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  1. @LulzSec_Ops @LulzSec Whether by myself, or merges with the underground, you will fall. I'm talking directly to you, @BarrettBrownLOL (as well as followers and 'supporters') ; You think exploiting well-known vulnerabilities via SQL and DoS/DDoS makes you 'revolutionary' Hardly. There is a strict reason why real hackers are burred deep in the underground. Sure, media attention feels good. It makes you feel like you're doing something good and your actions are getting attention; but what GOOD does that do? None. There are real hackers working for every security company in the world. Hackers working everywhere. Why do you think stuntex was able to infiltrate? You're nothing noteworthy. Hell the only thing that makes you 'noteworthy' is the targets of which you exploited. Any twelve-year-old can use Metasploit. Lmfao, that makes you a skiddy. Until you're able to program your own malware. To be honest, a good hacker isn't as public as your teenage-asses are. A good hacker breaks into a systems. Gets out. And leaves no trace. Does not release information publicly. A good hacker knows how to keep his silence. That is being truly anonymous. Hence why you were and still ARE after attention and always will be. I'm sorry you didn't get enough from your parents. I'm sorry you can't get laid. That's not my fucking issue. When you start fucking with the big leagues, you will be DoX'd, caught and locked up. The feds now have Ryan's computer. He hosted your IRC. Your logs and IPs are on there. Sure, using TOR and VPNs may save your ass for a while, but the feds are more capable than you'll ever fucking be. You will be caught, locked up. You're fucked. I will personally make it my mission to stop the antisec movement. I will make it my mission to DoX all of you. Whether alone. There are other groups. Jester, Team Poison, Webninjas are only the surface. There are others. Many others. The underground is large. The underground is quiet, skilled-- and aimed at you. Continue if you will. It just makes OUR job easier. Real hackers know where to dig. You done fucked with the wrong people. Good fight, skiddies. No wonder @LulzSec_Ops @LulzSec Whether by myself, or merges with the underground, you will fall. I'm talking directly to you, @BarrettBrownLOL (as well as followers and 'supporters') ; You think exploiting well-known vulnerabilities via SQL and DoS/DDoS makes you 'revolutionary' Hardly. There is a strict reason why real hackers are burred deep in the underground. Sure, media attention feels good. It makes you feel like you're doing something good and your actions are getting attention; but what GOOD does that do? None. There are real hackers working for every security company in the world. Hackers working everywhere. Why do you think stuntex was able to infiltrate? You're nothing noteworthy. Hell the only thing that makes you 'noteworthy' is the targets of which you exploited. Any twelve-year-old can use Metasploit. Lmfao, that makes you a skiddy. Until you're able to program your own malware. To be honest, a good hacker isn't as public as your teenage-asses are. A good hacker breaks into a systems. Gets out. And leaves no trace. Does not release information publicly. A good hacker knows how to keep his silence. That is being truly anonymous. Hence why you were and still ARE after attention and always will be. I'm sorry you didn't get enough from your parents. I'm sorry you can't get laid. That's not my fucking issue. When you start fucking with the big leagues, you will be DoX'd, caught and locked up. The feds now have Ryan's computer. He hosted your IRC. Your logs and IPs are on there. Sure, using TOR and VPNs may save your ass for a while, but the feds are more capable than you'll ever fucking be. You will be caught, locked up. You're fucked. I will personally make it my mission to stop the antisec movement. I will make it my mission to DoX all of you. Whether alone. There are other groups. Jester, Team Poison, Webninjas are only the surface. There are others. Many others. The underground is large. The underground is quiet, skilled-- and aimed at you. No wonder why you're running away. You know you're fucked. Good fight, skiddies. Ineffective. Teenage angst. You need to fuck off. I'll make it so.
  2. -A friendly reality check from On3iroi.
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