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  1. [2/10/2016 2:45:41 AM] shark: they can get married now, officially
  2. [2/10/2016 2:46:50 AM] Cal: its true
  3. [2/10/2016 2:46:50 AM] Cal: they can
  4. [2/10/2016 2:46:55 AM] Cal: probably after they settle down more
  5. [2/10/2016 2:47:02 AM] Cal: they open their shop, they get dogs
  6. [2/10/2016 2:47:12 AM] Cal: cedric makes imm marathon every single episode of star trek
  7. [2/10/2016 2:47:22 AM] Cal: theyre inside for at least 2 weeks
  8. [2/10/2016 2:47:40 AM] shark: imm only agrees to do it if its a polish dub with english subtitles
  9. [2/10/2016 2:47:50 AM] Cal: sometimes one of them dozes off in the middle and they have to tell the other person what happened
  10. [2/10/2016 2:47:55 AM] Cal: 'why are we at cardassia'
  11. [2/10/2016 2:48:00 AM] Cal: 'becuase they were assholes'
  12. [2/10/2016 2:48:01 AM] Cal: 'oh ok'
  13. [2/10/2016 2:48:15 AM] Cal: they order takeout for like 2 weeks
  14. [2/10/2016 2:48:24 AM] Cal: they had Food but they ran out like a week in
  15. [2/10/2016 2:48:27 AM] Cal: and they cant stop to get groceries
  16. [2/10/2016 2:49:23 AM] shark: immanuel calls time out half way through bc "us and the dogs r gonna get fat if we dont eat real food cmon" and makes cedric go to the store with him
  17. [2/10/2016 2:56:17 AM] shark: imm 100% is the one who brings home stray dogs
  18. [2/10/2016 2:57:47 AM] shark: "just so we can find the owner i promise" 2 weeks later "well no one called and she really likes the name Crusher so i bought her this really cute color and tag, look at how snazzy she is"
  19. [2/10/2016 3:02:18 AM] Cal: name the dog a star trek and ced will keept he dog
  20. [2/10/2016 3:02:21 AM] Cal: thats the system
  21. [2/10/2016 3:02:35 AM] shark: listen cedric
  22. [2/10/2016 3:02:45 AM] shark: there r 12 dogs in this house
  23. [2/10/2016 3:02:54 AM] shark: who r fucking nerds already
  24. [2/10/2016 3:03:26 AM] shark: let me have this one the neighbors think im a nerd
  25. [2/10/2016 3:03:32 AM] Cal: no
  26. [2/10/2016 3:03:40 AM] Cal: we have a tradsition
  27. [2/10/2016 3:04:12 AM] shark: fuck ur tradition im moving out
  28. [2/10/2016 3:04:25 AM] Cal: smooches imm all over his face
  29. [2/10/2016 3:04:26 AM] shark: takes the dog and sleeps in the guest toom
  30. [2/10/2016 3:04:28 AM] shark: room
  31. [2/10/2016 3:04:32 AM] shark: fuk u
  32. [2/10/2016 3:04:38 AM] shark: filthy memer
  33. [2/10/2016 3:04:39 AM] Cal: brings all the other dogs into the guest room
  34. [2/10/2016 3:04:43 AM] Cal: and also sleeps with him
  35. [2/10/2016 3:04:46 AM] shark: fil t h y
  36. [2/10/2016 3:05:01 AM] Cal: cedric doesnt know memes very well unless they are star trek
  37. [2/10/2016 3:05:04 AM] Cal: he just really likse star trek
  38. [2/10/2016 3:05:21 AM] shark: imm knows memes
  39. [2/10/2016 3:05:50 AM] shark: he probably has a vine and makes rlly popular ones
  40. [2/10/2016 3:06:02 AM] Cal: makes vines of cedric doing ridiculous shit
  41. [2/10/2016 3:06:15 AM] Cal: star trek calls out like, names and the dogs go running for the tv
  42. [2/10/2016 3:06:19 AM] Cal: because theyh think its them
  43. [2/10/2016 3:06:22 AM] Cal: not the show characters
  44. [2/10/2016 3:06:25 AM] Cal: imm vines the shit out of that
  45. [2/10/2016 3:06:27 AM] shark: FUCK
  46. [2/10/2016 3:06:41 AM] shark: turns up the volume and unpauses the tv
  47. [2/10/2016 3:06:47 AM] shark: theres like mash ups of them
  48. [2/10/2016 3:06:57 AM] shark: of the various dogs running down the stairs
  49. [2/10/2016 3:07:09 AM] Cal: cedric screaming when they all jump on him on the couch because he was asleep
  50. [2/10/2016 3:07:46 AM] shark: GOD
  51. [2/10/2016 3:09:41 AM] shark: imm also has vines of him doing stupid shit including but not limited to: jumping off the roof into a tree bc itd be hilarious if he could pull it off and cedric was inside watching star trek and couldnt stop him
  52. [2/10/2016 3:10:26 AM] shark: he made it but then fell out of the tree and broke his arm
  53. [2/10/2016 3:10:47 AM] Cal: the end of the vine is cedric Screaming
  54. [2/10/2016 3:10:55 AM] Cal: another funny vine is ced doing stupid shit while drunk
  55. [2/10/2016 3:10:56 AM] Cal: which is Rare
  56. [2/10/2016 3:10:57 AM] Cal: but hilarious
  57. [2/10/2016 3:11:07 AM] shark: cedric screaming and imm laughing
  58. [2/10/2016 3:11:10 AM] Cal: because u cant. tell hes drunk. because hes good at masking how he looks
  59. [2/10/2016 3:11:12 AM] shark: ALSO YES
  60. [2/10/2016 3:11:17 AM] Cal: so hes just like. squinting
  61. [2/10/2016 3:11:27 AM] Cal: no i can absolutely rollerblade down a vertical slope
  62. [2/10/2016 3:11:30 AM] Cal: its fine
  63. [2/10/2016 3:11:38 AM] shark: "absolutely honey"
  64. [2/10/2016 3:12:15 AM] Cal: cool hold my beer
  65. [2/10/2016 3:12:22 AM] Cal: straps on rollerblades
  66. [2/10/2016 3:12:30 AM] shark: is this covered by our insurance
  67. [2/10/2016 3:12:33 AM] Cal: breaks ankle
  68. [2/10/2016 3:12:44 AM] Cal: their insurance is archer who patches them up for free
  69. [2/10/2016 3:12:53 AM] Cal: because the agency is in huge shit for reporting imm as dead
  70. [2/10/2016 3:12:58 AM] Cal: and they owe them a Lot
  71. [2/10/2016 3:13:18 AM] shark: imms laughing while comforting a drunken in pain cedric
  72. [2/10/2016 3:13:20 AM] Cal: also colin took ceds place as an agent so that worked out
  73. [2/10/2016 3:13:20 AM] shark: ALSO TRUE
  74. [2/10/2016 3:13:27 AM] Cal: cedric groaning
  75. [2/10/2016 3:13:33 AM] Cal: i fucked up'
  76. [2/10/2016 3:13:43 AM] shark: 'i saw'
  77. [2/10/2016 3:13:57 AM] Cal: 'now i gotta do it with one leg'
  78. [2/10/2016 3:14:02 AM] Cal: 'how am i gonna do that'
  79. [2/10/2016 3:14:15 AM] shark: immanuel picks him up no no
  80. [2/10/2016 3:14:43 AM] Cal: cedric has to get some minor surgery
  81. [2/10/2016 3:14:47 AM] Cal: on ihs ankle or smth
  82. [2/10/2016 3:14:51 AM] Cal: and they go home and hes still, kinda high
  83. [2/10/2016 3:14:58 AM] Cal: and he sees one fluffy dog and is like hi
  84. [2/10/2016 3:15:00 AM] Cal: nad then another appears
  85. [2/10/2016 3:15:01 AM] Cal: and hes like
  86. [2/10/2016 3:15:03 AM] Cal: holy shit
  87. [2/10/2016 3:15:07 AM] Cal: theyre all giant and white and fluffy
  88. [2/10/2016 3:15:11 AM] Cal: and his eyes are like saucers
  89. [2/10/2016 3:15:19 AM] Cal: 'how did they do that' he whispers in awe to immauel
  90. [2/10/2016 3:15:25 AM] Cal: 'there are so many'
  91. [2/10/2016 3:15:38 AM] Cal: plays the mario game and is the post the im gonkba??? post
  92. [2/10/2016 3:15:59 AM] shark: ur the gonkba
  93. [2/10/2016 3:16:06 AM] Cal:
  94. [2/10/2016 3:16:50 AM] shark: god cedrics so good for immanuel
  95. [2/10/2016 3:16:55 AM] shark: 10/10
  96. [2/10/2016 3:18:18 AM] Cal: they have to move back into the big bedroom because the other one is not big enough for all their 12 dogs
  97. [2/10/2016 3:18:28 AM] Cal: the real reason
  98. [2/10/2016 3:18:32 AM] shark: HONESTLY
  99. [2/10/2016 3:18:42 AM] Cal: they have to go matress shopping
  100. [2/10/2016 3:18:47 AM] shark: they had a queen bed in the big bedroom
  101. [2/10/2016 3:18:54 AM] shark: but they have to get like
  102. [2/10/2016 3:19:00 AM] Cal: super king
  103. [2/10/2016 3:19:01 AM] shark: a california king
  104. [2/10/2016 3:19:02 AM] Cal: YEA
  105. [2/10/2016 3:19:08 AM] Cal: so many dog
  106. [2/10/2016 3:19:14 AM] Cal: they go to the shop
  107. [2/10/2016 3:19:15 AM] shark: bc all the dogs gotta sleep
  108. [2/10/2016 3:19:16 AM] Cal: and test em out
  109. [2/10/2016 3:19:20 AM] Cal: and cedric 100% falls asleep
  110. [2/10/2016 3:19:23 AM] Cal: on the test mattress
  111. [2/10/2016 3:19:34 AM] Cal: and imm is talking prices and coems back and hes just
  112. [2/10/2016 3:19:35 AM] Cal: asleep
  113. [2/10/2016 3:20:08 AM] shark: imm wakes him up by lifting up his shirt and blowing a raspberry on his tummy
  114. [2/10/2016 3:20:34 AM] Cal: cedric is Surprised
  115. [2/10/2016 3:21:05 AM] Cal: i hope they live in like a smaller town and everyone knows theyre together and that imm was. somehow thought to be dead on some 'military' tour of duty
  116. [2/10/2016 3:21:13 AM] Cal: and that they go to town meetings
  117. [2/10/2016 3:21:27 AM] Cal: imm brings snacks because the petty disputes are hilarious
  118. [2/10/2016 3:21:37 AM] shark: absolutely
  119. [2/10/2016 3:22:56 AM] Cal: there are little town holidays
  120. [2/10/2016 3:23:21 AM] Cal: little ridiculous ones
  121. [2/10/2016 3:23:25 AM] Cal: one for knitting for charity
  122. [2/10/2016 3:23:35 AM] Cal: neither of them can knit but they Try
  123. [2/10/2016 3:23:53 AM] Cal: cedric drags imm to all town events
  124. [2/10/2016 3:24:52 AM] shark: Yes
  125. [2/10/2016 3:24:55 AM] shark: Absolutely
  126. [2/10/2016 3:25:21 AM] shark: immanuel doesnt want to go but he puts in an effort when hes there
  127. [2/10/2016 3:25:51 AM] Cal: cedric is always very proud and they get to watch whatever polish movie imm wants when they get home
  128. [2/10/2016 3:29:08 AM] shark: GOOD
  129. [2/10/2016 3:29:19 AM] shark: imm is very glad
  130. [2/10/2016 3:29:39 AM] shark: he likes to watch polish movies
  131. [2/10/2016 3:30:19 AM] shark: whenever cedric leaves for trips w/out imm, imm teaches the dogs tricks with polish commands
  132. [2/10/2016 3:30:57 AM] shark: so cedric comes back and imm shows him the dogs doing the tricks but theyll only do it in polish
  133. [2/10/2016 3:36:11 AM] Cal: cedric cant speak polish
  134. [2/10/2016 3:36:15 AM] Cal: his pronounciation is Awful
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