

Feb 9th, 2016
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  1. I think too many women fear rape too much. I know it would be horrible, but at least you'd be alive. You can get better. I hate seeing guys chase women. Women should be chasing us. We're the ones making the money, and have the possessions. I don't chase, have never chased and never will. Yet, women still find me attractive. Imagine that, sex isn't the most important thing in the world. Guys of the world, you need to realize that. Maybe then women will wake up and figure out that we will not cater to irrational, and illogical behavior. I'm a 17 year old straight and atheist boy, and I don't respect woman that post nudes of themselves, I think they have no self respect and none of them have ever had a stable relationship. A couple months ago, my dad and I went to a car show in Norway, we walked past 5 beautiful girls in bikinis washing cars in about 0 degrees Celsius, and I said to my dad, ''look at those beautiful girls with no self respect, such a shame'', and I walked away. but on the flip side, I watch porn and I enjoy it -.-
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