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Conversation with MakotoJAST 2 days ago

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Jan 24th, 2012
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  6. [15:33] *** Now talking to MakotoJAST
  7. [15:33] MakotoJAST is Shingo
  8. [15:33] MakotoJAST on #Touka #tlwiki
  9. [15:33] MakotoJAST using * Where are you?
  10. [15:33] MakotoJAST has identified for this nick
  11. [15:33] <Aaeru_> hello makoto
  12. [15:33] <MakotoJAST> Hey
  13. [15:33] <Aaeru_> i hope i didnt find you at a bad time
  14. [15:34] <MakotoJAST> Nope
  15. [15:34] <Aaeru_> wandering did you get to pete about the new project?
  16. [15:34] <MakotoJAST> He doesn't like the idea of distributing fully-patched games.
  17. [15:35] <Aaeru_> hmm
  18. [15:35] <MakotoJAST> I'll show him the site now that it's up, but don't expect him to look at it any time soon.
  19. [15:35] <Aaeru_> yea that's fine
  20. [16:37] <MakotoJAST> In any case, I guarantee that Japanese companies that find out about this will not be happy.
  21. [16:37] <MakotoJAST> So from that point of view, I'd rather you not.
  22. [16:37] <MakotoJAST> And so would Peter.
  23. [16:38] <MakotoJAST> It will make licensing harder in the future if you enable more people to play downloaded patches.
  24. [16:39] <MakotoJAST> It's hard enough getting Japanese companies to give us licenses for games that haven't already been made available to the public.
  25. [18:06] <Aaeru_> oohff~
  26. [18:06] <Aaeru_> makoto
  27. [18:06] <Aaeru_> yes i got your message
  28. [18:06] <MakotoJAST> Yes
  29. [18:07] <Aaeru_> soz i went for a nap
  30. [18:07] <MakotoJAST> K
  31. [18:07] <Aaeru_> well yeah i knew there will be some level of resistance
  32. [18:07] <Aaeru_> i mean a massive level of resistance
  33. [18:07] <Aaeru_> but yea we do everything in transparency so this would be uphill battle for me
  34. [18:07] <Aaeru_> basically this is a summary: you can ignore the first part
  35. [18:07] <Aaeru_>
  36. [18:08] <MakotoJAST> The Japanese companies will not care what your motives or reasons are.
  37. [18:08] <MakotoJAST> You are distributing their data.
  38. [18:08] <MakotoJAST> That will piss them off.
  39. [18:09] <Aaeru_> yea basically
  40. [18:10] <MakotoJAST> Well, that won't be good for the industry.
  41. [18:14] <MakotoJAST> If you want to make a new community free of "elitism" and "negativity," that's fine.
  42. [18:14] <Aaeru_> true but from a visual novel player's point of view, that less than 1% of VNs that get made will make it into English is just not good enough. the status quo sees a... slow climb in popularity, but I demand a future that is made of 2 or 3 JAST or even 10 JAST & 10 Mangagamers. and the only way to do that rest all in expanding the demand
  43. [18:15] <Aaeru_> actually that does sound retarded
  44. [18:15] <Aaeru_> but yeah it's very selfish
  45. [18:15] <MakotoJAST> Then you should probably start your own localization company.
  46. [18:15] <MakotoJAST> Okay, then you should probably drop all pretense of doing it for the industry.
  47. [18:15] <Aaeru_> yeah you make a good point
  48. [18:16] <Aaeru_> I still do want to be honest about it
  49. [18:16] <MakotoJAST> You're doing it to attract more fan translators so more games will get translated.
  50. [18:16] <Aaeru_> yes
  51. [18:16] <MakotoJAST> Not to attract Japanese interest.
  52. [18:16] <MakotoJAST> So more games will get licensed.
  53. [18:16] <Aaeru_> yes we force japanese interest
  54. [18:17] <Aaeru_> by demand
  55. [18:17] <MakotoJAST> It will have the opposite effect.
  56. [18:18] <Aaeru_> to me money talks louder than being dressed in white robes and bathing our feet in sacred water
  57. [18:18] <MakotoJAST> But you're encouraging people not to buy their games.
  58. [18:18] <Aaeru_> no it's because im honest about what kind of industry this is built on
  59. [18:18] <Aaeru_> the fans who play these games are pirates
  60. [18:19] <Aaeru_> we all just pirate the game, that's the only way this scene has reached the point it has reached
  61. [18:19] <Aaeru_> through piracy
  62. [18:19] <MakotoJAST> I don't see how that leads to more games getting localized.
  63. [18:19] <MakotoJAST> The Japanese companies will see this and say "look at these fucks. Not only have most of them played our games already, but they're 99% likely to pirate it even if we get a Western company to localize it for us."
  64. [18:20] <MakotoJAST> A piracy site is not a good way to convince Japanese companies that their games will make money.
  65. [18:20] <Aaeru_> but theyve played sharin no kuni theyre willing to pay for the next game if it gets localized
  66. [18:20] <Aaeru_> say taiyou no ko
  67. [18:20] <Aaeru_> depends on titles
  68. [18:20] <Aaeru_> like how the
  69. [18:20] <Aaeru_> aselia tiitle had been around in piracy form for a while
  70. [18:20] <Aaeru_> but it still gets picked up,
  71. [18:21] <MakotoJAST> No, there's no proof that the people who pirated Sharin won't also pirate Taiyo.
  72. [18:21] <MakotoJAST> Whether it's officially licensed or not.
  73. [18:21] <Aaeru_> but that's the nature of the beast. only 5%-10% of fans pay for their goods
  74. [18:22] <MakotoJAST> It will be a different story if you start distributing fully-patched games in public.
  75. [18:22] <Aaeru_> well
  76. [18:23] <MakotoJAST> There's also the fact that you are encouraging people to translate more games unofficially.
  77. [18:23] <Aaeru_> fully patched means easier to get, so more people can play it and experience it,
  78. [18:23] <MakotoJAST> Which is not a way to make Japanese companies feel secure.
  79. [18:23] <Aaeru_> but that's crazy
  80. [18:23] <Aaeru_> so they would rather the fan translation scene completely abolished
  81. [18:23] <Aaeru_> like that comment on hevoluson's blog i saw
  82. [18:23] <Aaeru_> 'get rid of that Ixrec guy plz'
  83. [18:24] <Aaeru_> but without Ixrec and the fan translators, i dont know if there was much of an industry to begin with
  84. [18:24] <Aaeru_> let alone fan translators to hire to work for Jast
  85. [18:24] <Aaeru_> well ok that's exxaggerated
  86. [18:24] <Aaeru_> ppl with skills can be found anywhere
  87. [18:24] <MakotoJAST> Any Japanese company that is considering doing official translations will be less inclined to do so if they see people releasing free translations of their shit.
  88. [18:25] <Aaeru_> but we already is doing that
  89. [18:25] <Aaeru_> the ppl who use the patch only a tiny tiny number
  90. [18:25] <Aaeru_> will wait for the box to arrive in their mail
  91. [18:25] <MakotoJAST> And it's not good for the industry.
  92. [18:25] <Aaeru_> install it, THEN use the patch
  93. [18:25] <MakotoJAST> Released fan translations do not make companies want to sell their games.
  94. [18:26] <MakotoJAST> Because they know that even less people will be inclined to buy them.,
  95. [18:26] <MakotoJAST> Those games.
  96. [18:26] <Aaeru_> wait i want to spin it the other way,
  97. [18:27] <Aaeru_> so fan translation should slowly rot out, decay and retreat into nothing at the convenience of the industry
  98. [18:27] <Aaeru_> when they are asked to
  99. [18:27] <Aaeru_> well that's obviusly impossible
  100. [18:27] <Aaeru_> to ask for us to stay the way we are, dont make a noise...
  101. [18:27] <Aaeru_> well that's the opposite of what fan translation is all about. we make games that dont have a chance of making it into our language, make it into our language.
  102. [18:27] <Aaeru_> cause we CAN"T play these games.
  103. [18:27] <Aaeru_> but now i go the other way, i want to EXPAND fan translation
  104. [18:28] <MakotoJAST> All I'm saying is that if what you're trying to do is convince more Japanese companies to license games, that is not the effect you will have.
  105. [18:28] <Aaeru_> now at the convenience of the industry, i can't.
  106. [18:28] <MakotoJAST> If what you're trying to do is simply get more games translated, whether they're legal or not, then that's a different story.
  107. [18:28] <Aaeru_> ok you make a good point.
  108. [18:28] <Aaeru_> ill think about it
  109. [18:29] <Aaeru_> i do want to bring it to the community at least
  110. [18:29] <Aaeru_> the response has been,
  111. [18:29] <Aaeru_> well nobody disagrees with this fuwanovel thing
  112. [18:29] <Aaeru_> except... zalas
  113. [18:29] <Aaeru_> and Nagato as well
  114. [18:29] <Aaeru_> ive spoken to about 20 people
  115. [18:29] <Aaeru_> ill talk to many many more
  116. [18:31] <MakotoJAST> I disagree that it will have a positive effect for official localizations.
  117. [18:32] <Aaeru_> yes i feel neutral on what effect it will have, i think im half convinced by what you said
  118. [18:32] <Aaeru_> or that i can't know, but at least you make a good point
  119. [18:32] <MakotoJAST> The best way for people to get games licensed is to buy the games that are already available from JAST and MG.
  120. [18:33] <MakotoJAST> Because what Japanese companies care about is numbers.
  121. [18:33] <MakotoJAST> And being able to show them sales figures is the only thing that will make them agree.
  122. [18:33] <Aaeru_> yea that's the only thing i care about as well
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