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Ioncube 7 Decoded

a guest
Jan 16th, 2013
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text 8.18 KB | None | 0 0
  1. <?php
  2. //File Decoded by
  3. $filetypeaudl = 'HD';
  4. $_POST['realitykings'];
  5. $realitykings = '';
  7. if (isset( $_GET['audl'] )) {
  8. $realitykings = 'ok';
  9. }
  12. if ($realitykings == 'ok') {
  13. if (( ( ( $_GET['premium_acc'] == 'on' && $_GET['premium_user'] ) && $_GET['premium_pass'] ) || ( ( $_GET['premium_acc'] == 'on' && $premium_acc['realitykings']['user'] ) && $premium_acc['realitykings']['pass'] ) )) {
  14. $_GET['typefile'];
  15. $filetype = '';
  17. if (isset( $_GET['audl'] )) {
  18. $filetypeaudl;
  19. $filetype = '';
  20. }
  22. parse_url( '' );
  23. $Url = '';
  24. geturl( $Url['host'], ($Url['port'] ? $Url['port'] : 80), $Url['path'] . ($Url['query'] ? '?' . $Url['query'] : ''), 0, $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET['proxy'], $pauth );
  25. $page = '';
  26. is_page( $page );
  27. $cookie = GetCookies( $page ) . '; authe=1';
  28. parse_url( '' );
  29. $Url = '';
  30. $username = ($_GET['premium_user'] ? $_GET['premium_user'] : $premium_acc['realitykings']['user']);
  31. $password = ($_GET['premium_pass'] ? $_GET['premium_pass'] : $premium_acc['realitykings']['pass']);
  32. base64_encode( $username . ':' . $password );
  33. $auth = '';
  34. $post = array( );
  35. geturl( $Url['host'], ($Url['port'] ? $Url['port'] : 80), $Url['path'] . ($Url['query'] ? '?' . $Url['query'] : ''), 0, $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET['proxy'], $pauth, $auth );
  36. $page = '';
  37. is_page( $page );
  38. is_present( $page, '401 Unauthorized', 'Error logging in - are your logins correct?' . $username . ':' . $password );
  39. GetCookies( $page );
  40. $cookie = '';
  41. str_replace( 'auth=deleted; ', '', $cookie );
  42. $cookie = '';
  43. parse_url( $LINK );
  44. $Url = '';
  45. geturl( $Url['host'], ($Url['port'] ? $Url['port'] : 80), $Url['path'] . ($Url['query'] ? '?' . $Url['query'] : ''), 0, $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET['proxy'], $pauth, $auth );
  46. $page = '';
  47. is_page( $page );
  48. is_present( $page, 'This video is unavailable', 'Video not found' );
  50. if (stristr( $LINK, '' )) {
  51. if (stristr( $page, 'Full Video' )) {
  52. $linknext = cut_str( $page, 'Download/View Options', '</table>' ) . '</table>';
  53. cut_str( $linknext, 'class="odd"><a href="', '"' );
  54. $linkwmv = '';
  55. cut_str( $linknext, $linkwmv, 'full 1080p HD' );
  56. $linkmp4 = '';
  57. cut_str( $linkmp4, 'class="odd"><a href="', '"' );
  58. $linkmp4 = '';
  59. cut_str( $linknext, $linkmp4, 'Mobile (MP4)' );
  60. $link1080p = '';
  61. cut_str( $link1080p, 'class="odd"><a href="', '"' );
  62. $link1080p = '';
  63. cut_str( $linknext, $link1080p, '</table>' );
  64. $linkmobile = '';
  65. cut_str( $linkmobile, 'class="odd"><a href="', '"' );
  66. $linkmobile = '';
  68. if ($filetype == 'WMV') {
  69. $linkwmv;
  70. $linkdown = '';
  71. }
  72. else {
  73. if ($filetype == 'MP4') {
  74. $linkmp4;
  75. $linkdown = '';
  76. }
  77. else {
  78. if ($filetype == 'HD') {
  79. $link1080p;
  80. $linkdown = '';
  81. }
  82. else {
  83. $linkmobile;
  84. $linkdown = '';
  85. }
  86. }
  87. }
  88. }
  89. else {
  90. $linknext = cut_str( $page, '<p>Download This Movie</p>', '</table>' ) . '</div>';
  91. cut_str( $linknext, '<a href="', '"' );
  92. $linkwmv = '';
  93. cut_str( $linknext, $linkwmv, 'MPEG' );
  94. $linkmp4 = '';
  95. cut_str( $linkmp4, '<a href="', '"' );
  96. $linkmp4 = '';
  98. if ($filetype == 'WMV') {
  99. $linkwmv;
  100. $linkdown = '';
  101. }
  102. else {
  103. $linkmp4;
  104. $linkdown = '';
  105. }
  106. }
  107. }
  108. else {
  109. if (stristr( $LINK, '' )) {
  110. if (stristr( $page, 'Full Video' )) {
  111. $linknext = cut_str( $page, 'Download/View Options', '</table>' ) . '</table>';
  112. cut_str( $linknext, 'class="odd"><a href="', '"' );
  113. $linkwmv = '';
  114. cut_str( $linknext, $linkwmv, 'full 1080p HD<' );
  115. $linkmp4 = '';
  116. cut_str( $linkmp4, 'class="odd"><a href="', '"' );
  117. $linkmp4 = '';
  118. cut_str( $linknext, $linkmp4, 'Mobile (MP4)' );
  119. $link1080p = '';
  120. cut_str( $link1080p, 'class="odd"><a href="', '"' );
  121. $link1080p = '';
  122. cut_str( $linknext, $link1080p, '</table>' );
  123. $linkmobile = '';
  124. cut_str( $linkmobile, 'class="odd"><a href="', '"' );
  125. $linkmobile = '';
  127. if ($filetype == 'WMV') {
  128. $linkwmv;
  129. $linkdown = '';
  130. }
  131. else {
  132. if ($filetype == 'MP4') {
  133. $linkmp4;
  134. $linkdown = '';
  135. }
  136. else {
  137. if ($filetype == 'HD') {
  138. $link1080p;
  139. $linkdown = '';
  140. }
  141. else {
  142. $linkmobile;
  143. $linkdown = '';
  144. }
  145. }
  146. }
  147. }
  148. else {
  149. $linknext = cut_str( $page, '<p>Download This Movie</p>', '</table>' ) . '</div>';
  150. cut_str( $linknext, '<a href="', '"' );
  151. $linkwmv = '';
  152. cut_str( $linknext, $linkwmv, 'MPEG' );
  153. $linkmp4 = '';
  154. cut_str( $linkmp4, '<a href="', '"' );
  155. $linkmp4 = '';
  157. if ($filetype == 'WMV') {
  158. $linkwmv;
  159. $linkdown = '';
  160. }
  161. else {
  162. $linkmp4;
  163. $linkdown = '';
  164. }
  165. }
  166. }
  167. else {
  168. $linknext = cut_str( $page, '<p>Download This Movie</p>', '</table>' ) . '</div>';
  169. cut_str( $linknext, '<a href="', '"' );
  170. $linkwmv = '';
  171. cut_str( $linknext, $linkwmv, 'MPEG' );
  172. $linkmp4 = '';
  173. cut_str( $linkmp4, '<a href="', '"' );
  174. $linkmp4 = '';
  176. if ($filetype == 'WMV') {
  177. $linkwmv;
  178. $linkdown = '';
  179. }
  180. else {
  181. $linkmp4;
  182. $linkdown = '';
  183. }
  184. }
  185. }
  188. if (!$linkdown) {
  189. html_error( 'Get link download error' );
  190. }
  192. $linkdown = 'http://' . $Url['host'] . $linkdown;
  193. parse_url( $linkdown );
  194. $Url = '';
  195. geturl( $Url['host'], ($Url['port'] ? $Url['port'] : 80), $Url['path'] . ($Url['query'] ? '?' . $Url['query'] : ''), 0, $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET['proxy'], $pauth, $auth );
  196. $page = '';
  197. is_page( $page );
  199. if (!preg_match( '%ocation: (.+)\r\n%', $page, $ref )) {
  200. html_error( 'Get download link error' );
  201. }
  203. $ref[1];
  204. $linkdown = '';
  205. parse_url( $linkdown );
  206. $Url = '';
  208. if (( function_exists( encrypt ) && $cookie != '' )) {
  209. encrypt( $cookie );
  210. $cookie = '';
  211. }
  213. basename( $Url['path'] );
  214. $FileName = '';
  215. insert_location( '' . $PHP_SELF . '?filename=' . urlencode( $FileName ) . '&host=' . $Url['host'] . '&port=' . urlencode( ($Url['port'] ? $Url['port'] : 80) ) . '&path=' . urlencode( $Url['path'] . ($Url['query'] ? '?' . $Url['query'] : '') ) . '&referer=' . urlencode( $Referer ) . '&cookie=' . urlencode( $cookie ) . '&email=' . ($_GET['domail'] ? $_GET['email'] : '') . '&partSize=' . ($_GET['split'] ? $_GET['partSize'] : '') . '&method=' . $_GET['method'] . '&proxy=' . ($_GET['useproxy'] ? $_GET['proxy'] : '') . '&saveto=' . $_GET['path'] . '&link=' . urlencode( $link ) . ($_GET['add_comment'] == 'on' ? '&comment=' . urlencode( $_GET['comment'] ) : '') . ($pauth ? '' . '&pauth=' . $pauth : '') . (isset( $_GET['audl'] ) ? '&audl=doum' : '') );
  216. return 1;
  217. }
  219. html_error( 'Sorry free download not support, pls add account premium to download' );
  220. return 1;
  221. }
  223. $username = ($_GET['premium_user'] ? $_GET['premium_user'] : '');
  224. $password = ($_GET['premium_pass'] ? $_GET['premium_pass'] : '');
  225. print '' . '<form method="post" action="' . $PHP_SELF . '">' . $nn;
  226. print '' . '<b>Please select type video you want download:</b><br>' . $nn;
  227. print '' . '<input name="link" value="' . $LINK . '" type="hidden">' . $nn;
  228. print '' . '<input name="referer" value="' . $referer . '" type="hidden">' . $nn;
  229. print '' . '<input name="realitykings" value="ok" type="hidden">' . $nn;
  230. print '' . '<input name="premium_acc" value="on" type="hidden">' . $nn;
  231. print '' . '<input name="premium_user" value="' . $username . '" type="hidden">' . $nn;
  232. print '' . '<input name="premium_pass" value="' . $password . '" type="hidden">' . $nn;
  233. print '<p><select size="1" name="typefile">
  234. <option value="WMV">WMV</option>
  235. <option value="MP4">MP4</option>
  236. <option value="HD">MP4 (H264) full 1080p HD</option>
  237. <option value="Mobile">Mobile (MP4) for iPod / PSP</option>
  238. </select></p>';
  239. print '<input name="submit" value="Next" type="submit"></form>';
  240. ?>
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