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May 13th, 2015
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  1. May 07 07:24:05 <john-connor> You cannot double spend with 1 confirmation. You almost cannot with zero as it stands.
  2. May 07 07:24:09 <Mazznilla> well next step is 0 conf lol
  3. May 07 07:24:39 <gaagaa> you can double spend with 10 confirms if things are not setup correct
  4. May 07 07:25:04 <john-connor> Not with VNL you can't.
  5. May 07 07:25:15 <john-connor> You’d have to own about 99% of the network.
  6. May 07 07:25:35 <john-connor> Even then you couldn’t do it because of the work required.
  7. May 07 07:26:18 * kondiomir (5b8635a1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined
  8. May 07 07:26:30 <john-connor> Bitcoin is easy because the mempool sucks.
  9. May 07 07:26:40 <john-connor> It’s so not synchronized.
  10. May 07 07:27:09 <john-connor> So you can put TxA-B on mempools A, B and C and TxA-C on mempools D, E and F
  11. May 07 07:27:16 <john-connor> Success!
  12. May 07 07:27:28 <john-connor> With vanilla all is known which is instant failure for attacker.
  13. May 07 07:31:14 <Mazznilla> in year 2040 i heard internet will be on vanillacoin network
  14. May 07 07:31:58 <Mazznilla> lol good night time to go
  15. May 07 07:32:11 <xCore> ^^
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