
VicksInc #24

Jul 2nd, 2012
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  1. (10:02:12 PM) DM-Bro: Right well we last Dnd like 50 years ago and all i remember was Samuel trolling and turning Juri into a human
  2. (10:02:40 PM) Eztli: We never asked for this
  3. (10:02:45 PM) DM-Bro: So to kick things off your all inside the shuttle after that all happened.
  4. (10:02:53 PM) DM-Bro: Juri roll a scearch check
  5. (10:02:55 PM) ***Luka|MahBoy was busy flying the kickass plane for hours on end. Varris finally gone the bird stuck safely on my shoulder and the pirate hat in place.
  6. (10:03:30 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+5 HOW DO I FIND THIIIIIINGS
  7. (10:03:30 PM) DiceBro: Juri rolled 1d20+5 HOW DO I FIND THIIIIIINGS --> [ 1d20=5 ]{10}
  8. (10:03:31 PM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+5 HOW DO I FIND THIIIIIINGS --> [ 1d20=16 ]{21}
  9. (10:03:39 PM) Juri: ...E-Eh...?
  10. (10:03:41 PM) DM-Bro: ...
  11. (10:03:41 PM) Juri: Eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh?!
  12. (10:03:48 PM) Uvel: ...
  13. (10:03:50 PM) Uvel: BROIIIIIIIIIICK
  14. (10:03:51 PM) DiceBro left the room (Kicked by Juri (Turn it off)).
  15. (10:03:58 PM) DM-Bro: Right
  16. (10:04:01 PM) DM-Bro: Anyway
  17. (10:04:07 PM) DM-Bro: UNDERNEATH YOUR SEAT!
  18. (10:04:24 PM) DM-Bro: You find two retractable arm blades!
  19. (10:04:41 PM) Juri: "Well...that works.."
  21. (10:05:09 PM) ***Juri fastens them onto her gauntlets and sighs, looking down at where her carapace used to be. "I certainly never asked for this.."
  22. (10:05:19 PM) Luka|MahBoy: (and you get herpes! and you! and you! and even you!)
  23. (10:05:36 PM) DM-Diceroller [] entered the room.
  24. (10:05:40 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d100
  25. (10:05:40 PM) DM-Bro: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=79 ]{79}
  26. (10:05:48 PM) ***Uvel finally awakens after being knocked out by the sheer EVILNESS of Samuel. "Ugh, my head feels like it's been stampede by gentlemanly rhinos while excusing themsleves as they stomp over me....Lady Juri, why do you look so uh...soft?" He says poking the now human mantis.l
  28. (10:06:19 PM) DM-Bro: "HAHA BEEP BEEP BEEP! POWER LEVELS AT 10%!"
  29. (10:06:38 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Fuck." (how far from home are we?)
  30. (10:07:09 PM) DM-Bro: You could make it back going at a snails pace
  31. (10:07:11 PM) DM-Bro: But.
  32. (10:07:15 PM) DM-Bro: Thats not important
  33. (10:07:37 PM) DM-Bro: What is important is that huge curtain of purple energy heading your way.
  34. (10:07:45 PM) DM-Bro: Will waves for everyone but Luka and Juri
  35. (10:07:48 PM) DM-Bro: saves*
  36. (10:07:53 PM) Juri: Bitchin
  37. (10:08:06 PM) ***Juri fiddles with her new arm blades. "I'm..squishy now."
  38. (10:08:12 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+6 Will (not end well)
  39. (10:08:13 PM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 1d20+6 Will (not end well) --> [ 1d20=13 ]{19}
  40. (10:08:19 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Too squishy." Luka yawns
  41. (10:08:31 PM) Uvel: roll 1d20+20
  42. (10:08:32 PM) DM-Bro: Uvel rolled 1d20+20 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{31}
  43. (10:08:33 PM) Cyrin: roll d20+14
  44. (10:08:34 PM) DM-Bro: Cyrin rolled d20+14 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{19}
  45. (10:08:53 PM) Uvel: "Yes I was wondering that." He says as he keeps poking Juri's now squishy arm.
  46. (10:09:31 PM) ***Juri glares at the bear
  47. (10:09:34 PM) Juri: "Quit it rug."
  48. (10:09:36 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "She was turned into a newt and then a human."
  49. (10:09:40 PM) DM-Bro: As the energy passes through the ship and through you all Juri and Luka feel uneffected but everyone else for a split second feels a bit off. But as soon as it comes it passes.
  50. (10:09:59 PM) Juri: "...I got better."
  51. (10:10:04 PM) Juri: "...-ish."
  52. (10:10:12 PM) ***Cyrin simply shrugs.
  53. (10:10:20 PM) Cyrin: "I've seen some shit."
  54. (10:10:35 PM) Eztli: "... I don't even want to know what that was."
  55. (10:10:38 PM) Uvel: "Ah huh, well as long you remain true to yourself and all those good thing-did anyone feel that?"
  56. (10:10:52 PM) Juri: "Didn't feel a thing.."
  57. (10:11:04 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Hmm? Not anything other than the usual, squishy feelings."
  58. (10:11:04 PM) ***Juri keeps fiddling with her blades.
  59. (10:11:13 PM) Juri: "These things really are silly now that they're not inside of my arm.."
  60. (10:11:21 PM) ***Luka|MahBoy keeps flying at a snails pace
  61. (10:11:34 PM) DM-Bro: That shit is nothing to the shit that is about to happen. The sky just turned a very dark purple and storm clouds are rolling in way to fast.
  62. (10:12:03 PM) Uvel: "Hm, you felt it too Ser Eztli? Perhaps tis the evil of that knave Samuel, for it's very presense shakes the core of all that is good and holy!"
  63. (10:12:35 PM) DM-Bro: Suddenly there seems to be what can only be described as a tear in reality infront of you.
  64. (10:12:39 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "What the hell is happ- you know what? I don't care. Just... hang on everybody." The parrot speaks up "HA HA Squishy! Squishy!"
  65. (10:12:48 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Fucking birds..."
  66. (10:13:01 PM) ***Cyrin just buckles himself in and braces.
  67. (10:13:20 PM) DM-Bro: What can only be described as some sort of two headed Dragon comes out from the tear.
  68. (10:13:58 PM) ***Eztli grabs hold of his seat, "This CAN'T be good..."
  69. (10:14:03 PM) Luka|MahBoy: (Can I avoid it? Supposing it isn't being friendly?)
  70. (10:14:16 PM) DM-Bro: Ride check to aviod it
  72. (10:15:40 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+16 Fuck you dragons I got skill
  73. (10:15:40 PM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+16 Fuck you dragons I got skill --> [ 1d20=19 ]{35}
  74. (10:17:20 PM) DM-Bro: You manage to swing the ship around and avoid crashing into the 'dragon'. Though that seemed to catch its attention and its now following you
  75. (10:18:32 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Can somebody take care of that thing? Does this ship have like... guns?"
  76. (10:18:59 PM) Uvel: "I shall if there's a door in the back! I shall commense a duel with this dragon if I must!"
  77. (10:20:01 PM) ***Eztli takes out his revolver, "Might be able to get a good shot or two at it.."
  78. (10:20:55 PM) DM-Bro: You can climb to the top of the ship to fight it if you wish.
  79. (10:21:16 PM) DM-Bro: Or you can stick your head out the window and show that dragon how you do things in your neighborhood
  80. (10:21:49 PM) Luka|MahBoy: (Yo Eztli! Dat nigga ain't steppin up on my turf! Go blap blap dat foo!)
  81. (10:23:55 PM) ***Uvel goes to climb to the top of the ship with sword and shield in hand. "COME DRAGON! LET US HAVE EITHER A GENTLEMANLY DISCUSSION WHILE DRINKING TEA OR FIGHT ABOVE THE CLOUDS WITH HONOR!"
  82. (10:24:21 PM) Clovis: (get me closer, I want to hit it with my sword!)
  83. (10:24:41 PM) ***Eztli uncatches the cylinder on his revolver, loading orange shells inside. "Let's see how deep these things pierce..."
  84. (10:24:54 PM) DM-Bro: roll to shoot
  85. (10:26:42 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+19 YOU IN THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD
  86. (10:26:43 PM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 1d20+19 YOU IN THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD --> [ 1d20=15 ]{34}
  87. (10:26:53 PM) DM-Bro: Hit!
  88. (10:26:57 PM) DM-Bro: roll damage
  89. (10:28:11 PM) Eztli: roll 3d6+11+1+4d6
  90. (10:28:11 PM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 3d6+11+1+4d6 --> [ 3d6=14 4d6=15 ]{41}
  91. (10:28:37 PM) DM-Bro: That pissed it off
  92. (10:28:39 PM) ***Cyrin unbuckles himself and goes over to the exit of the vehicle, readying his bracers.
  93. (10:28:54 PM) DM-Bro: roll init
  94. (10:29:00 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+12
  95. (10:29:01 PM) DM-Bro: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+12 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{19}
  96. (10:29:10 PM) Uvel: roll 1d10+4
  97. (10:29:10 PM) DM-Bro: Uvel rolled 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=2 ]{6}
  98. (10:29:16 PM) DM-Bro is now known as DoubleDragon|19
  99. (10:29:17 PM) Uvel is now known as Uvel|6
  100. (10:29:58 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+13
  101. (10:29:59 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{18}
  102. (10:30:05 PM) Cyrin: roll d20+13
  103. (10:30:05 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin rolled d20+13 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{25}
  104. (10:30:06 PM) Eztli is now known as Eztli|18
  105. (10:30:12 PM) You are now known as Cyrin|25
  106. (10:32:19 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+16
  107. (10:32:19 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Juri rolled 1d20+16 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{33}
  108. (10:32:30 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Juri you're up.
  109. (10:32:35 PM) Juri: Well okay.
  110. (10:32:38 PM) DoubleDragon|19: The dragon is pretty far away.
  111. (10:33:06 PM) Juri: Suicide time
  112. (10:33:09 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+25 jump
  113. (10:33:09 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Juri rolled 1d20+25 jump --> [ 1d20=9 ]{34}
  114. (10:35:05 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Juri takes a running start and jumps off the ship and lands onto the Dragons right neck.
  115. (10:35:16 PM) Juri: "Swagmatic."
  116. (10:35:26 PM) ***Juri takes a few seconds to wave over at Luka
  117. (10:35:55 PM) ***Juri unsheathes her blades and grins.
  118. (10:36:00 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Anything... interesting going on up there?"
  119. (10:36:18 PM) Juri: Engaging Cloak and Amulet.
  120. (10:36:21 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+26
  121. (10:36:21 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Juri rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{28}
  122. (10:36:22 PM) Eztli|18: "Just Juri jumping onto a two-headed dragon. She says hi, by the way.."
  123. (10:36:39 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Hit. Barely
  124. (10:37:00 PM) Juri: roll 2d8+2d6+17
  125. (10:37:00 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Juri rolled 2d8+2d6+17 --> [ 2d8=8 2d6=8 ]{33}
  126. (10:37:02 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Oh. Well that is nice. Wait, jumping on a dragon?"
  127. (10:37:49 PM) Eztli|18: "Yeah.. go figure." Eztli shrugs, looking out the back.
  128. (10:37:59 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Juri pulls one of her arms back and points her elbow as far back as she can and slams her blade down driving into the dragons right neck. Purple blood oozes out spraying her a bit.
  129. (10:38:12 PM) Juri: "A-Aww..gross..."
  130. (10:38:17 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin you're up next.
  131. (10:38:49 PM) Luka|MahBoy: (Guess she got some, purple drake)
  132. (10:39:02 PM) ***Juri yells loud enough so someone can probably hear "THIS FEELS SO DISGUSTING ON MY SQUISHY SKIN. FUCK I'M NEVER GONNA BE ABLE TO DRINK GRAPE JUICE AGAIN"
  133. (10:39:15 PM) ***Cyrin|25 points a gauntlet at each wing and shoots a fireball from each gauntlet, trusting Juri will be able to dodge out of the way.
  134. (10:40:45 PM) DoubleDragon|19: roll 1d20+14
  135. (10:40:47 PM) DoubleDragon|19: roll 1d20+14
  136. (10:40:52 PM) DM-Diceroller: whoops
  137. (10:40:57 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+14
  138. (10:40:57 PM) DoubleDragon|19: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{29}
  139. (10:40:58 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+14
  140. (10:40:58 PM) DoubleDragon|19: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{33}
  141. (10:41:06 PM) Cyrin|25: roll 4d8
  142. (10:41:07 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled 4d8 --> [ 4d8=15 ]{15}
  143. (10:41:56 PM) DoubleDragon|19: The dragon easily shakes off the fireballs directed to its wings.
  144. (10:42:40 PM) DoubleDragon|19: The dragon moves forward and lands ontop of the ship.
  145. (10:43:13 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "What the hell is going on guys? The ship feels different!"
  146. (10:43:27 PM) Cyrin|25: "It's on the roof!"
  147. (10:43:28 PM) Eztli|18: "KEEP FLYING"
  148. (10:43:42 PM) Uvel|6: "Only a dual between good and evil! Land and air! BEAR AND DRAGON!"
  149. (10:43:51 PM) Uvel|6: (duel)
  150. (10:43:52 PM) DoubleDragon|19: The dragon opens both of it's large mouths and sprays out two cones of purple lighting
  151. (10:44:04 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Well Mr. Parrot. We might just be fucked." "Squack! HA HA Squishy!"
  152. (10:44:46 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Reflex save Uvel and Cyrin
  153. (10:44:56 PM) Uvel|6: roll 1d20+18
  154. (10:44:56 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Uvel|6 rolled 1d20+18 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{22}
  155. (10:45:09 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+18
  156. (10:45:10 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+18 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{35}
  157. (10:45:58 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 22d8
  158. (10:45:59 PM) DoubleDragon|19: DM-Diceroller rolled 22d8 --> [ 22d8=106 ]{106}
  159. (10:46:07 PM) DM-Diceroller: Cyrin you take half damage
  160. (10:46:42 PM) DoubleDragon|19: "HAHA ENGINE FALIURE! WE'RE GOING DOWN SON!"
  161. (10:47:22 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Don't tell me we are going down! Fix it ship! Fix it!"
  162. (10:47:52 PM) DoubleDragon|19: The cone of purple electricty coats the top of the ship hitting both Cyrin and Uvel...and the engines.
  163. (10:48:00 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Ride check to controll fall.
  164. (10:48:08 PM) DoubleDragon|19: (Crash land*)
  165. (10:48:21 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+16 Putting this whore down softly
  166. (10:48:22 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+16 Putting this whore down softly --> [ 1d20=17 ]{33}
  167. (10:48:30 PM) DoubleDragon|19: 3 rounds until you impact.
  168. (10:48:40 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli you're up.
  169. (10:49:05 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Guys, our fine vessel is falling and fast. You might want to get back in."
  170. (10:49:17 PM) Eztli|18: Can I shoot at the dragon from the window?
  171. (10:49:31 PM) DoubleDragon|19: You can hit it's wing.
  172. (10:49:49 PM) Eztli|18: Sounds legit
  173. (10:50:10 PM) Eztli|18: roll 1d20+19
  174. (10:50:11 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli|18 rolled 1d20+19 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{39}
  175. (10:50:13 PM) Eztli|18: roll 1d20+14
  176. (10:50:13 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli|18 rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{24}
  177. (10:50:31 PM) DoubleDragon|19: roll a d20
  178. (10:50:37 PM) Eztli|18: roll 1d20
  179. (10:50:37 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli|18 rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{9}
  180. (10:50:51 PM) DoubleDragon|19: roll damage
  181. (10:51:42 PM) Eztli|18: roll 3d6+11+1
  182. (10:51:42 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli|18 rolled 3d6+11+1 --> [ 3d6=7 ]{19}
  183. (10:51:48 PM) Eztli|18: roll 3d6+11+1
  184. (10:51:48 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli|18 rolled 3d6+11+1 --> [ 3d6=10 ]{22}
  185. (10:52:24 PM) DoubleDragon|19: You expertly fire two shots into its wing the first severing a chunk of it disabling the wing and the 2nd just adding insult to injury.
  186. (10:52:57 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Uvel you're turn
  187. (10:53:05 PM) Eztli|18: "Hah! Try flying now, you bitch."
  188. (10:53:43 PM) ***Uvel|6 clutches his sword as the lighting breath almost killed him. "So that's how it is knave?! THEN LET US HAVE A DUEL THAT WILL BE REMEMBERED BY THE AGES!"
  189. (10:53:48 PM) Uvel|6: (Using Divine Might)
  190. (10:54:21 PM) Uvel|6: roll 1d20+34
  191. (10:54:21 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Uvel|6 rolled 1d20+34 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{35}
  192. (10:54:36 PM) Uvel|6: roll 1d20+29
  193. (10:54:37 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Uvel|6 rolled 1d20+29 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{40}
  194. (10:54:55 PM) Uvel|6: roll 1d20+24 SMIT EBAHL
  195. (10:54:56 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Uvel|6 rolled 1d20+24 SMIT EBAHL --> [ 1d20=11 ]{35}
  196. (10:54:59 PM) DoubleDragon|19: roll a d20
  197. (10:55:10 PM) Uvel|6: roll 1d20
  198. (10:55:10 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Uvel|6 rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{6}
  199. (10:55:16 PM) DoubleDragon|19: WELP GUESS WHAT
  200. (10:55:22 PM) Uvel|6: Other two things don't do shit?
  201. (10:55:26 PM) DoubleDragon|19: NOPE
  202. (10:56:05 PM) DoubleDragon|19: After declaring gentlemanly combat against the dragon your tripped mid charge and managed to stab your sword into the ship.
  203. (10:56:26 PM) DoubleDragon|19: It stabbed into your cape and keeps your traped.
  204. (10:56:30 PM) DoubleDragon|19: you*
  205. (10:57:09 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Juri your turn.
  206. (10:59:56 PM) DoubleDragon|19: ...
  207. (10:59:58 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Juri?
  208. (11:00:39 PM) Clovis left the room.
  209. (11:01:28 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Welp...Since Juri isnt here she jumps off the dragons nect and goes back inside the ship.
  210. (11:01:46 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Next is Cyrin.
  211. (11:02:02 PM) ***Cyrin|25 charges the dragon and goes apeshit on its face.
  212. (11:02:07 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+25
  213. (11:02:07 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+25
  214. (11:02:07 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+20
  215. (11:02:07 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+15
  216. (11:02:07 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+25
  217. (11:02:07 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+25
  218. (11:02:07 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+20
  219. (11:02:08 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+25 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{43}
  220. (11:02:08 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+25 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{39}
  221. (11:02:08 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+20 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{30}
  222. (11:02:08 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+15 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{24}
  223. (11:02:09 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+25 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{33}
  224. (11:02:10 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+25 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{44}
  225. (11:02:12 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+20 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{30}
  226. (11:02:32 PM) DoubleDragon|19: All but one hit.
  227. (11:03:08 PM) DoubleDragon|19: roll your apeshit damage
  228. (11:03:10 PM) Eztli|18: (Oh god this gon' be good)
  229. (11:03:40 PM) Cyrin|25: roll 14d6+105
  230. (11:03:40 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled 14d6+105 --> [ 14d6=34 ]{139}
  231. (11:03:56 PM) Cyrin|25: roll 6d6
  232. (11:03:56 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled 6d6 --> [ 6d6=20 ]{20}
  233. (11:04:09 PM) Cyrin|25: Okay, that happened.
  234. (11:04:40 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Letting loose a torrent of ATATATATATATA stabs and punches you finish it off with an uppercut knocking one of the dragons head clean off and falling down to the ground. Blood splurts out and coats you and Uvel.
  235. (11:04:58 PM) Cyrin|25: (Do I roll a d20 for my crit?)
  236. (11:05:05 PM) DoubleDragon|19: only nat 20's
  237. (11:05:36 PM) Cyrin|25: (no fun allowed)
  238. (11:05:38 PM) Uvel|6: "Aha! Good cleave Ser Cyrin! And now once I have uncombered myself off of this predicament, I too shall bathe my sword in glory!"
  239. (11:05:41 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Next is the dragon head that is left.
  240. (11:06:11 PM) DoubleDragon|19: He's a little pissed that you punched off his other head and tries to eat you
  241. (11:06:15 PM) DoubleDragon|19: roll 1d20+26
  242. (11:06:23 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+26
  243. (11:06:23 PM) DoubleDragon|19: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{46}
  244. (11:06:28 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20
  245. (11:06:29 PM) DoubleDragon|19: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{19}
  246. (11:06:38 PM) DM-Diceroller: ...Ouch
  247. (11:06:58 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 6d6+12
  248. (11:06:59 PM) DoubleDragon|19: DM-Diceroller rolled 6d6+12 --> [ 6d6=17 ]{29}
  249. (11:07:12 PM) Cyrin|25: I use Wall of Blades.
  250. (11:07:13 PM) DM-Diceroller: 58 damage and you're traped inside it's mouth.
  251. (11:07:28 PM) Cyrin|25: I can replace my AC with a weapon attack
  252. (11:07:47 PM) Cyrin|25: ...fuck you.
  253. (11:07:50 PM) DM-Diceroller: You know what.
  254. (11:07:53 PM) DM-Diceroller: I'll do this
  255. (11:08:06 PM) DM-Diceroller: Its bites you and moves to swallow you
  256. (11:08:21 PM) DM-Diceroller: but your wall of blades keeps its mouth trapped open
  257. (11:08:35 PM) DM-Diceroller: And you take half damage.
  258. (11:08:42 PM) DM-Diceroller: so 29 damage.
  259. (11:11:36 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli your turn.
  260. (11:13:15 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Guys, we are really close to crashing, you might want to oh I dont know... get the hell back inside!"
  261. (11:13:29 PM) ***Eztli|18 makes his way to the top of the ship, pointing his gun out of the open hatch, "WE CRASHING NOW, GET IN HERE!"
  262. (11:13:47 PM) Eztli|18: roll 1d20+19
  263. (11:13:48 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli|18 rolled 1d20+19 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{36}
  264. (11:13:53 PM) Eztli|18: roll 1d20+14
  265. (11:13:53 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli|18 rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{34}
  266. (11:14:04 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Crit!
  267. (11:14:19 PM) Eztli|18: roll 1d20
  268. (11:14:20 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Eztli|18 rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{18}
  269. (11:14:27 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin
  270. (11:14:32 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Reflex or Tumble.
  271. (11:14:47 PM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+30 tumble
  272. (11:14:47 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+30 tumble --> [ 1d20=9 ]{39}
  273. (11:15:42 PM) DoubleDragon|19: You at the perfect timing dive out of the dragons mouth as Eztli's bullet connects to the dragons head stumbling it back. Just as it recovers another shot drives into its face and knocks it off the shit sending it crashing into the ground.
  274. (11:16:10 PM) ***Juri buckles up for safety and grins.
  275. (11:16:16 PM) Uvel|6 is now known as Uvel
  276. (11:16:23 PM) Eztli|18 is now known as Eztli
  277. (11:16:27 PM) ***Cyrin|25 books it back into the ship, buckling himself in as soon as he is able.
  278. (11:16:31 PM) You are now known as Cyrin|
  279. (11:16:39 PM) ***Uvel is clearly sadden as he watches the dragon die, his sword still clean with no dragon blood on its iron. "...One day." He says as he goes back into the ship.
  280. (11:17:07 PM) ***Eztli closes the hatch, "Shit's about to get turbulent up in this bitch."
  281. (11:17:10 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Luka ride check.
  282. (11:17:23 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+16
  283. (11:17:23 PM) DoubleDragon|19: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+16 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{26}
  284. (11:17:57 PM) DoubleDragon|19: As you crash land into the forest below the ship crashes into quite a few trees before hitting the ground and skidding a good 200ft before coming to a complete hault
  285. (11:18:20 PM) Luka|MahBoy: (is it still in flying condition aside from the engines?)
  286. (11:18:30 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 5d6
  287. (11:18:30 PM) DoubleDragon|19: DM-Diceroller rolled 5d6 --> [ 5d6=16 ]{16}
  288. (11:18:39 PM) DM-Diceroller: 16 damage from the impact to everyone
  289. (11:19:15 PM) Eztli: (96 remaining)
  290. (11:19:20 PM) Juri: (116)
  291. (11:19:24 PM) Luka|MahBoy: (111)
  292. (11:19:30 PM) DoubleDragon|19: "HAHA SELF REPAIR PROTOCAL INITIALIZING!"
  293. (11:19:45 PM) DoubleDragon|19: "ESTIMATED TIME 12 HOURS!"
  294. (11:19:57 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "You couldn't have done that sooner?!" Luka kicks the underside of the seat
  295. (11:20:04 PM) ***Cyrin| chugs from his bottomless bottle. "Oww."
  296. (11:20:13 PM) ***Juri unbuckles and stands up, stretching a bit. "Can we do it again!?"
  297. (11:20:25 PM) Cyrin|: "Never. Never again."
  298. (11:20:54 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "No. We are not doing that again." Luka pulls out his flask and drains a good 1/4 of it
  299. (11:21:29 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Shit. There must be a... a radio or something."
  300. (11:21:57 PM) DoubleDragon|19: "HAHA RADIO IS BROKEN!"
  301. (11:22:09 PM) ***Eztli gets up, covering his mouth. "Uuuuuuuggghh...... I. Hate. Flying."
  302. (11:22:19 PM) ***Juri taps Cyrin's arm and smiles. "Pass the potion?"
  303. (11:22:37 PM) ***Luka|MahBoy glares at the console with a, "do you even lift" expression on
  304. (11:22:49 PM) DoubleDragon|19 is now known as DM-Bro
  305. (11:23:06 PM) ***Uvel vomits blood, his armor now looking like purple with a shade of red. "Oh...I don't feel too good."
  306. (11:23:17 PM) DM-Bro: The sky is still purple and creepy and you have 12 hours to kill.
  307. (11:23:21 PM) ***Cyrin| hands the potion to Juri.
  308. (11:23:40 PM) ***Juri takes a small drink and walks over to Uvel, nudging his arm with the potion.
  309. (11:23:43 PM) Juri: "Here, take this."
  310. (11:24:39 PM) ***Uvel looks at the potion with a weak nod and takes it. "Thanks Lady Juri, perhaps my insides will stop feeling so...dead." He says as he chugs the potion
  311. (11:25:16 PM) Juri: "Easy're hurt so take it a little slower"
  312. (11:25:56 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Well we have 12 hours to kill and shit doesn't look right outside and that dragon is still out there somewhere though likely dead."
  313. (11:26:38 PM) Eztli: "Lightning tends to do that.. nice work on the scaly bitch, guys." Eztli says, uncatching his revolver and reloading it with normal bullets, save a lone orange shell.
  314. (11:26:59 PM) ***Uvel gives the potion back as his wounds close up. "Aaah, much better."
  315. (11:27:00 PM) DM-Bro: Listen checks
  316. (11:27:11 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+7
  317. (11:27:12 PM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{25}
  318. (11:27:13 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+13
  319. (11:27:13 PM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{29}
  320. (11:27:15 PM) Uvel: roll 1d20+6
  321. (11:27:15 PM) DM-Bro: Uvel rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{10}
  322. (11:28:25 PM) Cyrin|: roll d20+3
  323. (11:28:25 PM) DM-Bro: Cyrin| rolled d20+3 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{12}
  324. (11:28:27 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+4 I'm deaf and what is this
  325. (11:28:28 PM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+4 I'm deaf and what is this --> [ 1d20=15 ]{19}
  326. (11:28:52 PM) DM-Bro: Luka and Eztli you hear...something roar/growl in the northern direction
  327. (11:29:24 PM) Eztli: "... shit. Didn't take long at all." He says, taking out his revolver.
  328. (11:29:29 PM) ***Luka|MahBoy shakes his head, "Ah hell no. Not another dragon."
  329. (11:29:56 PM) ***Cyrin| looks between the two, not at all pleased with what they're saying.
  330. (11:30:54 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Well, looks like a storm is brewing." Luka's sword bursts into frost "An ice storm that is. Now, about that dragon corpse..."
  331. (11:31:11 PM) ***Uvel looks at Ezli and Luka. "Storm? I don't hear any storms."
  332. (11:31:31 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Never you mind Uvel."
  333. (11:32:08 PM) DM-Bro: Listen checks again.
  334. (11:32:11 PM) Eztli: "Something's up north.. don't think we rea-"
  335. (11:32:14 PM) Cyrin|: roll d20+3
  336. (11:32:14 PM) DM-Bro: Cyrin| rolled d20+3 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{7}
  337. (11:32:16 PM) Uvel: "Hmm, alright then Luka mah boy! But with searching that infernal dragon's body, that I can help. SER JEEVSTONE IF YOU WILL!" He says as a portal is made right beside him and a dire bull with a top hat and monocle appears through it.
  338. (11:32:17 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+13
  339. (11:32:17 PM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{21}
  340. (11:32:18 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+7
  341. (11:32:18 PM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{16}
  342. (11:32:20 PM) Uvel: roll 1d20+6
  343. (11:32:21 PM) DM-Bro: Uvel rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{9}
  344. (11:32:33 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+4 I'm deaf and what is this
  345. (11:32:34 PM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+4 I'm deaf and what is this --> [ 1d20=9 ]{13}
  346. (11:32:44 PM) DM-Bro: Eztli and Luka again you hear the roar.
  347. (11:32:46 PM) DM-Bro: It's closer
  348. (11:32:50 PM) DM-Bro: ALOT closer.
  349. (11:32:50 PM) Juri: (God damn it Luka that pun)
  350. (11:32:58 PM) Eztli: "It's coming this way."
  351. (11:33:06 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Okay... that roar is a lot louder now."
  352. (11:33:12 PM) Luka|MahBoy: (I try my best)
  353. (11:33:29 PM) ***Cyrin| unsheathes his blades. "Form up, folks."
  354. (11:34:51 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Shall we head outside?"
  355. (11:35:24 PM) ***Cyrin| nods to the man. "Be prepared for anything."
  356. (11:35:27 PM) ***Uvel is already outside with his dire bull by his side with sword and shield in hand. "Already there Luka my boy!"
  357. (11:35:41 PM) DM-Bro: Spot checks when you go outside.
  358. (11:35:43 PM) ***Luka|MahBoy heads out of the ship as well
  359. (11:36:15 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+8 eye spy with my little eye
  360. (11:36:15 PM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+8 eye spy with my little eye --> [ 1d20=6 ]{14}
  361. (11:36:37 PM) Cyrin|: roll d20+3 eye'm the blindest
  362. (11:36:37 PM) DM-Bro: Cyrin| rolled d20+3 eye'm the blindest --> [ 1d20=10 ]{13}
  363. (11:37:10 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+19 Juri sees something!
  364. (11:37:10 PM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+19 Juri sees something! --> [ 1d20=19 ]{38}
  365. (11:37:21 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+18
  366. (11:37:22 PM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 1d20+18 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{22}
  367. (11:37:58 PM) DM-Bro: Juri you see....what the fuck is that thing across the river!
  368. (11:38:12 PM) Juri: "...What the fuck is that thing across the river?"
  369. (11:38:35 PM) Cyrin|: "What the fuck IS that things across the river?"
  370. (11:38:53 PM) ***Juri taps Luka's and Eztli's shoulders and points at that thing across the river.
  371. (11:38:56 PM) DM-Bro: It's some form of wait...six legs? Some sort of giant cat like thing across the river with six legs a barbed tail and quill like apendages on its back.
  372. (11:39:01 PM) Juri: "Really, what the fuck is that thing, across the god damn river?"
  373. (11:39:24 PM) Eztli: "... it's going on my wall is what." He says, pointing his revolver.
  374. (11:39:30 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "What the fuck do you mean what the fuck is that thing across the god damn river? I can barely see the god damn river." Luka squints
  375. (11:39:57 PM) DM-Bro: It jumps clear across the river in a single leap
  376. (11:40:05 PM) ***Juri places her hands on either side of Luka's head and forces him to look at the flying monstrosity
  378. (11:40:17 PM) DM-Bro: Now you all can see it clearly snarling and drooling rabidly at you.
  379. (11:40:17 PM) Luka|MahBoy: "Oh what the fuck is that thing on our side of the god damn river?!"
  380. (11:40:25 PM) Uvel: "Hm? What thing are you talking about Lady Juri? I see nothing. Do you Ser Jeevstone." The dire bull just looks at him for a few seconds. "Hmm yes I do agree, but I do not think charging at the general direction they're looking at will be of much help."
  381. (11:40:40 PM) DM-Bro: roll init
  382. (11:40:40 PM) Juri: "UVEL IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF US"
  383. (11:40:44 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+16
  384. (11:40:45 PM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+16 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{17}
  385. (11:40:47 PM) Cyrin|: roll d20+16
  386. (11:40:48 PM) DM-Bro: Cyrin| rolled d20+16 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{25}
  387. (11:40:48 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+11
  388. (11:40:48 PM) DM-Bro: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+11 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{16}
  389. (11:40:54 PM) Eztli: roll 1d20+13
  390. (11:40:54 PM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{19}
  391. (11:40:54 PM) You are now known as Cyrin|25
  392. (11:41:07 PM) Uvel: roll 1d20+4
  393. (11:41:07 PM) DM-Bro: Uvel rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{24}
  394. (11:41:11 PM) Luka|MahBoy: Luka's amulet glows brightly
  395. (11:41:25 PM) Luka|MahBoy: roll 1d20+10
  396. (11:41:25 PM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{29}
  397. (11:41:29 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+16 (Thank you based Luka)
  398. (11:41:29 PM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+16 (Thank you based Luka) --> [ 1d20=17 ]{33}
  399. (11:41:30 PM) DM-Bro is now known as Catthing|16
  400. (11:41:39 PM) Uvel is now known as Uvel|24
  401. (11:41:57 PM) Luka|MahBoy is now known as Luka|MahBoy|29
  402. (11:43:13 PM) Catthing|16: Uvel
  403. (11:43:23 PM) Catthing|16: You and your bull get surprise.
  404. (11:43:32 PM) Uvel|24: (Two questions: A) Is it evil and b)How far is it?)
  405. (11:43:37 PM) Eztli: "... I'm going to need more bullets for this."
  406. (11:43:43 PM) Catthing|16: It's very fucking evil and use the ruler tool
  407. (11:44:30 PM) Eztli is now known as Eztli||19
  408. (11:45:27 PM) ***Uvel|24 charges at the monster alongside the gentleboar. "Let this foul creature fear the gentlemens! SMITE! EVIIIIIIIIIL."
  409. (11:45:32 PM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+30
  410. (11:45:33 PM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+30 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{32}
  411. (11:46:21 PM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+15 BULL
  412. (11:46:21 PM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+15 BULL --> [ 1d20=14 ]{29}
  413. (11:47:10 PM) Uvel|24: roll 2d6+38
  414. (11:47:11 PM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 2d6+38 --> [ 2d6=10 ]{48}
  415. (11:47:39 PM) Uvel|24: roll 4d6+10 HOLY SWOAD
  416. (11:47:40 PM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 4d6+10 HOLY SWOAD --> [ 4d6=13 ]{23}
  417. (11:47:57 PM) Uvel|24: roll 1d8+10 BULL ATTACK
  418. (11:47:58 PM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d8+10 BULL ATTACK --> [ 1d8=3 ]{13}
  419. (11:48:57 PM) Catthing|16: Uvel on a surprise attack charges forward on his bull and smites the evil.
  420. (11:49:32 PM) Juri: Alriiiiighty
  421. (11:49:39 PM) Juri: Cloak move forward amulet assassin shit
  422. (11:49:57 PM) Catthing|16: It still senses you.
  423. (11:50:04 PM) Catthing|16: No sneak attack
  424. (11:50:27 PM) Juri: Hm..Can I use Castiel's magic potion bag of goodies then?
  425. (11:50:42 PM) Catthing|16: roll 1d100
  426. (11:50:51 PM) Juri: roll 1d100
  427. (11:50:52 PM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=17 ]{17}
  428. (11:51:40 PM) Catthing|16: Minor Alchemy flame bomb.
  429. (11:52:01 PM) Eztli||19: (A BOMB?!)
  430. (11:52:13 PM) Juri: (Oh my god, JC a bomb!)
  431. (11:52:24 PM) Luka|MahBoy|29: (My god Juri, a bomb!)
  432. (11:52:30 PM) Juri: (A bomb?!)
  433. (11:52:54 PM) ***Juri pulls out the bomb and stares, turning to Luka. "Oh my god, Luka!" She holds up the alchemical concoction. "A bomb!"
  434. (11:52:56 PM) Cyrin|25: (Oh my Juri, a bandersnatch!)
  435. (11:53:16 PM) Juri: (A bandersnatch?!)
  436. (11:54:00 PM) Juri: Okay so.
  437. (11:54:06 PM) Juri: Same plan as before, except, I'm throwing the bomb.
  438. (11:54:26 PM) Cyrin|25: (Typing is really hard when one hand is covered in popcorn butter.
  439. (11:54:28 PM) Cyrin|25: )
  440. (11:54:43 PM) Juri: roll 1d20+21 Bandersnatch, a bomb!
  441. (11:54:44 PM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20+21 Bandersnatch, a bomb! --> [ 1d20=4 ]{25}
  442. (11:55:14 PM) Catthing|16: Miss
  443. (11:55:39 PM) ***Juri turns to the group. "I tried..."
  444. (11:56:10 PM) Catthing|16: The bomb goes sailing over the creature and past the river and sets a small area on fire.
  445. (11:57:43 PM) Luka|MahBoy|29: Run up the the side and attack
  446. (11:57:50 PM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+28
  447. (11:57:50 PM) Catthing|16: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+28 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{36}
  448. (11:57:56 PM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+23
  449. (11:57:56 PM) Catthing|16: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+23 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{39}
  450. (11:58:05 PM) Catthing|16: One attack only
  451. (11:58:08 PM) Catthing|16: And it hits
  452. (11:58:09 PM) Luka|MahBoy|29: scratch that last one then
  453. (11:58:35 PM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 2d8+8+1d6
  454. (11:58:35 PM) Catthing|16: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 2d8+8+1d6 --> [ 2d8=6 1d6=4 ]{18}
  455. (11:58:41 PM) DM-Diceroller: roll 5d4 quill damage
  456. (11:58:42 PM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 5d4 quill damage --> [ 5d4=14 ]{14}
  457. (7/2/2012 12:00:00 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: (97)
  458. (12:00:23 AM) DM-Diceroller: Luka slashes into the side of the beast but the quils backfire a bit stabbing into you as you attack
  459. (12:00:58 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Ah fuck! Ow! Don't attack anything with quills!"
  460. (12:01:09 AM) ***Cyrin|25 rushes towards the beast's left side and does a running slash at its face!
  461. (12:01:30 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+25 MANTIS CHOP
  462. (12:01:31 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+25 MANTIS CHOP --> [ 1d20=16 ]{41}
  463. (12:01:36 AM) Catthing|16: Hit.
  464. (12:01:40 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d26+15
  465. (12:01:41 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d26+15 --> [ 1d26=25 ]{40}
  466. (12:01:49 AM) Cyrin|25: ...whoops
  467. (12:01:52 AM) Cyrin|25: roll 2d6+15
  468. (12:01:53 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled 2d6+15 --> [ 2d6=8 ]{23}
  469. (12:01:57 AM) Juri: You broke the room
  470. (12:02:04 AM) ***Catthing|16 explodes
  471. (12:02:19 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 5d4
  472. (12:02:20 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 5d4 --> [ 5d4=13 ]{13}
  473. (12:02:23 AM) DM-Diceroller: 13 damage
  474. (12:02:30 AM) Catthing|16: Wait
  475. (12:02:33 AM) Catthing|16: Never mind
  476. (12:02:36 AM) Catthing|16: you hit it's face
  477. (12:03:14 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin charges forward and stabs it in the side of the face.
  478. (12:03:24 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel you're turn.
  479. (12:04:52 AM) Uvel|24: "Ah, Ser Jeevstone, I have a plan!" He says as he whispers to his bull as it moves to the back of the monster
  480. (12:05:01 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+24
  481. (12:05:02 AM) Catthing|16: Flanked
  482. (12:05:02 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+24 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{35}
  483. (12:05:05 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+19
  484. (12:05:06 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+19 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{26}
  485. (12:05:09 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+14
  486. (12:05:10 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{20}
  487. (12:05:12 AM) Catthing|16: Hit. Miss. Miss
  488. (12:05:29 AM) Uvel|24: roll 2d6+22
  489. (12:05:30 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 2d6+22 --> [ 2d6=10 ]{32}
  490. (12:05:40 AM) Uvel|24: roll 4d6+10 HOLY SWORD DAMAGE
  491. (12:05:41 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 4d6+10 HOLY SWORD DAMAGE --> [ 4d6=19 ]{29}
  492. (12:06:19 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli|
  493. (12:06:59 AM) Eztli||19: "You're going on my wall! Whatever you are!"
  494. (12:07:18 AM) Eztli||19: roll 1d20+19 (AP)
  495. (12:07:18 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli||19 rolled 1d20+19 (AP) --> [ 1d20=14 ]{33}
  496. (12:07:29 AM) Eztli||19: roll 1d20+14
  497. (12:07:29 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli||19 rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{16}
  498. (12:07:42 AM) Catthing|16: Hit miss
  499. (12:08:10 AM) Eztli||19: roll 3d6+11+1
  500. (12:08:11 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli||19 rolled 3d6+11+1 --> [ 3d6=11 ]{23}
  501. (12:08:36 AM) Catthing|16: Your fire a shot directly into it's face and further piss off the pissed off animal
  502. (12:09:55 AM) Catthing|16: The beast's wounds begin smoking as the begin to rapidly close healing the monster. Then the quills on its back stand and fire right into the air and begin raining down on everyone.
  503. (12:10:11 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+26
  504. (12:10:11 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{28}
  505. (12:10:12 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+26
  506. (12:10:13 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{38}
  507. (12:10:13 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+26
  508. (12:10:14 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{43}
  509. (12:10:15 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+26
  510. (12:10:15 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{27}
  511. (12:10:18 AM) Yotsuba-Piaguy left the room.
  512. (12:10:48 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20
  513. (12:10:48 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{7}
  514. (12:11:10 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 2d8+13
  515. (12:11:11 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 2d8+13 --> [ 2d8=9 ]{22}
  516. (12:11:11 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 2d8+13
  517. (12:11:12 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 2d8+13 --> [ 2d8=10 ]{23}
  518. (12:11:12 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 2d8+13
  519. (12:11:13 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 2d8+13 --> [ 2d8=12 ]{25}
  520. (12:11:31 AM) Catthing|16: Then Fort saves
  521. (12:11:41 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+14
  522. (12:11:41 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+14 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{33}
  523. (12:11:52 AM) Catthing|16: Reflex.
  524. (12:11:53 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: (52)
  525. (12:11:54 AM) Catthing|16: My bad
  526. (12:11:58 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+21
  527. (12:11:59 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+21 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{22}
  528. (12:12:01 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+18
  529. (12:12:02 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+18 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{19}
  530. (12:12:02 AM) Cyrin|25: FUCK
  531. (12:12:06 AM) Uvel|24: FAWK
  532. (12:12:10 AM) Eztli||19: roll 1d20+18
  533. (12:12:10 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli||19 rolled 1d20+18 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{24}
  534. (12:12:14 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+21 Amulet says suck a dick
  535. (12:12:15 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+21 Amulet says suck a dick --> [ 1d20=7 ]{28}
  536. (12:12:24 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+18 AMULET YOU SAY?!
  537. (12:12:25 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+18 AMULET YOU SAY?! --> [ 1d20=13 ]{31}
  538. (12:12:27 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+10 reflex
  539. (12:12:27 AM) Catthing|16: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+10 reflex --> [ 1d20=1 ]{11}
  540. (12:12:51 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+10 final amulet roll
  541. (12:12:51 AM) Catthing|16: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+10 final amulet roll --> [ 1d20=17 ]{27}
  542. (12:12:54 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+20
  543. (12:12:54 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20+20 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{36}
  544. (12:13:28 AM) Catthing|16: Luka and Eztli you are sickened.
  545. (12:13:50 AM) Catthing|16: -2 to attack damage saves and checks
  546. (12:14:47 AM) Catthing|16: Juri
  547. (12:14:50 AM) Catthing|16: Your turn
  548. (12:14:59 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "I... I don't feel good..."
  549. (12:15:14 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+25
  550. (12:15:15 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20+25 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{26}
  551. (12:15:25 AM) Juri: ... God damn it Dice.
  552. (12:15:43 AM) Catthing|16: You jump and land on the quills
  553. (12:15:48 AM) Catthing|16: roll reflex save
  554. (12:16:06 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+20
  555. (12:16:06 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20+20 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{29}
  556. (12:16:10 AM) Catthing|16: Pass!
  557. (12:16:22 AM) Catthing|16: You land in a way where you dont get stabbed and your on its back.
  558. (12:16:36 AM) ***Juri takes a deep breath. "Hooooly shit."
  559. (12:16:55 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+25 (jumping again)
  560. (12:16:55 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20+25 (jumping again) --> [ 1d20=1 ]{26}
  561. (12:17:01 AM) Juri: ARE YOU-
  562. (12:17:01 AM) Catthing|16: Erm...
  563. (12:17:03 AM) Juri: I CAN'T-
  564. (12:17:04 AM) Catthing|16: roll a 1d20
  565. (12:17:07 AM) Juri: roll 1d20
  566. (12:17:08 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{18}
  567. (12:17:08 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: (FUCKING DICE)
  568. (12:17:09 AM) Uvel|24: ...Welp
  569. (12:17:10 AM) Juri: WHATBLAS.KHGK;LAFS
  570. (12:17:11 AM) Juri: WHAT THE FUCK
  571. (12:17:12 AM) Juri: THIS
  572. (12:17:13 AM) Juri: I CAN'T
  573. (12:17:16 AM) Juri left the room (Kicked by Juri (STOP BREAKING SHIT)).
  574. (12:17:33 AM) Juri [] entered the room.
  575. (12:17:34 AM) mode (+oa Juri Juri) by ChanServ
  576. (12:17:36 AM) Catthing|16: You somehow trip mid air but still manage to land on the back of its neck only prone.
  577. (12:17:52 AM) Clovis [] entered the room.
  578. (12:18:09 AM) ***Juri takes another deep breathe and merely lays there. "Y-Yeah..f-fuck that.."
  579. (12:18:26 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Juri! What the hell are you doing? Ow these fuckign quills!"
  580. (12:18:35 AM) ***Cyrin|25 starts atatatatatatataing it in the side of its head.
  581. (12:18:52 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+25
  582. (12:18:52 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+20
  583. (12:18:52 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+15
  584. (12:18:52 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+25
  585. (12:18:52 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+20
  586. (12:18:53 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+25 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{28}
  587. (12:18:53 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+20 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{36}
  588. (12:18:54 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+15 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{20}
  589. (12:18:54 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+25 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{37}
  590. (12:18:54 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+20 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{34}
  591. (12:19:18 AM) Cyrin|25: roll 6d6+3d6+45
  592. (12:19:19 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled 6d6+3d6+45 --> [ 6d6=25 3d6=12 ]{82}
  593. (12:20:04 AM) Catthing|16: You ATATATATA hard into the side of its face.
  594. (12:20:30 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+24
  595. (12:20:30 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+24 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{30}
  596. (12:20:37 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+19
  597. (12:20:37 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+19 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{30}
  598. (12:20:39 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+14
  599. (12:20:40 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{34}
  600. (12:20:43 AM) Catthing|16: Miss. Miss. Crit
  601. (12:20:47 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20
  602. (12:20:47 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{1}
  603. (12:20:57 AM) Catthing|16: You trip and land in its mouth
  604. (12:21:02 AM) Catthing|16: Your feet are kicking outside.
  605. (12:21:55 AM) Uvel|24: "...Well I do believe this is a bit of predicament."
  606. (12:23:07 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: I use the beholders headband
  607. (12:23:24 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+21
  608. (12:23:24 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+21 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{24}
  609. (12:23:34 AM) Catthing|16: It resists turning to stone
  610. (12:23:36 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+3 heal check
  611. (12:23:37 AM) Catthing|16: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+3 heal check --> [ 1d20=19 ]{22}
  612. (12:24:13 AM) Catthing|16: Passed
  613. (12:24:21 AM) Catthing|16: Your no longer sickend.
  614. (12:24:27 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli
  615. (12:24:29 AM) Catthing|16: Your turn
  616. (12:25:31 AM) Eztli||19: roll 1d20+3 FUCK OFF QUILLS
  617. (12:25:32 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli||19 rolled 1d20+3 FUCK OFF QUILLS --> [ 1d20=4 ]{7}
  618. (12:25:37 AM) Catthing|16: Still sickened
  619. (12:26:56 AM) Clovis is now known as lovis|EXERCISE
  620. (12:28:33 AM) ***Eztli||19 jets out the cylinder of his revolver, deftly placing yellow and black striped shells inside and catching it at blinding speed. "WE'RE GOING LOUD NOW!"
  621. (12:29:01 AM) Eztli||19: roll 1d20+17
  622. (12:29:02 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli||19 rolled 1d20+17 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{33}
  623. (12:29:07 AM) Catthing|16: Hit
  624. (12:29:45 AM) Eztli||19: roll 3d6+11+1
  625. (12:29:45 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli||19 rolled 3d6+11+1 --> [ 3d6=13 ]{25}
  626. (12:30:06 AM) Eztli||19: roll 1d100
  627. (12:30:06 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli||19 rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=78 ]{78}
  628. (12:30:31 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel is knocked out of its mouth from the explosion
  629. (12:30:49 AM) ***Uvel|24 looks at the upper half. "...Why am I so sticky?"
  630. (12:31:14 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Who cares, just kill the damn thing!"
  631. (12:33:51 AM) Catthing|16: The beast starts seething with rage and starts lashing out attack with its claws and tails as it lunges forward
  632. (12:34:19 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+12
  633. (12:34:20 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20+12 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{26}
  634. (12:34:32 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+24
  635. (12:34:32 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+24 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{32}
  636. (12:34:50 AM) Catthing|16: Tail attacks first
  637. (12:35:07 AM) Catthing|16: Jeevstone Luka Uvel and Cyrin
  638. (12:35:25 AM) Catthing|16: roll 1d20+27
  639. (12:35:33 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+27
  640. (12:35:33 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+27 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{38}
  641. (12:35:50 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 2d8+13
  642. (12:35:50 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 2d8+13 --> [ 2d8=10 ]{23}
  643. (12:36:03 AM) DM-Diceroller: Claws now.
  644. (12:36:06 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: (29)
  645. (12:36:11 AM) DM-Diceroller: Cyrin Uvel and Eztli
  646. (12:36:35 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+32
  647. (12:36:35 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+32 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{50}
  648. (12:36:36 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+32
  649. (12:36:36 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+32 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{33}
  650. (12:36:49 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 2d6+13
  651. (12:36:50 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 2d6+13 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{20}
  652. (12:36:54 AM) DM-Diceroller: NOW BITE
  653. (12:36:58 AM) DM-Diceroller: Uvel and Eztli
  654. (12:37:15 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 1d20+32
  655. (12:37:16 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 1d20+32 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{43}
  656. (12:37:27 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 2d8+13
  657. (12:37:28 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 2d8+13 --> [ 2d8=14 ]{27}
  658. (12:37:53 AM) Catthing|16: HP everyone?
  659. (12:38:21 AM) Eztli||19: (-2)
  660. (12:38:32 AM) Cyrin|25: (38)
  661. (12:38:36 AM) Uvel|24: 13
  662. (12:38:48 AM) Juri: Full. :v (132)
  663. (12:38:59 AM) Catthing|16: Well thats fun
  664. (12:39:03 AM) Catthing|16: Your turn.
  665. (12:39:29 AM) Eztli||19 is now known as Eztli|KOd
  666. (12:39:30 AM) ***Juri sighs. "Big fucker..
  667. (12:39:44 AM) Juri: (Cloak and Amulet are on, hue)
  668. (12:39:47 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+26
  669. (12:39:47 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{37}
  670. (12:39:51 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+21
  671. (12:39:51 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20+21 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{28}
  672. (12:39:53 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+26
  673. (12:39:53 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{31}
  674. (12:39:55 AM) Catthing|16: HIT! MISS! MISS
  675. (12:39:58 AM) Catthing|16: Roll damage
  676. (12:40:01 AM) Catthing|16: With Sneak
  677. (12:40:18 AM) Juri: roll 2d8+2d6+6d6+17
  678. (12:40:19 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 2d8+2d6+6d6+17 --> [ 2d8=9 2d6=9 6d6=17 ]{52}
  679. (12:40:58 AM) Catthing|16: Juri reels her arm back and stabs deep into the back of the beasts neck severing its spine killing it instantly and again spraying her with blood.
  680. (12:41:14 AM) Juri: "A-ah, AWWWW GOD DAMN IT AGAIN?!"
  681. (12:41:15 AM) Catthing|16: Reflex saves
  682. (12:41:21 AM) ***Juri gags a little. "Gross..."
  683. (12:41:23 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d20+21
  684. (12:41:23 AM) Catthing|16: Cyrin|25 rolled d20+21 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{28}
  685. (12:41:30 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+20
  686. (12:41:31 AM) Catthing|16: Juri rolled 1d20+20 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{32}
  687. (12:41:36 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+10
  688. (12:41:36 AM) Catthing|16: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{30}
  689. (12:42:44 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+18 REFLEX
  690. (12:42:45 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+18 REFLEX --> [ 1d20=8 ]{26}
  691. (12:42:52 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Eztli! Get the fuck out of the way!" Luka action dives next to Etzli, holding his shiled in protection
  692. (12:45:43 AM) Uvel|24: roll 1d20+8 Reflex
  693. (12:45:43 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel|24 rolled 1d20+8 Reflex --> [ 1d20=1 ]{9}
  694. (12:46:40 AM) Catthing|16: Uvel Cyrin and Jeevstone get hit by quills that fire out from the beast
  695. (12:46:47 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 10d4
  696. (12:46:47 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 10d4 --> [ 10d4=27 ]{27}
  697. (12:46:52 AM) Catthing|16: 27 damage
  698. (12:47:09 AM) Catthing|16: Wait
  699. (12:47:10 AM) Catthing|16: no
  700. (12:47:17 AM) DM-Diceroller: roll 5d4
  701. (12:47:17 AM) Catthing|16: DM-Diceroller rolled 5d4 --> [ 5d4=13 ]{13}
  702. (12:47:20 AM) DM-Diceroller: 13 damage
  703. (12:47:56 AM) Juri: (Broicks reaction to us killing the big motherfucker)
  704. (12:48:41 AM) Catthing|16: The big fucker is finally dead
  705. (12:48:42 AM) ***Uvel|24 falls unconcious the moment his body gets filled with quills.
  706. (12:48:50 AM) Catthing|16: Eztli and Uvel are passed out
  707. (12:49:00 AM) Catthing|16: and the potion wont bring them back to conciousness
  708. (12:49:18 AM) Catthing|16 is now known as DM-Bro
  709. (12:49:33 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Eztli? You awake there?" Luka slaps his face a bit "Nah you're out cold."
  710. (12:49:46 AM) ***Cyrin|25 hustles over to Uvel and uses his Wand of Cure Light Wounds on him.
  711. (12:50:10 AM) ***Juri runs over to Cyrin. "Commander can you hand me the potion please?"
  712. (12:50:18 AM) Cyrin|25: roll d8+1
  713. (12:50:18 AM) DM-Bro: Cyrin|25 rolled d8+1 --> [ 1d8=5 ]{6}
  714. (12:50:40 AM) ***Cyrin|25 pulls the potion out of his pocket, chugs it, and hands the bottle to Juri.
  715. (12:51:02 AM) ***Juri kneels beside Uvel. "Watch this, I know it's going to seem silly."
  716. (12:51:27 AM) ***Juri pours a mouthful into Uvel's mouth and gently rubs the bear's throat. "Even though he's unconcious, he'll be able to swallow it like this."
  717. (12:52:42 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "What are you a vet or something?"
  718. (12:53:04 AM) ***Juri walks over to Eztli and does the same thing, first pouring the potion into the lizard's mouth, then gently rubbing his throat. She stops after that and looks over at Luka. "Nah, mom taught me how to make someone swallow poison while unconcious."
  719. (12:53:25 AM) ***Juri walks over to the human and places the bottle in his hand. "Cheers, yeah?"
  720. (12:53:37 AM) ***Cyrin|25 walks over to the unconcious lizardman and gives him a few zaps of the wand, just to be safe.
  721. (12:53:39 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Ah. That could be useful." Luka take the bottle "Cheers."
  722. (12:53:42 AM) Cyrin|25: roll 3d8+3
  723. (12:53:43 AM) DM-Bro: Cyrin|25 rolled 3d8+3 --> [ 3d8=21 ]{24}
  724. (12:54:13 AM) You are now known as Cyrin|
  725. (12:55:48 AM) ***Juri reaches behind her and ties her hair into a ponytail, shaking her head a bit, after she finishes. She taps Luka's shoulder. "How do I look?"
  726. (12:55:52 AM) ***Eztli|KOd groans as he gets up, "...the fuck was that thin- GAH" He notices the quills still stuck.
  727. (12:55:58 AM) Eztli|KOd is now known as Eztli
  728. (12:56:01 AM) Uvel|24 is now known as Uvel
  729. (12:56:20 AM) Eztli: roll 1d20+3 FUCK OFF QUILLS
  730. (12:56:20 AM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 1d20+3 FUCK OFF QUILLS --> [ 1d20=19 ]{22}
  731. (12:56:59 AM) DM-Bro: Pass
  732. (12:57:05 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy|29 looks Juri up and down, "You know, not half bad. Much to squishy but the hair is nice." Luka boops her nose nose once with his index finger
  733. (12:57:20 AM) Juri: "E-Eh? Wh-What was that for!?"
  734. (12:57:27 AM) ***Uvel gets up and tries to rub his head, except he can't because there are quils in the way. "...What's this now?"
  735. (12:57:35 AM) Uvel: roll 1d20+6
  736. (12:57:35 AM) DM-Bro: Uvel rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{25}
  737. (12:57:51 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Because you're too squishy now. And you did a good job at killing that thing. I wasn't going to remain standing much longer."
  738. (12:57:52 AM) ***Eztli rips out the quills, "This thing is turning into a trophy... or a rug... or something..."
  739. (12:58:15 AM) DM-Bro: Erm...Hmm
  740. (12:58:17 AM) DM-Bro: You can skin it
  741. (12:58:24 AM) DM-Bro: It ejected all of its quills
  742. (12:58:32 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: How big are the teeth?
  743. (12:58:44 AM) DM-Bro: Big as your fore arm for fangs
  744. (12:58:45 AM) ***Uvel pulls out all the quills stuck in his body, one by one. "Well that's something I don't wish to reli-SIR JEEVSTONE! Come come my chum, let me help you!"
  745. (12:58:51 AM) DM-Bro: Big as your fist for the rest
  746. (12:59:02 AM) Uvel: roll 1d20+6
  747. (12:59:03 AM) DM-Bro: Uvel rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{11}
  748. (12:59:14 AM) Eztli: (what roll for skinning it?)
  749. (12:59:18 AM) Juri: "Well..what can I say, some things just carry over~"
  750. (12:59:20 AM) DM-Bro: Just skin it
  751. (12:59:22 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: I'm gonna cut out a fang then.
  752. (12:59:23 AM) ***Juri slashes at the air and grins.
  753. (12:59:23 AM) Eztli: (neat)
  754. (12:59:39 AM) DM-Bro: Strength check
  755. (12:59:58 AM) ***Eztli unpacks the longsword and one of his knives from his belt. "You're mine."
  756. (12:59:59 AM) ***Uvel tries to take out the quills to no avail. "Hmm, I think they're stuck pretty well in there my good man. Though don't the ladies like a more uh...dangerous man now days?" The bull shoves Uvel in response.
  757. (1:00:06 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9 rip and tear
  758. (1:00:07 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 rip and tear --> [ 1d20=2 ]{11}
  759. (1:00:17 AM) DM-Bro: You cant seem to get a grip on the tooth
  760. (1:00:29 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: (can i just cut it out then?)
  761. (1:01:36 AM) DM-Bro: You can but it wont be worth as much
  762. (1:02:08 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: (hmm... alright retry pulling it out after 5 minutes since skinning will probably take time)
  763. (1:02:26 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Come... on you... this will make a great present!"
  764. (1:02:30 AM) Eztli: (but I am skinning it!)
  765. (1:02:34 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9 RIP AND TEAR
  766. (1:02:34 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 RIP AND TEAR --> [ 1d20=5 ]{14}
  767. (1:02:43 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: (you can skin it. i'm trying to take this damn fang)
  768. (1:02:48 AM) Eztli: (ah)
  769. (1:03:19 AM) DM-Bro: Fail again
  770. (1:03:27 AM) DM-Bro: Fuck it after a few more tries
  771. (1:03:30 AM) DM-Bro: you rip it out
  772. (1:03:37 AM) DM-Bro: The entire thing
  773. (1:03:39 AM) DM-Bro: Like uhhh
  774. (1:03:49 AM) DM-Bro: 1-2 hours
  775. (1:03:52 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6 RIP AND TEAR
  776. (1:03:52 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 RIP AND TEAR --> [ 1d20=19 ]{25}
  777. (1:03:57 AM) DM-Bro: Success!
  778. (1:04:01 AM) Juri: HAHA
  779. (1:04:02 AM) Juri: Told./
  780. (1:04:13 AM) ***Juri pulls out a fang. "Yoink~!"
  781. (1:04:37 AM) ***Juri grins at Luka. "Lookie, oneshot!"
  782. (1:05:25 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Finally! Even in death you piss me off." Luka gives Juri a look but grins "Guess you got the rotten one then huh?"
  783. (1:05:42 AM) DM-Bro: You get 1 cat thing pelt
  784. (1:05:43 AM) ***Eztli looks over the flayed skin, "Whatever you are, you're ass is turning into a pair of boots."
  785. (1:05:46 AM) DM-Bro: and 4 fangs
  786. (1:05:59 AM) Cyrin|: (>you're ass)
  787. (1:06:09 AM) Eztli: (it IS an ass)
  788. (1:06:18 AM) Juri: "Rotten one my ass. You're just jealous you didn't get it as quick as I did."
  789. (1:07:16 AM) ***Juri drops the fang and looks at the things mouth
  790. (1:07:21 AM) Juri: "Round two..or nah?"
  791. (1:07:34 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Sure. I'll beat you this time though."
  792. (1:07:46 AM) ***Juri cracks her knuckles "Probably."
  793. (1:07:48 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6
  794. (1:07:48 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{11}
  795. (1:07:50 AM) Eztli: "Keep your teeth.. this thing should probably have a soak in the river or something..." Eztli thinks to himself.
  796. (1:07:57 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9 RIP AND TEAR
  797. (1:07:58 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 RIP AND TEAR --> [ 1d20=6 ]{15}
  798. (1:08:13 AM) DM-Bro: Both fail
  799. (1:08:15 AM) DM-Bro: DC is 20
  800. (1:08:17 AM) DM-Bro: go nuts
  801. (1:08:22 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6 RAID AND PILLAGE
  802. (1:08:23 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 RAID AND PILLAGE --> [ 1d20=9 ]{15}
  803. (1:08:30 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9 too slow Juri
  804. (1:08:30 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 too slow Juri --> [ 1d20=9 ]{18}
  805. (1:08:36 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6 VGTG
  806. (1:08:36 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 VGTG --> [ 1d20=9 ]{15}
  807. (1:08:42 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9 VGS
  808. (1:08:42 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 VGS --> [ 1d20=2 ]{11}
  809. (1:08:46 AM) Juri: "C-Come on! Fucking thing..."
  810. (1:08:51 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6 Shazbot!
  811. (1:08:51 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 Shazbot! --> [ 1d20=7 ]{13}
  812. (1:08:56 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "This... is... damn it!"
  813. (1:09:06 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9 VGN VGS VGTG
  814. (1:09:07 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 VGN VGS VGTG --> [ 1d20=10 ]{19}
  815. (1:09:13 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6 Niggers
  816. (1:09:14 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 Niggers --> [ 1d20=2 ]{8}
  817. (1:09:20 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9
  818. (1:09:21 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{11}
  819. (1:09:24 AM) ***Eztli groans, leaving the skin, "Really? How hard can this be..."
  820. (1:09:32 AM) Eztli: roll 1d20+7
  821. (1:09:32 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6 HOW MANY LICKS DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO THE CENTER
  822. (1:09:33 AM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{13}
  823. (1:09:33 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 HOW MANY LICKS DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO THE CENTER --> [ 1d20=11 ]{17}
  824. (1:09:37 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Shut up! I'll get it eventually!"
  825. (1:09:39 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9
  826. (1:09:39 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{10}
  827. (1:10:00 AM) DM-Bro: Miss a roll
  828. (1:10:12 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6
  829. (1:10:12 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{11}
  830. (1:10:15 AM) Eztli: "... the fuck is this thing's teeth? Adamantine?"
  831. (1:10:15 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6 Follow up
  832. (1:10:16 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 Follow up --> [ 1d20=10 ]{16}
  833. (1:10:23 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9
  834. (1:10:23 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{27}
  835. (1:10:34 AM) ***Juri pouts and stares at Luka. "Told you so."
  836. (1:10:38 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6
  837. (1:10:38 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{16}
  838. (1:10:52 AM) Juri: "Come on...fuck."
  839. (1:10:53 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6
  840. (1:10:54 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{23}
  841. (1:11:13 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy|29 pants, "Yeah... but... fuck.... I'm done pulling out teeth for today I think."
  842. (1:11:13 AM) ***Juri tugs and yanks the fang loose, falling back on her ass while clutching the tooth.
  843. (1:11:18 AM) Juri: "Finally god damn.."
  844. (1:11:28 AM) ***Juri drops the fang next to her previous one and hops back on
  845. (1:11:33 AM) Juri: "Third times the charm eh?"
  846. (1:11:35 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6
  847. (1:11:36 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{19}
  848. (1:11:38 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Okay... team up for this last one?"
  849. (1:11:45 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9
  850. (1:11:45 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{24}
  851. (1:12:07 AM) Juri: roll 1d20+6
  852. (1:12:07 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{18}
  853. (1:12:16 AM) DM-Bro: Alright
  854. (1:12:19 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy|29 pulls the final tooth free "HA HA!"
  855. (1:12:19 AM) DM-Bro: you got all you got
  856. (1:12:21 AM) DM-Bro: What now?
  857. (1:12:30 AM) DM-Bro: Still 10 hours till the ship is flyable?
  858. (1:13:00 AM) DM-Bro: You strip the flesh and pry the bone
  859. (1:13:06 AM) DM-Bro: You have a fucking skull missing 4 fangs
  860. (1:13:16 AM) DM-Bro: It looks derpy
  861. (1:13:20 AM) ***Juri grins over at Eztli. "You can have it."
  862. (1:13:24 AM) Eztli: We could always glue them back on.
  863. (1:13:28 AM) DM-Bro: You also gain 2 monster eyes
  864. (1:13:44 AM) ***Juri picks up one of the eyes and nudges Luka with it
  865. (1:13:47 AM) Juri: "INTO YOUR SOUL!!!"
  866. (1:14:08 AM) ***Eztli drags the skull, "This is going to be an interesting centerpiece..."
  867. (1:14:12 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "I can see into forever!" Luka covers his eyes
  868. (1:14:26 AM) ***Cyrin| just watches the others fuck around with the corpse. "Had your fun, folks?"
  869. (1:14:37 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Alright. So how about that dragon?" Luka takes a sip from his flask and offers to Juri
  870. (1:15:07 AM) DM-Bro: 9 hours till ship repair
  871. (1:15:16 AM) Eztli: "... two skins in one day? Sounds like a plan." Eztli says, putting his crowbar back into his backpack.
  872. (1:15:19 AM) ***Juri takes the flask and takes a drink, quickly handing it back. She coughs a bit after she swallows. "Damn that's some strong shit.."
  873. (1:15:19 AM) DM-Bro: roll 2d4
  874. (1:15:31 AM) Eztli: roll 2d4
  875. (1:15:31 AM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 2d4 --> [ 2d4=2 ]{2}
  876. (1:15:31 AM) Juri: roll 2d4
  877. (1:15:32 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 2d4 --> [ 2d4=6 ]{6}
  878. (1:15:39 AM) DM-Bro: It takes 2 hours to find the dragon
  879. (1:15:47 AM) DM-Bro: It'll*
  880. (1:15:58 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Whiskey. hell of a drink and it takes the edge off of a long day."
  881. (1:16:08 AM) DM-Bro: Wish to look for it?
  882. (1:16:24 AM) Eztli: Yeah, but putting the skin and skull of whatever the fuck it was in the ship.
  883. (1:16:26 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: Yes
  884. (1:16:47 AM) DM-Bro: Alright
  885. (1:17:06 AM) DM-Bro: After a few hours of searching you find the dragon finally.
  886. (1:17:10 AM) DM-Bro: The left wing is gone
  887. (1:17:16 AM) lovis|EXERCISE is now known as lovis
  888. (1:17:25 AM) DM-Bro: And the left head and 50 ft away on the top of a cliff.
  889. (1:17:44 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Ah there you are. Big bastard. Your teeth will make a great prize! or the tail hmmmm..."
  890. (1:18:40 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Hmmm... do kitsune even like dragon teeth? Maybe she could make something with it..."
  891. (1:18:54 AM) ***Eztli takes out the same knives as before, "Should be enough for a new cloak..." he grins.
  892. (1:19:02 AM) lovis left the room.
  893. (1:19:08 AM) Uvel: "If I may ask Luka my Boy, are you just planning to sell the teeths and the like? Why not make a necklace for a certain...lady?" He says while nudging him.
  894. (1:19:18 AM) Juri: "I call dibs on the wing! And some fangs! And maybe some leather too..."
  895. (1:19:51 AM) Juri: "Wait..I just realized we're all covered in purple and red blood. What in the fuck- WHY ARE WE NOT WASHING IT OFF IN THE RIVER?!"
  896. (1:19:55 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "They are much too large Uvel. But I heard talk that they make great potions if used properly."
  897. (1:20:00 AM) ***Cyrin| follows after the others, worried more about being caught alone than leaving the ship.
  898. (1:20:41 AM) Eztli: "... we're going to be here for a while, I can wash off back at Vick's."
  899. (1:21:18 AM) Uvel: "And this blood is a sign of honor! And victory!"
  900. (1:21:19 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "That's the spirit! Now for this tooth." Luka attempts to pull off a large fang
  901. (1:21:32 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+9 Give me the tooth!
  902. (1:21:32 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+9 Give me the tooth! --> [ 1d20=8 ]{17}
  903. (1:21:49 AM) DM-Bro: You jsut get 2 fangs
  904. (1:21:57 AM) Eztli: Skinning dragon. Wat do?
  905. (1:22:13 AM) DM-Bro: 2 hours
  906. (1:22:19 AM) Eztli: I can dig it.
  907. (1:22:44 AM) DM-Bro: You get dragon leather
  908. (1:24:38 AM) DM-Bro: 5 hours till ship is fixed
  909. (1:26:37 AM) Eztli: "Hah.. that elf is going to cry once I bring these hides to work with." Eztli says, up to his elbows in blood.
  910. (1:27:32 AM) Uvel: "Oh but think of the great things that can come out of it! I'm sure he'll enjoy working in it as well."
  911. (1:27:52 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy|29 takes 4 barbs from the tail "Not sure what these are good for but you never know. Don't get to gut a dragon everyday."
  912. (1:30:03 AM) Eztli: "I get the feeling the kidneys would be worth a stab..." Eztli sighs.
  913. (1:30:14 AM) DM-Bro: By the time you make it back to the ship it'll be an hour left until the ship repairs
  914. (1:30:17 AM) DM-Bro: and its dark out
  915. (1:30:24 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Kidneys? They're just dirty organs Eztli. Nobody wants them."
  916. (1:31:02 AM) ***Cyrin| just crashes out in a chair in the ship.
  917. (1:31:26 AM) DM-Bro: Someone has to stay up to fly the ship back.
  918. (1:31:28 AM) Eztli: "I guess... someone'd find a use for them, somewhere."
  919. (1:31:30 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy|29 wipes sweat from his brow and jumps into the drivers seat, pirate hat and parrot back in place. "That was a hell of a detour"
  920. (1:33:58 AM) Eztli: "... I should probably have some of the leather turned into something for Kaitlyn." he thinks out loud, grinning.
  921. (1:36:48 AM) DM-Bro: "HAHA ENGINE REPAIRED!"
  922. (1:37:03 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Teeth. Hmm... two from the first creature, two from the dragon and four barbs. Must be something... Ah about time! We're getting the hell out of here."
  923. (1:37:49 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Hang on everybody, I don't know how the hell I'm getting us out of this but I'll damn sure try!"
  924. (1:38:10 AM) Uvel: "Let us go Luka My Boy! TO ADVENTURE! Or home, either way works really."
  925. (1:38:14 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: roll 1d20+16
  926. (1:38:14 AM) DM-Bro: Luka|MahBoy|29 rolled 1d20+16 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{34}
  927. (1:38:53 AM) DM-Bro: You can make it home in 30 minutes by burning the entire battery
  928. (1:39:14 AM) Eztli: "I'm too tired for this shit... " Eztli says, strapping himself in and attempting to nod off.
  929. (1:39:28 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Well we're here! Welcome home."
  930. (1:40:18 AM) DM-Bro: You make it home to Jadeic city within 30 minutes but as you land the shuttle the city is quiet and the gaurds seem to be on high alert
  931. (1:40:48 AM) DM-Bro: Luka and Cyrin you can tell its Riot controll.
  932. (1:41:17 AM) DM-Bro: Also the sky still has a dark purple tone and the storm clouds are still around.
  933. (1:41:26 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Oh come on! A riot now of all times?!"
  934. (1:42:03 AM) ***Cyrin| is half-asleep and frowning.
  935. (1:42:03 AM) Uvel: "...Wait chaps, perhaps this is the work of that knave Samuel?"
  936. (1:42:07 AM) ***Juri yawns and looks up at the sky "That purple shit's still here..?"
  937. (1:42:13 AM) Juri: "What is it..the Sabbath?"
  938. (1:43:01 AM) ***Eztli 's earfins flinch at the words.
  939. (1:48:46 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy|29 gathers up two fangs, 2 dragon fangs, and the 4 barbs and walks off to his room. "I'm going to drop this stuff off and then go to see Terry. He needs to know about all that has happened." Luka staggers under the weight
  940. (1:50:42 AM) ***Eztli gathers his animal skin and dragon leather, "These are going to get tanned, and then I'm going for a very. Very. Long. Soak."
  941. (1:51:56 AM) ***Cyrin| goes back to his room and unloads the extra crap he's collected, before heading to Terry's office.
  942. (1:53:12 AM) ***Juri unloads a ton of stuff she gathered. "Fun fun~"
  943. (1:54:35 AM) ***Uvel goes to his room with his wounded bull, to help him and maybe actually get that shit off of his skin.
  944. (1:55:49 AM) ***Cyrin| actually just goes the fuck to sleep, because fuck that.
  945. (1:56:14 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy|29 gently attempts to wake Terry, "Boss! We got problems."
  946. (1:57:22 AM) DM-Bro: WABAM!
  947. (1:57:28 AM) DM-Bro: Punched
  948. (1:57:33 AM) DM-Bro: And teleported outside
  949. (1:57:42 AM) DM-Bro: In the hallway outside
  950. (1:58:01 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Ow! Come on!" Luka sighs "Guess the destruction of the world will just have to wait.
  951. (1:58:07 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "
  952. (1:58:26 AM) ***Juri sets down all the shit in her room. "Time to cause reactions~" She quickly scribbles down "1x - Big ass cat-mutant-fucker 8/1/354PS" into her black grimoire and quickly runs out of her room.
  953. (2:00:20 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy|29 goes to the bath house after getting cleaned up. "Ah I needed this." He soaks in the tub
  954. (2:01:48 AM) DM-Bro: "Hellooooo~"
  955. (2:01:59 AM) Cyrin|: roll 1d12+4
  956. (2:01:59 AM) DM-Bro: Cyrin| rolled 1d12+4 --> [ 1d12=1 ]{5}
  957. (2:02:02 AM) DM-Bro: You see a familar figure across the tub.
  959. (2:02:06 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Uh... hello?" Luka looks around
  960. (2:02:19 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Oh no. No no no! I blew that house up! Why are you hear!?"
  961. (2:02:30 AM) Eztli: roll 1d8+6
  962. (2:02:31 AM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 1d8+6 --> [ 1d8=4 ]{10}
  963. (2:02:33 AM) Cyrin|: roll d12+4
  964. (2:02:33 AM) DM-Bro: Cyrin| rolled d12+4 --> [ 1d12=4 ]{8}
  965. (2:02:37 AM) DM-Bro: "Well well seems someone took me up on my offer to join me in the tub. Oh my~"
  966. (2:03:06 AM) Eztli: (Pfffffffffft)
  967. (2:03:09 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Oh god damn it! No! Just no! JURI! HE'S HERE!" Luka cries out
  968. (2:03:43 AM) Uvel: roll 1d10+6
  969. (2:03:44 AM) DM-Bro: Uvel rolled 1d10+6 --> [ 1d10=6 ]{12}
  970. (2:04:10 AM) ***Juri saunters into the bath house "Did..someone call?"
  971. (2:05:13 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "That guy!" Luka points angerly at the tub "This guy! I'm naked with that thing! He... he is coming closer!"
  972. (2:07:45 AM) Juri: "Oh shit, hi Tubguy! I'm the mantis!"
  973. (2:07:48 AM) ***Juri waves happily
  974. (2:10:22 AM) DM-Bro: "Oh my you seem to be squishy!"
  975. (2:10:27 AM) Eztli: roll 1d8+6
  976. (2:10:27 AM) DM-Bro: Eztli rolled 1d8+6 --> [ 1d8=4 ]{10}
  977. (2:12:51 AM) Juri: "That...seems very lewd."
  978. (2:13:10 AM) Luka|MahBoy|29: "Gah! Juri! I just wanted to take a bath and... screw this!" Luka leaves the tub "I'm going to bed. First torture rooms then traps and magic and dragons and now all this."
  979. (2:14:49 AM) ***Luka|MahBoy|29 walks off to his room forgetting even his towels
  980. (2:16:47 AM) Juri: Test rolls
  981. (2:16:56 AM) Juri: roll 2d6+2d8+17+8d6
  982. (2:16:56 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 2d6+2d8+17+8d6 --> [ 2d6=8 2d8=11 8d6=31 ]{67}
  983. (2:16:58 AM) Juri: roll 2d6+2d8+17+8d6
  984. (2:16:58 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 2d6+2d8+17+8d6 --> [ 2d6=11 2d8=3 8d6=27 ]{58}
  985. (2:16:59 AM) Juri: roll 2d6+2d8+17+8d6
  986. (2:16:59 AM) DM-Bro: Juri rolled 2d6+2d8+17+8d6 --> [ 2d6=5 2d8=10 8d6=27 ]{59}
  987. (2:17:04 AM) Juri: Carry on
  988. (2:17:50 AM) Juri: "Luka! You forgot your... towels.."
  989. (2:17:56 AM) ***Juri shrugs and walks out. "Byebye Tubguy"
  990. (2:20:39 AM) Cyrin|: roll 8d12+24
  991. (2:20:40 AM) DM-Bro: Cyrin| rolled 8d12+24 --> [ 8d12=45 ]{69}
  992. (2:26:00 AM) DM-Bro: "Gooodbye~"
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