
Tears of a Tuna Chapter 1

Jun 20th, 2012
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  1. >Your name is Anonymous and you live in a seemingly endless world called Equestria
  2. >You woke up here one day and was greeted by a purple unicorn shouting "it worked it worked!"
  3. >She introduced herself as Twilight Sparkle and showed you her assistant Spike
  4. >Later that day you learned all about Equestria and everyp0ny in Ponyville
  5. >You met Twilight's friends and they all welcomed you with open arms
  6. >Everyone else either shunned you or called you a monster
  7. >They hated you and wanted nothing but to get rid of you
  8. >However you were nothing but just a regular joe so to speak
  9. >You had no hate towards the ponies who didn't understand you, in fact you still welcomed them with a warm smile
  10. >Eventually they all warmed up to you and returned that smile
  11. >The one who stood out the most was a young filly named Scootaloo
  12. >She, being young, thought you were great and wanted to be friends with you even if everyone else hated you
  13. >You spent most of your time working and doing odd jobs around Ponyville, but everyday Scootaloo would see you and brighten up your day
  14. >You both became the best of friends, the two of your were inseperable
  15. >Then, you found out about her parents
  16. >...and their crimes
  17. >Though Scootaloo begged you not to tell anyone you couldn't help but have a chat with them
  18. >After talking to her drunken father and her almost normal mother about anything besides Scootaloo, you didn't even tell them you knew her, you knew they were abusing their daughter
  19. >The father was a simple pegasus with the same coat color as Scootaloo, however he had a deep blue mane
  20. >He although commonly a drunken coward, tried to seem like he was a hard working pony with a small tendancey to hit the bottle at times, but he tried ,and failed, to convince you he only did it on Summer Solctice
  21. >Even if you could smell the alcohol on his breath from the chair you were sitting in
  22. >Her mother was seemingly normal when you first see her, she was just a plain white pegasus with a purple mane like Scootaloo
  23. >However when you spoke to her about her job she immediately changed the subject to Scootaloo and how she is the apple of her eye
  24. >It's as if they were putting on a play and you saw right through it
  25. >No matter how much you wanted to slap the shit out of both her parents, you respected Scootaloo enough to not tell her you saw them, or do anything yet
  26. >Yet there was one day, one day where everything changed and everyone knew about it
  27. >While walking to Scootaloo's house to see how she was doing you heard a scream come from her room
  28. >You didn't give a fuck about common decency while you kicked the door down and entered her house
  29. >Before you even thought about looking for Scoots parents and beating the shit out of them you heard a cry for help from what you thought was Scootaloo's room
  30. >You go to the door but it's locked, so you break it down
  31. >And before you was a sight you wish to never see again
  32. >Scootaloo was being raped by her drunken deadbeat dad right in front of your own eyes
  33. >You couldn't even believe what was happening as instinct got the better of you
  34. >You proceeded to yank her dad off of Scoot and pound his face into the wooden floor
  35. >Celestia's guards pulled you off of him before blood began to seep out of his mouth
  36. >Once you regained sanity you hold Scootaloo in your arms delicately, as if you owned her, as if she wasn't in such a horrible setting, as if she had some who cared about her, as if everything was alright
  37. >You payed no attention to anything but Scootaloo you just wanted nothing more but to protect her
  38. >Even if she was passed out, you still whispered to her that she'd be fine as long as you lived no one would ever hurt her again
  40. ---
  42. >It's been one month since Scootaloo's dad was on trial
  43. >He apparently got life in Canterlot dungeon for foalifillia and foalabuse
  44. >He swears he doesn't remembered what happended that night and that he would never hurt Scootaloo
  45. >..And you swear your gonna slap the taste out of his mouth if he breaths one more word of this bullshit
  46. >Luckly you gave Scoot the courage to testify against her dad
  47. >Hey it sounds like a dick move, but you couldn't bare to have Scootaloo in a home where somep0ny would beat her for no reason
  48. >Anyway Scootaloo was happy to be away from her dad and live with her mom, under your watchful eye
  49. >She hugged you and called you her guardian alicorn and other praise for how greatful she was for you rescuing her
  50. >Unfortunately, and I shit you not, this bull shit really happened
  51. >You were walking Scootaloo home after the trial
  52. >You carried her on your shoulders, while she was making cute little whooshing sounds and pretending she was flying
  53. >You set her down on her front porch and she opens the door
  54. >Her mother then rushes out with a satchel on her waist, a huge ass hat, and sunglasses
  55. >Scootaloo puts on a worried face and chases her mom
  56. >"Hey mom, where ya goin?"
  57. >She doesn't say anything as she takes flight
  58. >Scootaloo stands there baffeled and sit on her haunches
  59. >You have no words to say, none to comfort her anyway
  60. >You just take off your jacket and wrap it around Scoots
  61. >You both sit there with a calming night breeze lightly caressing your faces
  62. >Scootaloo shifts closer to your open arms and you embrace her in a gentle but firm hug
  63. >She silently weeps on your chest and you brush her mane with your hand
  64. >With nowhere else to go you take Scoots to your house for the night
  65. >You make her some dinner, but she turns it down saying she's not hungry
  66. >You both sit on your couch not saying a word
  67. >Although none needed to be said, she, you, shit even Gilbert Godfried knew what happened and why
  68. >You turn to Scoot and just give her a smile
  69. >"Why are you smiling?"
  70. >You shrug
  71. "I got a tip from Pinkie, smiles are contagious and I kinda thought you needed one"
  72. >You sit there with your usual warm smile trying, but failing, to spread it to Scootaloo
  73. >"Hey Anon?"
  74. "Hmm?"
  75. >"Why are you so nice to me?"
  76. "Well why not?"
  77. >She stares at you obviously not pleased with your answer
  78. >You let out a sigh and begin explaining
  79. "Really why not? first of all your just a child and children need love and care, not what was going on in there. Second you were nice to me, plus you were in trouble so I had to save a close friend of mine."
  80. >You both sit there again in silence because she still isn't convinced
  81. "Heh your the one taking the friendship lesson, if I'm not mistaken so let's just say no matter what Scoots I'll protect you, care for you, and always wipe your tears away when your sad"
  82. >You pat her on the head
  83. "...And if anyone's giving you ANY grief you find me and I'll set 'em straight"
  84. >She finally giggles and lets a smile form on her face
  87. ---
  89. 4 months later
  90. >Scootaloo had to go to a foster home
  91. >You would adopt her but the city has labeled you not able to raise foals due to being an entirely different species
  92. >You got a steady job working in the fields of Sweet Apple Achers
  93. >You couldn't kick apples out of trees, but you could lift shit so that was useful, at least to Big Mac
  94. >You were in the middle of work when Scootaloo cam rushing to you on her scooter
  95. >She was wearing a big smile and you knew why
  96. >"Anon! school's out!" she yelled stopping at your feet
  97. "Wow and I thought you liked school"
  98. >You hear Big Mac softly laughing behind you
  99. >"I wish, but seriously this is huge!"
  100. >You raise an eyebrow
  101. "How so?"
  102. >"Because, I'm going to hang out with THE one and only Rainbow Dash the whole summer"
  103. "Aww and I thought you liked hanging out with me"
  104. >You put on fake puppy dog eyes and chuckle
  105. >"Tch, quit your mopin I just wanted to get her to consider adopting me"
  106. >Now you knew Rainbow Dash, mostly from meeting her yourself and Scootaloo's stories on how awesome she is, and you knew she wouldn't be the type to mother anyp0ny
  107. >If fact this could be a good thing, if Rainbow adopts her then you can keep an eye on Scoots better than you could before
  108. "Hmm, well that's a pretty tall order, but once she sees how great you are maybe she will look after you"
  109. >"Yeah!"
  110. >With that Scootaloo rides away in search of Rainbow and you resume working
  111. >While mindlessly lifting and stacking boxes of apples your thoughts begin to wander off
  112. >You wonder if Rainbow will actually be a good mother, maybe she could even teach Scoots how to fly
  113. >So many great things filled your mind that you had no other option, but to believe Rainbow Dash could be a great mother to Scootaloo
  114. >With that your mind was set, sure you'll feel bad that you can't take care of Scoots, but like they said she need a pony to care for her correctly
  115. >And what other pony wouldn't be more perfect than a pegasus, espesially if it's her idol
  116. >You'll still be watching carefully, but you decide that this really could be a good idea
  117. >You load the last create of apples into the cellar as Applejack enters
  118. >"Hay there, hayseed looks like ya did good for today"
  119. >"Eeeyup" Big Mac adds, handing you your payment for the month
  120. >You take your sack of bits and wave them good bye
  122. ---
  124. >Your walking home, the sun's going down and there's nearly anyp0ny outside except for a few closing up shop
  125. >While walking you here someone call your name
  126. >You look up to see the exact mare you were thinking of earlier
  127. >"Hey Anon what's up?"
  128. "Meh not much Dash, how 'bout you?"
  129. >"You know the usual flyin, wonderbolts,..."
  130. "Too much jerk off time on your hands"
  131. >She jabs you in the arm as you chuckle at your joke
  132. "Anyway, you know Scootaloo is lookin for ya"
  133. >"Ugh, when isn't she looking for me"
  134. "Yeah, but this time it's really important you see her sometime"
  135. >"Well if it's important to you then I'll do it"
  136. "Cool"
  137. >"So doin anything anytime soon?"
  138. "No, why?"
  139. >"Well it's just...uhm...never mind I'll catch ya later"
  140. >She zooms off in some direction
  141. >She liked you, that was obvious
  142. >She'd always be interested in things you like and always wanted to hang out with you
  143. >You thought it was kinda cute for her to have a little crush on you, so you just waited for the oh so confident and cool Rainbow Dash to stop being a scared filly and ask you out
  144. >You had a thing for furry back home so this wasn't 100% messed up to you
  145. >You reach home and unlock your door
  146. >"Hey there roomie"
  147. >You made good money but you hated being in a house alone, so one day you put an ad in the "Ponyvillian Press" and five minutes later a turquoise unicorn came knocking on your door and you said why not
  148. >She said her name was Lyra Hearthstrings and she unloaded her stuff from her suitcase
  149. >Six months later here you two are being the best of friends
  150. "Hiya"
  151. >"Rainbow finally make her move?"
  152. "He I wish, she chickened out again"
  153. >"Fail"
  154. >You both share a moment of uutmost hilarity as you two laugh your asses off
  155. >The two of you calm down cause ironicly you both like breathing
  156. "So Scoots came to me today and guess what she's planing this summer?"
  157. >"Hmm?"
  158. "She's gonna convice Rainbow Dash to adopt her"
  159. >"It seems like a good idea"
  160. "Do I detect detect negativity?"
  161. >"Well Rainbow to me just seems a bit too immature and you know how she doesn't like being grounded, so she could easily neglect Scoot"
  162. "Nah this'll be a total learning experience for her, remember when Pinkie had to babysit the Cakes' kids and she learned about reponsibility?"
  163. >"Yeah but that was just a day..."
  164. "So Rainbow'll be able to perfect her parenting skills ove a long period of time"
  165. >"I don't know"
  166. "Aw will ya quit worrin, things'll be fine just watch"
  167. >"I'm holding this too you ya know"
  168. "Noted"
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