
Hide and Seek with /utg/

Apr 26th, 2016
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  1. [While Sans is enjoying his late-morning/early-afternoon nap, Papyrus plays a game of hide and seek with the human outside, boasting about his skills at this game. Frisk calls his bluff and as the skeleton starts to count, they're left to find a hiding spot and quick!]
  3. [Where will Frisk try to hide?]
  5. [Inside sans' 18 wheeler of course.]
  7. Frisk quickly scurried behind the skeleton brothers' house, finding themselves face-to-face with the legendary 'Ecto-Heh', the famous truck belonging to Sans.
  9. They remembered the tales the brothers told him about this magnificent machine: the arcane engine the powered it and the soulful honk that would echo across the Underworld, bringing the hope of fast shipping to waiting hearts.
  11. The child grinned and approached the ladder leading up to the driver's seat. Snowdin wasn't known to be supportive of climbing and as such, they immediately slipped on the first step. There was a moment of blissful freefalling, before they fell flat into the snow, leaving a nice little crater for Papyrus to find.
  13. Frisk grimaced, thankful for the thick coat the brothers supplied them with. It absorbed the fall, but left them with the embarrassment. Perhaps another hiding spot would work better, especially as Papyrus' counting got louder with every passing second.
  15. [Think fast, Frisk! You only have a few seconds to spare! Where will you jump to?]
  17. [make like a banana and SHIT]
  19. A brief thought of camouflage occurred to the human. Thinking quick, they remained the snowy ground and turned to their side. They reached out with both arms and legs, trying to remember the necessary steps for this careful maneuver, skipping over potentially less savory or sanitary options
  21. The human snow banana in a thick winter coat, lying in an even thicker pile of snow seemed like a bright idea at first, then a rather pointless one right after. Frisk couldn't rightfully tell why they decided this was the correct course of action.
  23. As Papyrus' loud footsteps began to approach, the child quickly grew anxious. Obviously, the banana method would not work and they had no more than a few seconds to find something more suitable.
  25. Immediately, they got up and dashed over to the trees, diving straight into the nearest set of bushes, the snow coating remaining mostly intact. They waited for the skeleton to check around, only to notice a rustling sounds much closer than the distance he could have covered.
  27. Someone else had also chosen this bush as a hiding spot.
  29. [But who is it?]
  31. [Monster Kid is hiding near the human]
  33. Whatever it was, it ended up being much faster than Frisk. By the time they tried turning their head, something caught the neck of their jacket and pulled hard. The child let out a quick yelp, only to fall back into the soft snow for the second time in less than five minutes. Eyes spinning for a brief second, they looked up to see a decidedly lizard-like face grinning and snickering at them.
  35. "Y-" Frisk quickly reached up, covering Monster Kid's mouth before they could finish their signature loud call to attention.
  37. The monster tilted their head, a bit confused of the sudden motion. Frisk removed one hand and placed a finger before their mouth, carefully shushing them. Due to wearing mittens, this ended up looking a bit silly, but Monster Kid was bright enough to get the message anyway. He peeked out from the bush, only to see Papyrus carefully analyzing the prints left behind by their favorite human. They were so thorough, that they even managed to perfectly repeat the way Frisk fell off the 18 wheeler!
  39. Truly, Papyrus was a tracker like no other, which suddenly made them very conscious about their current flimsy little hideout. They turned to Monster Kid, trying their best to signal them the need for a better hiding spot. The monster quickly caught on and nodded enthusiastically.
  41. [Seems like Monster Kid has an idea! But where could they lead Frisk to evade Master Sentry Papyrus?]
  43. [Grillby's. Every Big Papyrus Fan knows that The Great Papyrus hates grease, after all.]
  45. The children waited for Papyrus to try and comprehend the human's incomprehensible banana diversion, until Monster Kid saw the opening the bit down on the neck of Frisk's coat again, softly pulling them to the side. They got the signal and the two quickly scurried off, hopefully unnoticed by the seeker skeleton.
  47. The young monster easily vaulted across most minor and major obstacles, having loved in Snowdin all his life. By comparison, Frisk was a lot slower, hampered not only by lack of topographic knowledge, but also a thick, yet very warm coat that made it significantly difficult to perform careful motor functions.
  49. Nonetheless, the two quickly managed to scurry all the way to the back door to Grillby's. Monster Kid jumped up and bit down on the doorknob, which already had a couple toothmarks on it, indicating this wasn't the first time he successfully tried this. Gravity did the rest and the door opened up, letting the children scurry inside.
  51. This room was a mixture of a storage room and a closet, mostly filled with miscellaneous objects and appliances not immediately needed for cooking or anything. They could hear lively chatter past another room or two, which probably led to the main area of the bar.
  53. "Well, am I clever or what?" Monster Kid asked, only to be enveloped in a tight hug, by a very amused Frisk. The little monster bit down on his lips, heat much greater than the sweater on him pooling into his cheeks.
  55. This was the most perfect hiding spot, outside the effective range of Papyrus and out of sight from Grillby and the rest of the bar, too.
  57. [Seems like Monster Kid saved the day! After all, there's no way anything could happen to them here, right?]
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