
Swept Away (ch9)

Jun 18th, 2020
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  3. I hope you're all continuing to enjoy.
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. -----------
  9. Chapter 9. Promise Me
  12. It rains the following day, but that doesn't deter the two friends from meeting.
  14. Claudine takes a few more flowers from the shoppe, as well as one more stone that's almost entirely black. As she pulls her rain coat around herself tightly, she heads for their secret corner of the beach.
  16. Mahiru had spent the day finding her a few more shells and sea glass, and waits for her now in the shallows. As soon as she spots Claudine coming down the beach, Mahiru's heart beats a little faster, and she sways her tail in excitement.
  18. Claudine hurries the last bit of the way, weaving through the rocks until she comes to the smoother sands.
  20. Mahiru is already swimming toward her.
  22. Claudine wades into the water in spite of the jarring chill it sends through her. Because even the frigid wetness of the wind and rain and ocean aren't nearly enough to keep her away from Mahiru's waiting arms.
  24. Claudine dips herself down as much as she can as Mahiru pulls herself up close, looping both arms around her shoulders.
  26. "Kuro-chan! You came today, too!"
  28. "But of course~"
  30. For a moment they just hold onto each other as the wind and waves billow around them. But then Mahiru suddenly yelps and pulls away.
  32. "Ah, K-Kuro-chan, you're soaked! Let's go to shore." Mahiru quickly begins pushing at her back to get her out of the water.
  34. "No need to worry," Claudine says as she's nudged along. "Everything I'm wearing is waterproof."
  36. "B-But still! You're going to get sick for real this time!" Mahiru pushes her as far back to shore as she can before the receding water limits her movements. At that point, Claudine turns around to embrace her, gently pulling her out the rest of the way so they may sit together like they did yesterday.
  38. The wind stirs up sand all around them, and the rain constantly gets in their faces as they get as settled as possible. Claudine clutches her coat to her chest and wipes her face on her sleeve. But Mahiru seems completely unfazed somehow, and it begs the question.
  40. "You aren't cold or anything, are you?"
  42. Mahiru shakes her head.
  44. "Not at all! We don't feel the temperature shifts as severely as humans do, it seems. The rain's never bothered me since I'm surrounded by water usually anyway! But I do prefer sunnier days…" Another strong gust of wind cuts through the rocks and buffets them, making Claudine shudder harder. Mahiru can't help but worry. "Kuro-chan… maybe you should go home for today. The storm might only get worse, and it could be dangerous…"
  46. Claudine has half a mind to protest. They'd waited all day to see one another, after all. But as soon as she sees the frightened concern in Mahiru's eyes, Claudine's words die in her throat. She heaves a long sigh.
  48. "You're right…" She opens her arms, and Mahiru nuzzles right into them, giving her a good squeeze.
  50. "I'm sorry," she murmurs. "You came all the way out here in this storm to see me and I'm already sending you away…"
  52. "For my own good," Claudine reasons. "You're right that I really will get sick if I keep this up, and then I won't be able to come and see you at all."
  54. Mahiru hugs her a little tighter.
  56. "I don't want that…"
  58. "Then the feeling's mutual. And you're right to send me away today." After a moment, the two of them ease apart a little. Claudine tucks a wet lock of Mahiru's hair behind her ear. "And you'll be okay in all this? Isn't it cold in the water?"
  60. "Not to me," Mahiru smiles. "And most of the turbulence for any storms happens near the surface of the water. For us, if we just swim down deep into calmer waters, we can avoid everything easily until it's passed. The only thing is, it gets a little dark if you can't find a glowing cave."
  62. "And nothing will come after you?" Claudine asks. "Isn't it dangerous to be so deep you can't see properly?"
  64. "You get used to it! I used to be bad with the dark when I was little, but over the years I've learned how to navigate pretty well! And don't worry! We really don't have any predators in the ocean. Not even sharks! I've been told that since we look partially like humans, most sharks tend to avoid us. The biggest scare I ever had in the deeper waters was bumping into a whale! A-Ah, but what am I doing? I can tell you another time!" Mahiru gives her a gentle, coaxing push. "You need to go home, Kuro-chan."
  66. Claudine's heart sinks a little. She'd been very happy to hear Mahiru start telling stories about herself. But the rain is beginning to soak through even her waterproof clothes now, or so it feels.
  68. So with a sigh, Claudine dips her head in defeat. She helps Mahiru back into the water, where they share one last hug.
  70. "I'll have to give you your presents tomorrow, then."
  72. "That's okay! I can wait." They let go of one another, but Mahiru holds her gaze. "But if you end up getting sick or not feeling well for some reason, please don't come, Kuro-chan. I'll know, okay? Just come see me whenever you get better. I'll wait for you. I promise."
  74. Claudine feels something warm curl around her heart, as if Mahiru's words had manifested there.
  76. "And the same to you," she replies. "If it's too dangerous for you to swim to the surface and come here, then please don't, Mahiru. Even if it means I'll miss you for a few days, I'd much rather you be safe." She smiles, letting every emotion that fills her heart pour into it. "I'll wait for you too, Mahiru. No matter how long."
  78. Mahiru can't tell if there are tears running down both their faces now, or if it's just rainwater. Even so, she swims back up to hug Claudine around her waist one more time before letting her go.
  80. "Goodnight, Kuro-chan."
  82. Claudine slowly begins backing out of the water, though she keeps her eyes on Mahiru for as long as possible.
  84. "Goodnight, Mahiru. Be safe."
  86. Mahiru watches her for as long as she can too, before turning away and swimming back out toward her little cave. She moves by the glow of the stalagmites and prepares herself a large salad for dinner. Eating alone had bothered her for the first few nights after her family had gone, but after that she really hadn't minded.
  88. And yet, ever since she'd started seeing Claudine and talking with her, she's been feeling that aching emptiness again…
  90. Claudine hurries home too, shedding her wet clothes right away, though being careful with the flowers and stone inside her pockets. She takes a long hot shower, and by the time she's eaten and lain down for bed, she doesn't believe she's caught a cold or anything of the sort.
  92. And she, too, begins to feel an ache she's never known before.
  94. She'd been glad to break away from her suffocating family and live on her own. She'd never minded not having company before.
  96. But ever since she'd met Mahiru, she's found it more and more difficult to sleep at night. She just keeps wishing Mahiru were there.
  98. Both girls curl up alone again tonight. But it's the first time it's ever hurt so much.
  100. ------------
  102. Luckily, the storm passes overnight, and the next day is brighter. The sun isn't exactly shining, but it's certainly leagues more enjoyable than yesterday had been.
  104. Claudine realizes she'd neglected to tell Mahiru she didn't have work today, but she's also willing to use that to her advantage and surprise her.
  106. So after dressing and eating, Claudine takes a few moments to pack a lunch and a towel into her bag, as well as yesterday's flowers and stone, before she hurries out.
  108. No one is on the beach, so she hurries to their secret base. Claudine lies out her towel and sets her bag on it before hoisting herself up onto the rocks and making her way out.
  110. She sits in her old spot on the edge; the spot where she'd first started catching glimpses of Mahiru. She clears her throat, then begins to sing to the rippling blue waters.
  112. And Mahiru is so astonished to hear the hum of her voice that she coughs on her breakfast.
  114. "Kuro-chan? This early? Oh, I'm not even ready!"
  116. She finishes eating hurriedly before pulling a shell through her hair a few times, then quickly polishes her scales with a smooth stone.
  118. And in seconds she's off and swimming at top speed, dashing through schools of fish and around turtles as she follows the sound of that beautiful song. She stays below-water until she sees the line of boulders, then steadily slows herself to a halt.
  120. The fact that Claudine is singing to her means not only that she's here and well, but also too that - quite literally - the coast is clear of other humans, which lets Mahiru know it's safe to show herself. When she lifts her head out of the water, she finds Claudine sitting there on the rocks where she'd first laid eyes on her.
  122. Claudine smiles upon seeing her, but before she can end her song pre-maturely, Mahiru joins in with her. They finish it together before letting the last notes drift off to sea.
  124. "Surprise," Claudine says.
  126. "I'll say!" Mahiru splashes her tail merrily. "When do you have to leave, then?"
  128. "Not until sunset," Claudine reports proudly. "We can have all day together."
  130. "Really? A-All day?" Mahiru is almost bursting at the seams with excitement, and it makes Claudine's heart flutter.
  132. "Yes."
  134. "I can't wait!"
  136. So Claudine stands and makes her way back across the rocks toward the shore as Mahiru swims alongside her. Then it's the usual routine of Claudine wading in to take hold of her and carefully pulling her out onto the sand. Claudine sits down on her towel just as Mahiru throws both arms around her in an exuberant hug.
  138. "All day! I get to spend all day with Kuro-chan!"
  140. Claudine hugs her back.
  142. "I'm very glad for it, too. Now, yesterday you were telling me something about whales."
  144. "Oh, yes! Well, you see…"
  146. And so their day full of storytelling begins.
  148. Mahiru tells her all about her family and friends, as well as all the amazing creatures she's seen and met and played with throughout the oceans she's traveled. She tells of how she swims with the dolphins and rides on the backs of whales, and how different waters have different feelings and scents to them.
  150. She tells her of how the mermaids live, how they sleep and eat and spend their time. She tells of all her secret treasure troves she's hidden around the world, all the peculiar and dazzling trinkets she's found and hidden away.
  152. Mahiru talks all morning long, and Claudine listens in fond, adoring silence, chiming in on occasion to laugh or make a comment or ask a question. But for the most part, she just loves listening to Mahiru talk so confidently and excitedly.
  154. They only pause for a moment to exchange their daily gifts.
  156. Around noontime, Claudine begins eating some of her lunch, and offers Mahiru a bite of her sandwich. Mahiru tries the foreign food, but makes a face so pricelessly conflicted it's impossible for Claudine not to laugh.
  158. "I'm sorry," she says, patting Mahiru's back for her as she forces herself to swallow. "I guess these flavors aren't for you."
  160. "P… Probably not…" Mahiru chuckles and shakes herself off a little from the strange taste.
  162. "What do you eat?" Claudine wonders. "Just sea grass?"
  164. "Well, some of us eat fish and crabs too, if we have the like for it! And it might not sound like much, but the sea salads actually taste really good! You can mix all different kinds of grasses together to create different flavors! Ones that grow in dark places are more mild, and ones that get more sunlight have more flavor! And depending on what region of the ocean they grow in, they all taste different! It's really incredible!"
  166. Claudine continues eating bemusedly as she listens to Mahiru go off rambling again. She'd clearly never had anyone else to tell such stories to like this.
  168. And Mahiru keeps talking about everything she can think of until Claudine has finished eating and the sun has started to sink a bit lower. Only then does she realize her throat is getting a little bit sore from talking so much.
  170. "Ah! I'm sorry! I've been talking this entire time!"
  172. "It's all right. I really don't mind one bit."
  174. "B-But I want to know more about you too, Kuro-chan!"
  176. At that, Claudine flinches, but only a little.
  178. "There isn't much to know about me, really. Humans live in houses like you've seen, and all they seem to do is work and argue. Though some of them are kind, the ones in power are always corrupt, if you ask me. I don't think your societies work like ours do."
  180. Mahiru shakes her head.
  182. "We have elders and a few that everyone has heard of or knows about… but we don't have any all-powerful rulers or anything like that…"
  184. "And it's better that way. Trust me."
  186. Mahiru is quiet for a minute, trying to imagine the kind of world Claudine has described. She can't even fathom it.
  188. "And you'd even said your parents weren't the kindest people, either..." she sighs
  190. Claudine shakes her head slowly.
  192. "I left them. They were too controlling."
  194. "And your friends?"
  196. "I never really had any," Claudine admits. "I was kept at home for most of my life. I never really got to meet or speak to anyone my own age. Not until a few weeks ago when I met you."
  198. "R-Really? Me?" Mahiru gasps. "I-I was your first friend…?"
  200. Claudine nods, then pulls Mahiru into her arms again.
  202. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."
  204. A few more hours pass, and they simply talk, though Mahiru has taken the reigns again for the most part. Her freedom has allowed for her to have so many more experiences than Claudine ever could have dreamed of. Most of the stories Claudine has to tell just come from books.
  206. Before much longer, they find themselves lying down once again, Claudine on her back and Mahiru huddled up into her side, resting her head against her shoulder. Presently, she's just finishing up a story about one of her younger siblings.
  208. "It was the highest she's ever breached!" she sighs. "She looked just like a dolphin! When she came back down she flopped right on her belly, but she didn't even cry! I was so proud of her…"
  210. Claudine smiles warmly.
  212. "You're such a good sister, Mahiru."
  214. "I-I just try my best for them."
  216. "I bet they miss you right now…" Claudine speaks the words without really considering the consequences. Her smile fades, and her heart starts to hurt suddenly. Mahiru shifts a little bit, lifting herself up onto her elbow to look at Claudine properly.
  218. "Kuro-chan…?"
  220. Claudine blinks and shakes her head a little. The last rays of sunlight are fading.
  222. "Sorry. It's just… we both know you'll have to go back to them soon… right…?"
  224. Mahiru's eyes sadden.
  226. "Yes… In just a few weeks I'm supposed to go and meet them again…"
  228. Claudine smiles up at her, but Mahiru only sees pain in her eyes.
  230. "That's nice. I'm glad you have people waiting for you."
  232. "S-So do you-!"
  234. But Claudine shakes her head.
  236. "I don't have anyone waiting for me. Once you go, I'll be alone again." Claudine pushes herself up now, supporting Mahiru with her. "I plan to keep living here, though. So… do you think you can promise me one thing, Mahiru?"
  238. Mahiru doesn't like this. Her eyes are starting to swell up and sting, and her throat feels tight.
  240. "Kuro-chan…"
  242. Claudine's breath starts to tremble, too. She keeps trying to smile, even after her tears have started to fall.
  244. "Promise me… you'll come visit me… on your travels each year… Promise you won't forget about me…"
  246. Mahiru chokes, and she starts crying heavily. She wraps her arms around Claudine more tightly than ever before and weeps.
  248. "I won't… I could never forget about you… Kuro-chan…" Her whole body starts to shudder and heave with sobs. Claudine shakes against her more quietly and doesn't let her go.
  250. The sun sets on the two girls, taking its last light with it. Mahiru still refuses to let her go.
  252. "I'll never… I'll never forget you, Kuro-chan… because I-"
  254. She stops herself with a small, strangled gasp.
  256. She can't. She absolutely cannot say such a thing. Even if it's how she truly feels; it will only hurt them both even more.
  258. But when Claudine draws away from her, just enough to bore her drowning gaze into silver, her only request is to hear those three terrible words.
  260. "Please…" she whispers. "Mahiru…"
  262. And so Mahiru breaks for her.
  264. "I love you… Kuro-chan…"
  266. And then, there's a soft pressure of lips bumping against her own.
  268. When Claudine kisses her, Mahiru can taste the salt of her tears.
  270. She kisses her back with all her heart, clinging to her clothes with shaking fingers.
  272. Claudine sobs softly against her lips before pulling away slowly.
  274. "Thank you, Mahiru. I love you, too…"
  276. Mahiru wails softly and hugs her again, wishing she didn't have this tail to stop her from picking Claudine up and running away with her.
  278. Claudine regrets having made her say those devastating words, and she regrets having said them back to her.
  280. She should've known better. From all the fairytales she's read, she knows this can only end in tragedy - even if they'd left things off at just friendship.
  282. But delving into the depths of an emotion as powerful as love meant there was no turning back, no escape.
  284. Now they would only ache for the rest of their lives.
  286. Mahiru would swim the oceans only longing to come back to this cove.
  288. And Claudine would live her life of working and living alone remembering bits and pieces of their short time spent together.
  290. They would meet maybe a few days a year if they were lucky, if nothing happened to prevent it.
  292. But would that ever be enough?
  294. As they cling to each other and cry their hearts out now, neither one thinks so. Having willingly given in to such a taboo kind of love - one hidden in such deep-rooted secrecy - could never end happily. At least, not in the ways they might hope for.
  296. One human and one mermaid.
  298. Coming from two entirely different worlds, there was never any hope for such a fairytale romance.
  300. Their love had been doomed from the start, and they both know this.
  302. But at the very least, they have a few more weeks left together.
  304. And so, as they wipe away their tears and part ways for the night, both girls share the same agonizing determination in their hearts.
  306. They will keep coming back to see each other, until the bitter end.
  308. Neither can bear to think about what might happen after that.
  310. And so the days counting down to their inevitable tragedy have begun.
  312. ---------
  314. A/N: This was the main reason I was hesitant to write a Mermaid AU like this in the first place; the fact that they come from two totally different worlds. It could never be enough to just see each other a few days a year in secrecy...
  316. Please keep reading to see what's in store.
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