
(PiE)You're a bitch Pat

May 3rd, 2013
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  1. "You're a bitch."
  2. >Pat: "I'm not a bitch."
  3. >You look at your girlfriend Fluttershy to help you confirm that Pat is a bitch.
  4. "Hey, babe. Right that Pat is a bitch?"
  5. >She looks at you and sees you give her a wink.
  6. >Flutters: "Pat... You're a bitch."
  7. >She goes back to watching television. Pat is very annoyed that the nicest girl in the world just called him a bitch.
  8. >Pat looks at his girl Octavia.
  9. >Pat: "Tavi, I am not a bitch right?"
  10. >She looks at him with a blank expression.
  11. >Tavi: "You are not A bitch... You're my bitch."
  12. >Pat: "Aaaahhh!"
  13. >He gets up and leaves the room. Octavia giggles at him throwing a tantrum in the kitchen.
  14. "You think he is mad?"
  15. >Tavi: Nah, he is a big boy."
  16. >The three of them continue watching what is on t.v.
  17. >Fluttershy: "He does look like a bitch."
  18. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. >Flutters: "Excuse me, pardon me. Sorry."
  20. "Whoops sorry my ass got in the way."
  21. >You, Fluttershy, Pat, and Octavia are getting your seats. You guys are going to watch a romantic comedy.
  22. >Right now music is playing with Coke Questions and ads playing.
  23. >Finally all four of you find your seats. You sit in bewteen Fluttershy and Octavia. Pat was at the end sitting next to Octavia.
  24. >You grab some popcorn and toss it into your mouth one by one. You offer Fluttershy some and see she digs in with her head.
  25. >A sexy dangerous idea comes to mind. Luckily you have a pocket knife and saw that Dave Chappelle skit.
  26. >Once it gets dark you'll act your plan in action but right now you're waiting for one to act now.
  27. >Pat: "Hey Anon, it was nice of you to pay for us to go watch this movie."
  28. "No problem man, we're all great friends."
  29. >Pat: "Yeah, I gotta say I found it odd you wanted us to come early."
  30. "Well I wanted us to-"
  31. >Pat: "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!"
  32. >Right on the screen was a paid ad of a picture of Pat with a quote of him saying "I'm a bitch"
  33. "Haha calm down Pat"
  34. >Fluttershy looked amused while Octavia looked annoyed.
  35. >Pat: "Did you seriously bought ad space and bought us movie tickets for this?"
  36. >You toss some popcorn in your mouth and answer him with your mouth full.
  37. "Yeah."
  38. >He just storms off but than comes back.
  39. >Pat: "I'm only staying because its already been paid for and I really wanted to see this."
  40. >Octavia turns to you and slaps you.
  41. >Tavi: "Too far."
  42. "Worth it."
  43. >The theater darkens and you pull out your pocket knife. Time for Plan Snake in the Bucket.
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