
(FR) Parent's Night Out - Part 7 (Finale)

Jan 7th, 2014
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  1. prose:
  2. ----
  3. >The foreign words roll off your tongue just as you had practiced in your mind and in your dreams.
  4. >Pink energy flows from your horn and fills the circle with light.
  5. >The book begins to float upward into the air, bringing you to eye level with it.
  6. >Sparks of electric energy jump from blade of grass to blade of grass around you as the rest of the world seems to drown out in pink light.
  7. >The only things that feel as if they exist are in this very circle.
  8. >The book flips to the next page on it's own providing you with the next magic words.
  9. >Anon's clothes ripple by some invisible force and he slowly rises into the air, covered in a pink aura.
  10. >"Cadance, I think... it's working... whatever this is."
  11. >One page bleeds into the next as the words roll off your tongue.
  12. >You feel yourself rise into the air as well as an orb of energy envelops you and Anon.
  13. >There isn't more time, but you cannot break your concentration.
  14. >The air becomes burning as the light becomes blinding.
  15. >You focus on the words as your brain feels as if it were going numb.
  16. >Turning to the last page, A knife feels as if it enters your brain and you fight through tears of pain to read the final ancient letters.
  17. >As you read the final word, the book fades from view, showing only white.
  18. >~~~Remember~~~
  19. >Of all the orphans that lined up that day, one of them clearly stood out from the rest.
  20. >One of them was taller from the rest despite only being a few years old.
  21. >He wore clothes and didn't have any fur.
  22. >The owner explained that he just appeared one day, in a bright flash of light.
  23. >He didn't know how to explain it, he just knew that there was this new manly beast was sitting in their establishment.
  24. >The children decided to name him Anon.
  25. >One of the children tried to call him New-man, but couldn't pronounce it properly.
  26. >"Hoo-Man. Hoo-man!" The children called him.
  27. >So he became, Anon the Human.
  28. >Anon stands still, looking up at you from the line up.
  29. >"Are you sure that you aren't too young to adopt a colt Princess?"
  30. "I'm sure I will be able to handle myself."
  31. >"We have plenty of fillies and colts that I'm sure you would love to adopt," says the owner.
  32. "I'm sure you do... but this one... stands out."
  33. >The owner coughs gently.
  34. >"Surely you would be more interested in-"
  35. >You ignore the stallion and focus your attention on the boy.
  36. "Tell me what you like sweetie."
  37. >The young boy looks you with a wide smile.
  38. >"I wike dwaring and playing games."
  39. >The young child lights up and the edges of your face slowly turn upward.
  40. >The boy's smile brought a new form of positivity and light to the room.
  41. "He's perfect."
  42. >His smile is infectious and he has something that you could never have asked for in a million years.
  43. >He is the embodiment of hope.
  44. >"Will yew be my Mommy?"
  45. >A few tears come to your eyes.
  46. "I will take him."
  47. >~~~Remember~~~
  48. >"Mommy?"
  49. "Oh! Sorry Anon. I didn't mean to wake you up."
  50. >"It's okay. I liked it."
  51. >He smiles to you and it fuels your love for him.
  52. "Nonny, do you love me?"
  53. >All you want is to make him happy.
  54. >"Y-yes."
  55. >Anon's face turns bright red.
  56. "That's okay... It's okay for little colts to love their Mommy."
  57. >With one hoof stroking him, you scoot yourself up to him and bring your lips to his.
  58. >Your tongues begin a forbidden dance as you feel your fluids running down your leg.
  59. >You position yourself over Anon and slowly take his shirt off.
  60. "Nonny... I want to do something that Mommies do for their special little colts."
  61. >He blushes and looks up at you with his innocent eyes.
  62. >"Okay..."
  63. "I'm going to take your coltparts and put them in my filly parts."
  64. >He looks confused.
  65. >"Why?"
  66. "It feels really good for both of us."
  67. >His confusion hasn't faded, but he nods.
  68. >"Oh... Okay."
  69. >You lean in and kiss him again.
  70. "I'm doing this because I love you Anon. A special gift from Mommy to you."
  71. >With a hoof, you take his stiff member and line it up with your sex.
  72. >Slowly, you accept the massive girth inside of you.
  73. "Umph!~"
  74. >"Are you okay?"
  75. "Yeah."
  76. >You pant for breath.
  77. >This is bigger than any of the colts that you have played with.
  78. >He feels just right inside of you.
  79. >His scent fills your senses as you bring yourself up and down slowly on his manhood.
  80. >"This, is really..."
  81. >He breathes hard.
  82. >"Really good."
  83. >His encouragement quickens your pace.
  84. >Your books didn't lie to you.
  85. >It does feel better when it's with the somepony you love.
  87. >Your world fades to white until green begins to slowly come into view.
  88. >Green slowly turns into clouds as you feel the feathers of your wings become ruffled in the grass.
  89. >A cold chill runs down your spine.
  90. >Where is your boy!
  91. >Where is your Anon?
  92. >You instantly stand up and scan the woods for him.
  93. >"M-Mommy?"
  94. "I'm right here Anon!" you cry out.
  95. >Slowly your son rises to his feet and you let out a relieved breath.
  96. >You gallop to him and wrap your hooves around him.
  97. "I was so worried about you."
  98. >"My head hurts Mom... can we go home?"
  99. "No not yet sweetie. I'm just happy that you are safe."
  100. >Anon looks around at the forest and looks back to you questioningly.
  101. >"Mom... why are we running?"
  102. "Because bad ponies want to take you away from me sweetie."
  103. >Anon's face contorts in fear.
  104. >"W-why? Why would they want to do that?!?"
  105. "They are bad ponies Anon. That's all you need to know... Now we have to go."
  106. >"I-I don't want to go Mommy!"
  107. >Anon slowly begins to break down and you hold him in your hooves.
  108. "Shhhh It's okay... It's okay... Mommy's here."
  109. >Quietly you begin to hum the song that would help him fall asleep when he was young.
  110. >Even though he had a nice room at the castle, he wasn't afraid to crawl into bed with you when he had a nightmare.
  111. >Your little Anon.
  112. >Off in the distance you hear some branches break.
  113. >This is it.
  114. >You hold Anon's face in your hooves.
  115. >His eyes look directly into yours, full of sorrow.
  116. "Everything's going to be okay Nonny."
  117. >"I love you Mom..." he chokes out.
  118. "I love you too baby."
  119. >His gentle lips press against yours and you press yours against his.
  120. >Slowly Anon's tongue pokes into your mouth and dances with yours.
  121. >A dance that has been perfected with time and practice.
  122. >You didn't care if others disapproved.
  123. >It didn't matter if it was unorthodox.
  124. >What you and Nonny shared was special.
  125. >No other mother could love their son like you could.
  126. >You are the greatest mother ever.
  127. >Just remember that Cadance.
  128. >Wiping a tear from Anon's eye, you step forward between the oncoming threat and your son.
  129. >No matter what, you have to remember that.
  130. >Eyeing the trees intensely, you make out three ponies slowly approaching the clearing.
  131. >Princess Celestia steps into the clearing first, followed by a mare and a stallion.
  132. >Without a word, the three stop twenty feet away from you and Anon.
  133. >The mare and stallion's eyes trace from Anon to you, then back to Anon.
  134. >A part of you... recognizes this stallion.
  135. >A sharp pain stabs in your head.
  136. >Cedar... his name.
  137. >He was...
  138. >An old date of yours.
  139. >You had to try and find a father for Anon... but he didn't approve of your love for him.
  140. >He would have made a decent father for Anon.
  141. >What a shame.
  142. >"Cadance," says Princess Celestia, breaking the silence.
  143. >You spread your wings, shielding Anon from the three.
  144. "I'm not giving you my son Celestia," you bark defiantly.
  145. >"You know that he is not your son Cadance. It doesn't make sense... think hard. You know that there is no reason for somepony your age to have a child." Celestia calmly replies.
  146. >Why do you have a son?
  147. >Why did you adopt Anon?
  148. >Because...
  149. >A sharp pain runs through your head again.
  150. "You should know! I'm the Princess of Love. How can I do my job right if I don't know a mother's love!"
  151. >Anon clings to your back leg and the mare begins to tear up.
  152. >The furious stallion behind Celestia takes another step forward, but Celestia raises her wing to stop him.
  153. >Cedar backs up a step, heeding her warning.
  154. >Smart stallion.
  155. >"Please don't take me away from my Mom!" Anon yells out.
  156. >"Anon..." whispers the mare.
  157. >Cedar takes another step forward.
  158. >Your horn glows with bright with energy.
  159. "I will never let any of you have my son."
  160. >Celestia spreads her wings, and her horn is illuminated bright golden with power.
  161. >"It doesn't have to end this way Cadance."
  162. >Your face becomes hot with fury.
  163. >How dare she entertain the thought that you would give up Anon?
  164. >>Recommended Listening:
  165. >Celestia leaps into the air and becomes illuminated by the sun.
  166. "Back up Anon. Back up now!"
  167. >You feel him let go of your leg and you muster all the power you can.
  168. >A golden beam of light shoots from Celestia's horn as if it were wielding the power of the sun itself.
  169. >You push your power into your horn and a beam of pink energy collides with Celestia's.
  170. >The force of the collision shakes the leaves from the trees and the birds flee from sight.
  171. >The entire clearing is illuminated with pink and golden light as two immortals fight.
  173. >You watch as your mom uses all of her magic power to fight the white alicorn.
  174. >This other alicorn... looks like the ruler of Equestria.
  175. >How could Princess Celestia be so harsh?
  176. >To take you away from your mom?
  177. >It doesn't make any sense.
  178. >You watch as she funnels all of her power into keeping up the fight.
  179. "You can do it Mom! I love you!"
  180. >The two other ponies run up to you while your attention is focused on your mom.
  181. >"Anon!" cries the mare.
  182. "No! Keep away from me!"
  183. >You run away from the two ponies who want to take you away.
  184. >"Anon come back!" yells the stallion.
  185. >A twig trips you, sending your face into the dirt.
  186. >The violet light illuminates the trees to the forest.
  187. >If you can push into the trees, you might lose them.
  188. >But what would happen to your mom?
  189. >You reach out your arm and pull yourself forward through the grass.
  190. >A hoof grabs your shirt collar and pulls you upward.
  191. "NO! LET GO OF ME!"
  192. >You flail your arms and a fist connects with the stallion's face.
  193. >"I'm not letting you go Anon."
  195. >"I'm right here Anon," says the mare, trotting up to you.
  197. >Every word and swing tires you out and tears fall freely from your eyes.
  198. >Your tired swings connect with the stallion, but hardily phase him.
  199. >"It's going to take a lot more than that for me to let you go again bud."
  200. "No... No..." you choke out.
  201. >Your words of defiance become incoherent through tears and sobs.
  202. >"We are your real Mom and Dad Anon... you have to listen to us."
  203. "No... My Mom... You aren't my parents..."
  204. >You turn your eyes to your Mom, who's down to standing on one hoof, the gold light about to overtake her pink beam.
  205. >The clearing becomes quiet, even though the two ponies try to talk to you.
  206. >The pink alicorn, looks up directly at you and locks eyes.
  208. >"I'm sorry Nonny."
  210. >The golden light hits Cadance with a force that knocks her back several feet.
  211. >You scream, but you hear nothing.
  212. >One strong punch to the stallion makes him drop you and you sprint to your mother.
  213. "MOM! MOM WAKE UP!"
  214. >You shake her, but she doesn't move.
  215. >The white alicorn moves towards you.
  217. >"She isn't dead Anon. Just unconscious."
  218. >You wrap your arms around her and tears mix in with her fur.
  219. "I'm not leaving her! You can't make me!"
  220. >"I'm sorry Anon... but I have to do this..."
  221. >Celestia's horn lights up with golden light and you feel yourself enveloped by a warm power.
  222. >~~~Remember~~~
  223. >Your parents try to hush their conversation, but they underestimate your young ears.
  224. >"Are you sure he's going to be okay?"
  225. >"He'll be fine sweetie. Let's just go on our night out and enjoy ourselves."
  226. >"I don't know dear. I heard some things from the girls at work about leaving children home alone"
  227. >"I'm sure they are simply rumors. Let's just relax and have a nice time alright?"
  228. >They jump out of their hushed tones.
  229. >"We will be home late Anon! I love you!"
  230. "Love you too Mom! Bye Dad!"
  231. >You hear the front door open and close.
  232. >Looks like your parents just left.
  233. >It's about time they let you stay home alone.
  234. >You are 7 for Celestia's sake!
  235. >Some of the other kids at school got to even stay out past their bedtime!
  236. >Sitting in the living room, you wait for tiredness to arrive while playing video games.
  237. >This Daring Do game was awesome!
  238. >You could probably play it all night if you wanted.
  241. >Closing the door behind you, you enter your private quarters in Canterlot castle.
  242. >The guards stand at attention outside as you carry a small messenger bag around your neck.
  243. >With your magic, you light a few candles in the otherwise dimly lit room.
  244. >A wooden desk sits in the middle of the room, containing a large map of Equestria.
  245. >Slowly you lift the bag from around your neck using your magic and set it on the table.
  246. >Your hooves clop slowly and quietly against the marble floor, but fills the room with echoes.
  247. >Flashes of the scenes from today fill your head and upset your stomach.
  248. >Your muscles feel tired and your eyes are heavy.
  249. >This much remorse hasn't filled you since...
  250. >Well, there isn't a purpose to remember right now.
  251. >There is only one more thing to work out.
  252. >A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you find a familiar bottle from a nearby cabinet.
  253. >Anon's parents will move with him to Ponyville and keep him away from Cadance.
  254. >It might be hard for him, but the small town life might be good for them.
  255. >A fresh start for the family to rebuild themselves.
  256. >They have each other.
  257. >The parents can't risk Anon seeing Cadance again.
  258. >Anon's memory charm might be able to hold... but an alicorn's?
  259. >The bottle's age was written somewhere... if it were a calmer and simpler day, then you could breath in the bouquet and taste the subtle flavors that only an experienced palette could sense.
  260. >Right now, that isn't the pressing issue.
  261. >Pouring yourself a sizable glass, you move to the table and look at the bag.
  262. >With a heavy sigh, you push the worries of the future from your mind.
  263. >What was her end game?
  264. >Surely she saw that this could have been a way to repair things.
  265. >What was her plan?
  266. >What would she have done if she did get to keep him?
  267. >He would grow up eventually.
  268. >Maybe her plan didn't end with the Mother spell...
  269. >Taking a gulp from your glass, you pull out a book from the bag.
  270. >Advanced Love Spells.
  271. >The book that sat in the restricted archives for a long time, until you decided to research the power of love and how it can affect the bonds of friendship.
  272. >That was, until Luna...
  273. >You shake your head.
  274. >So, since you no longer had time, you passed the book down to the princess in training.
  275. >It would make sense that she had this, she needed it for her obsession spell.
  276. >You flip through the pages of the book that you have read several times before.
  277. >Some part of you thought that Cadance understood the power behind these spells and you trusted her enough to not use them for her own gain.
  278. >There is only so much that you can do to teach a student.
  279. >However, nothing in this book constitutes a final move.
  280. >Everything in this book had a counterspell or would wear off over time.
  281. >No, there had to be something else.
  282. >This was just to keep Anon in stockholm syndrome.
  283. >You reach into the back and pull out a second book.
  284. >A worn, ancient book is unsheathed from the bag and you turn it over in your hooves.
  285. >The old magics were something you told Cadance never to perform without permission or your supervision.
  286. >However, if something were to explain what she planned to do after the spell, then this was it.
  287. >Because of how fragile the book is, you turn the pages slowly as you read it.
  288. >Each page without an answer makes you sip your drink.
  289. >Each idea squelched by some reasonable explanation.
  290. >She couldn't tell you her plan now... but the fear of what the old magics could do presses you forward.
  291. >The final page closes with a thud and you finish the remainder of your drink.
  292. >You eye the two books without even a guess.
  293. >How was she going to keep him?
  294. >How would she even keep him young?
  295. >Wouldn't she become uninterested in him as he grew older?
  296. >Lifting the bag up into the air, you turn it out for some last hope or glimmer of an answer.
  297. >A small green book falls onto the table near the edges of the map.
  298. >You eye the unexpected book with curiosity and levitate it into the air.
  299. >Supernatural Locations and Legends of Old Equestria is crowned in gold on the worn binding.
  300. >A small pang of fear rises in your gut.
  301. >You clear everything off the table with your magic and you furiously tear through the pages.
  302. >Placing the book near Canterlot, you trace your hoof fifty miles northwest of the royal city.
  303. >What's out here....
  304. >You continue to flip through the pages.
  305. >The Tree of Harmony? Not even close.
  306. >The Lost City? Probably not.
  307. >Some of these locations in the book don't even exist.
  308. >Or, at least don't anymore.
  309. >You turn to a page and your heart drops.
  310. >The book loses the golden glow of magic and you place your face in your hooves.
  311. "It's so obvious now. She found it."
  312. >Standing up, you trace your hooves on her path through the forest.
  313. "She was almost there too... only about fifty more miles."
  314. >The green book sat open on the table, open wide with the final answer.
  315. "At least I stopped her. This could have become much, much worse."
  316. >The Fountain of Youth - One sip of the mystical waters will remove years of age off those who are lucky enough to find the location.
  319. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  321. Mother Knows Best - Sequel
  323. >Slowly the sun rises over the quiet town of Ponyville on a calm summer morning.
  324. >The sky fades from purple to blazing red to bright yellow as Celestia brings her gift into the world.
  325. >You stand at your bedroom window watching this daily feat of beauty, smiling.
  326. >Another dawn to another wonderful day.
  327. >Ever since you began to jog in the mornings, waking up early has been easy and you haven't slept this well in your life.
  328. >A young colt scurries through town delivering newspapers and a young mailmare delivers mail to the surrounding houses.
  329. >Well, it's about that time.
  330. >You throw on a sleeveless shirt and some gym shorts.
  331. >If you don't get your jog in, you won't get to work on time at Applejack's farm.
  332. >Running downstairs, you down a quick cup of coffee and step outside into the refreshing air.
  333. >It's not as cool as yesterday, but you'll suffice.
  334. >Work will probably be exhausting though, the heat will be brutal.
  335. >You bend down and begin to do some warm up stretches.
  336. >"Mr. Anonymous?"
  337. >Looking up, you see the mailmare approaching you with a warm smile.
  338. >"Mail for you!"
  339. >She reaches into her bag with a hoof and holds out a royal seal on the envelope.
  340. >Taking the envelope from her, you examine the envelope carefully.
  341. "Oh. Thank's Miss..."
  342. >"Ditzy. Ditzy Doo."
  343. "Thank you."
  344. >The grey mailpony happily trots off to the next house, while humming a happy tune.
  345. >A letter?
  346. >With a royal seal?
  347. >That's weird... the only royalty that you know is...
  348. >Twilight!
  349. >You haven't hardily seen any of her lately since she got her wings.
  350. >Turning the letter over in your hands, your stomach tenses for a second.
  351. >There hasn't been a single day that she wasn't in your thoughts.
  352. >A smile curls on your lips.
  353. >What could she want to say?
  354. >Rushing back inside, you grab a butterknife and carefully open the letter by cutting around the seal.
  355. >Pulling out the letter, you quickly glance over it.
  356. >"Dear Anon, How have you been? Things have been crazy here in Canterlot. I've been learning so many things from the princesses and I'm still not quite used to the wings. It appears that I'm going to have a quiet day coming up soon and I thought you could provide me company. Plus that same evening my brother is celebrating his one year anniversary with the Princess. I'd really like if you could come visit. Please reply soon. Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle."
  357. >Near the end you can see ink drips where the word Princess should go, but as if the quill was lifted off the page at last moment.
  358. >As if she didn't want Spike to write the word Princess.
  359. >Your heart warms for a moment.
  360. >Get a grip Anon.
  361. >She probably just wants you to come down as a friend.
  362. >You grab a quill, ink and paper from a drawer and sit at your table.
  363. >Dipping the utensil in the ink, you stare at the paper for a moment...
  364. >What was the name of Shining's wife again?
  365. >You think carefully to yourself.
  366. >Oh yeah!
  367. >Setting the quill to the paper, you begin to write your letter.
  368. "Dear Twilight, It's great to hear from you. Yes, I would love to pay you a visit as well as meet your family. Consider me your plus one for the anniversary party of Shining Armor and Princess Cadance."
  370. >In the dark, early morning hours of the Crystal Empire the crystal heart pulsates with light.
  371. >A mother never forgets.
  372. >Never.
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