
Mistletoe Mishaps (Flutterape)

Dec 28th, 2015
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  1. >You are Fluttershy
  2. >The snowy landscape of Ponyville slowly passes under you as you fly toward the crystal palace.
  3. >You were on your way to return a book to Twilight.
  4. >She still treated it like a public library so she expected books to be returned on time.
  5. >Not like it matters.
  6. >Nothing in the "Big Book of Fetishes Volume 3" had helped you in your neverending quest.
  7. >To get that huge monkey dick.
  8. >You let out a quiet sigh.
  9. >For months you've tried to get into his pants without success.
  10. >You're way too awkward to woo him the healthy, normal way so appealing to his fetish was the only thing you could do.
  11. >Which might have worked, if you knew what it was.
  12. >At this point you think he's lying about what it is.
  13. >B-bucking Anon.
  14. >The crystal castle soon comes into view and you descend until your hooves touch down in front of the huge double doors.
  15. >Despite their size, it's quite easy to open them.
  16. >The giant hallways usually unnerved you with how cavernous and empty they were but they were less intimidating, decorated as they were for the season.
  17. >You admire the decor as you go through the halls of the castle.
  18. >You're about to turn the corner into the library when voices within it makes you pause.
  19. >"...what the shit Sparkle, you told everybody?!"
  20. >Your heart skips a beat.
  21. >A-Anon?
  22. >"Of course! I wanted everypony to share in your traditions."
  23. >"I told you I hated doing that. Mom used to always force us to-"
  24. >"It's cute! Besides, it's too late to stop now. So, come on!"
  25. >Anon angrily groans.
  26. >"Fucking Sparkle."
  27. >The following the silence makes you curious enough to finally take a peak.
  28. >You gasp at what you see.
  29. >Your beloved human kneeling in front of Twilight as she puts her treacherous lips on his
  30. >Your breath immediately leaves you and is replaced with dread and anger.
  31. >H-how could she?!
  32. >She knew you liked Anon, that h-hussy!
  33. >Anon was your human!
  34. >Fueled by your sudden anger, you rush out from your hiding spot and charge the traitorous alicorn.
  35. >You skid to stop before them, poised to strike.
  36. >At this moment, Twilight opens her eyes to look directly at you.
  37. >She smiles, oblivious to the imminent danger to her.
  38. >"Oh, Fluttershy! I didn't see you there."
  39. >Anon stands back up, looking at you with his usual annoyed expression.
  40. >All this attention let's out some of the air in you but you push on regardless.
  41. "B-back off my man, bi--"
  42. >Anon lets a grunt of disgust, his gaze skyward.
  43. >”Ah dammit, not again. You would take advantage of this. Whatever,lets get this over with."
  44. "W-what?"
  45. >He suddenly grabs you by your sides and brings you at level with his face.
  46. >The touch sends a lovely sensation through you.
  47. "Oh my~."
  48. >Before you can ask what he is doing, he plants a kiss on your lips.
  49. >You go limp in his arms, your earlier anger forgotten.
  50. >It only lasts a couple of seconds, but it felt like a lifetime to you.
  51. >It was so wonderful. It was soft, unlike all the other times you've snuck kisses from Anon.
  52. >Consensual kisses were the best.
  53. >You give Anon the best bedroom eyes you can muster, while using your rear hoof to massage his crotch.
  54. "Ehehe, how about a nice h-hoofjob?"
  55. >”Ugh!”
  56. >He violently drops you onto your back, wiping the little saliva present on his lips.
  57. >He leaves the library while mumbling angrily to himself.
  58. >”Fucking Fluttershy.”
  59. >Oh darn, you did it again.
  60. >But that was unexpected. Wonder what came over him…
  61. >While enjoying the afterglow, Twilight's face appears above you concern on her face.
  62. >”Fluttershy, are you okay?”
  63. "O-oh yes! I’m just fine."
  64. >From your position you can see what had held Anon's attention earlier.
  65. >Hoisted by a string on the ceiling, a small cluster of leaves and bright red berries hangs from the ceiling.
  66. "Um, Twilight, what is that?"
  67. >She follows your hoof to the mysterious ornament.
  68. >"Oh! That's a mistletoe."
  69. >With her magic, she brings it down before her.
  70. >Her cheeks become rosy for some reason.
  71. >”Anon told me a while ago of a holiday called Christmas that was similar to Hearth’s Warming Eve. One of its traditions was that whenever two people met under a mistletoe, they would kiss!"
  72. >Ooooh.
  73. >That was the reason they were...and you were about to tear into Twilight.
  74. >How embarrassing.
  75. "I thought it would make feel more at home, so I went to Zecora to collect them and gave them out to everypony in Ponyville. Speaking of..."
  76. >Twilight suddenly leans her head down to give you a peck on the lips.
  77. >Now you're both blushing.
  78. >”Happy Hearth's Warming, Fluttershy!”
  79. "H-happy Hearth's Warming..."
  80. >Still reeling from what just happened, you try to focus back on the mistletoe.
  81. >...
  82. "Twilight? You wouldn't have another one of those, would you?"
  83. >"Sure! I have plenty leftover."
  84. >From the nearby desk, a mistletoe magically floats over and land in your hooves.
  85. "Thank you."
  86. >You grip the plant closer to your chest, a conspiratorial smile on your face.
  87. >This might not be Anon's fetish but it'll do for now.
  89. >You tug the twine around the mistletoe one final time, guaranteeing that it'll hold.
  90. >Backing off, you inspect the plant hoisted above the door.
  91. >Satisfied that it's secure, you take your place on Anon's front porch.
  92. >To calm your nerves you start to preen yourself.
  93. >Have to look nice for your monkey man.
  94. >Confident you look your best, you knock on the door.
  95. >Anon always answered the door when you knocked, despite his protests for you to stop.
  96. >It's what tells you he's just waiting for you to guess his fetish.
  97. >But today there would be no fetishes.
  98. >Just his sweet, tender lips on yours.
  99. >Your cheeks grow warm at the thought.
  100. >Sounds from within catches your attention away from your fantasies.
  101. >He's coming!
  102. >With one last look at the mistletoe, you pucker your lips and close your eyes in anticipation.
  103. >The sound of the door opening makes you even more tense.
  104. >Silence is all that greets you but you're too nervous to open your eyes.
  105. >Eventually though, you feel the warmth of Anon's breath spread across your muzzle.
  106. >Before you can get lost in the sensation, he captures your lips in a intimate kiss.
  107. >*POMF*
  108. >A spark shoots down your spine all the way to your nethers.
  109. >You lightly moan as you press deeper into the kiss.
  110. >It's as good as you remembered.
  111. >Yet, it was somehow different from yesterday.
  112. >His lips *were* sweet!
  113. >Too sweet.
  114. >Almost like cotton can--
  115. >"Mmmm, butterscotch!"
  116. >Your eyes snap open to reveal big blue eyes.
  117. >You backpedal away, landing on your haunches with an audible wet sound.
  118. >Mercifully, the mare before you doesn't notice as she giggles to herself.
  119. >Finally finding your voice, you stammer out in surprise.
  120. "P-P-Pinkie?! What are you doing here? Where's Anon?"
  121. >"Weeeeell~, I was on my way to Sugarcube Corner but I suddenly to go to the bathroom really BAD because me and Rainbow Dash were drinking egg nog all day because I wanted to test out some new recipes that I made for the party tonight. Anon's house was close so I thought I could use his. Problem was, he was already on his way out to go see Rarity but he said I could still use it as long as I locked the door on my way out."
  122. >With a flick of her prehensile tail, she closes the door with a click.
  123. >"And I just did!"
  124. >It takes you a few seconds to pick out the important information out of all of that, but when you do you come to your hooves quickly and trot off in the direction of the Carousel Boutique.
  125. "IhavetogoPinkiegoodbye!"
  126. >The pink mare waves at your retreating form.
  127. >"Okay, see ya tonight!"
  128. >Before Pinkie can hop on her way to the bakery, something leads her gaze above her.
  129. >Twisting her neck, she looks up at the mistletoe dangling before the door fame.
  130. >"Oooh, what's that?"
  132. >Your frantic gallop quickly brings you to the home and business of your friend.
  133. >There was no sign of Anon on your way over here, which means he must be inside by now.
  134. >You slow to a stop as you get to the front door of the boutique.
  135. >The thought to set up the mistletoe over the door crosses your mind but you immediately discard it.
  136. >You didn't want a repeat of last time.
  137. >The chime above the door announces your entrance to the dressmaker within.
  138. >Tools of her trade weave and bob around her head in a magical dance, filling the boutique with a low hum of activity.
  139. >Without turning to look at you, Rarity speaks up in a professionally pleasant tone.
  140. >"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique! If you can just wait a moment I'll--Oh, Fluttershy!"
  141. >After releasing the implements from her grasp, she gives you more of a genuine smile.
  142. >"What brings you here today, darling?"
  143. "Hello, Rarity..."
  144. >A quick glance around the foyer yields no sign of your lovemonkey.
  145. "Did Anon happen to come by?"
  146. >"Why yes, he did! He's in the back trying on some new outfits I made for him."
  147. >She pouts in annoyance.
  148. >"I would be helping him but he insisted on doing it himself. What a silly colt."
  149. >She drops the pout to smile back at you.
  150. >"Did you want to see him?"
  151. "Yes! I mean, no..."
  152. >You hide behind your mane, a slight blush on her cheeks.
  153. >Rarity raises an eyebrow in confusion.
  154. >Checking the room one more time, you approach Rarity and speak in a hushed tone.
  155. "Did Twilight tell you about mistletoes?"
  156. >Rarity rolls her eyes at the memory of the hour-long seminar the alicorn had held.
  157. >"Quite extensively. Why do you ask?"
  158. "W-well, Anon always kisses whoever he's under it with...and I l-like Anon..."
  159. >You trail off, leaving the implications hanging in the air.
  160. >Rarity's eyes light up in realization.
  161. >"Oooh..."
  162. >Rarity looks back at you with brow scrunched in an expression edging close to pity.
  163. >The awkward silence starts to make you regret coming here.
  164. >You feel whatever courage you had leave you in a rush.
  165. "NevermindI'lljustleave."
  166. >You try to turn in retreat but a comforting hoof stops you.
  167. >"No, no dear. It's alright!"
  168. "...really?"
  169. >"Of course! I know you're not the most...daring mare when it comes to courting. This little exercise could actually help give you some confidence! Tell you what..."
  170. >Rarity adopts a conniving grin as she leans into you, whispering.
  171. >"When Anon comes from out the dressing room, I'll lure him under the mistletoe. When he's distracted, I'll signal you and you can claim your prize."
  172. >A small smile graces your face at the support that Rarity is giving you.
  173. >You can feel your courage come crawling back in.
  174. >Rarity holds out a hoof for you.
  175. >"Now, hand me your mistletoe before he comes."
  176. >Excited, you go to retrieve your mistletoe but freeze as something finally dawns on you.
  177. >The mistletoe!
  178. >In your haste to catch Anon, you had left it back at his house.
  179. >There's no way you can get it back before Anon leaves.
  180. >You start to go into one of your panic attacks, your breathing becoming strained.
  181. >You're about to break down into hysterics when your cheeks are suddenly smushed together.
  182. >"Calm down, Fluttershy! You can just use the one that Twilight gave me."
  183. >You blush, slightly embarrassed.
  184. "Oh...thank you."
  185. >"Keep it. I have no need for such things."
  186. >She flips her mane, a slightly smug smile on her face.
  187. >You go to respond but a shout from the back cuts you off.
  188. >"Hey Rarity, I'm done!"
  189. >Rarity quickly shoos you toward the mannequins by the far wall.
  190. >You scramble to get into position as Rarity levitates the mistletoe above her out of sight.
  191. >Anon comes strolling into the foyer, a stack of folded clothes held in his arms.
  192. >"So did they fit? Not too tight, I hope?"
  193. >He grins widely at her.
  194. >"Nah, they fit perfectly. Thanks Rare, I appreciate it."
  195. >"No problem at all, Anonymous. Designing outfits for your unique physique has been a compelling challenge. Now, let me get those packaged for you."
  196. >Rarity magics the bundle out of Anon's hands and into a bag that she leaves hovering near her, well out of his reach.
  197. >Anon only raises an eyebrow at this before walking to her and grabbing it out of the air.
  198. >He voices his gratitude once again before turning toward the door but Rarity makes him stop.
  199. >"Oh Anon, darling? Before you go..."
  200. >"What?"
  201. >He follows her pointing hoof to the mistletoe levitating over them.
  202. >His face droops into a flat look as he stares at the ornament.
  203. >An exasperated sigh rips from him.
  204. >"You too, huh?"
  205. >Unbeknownst to Anon, Rarity urgently beckons to you with a hoof.
  206. >This is it!
  207. >Keeping your eyes on Anon, you try to step out backwards from behind the mannequin into Anon's blind spot.
  209. >Snapping your head around, your face is set upon by a flurry fangs and claws.
  210. "Ahh, Opal?!"
  211. >The cat, tail crumpled and fur standing on end, hisses at you angrily as she scratches at your face in retaliation.
  212. >The pain from the swipe sends you stumbling into the group of mannequins, which bumps into the shelves filled with the bolts of cloths, causing them to fall from their perch.
  213. >Your frightened yelp is cut off short as you're buried under an avalanche of brightly colored garments.
  214. >Rarity takes a step in the direction of the pile, face wrought with concern.
  215. >"Oh dear, Flut--!"
  216. >Anon stops Rarity's rescue attempt by grasping her chin his hand.
  217. >"Uh-uh, let's finish this first."
  218. >Leaning down he smooches her on the lips.
  219. >Her eyes pop open in shock, her cheeks reddening into a blush.
  220. >You manage to untangle yourself enough from the mess to pop your head out.
  221. >You whimper in dismay at his kiss being stolen again.
  222. >Anon from disconnects from Rarity with obvious disinterest.
  223. >"Alright, see you later Rarity. AJ needs my help for something."
  224. >He walks out of the boutique with his bag in hand, grumbling to himself.
  225. >Rarity remains frozen in space as she just stares into the distance.
  226. >Eventually though, she's able to snap out of it and comes trotting toward you.
  227. >Her horn lights up as the various clothes and mannequins are raised off of you.
  228. >Opal comes scurrying out first, huffing in anger.
  229. >"I'm so sorry Fluttershy! Are you alright?"
  230. >You groan in pain and misery.
  231. "It's not your fault..."
  232. >You're the one that messed up.
  233. >Again.
  234. >A handkerchief comes toward your face and wipes away at the tears threatening to overflow.
  235. >"Come dear, please don't cry. It's not all lost! You can still catch him."
  236. >You sniffle as you look up at her.
  237. "I can?"
  238. >"Yes! He said Applejack needed him. That means he'll definitely end up going to Sweet Apple Acres. That'll be your chance to swoop in and get the jump on him."
  239. >Rarity looks up at the mistletoe above her, looking like she's considering something.
  240. >Before you can react, she leans down to you and pecks you on your lips.
  241. >You blink in surprise at the unexpected action.
  242. "Whuh?"
  243. >"A kiss for good luck. Now, go get him darling!"
  244. >You quickly get to your hooves, snatching the mistletoe from the air as you gallop out of the store.
  245. >Don't want to make that mistake again.
  246. "Thanks Rarity!"
  247. >"Mhmm."
  248. >Rarity licks her lips, humming as she tastes the lingering flavors of her friends on them.
  249. >She chuckles to herself before getting to work on fixing the mess you made.
  250. >"Perhaps these mistletoes aren't so bad..."
  252. >Your eyes squint as a gust of wind blows your mane into your face.
  253. >Hastily, you brush it out of way
  254. >Your body relaxes when your eyes relocate your dear Anon.
  255. >The delectable human had arrived at the Apples’ farm shortly before you had arrived.
  256. >The moment he arrived, Applejack emerged from the main house and met with him.
  257. >They talked for a couple of minutes before setting out to the fields with tools.
  258. >From the top of a nearby barn you kept watch on the two, studying every move they made.
  259. >This time you're not going to rush things.
  260. >Sweet Apple Acres was a vast farmland so there were many ways you could approach this.
  261. >Many times your body tenses up as you see Anon detach himself from Applejack to tend to some other chore.
  262. >Many times you unfurl your wings but before you can take off the opportunity is quickly lost.
  263. >After two hours of this annoying cycle, the chill and boredom starts to set in.
  264. >It's a good thing you had the foresight to snag a scarf on your way here but drowsiness is starting take you.
  265. >You're fighting to keep your eyes open, losing your target for minutes at a time.
  266. >You're close to reconsidering your tactics when the voices of your two friends start to drift in.
  267. >"...Mac wouldn't even tell me who his little filly friend was.”
  268. >Anon clicks his tongue in slight annoyance.
  269. >"I didn't even know he had one. Guy can almost put away as much alcohol as I can and he still manages to keep his lid shut."
  270. >He throws up his arms in dismay.
  271. >"Now how am I suppose to make fun of him for it?!"
  272. >Applejack lets out a deep chuckle.
  273. >"Ah'm sure you'll have your chance. He can't keep it a secret forever!"
  274. >"I already have a couple of ideas."
  275. >The two share a laugh as they enter the barn.
  276. >As they go on with their business, you lift yourself from the roof and hover slowly down to the door.
  277. >You stick out only your head into the opening.
  278. >This might be the chance you were waiting for.
  279. >After finishing up, Applejack approaches Anon with a smile.
  280. >"Ah 'sho appreciate your help sugahcube. Without Big Mac, I woulda missed Pinkie's party."
  281. >"Glad I could help. Besides, I needed to get out of Ponyville for a while. All this bullshit about mistletoes has-”
  282. >Cutting himself off, he snaps his head up toward the ceiling.
  283. >You jerk back out of sight.
  284. >Ponyfeathers! Did he see you?
  285. >Applejack looks curiously up at him.
  286. >”Uh, looking for something?”
  287. >”…no, just checking.”
  288. >He takes one more peek at his surroundings before looking back down at the cowpony.
  289. >”Alright, anything else that has to be done?”
  290. >Applejack rubs her chin in thought before answering.
  291. >”Eenope! Ah reckon we’re set fer a good while."
  292. >Anon takes the moment to stretch, popping his joints.
  293. >”Good. I need a long, HOT shower after all that snow and dirt," he exclaimed, voice dripping with exhaustion.
  294. >Your wings lock up at the image of Anon's hot bod being pelted with steamy water.
  295. >Before you can fall, you catch yourself.
  296. >Calm down Fluttershy!
  297. >Keep your eye on his balls!
  298. >THE ball.
  299. >Ugh.
  300. >Waving goodbye, Anon begins to stroll toward the entrance, still oblivious to you.
  301. >He's coming!
  302. >Your body tenses up to make the drop on him.
  303. >He's only a few steps away from exiting the barn.
  304. >At the last moment you drop into the entrance way, lips puckered with the mistletoe lifted before you.
  305. >"Wait just a second there, pardner!"
  306. >Anon is yanked backwards into the barn, leaving you to float there in the entranceway.
  307. >Luckily for you Anon didn't see you in time and neither of them are in position to see you now.
  308. >Applejack stands on her hind legs and places her hooves on his shoulders, eyes playfully half-lidded.
  309. >Anon looks down at her, clearly confused.
  310. >"Applejack what are y-"
  311. >Without warning, the apple farmer roughly pulls him down into a fierce kiss.
  312. >Both you and Anon gawk at her in mutual shock.
  313. >Your wings lock up again but this time you fail to catch yourself, plummeting into the barrel conveniently placed below you.
  314. >The noise goes unnoticed by the two, too occupied with each other's lips.
  315. >Anon finally pushes Applejack away, wiping his lips with his sleeve as he glares down at her.
  316. >"Argh, dammit Applejack! You don't even have a mistletoe."
  317. >She scoffs at this.
  318. >"Ah don't need no silly plant to kiss ya, monkey boy! 'Sides, it's your fault fer getting me all worked up with that shower talk."
  319. >He rolls his eyes.
  320. >"You ponies are easier to arouse than a catholic priest at a boys' summer camp."
  321. >"Ah dunno what that means."
  322. >Anon stares at her silently for a few seconds before letting out an exasperated sigh and walking toward the exit.
  323. >"I'm becoming very concerned with the number of ponies I'm kissing today."
  324. >That makes the both of you.
  325. >You can hear Anon’s footsteps recede as he leaves in a humph.
  326. >Remaining where you are, you decide to wallow in self-pity over another failed attempt.
  327. >You must have been loud because the sound of hoofsteps became louder.
  328. >The light of the sun soon becomes eclipsed by the wide brim of a stetson.
  329. >"Fluttershy, is dat you? What in tarnation are ya doin' in there?"
  330. >You sigh, sitting up to slump over the lip of the barrel.
  331. "N-nothing..."
  332. >Applejack's face scrunches up into an incredulous look.
  333. >”Nopony takes a lay in a barrel for nothing. Now out with it.”
  334. >You try to look away but you can still feel the intensity of her stare burning into you.
  335. >With a sigh, you dip back into the barrel to retrieve the mistletoe.
  336. >”Ain’t that one of Twilight’s mistletoes?”
  337. ”Y-yeah…I was trying to get A-anon under it so I could get a...k-kiss."
  338. >'But you had to ruin it, you bitch.'
  339. >Which is what you would say, if you didn't have the spine of a jellyfish.
  340. >Applejack raises an eyebrow at you before laughing.
  341. >"A kiss, that's all?"
  342. >She adopts a smirk before leaning slowly toward you.
  343. >Why is she…?
  344. >Wait…no! Not again!
  345. >Before you can object, your head is grabbed by the cowgirl as she mashes her lips onto yours.
  346. >Applejack holds it for a few seconds before disconnecting with a loud 'mwah!"
  347. >You just sit there flustered for the fourth time today while she looks smugly at you.
  348. >”See how easy that was? Just do that.”
  349. >You snap out of your daze to quickly shake your head no.
  350. "Noooo, it has to be c-consensual!"
  351. >"Not really dat consensual, if ya ask me..."
  352. >You let out a whimper at her biting logic.
  353. >Applejack rolls her eyes with a smile.
  354. >”Well in dat case, I have an idea if ya’ll listen."
  355. >With some hesitation, you agree with a nod.
  356. >Can’t be any worse than your other ideas.
  358. >This is a great idea!
  359. >You canter from Sweet Apple Acres back to Ponyville, practically skipping with excitement.
  360. >For the dozenth time, you roll your eyes skyward to check that your newest accessory was still in place.
  361. >In the curls of your mane, your mistletoe bobbed with every step you made.
  362. >For the Element of Harmony, Applejack was a lot more crafty than she looked.
  363. >After pulling you out of your barrel, Applejack had taken into her home to get started on fastening the ornament to your mane.
  364. >She said it would be way more subtle than holding it between your hooves and you would be able move more freely.
  365. >By the time he realizes what it is, it'll be too late.
  366. >All you had to do was find him and he'll be yours.
  367. >All yours!
  368. "...yay!"
  369. >You swivel your head back and forth as you delve further into town, scanning the multitude of ponies to spot your darling human.
  370. >As you search for Anon, you occupy yourself with thoughts of the kiss waiting for you.
  371. >You're so distracted that you fail to see the pony coming your way.
  372. >"Hey Fluttershy, hey!"
  373. >Snapping out your naughty thoughts, you whip your head toward the unfortunately familiar voice.
  374. >Your happy mood dies instantly as you look at your least favorite pony.
  375. "Oh...hello, Lyra." You greet the mint green pony, voice dripping with venom.
  376. >She just smiles brightly at you as she waltz toward you.
  377. >The sight of her fills you equal amounts of annoyance and dread.
  378. >There was once a time when you didn't hate the unicorn.
  379. >She could have even been one of your friends maybe.
  380. >But that all changed when you found that hussy fawning all over your Anon at a party.
  381. >You've viewed her as a rival ever since.
  382. >She, on the other hoof, viewed you as her soul sister and fellow lover of all things human.
  383. >More than once she had shared her fantasy of you and her romancing Anon.
  384. >But you're not sharing him with anypony!
  385. >He belongs only to you!
  386. >No matter how much you try to make your animosity toward her clear, it always goes right over her head.
  387. >She's more frustrating than a grumpy Angel.
  388. >You're about to make up an excuse to make a hasty exit when her outfit catches your eye.
  389. >It's so odd that it makes you temporarily forget your desire to escape.
  390. >It kinda reminds you of Twilight's Star Swirl the Bearded costume.
  391. >She's launched into some inane babble about something or other when you cut her off.
  392. "...what are you wearing?"
  393. >"Oh, this?"
  394. >Lyra proudly shows her side to you, giving her flank a shake that fills the air with bell chimes.
  395. >"It's a Santa costume! I paid Rarity to make it for me."
  396. "San...who's that?"
  397. >She gasps loudly, making you flinch.
  398. >"You don't know?!"
  399. >Hesitantly, you shake your head no.
  400. >"Well...don't worry! I'll tell you ALL about it, sis."
  401. >She exaggeratedly clears her throat, making you roll your eyes.
  402. >"The being known as 'Santa Claus' is a human from Earth who would make toys for all the good boys and girls in the world! He does this with the help of tiny humans called elves who live with him in his toy workshop up in the North Pole. Then on the night of Christmas Eve, he would deliver the toys on his red sleigh pulled with magical reindeer which were named Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, blah blah blah"
  403. >You already regret asking and filter out Lyra's lengthy explanation on Sandy Claws.
  404. >While she drones on, you continue your quest for Anon with just your eyes.
  405. >Why is it so hard to find a human in a town of ponies?
  406. >"Oh hey, that's a mistletoe!"
  407. >Returning your attention back to Lyra, you suddenly become nervous and turn your head to hide plant from her sight.
  408. "Yes, well..."
  409. >"Oooh, I should have thought of that! I would be getting kisses all day long!"
  410. >Her cheeks lighten with a blush.
  411. >"These things are great. I was super lucky that I ran into Anon under one. His lips are soooo soft!"
  412. >...
  413. >...
  414. >...
  415. "I have to go now, Lyra."
  416. >You make to leave but a hoof stops you.
  417. >"Now hold on! You can't leave without a kiss. It's human tradition!"
  418. >You attempt to back away from the mare.
  419. "T-that's okay you don't have to-"
  420. >*SMACK*
  421. >Mercifully, the kiss is short-lived and Lyra stands back, all smiles.
  422. >"Merry /Christmas/ Fluttershy!" She declared, snickering all the while.
  423. >Not paying attention to her leave you wipe furiously at your muzzle with your leg.
  424. >Yuck!
  425. >The last kiss you would want is from her!
  426. >You're about to spit on the ground when your eyes land on a gangly colt in front of you.
  427. >The cream-colored pegasus looks up at you wide-eyed, a camera hanging around his neck.
  428. >You shuffle your hooves nervously as the colt's unwavering gaze starts to unsettle you.
  429. >"Um...can I help y-"
  430. >Before you can react, you feel a pair small lips peck you on the cheek.
  431. >Simultaneously a bright white flash blinds you.
  432. >You try to blink away the spots in your eyes as childish laughter fades away from you.
  433. >For some reason, you have the feeling that you're not going to like tomorrow's Foal Free Press.
  434. >Unbeknownst to you, the combined commotion has attracted the attention of nearby ponies.
  435. >Just as you come out of your stupor, you feel another set of lips connect with yours.
  436. >The pony responsible quickly gives his holiday wishes and then moves out of the way, allowing for another pony to take his place.
  437. >That sets off a chain reaction as pony after pony adds on to the growing spectacle around you.
  438. >No matter where you turn, you helplessly run into the waiting lips of another pony.
  439. >The solicitors come and leave so fast, you're barely able to recognize them.
  440. >The smell of plants and herbs suddenly fills your nose.
  441. >"I would be remiss, if I did not give you a kiss."
  442. "Wait, I-"
  443. >*PECK*
  444. "P-please, no more!"
  445. >"Nope!"
  446. >*SMOOCH*
  447. "Oh my-"
  448. >*MWAH*
  449. "Ow, my eye!"
  450. >"Oops...my bad!"
  451. "Please, just-"
  452. >"Happy Heard's Varming-"
  453. >"-Miss Fluttershy!"
  454. >*TWIN KISS*
  455. "Oh, please...stop-"
  457. >*SLOBBER*
  459. >With a mighty flap, you launch yourself into the sky above, leaving the crowd to collectively express their disappointment.
  460. >You try to catch your breath as you cradle your face in your hooves, the giant rush of blood to your face threatening to make you faint.
  461. >You eventually lift your head to glare down at the town ponies down below.
  462. >What is wrong with these ponies?!
  463. >One little plant and you're the owner of an invisible kissing booth.
  464. >You know you used to be a model, but jeez!
  465. >And most of them were mares too!
  466. >It was like being back in flight school with-
  467. >"Heeeeeeyyyy, Fluttershy! What, what u doin'?"
  468. >Oh no.
  469. >You twist around in the air to see your childhood friend struggling to float in the air.
  470. >Your nose crinkles as the strong smell of alcohol and eggs hits you.
  471. >The glassy eyes, lopsided grin, and disheveled appearance made it all the more obvious that the pegasus was completely sloshed.
  472. "R-rainbow Dash...you're drunk."
  473. >Dash seems to find this hilarious and laughs excessively.
  474. >"Yeah, I am! Pinkie had me teshting some eggnoggie she brought over. There was sho much, but...but I didn't drink all of it! W-wouldn't want to be too hammered for the party, right?"
  475. >She nudges you roughly with her elbow as she snorts.
  476. "Heh, yes. W-well Rainbow, It was nice to see you but I really have to be on my way!"
  477. >You try to slip by her but Rainbow quickly traps your hoof in hers.
  478. >She squints as she focuses closely at your head.
  479. >Dash raises a hoof to point to the mistletoe nestled in your mane.
  480. >"That looksh...familiaaar."
  481. >Panic starts to fill you but you try to laugh it off.
  482. "Oh no, you must be mistaken!"
  483. >"Nooo, I've sheen it...shomewhere..."
  484. >Your unsuccessful attempts to free yourself from her inexplicably ironclad grip makes you go into a frenzy.
  485. "It's just an innocent accessory, honest!"
  486. >Ignoring your struggles, Dash continues to blearily stare at the mistletoe before it finally hits her.
  487. >Her eyes widen excitedly and she shoots out a bark of laughter.
  488. >"That's one of Twilight's plant doohickeys!"
  489. >Teeth clenched, you shake your head furiously.
  490. "You're wrong, YOU'RE WRONG!"
  491. >"Naaah, I remember it. She had a sheminar and everything!"
  492. >Rainbow looks off randomly as she once again becomes lost in thought.
  493. >"Now what wash the rules for it again?"
  494. >As Dash ponders, you pull on your hoof to escape her grip but it's useless.
  495. >Why was she such a strong drunk?!
  496. >"Oh, right! Now I know~"
  497. >Rainbow attempts to wiggle her eyebrows at you but it's ruined by her drunken state.
  498. >Nonetheless, you're yanked into the strong embrace of Rainbow Dash.
  499. >She tips you backward before capturing your lips in a sloppy Pranch kiss.
  500. >You shudder as you can feel her tongue invade your mouth to wrestle with your own.
  501. >Rainbow's wings do the work of carrying you both as yours stiffen in unwelcome arousal.
  502. >You squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment as you try to mentally will them to unclench.
  503. >You swear you're not a fillyfooler!
  504. >You like Anon!
  505. >Your inner turmoil goes unnoticed by your assailant as she continues to ravage your mouth.
  506. >Her hooves travel down your sides to lightly grope your flank, making your skin crawl.
  507. >Before the makeout session can go any further than that, Rainbow mercifully releases you at last.
  508. >She smacks her lips while you strain to recover your senses.
  509. >"Mmm, not bad. Could use shome more tongue action tho'."
  510. >Fortunately, your wings had unconsciously resumed function.
  511. >"Well I'll see you later Shy!
  512. >Rainbow passes by you to leave but not before swiping at your flank with her hoof.
  513. >You let out a loud squeak as she flies away, laughing her flank off.
  514. >You look off into the distance with a thousand-yard stare as what just happened weighs on you.
  515. >Looking up at the source of your troubles, you grab it and bring it before you.
  516. >You stare at it in silence before lazily allowing to slip between your hooves.
  517. >Watching it slowly make its descent toward the town below, you go over all of today's events.
  518. >That kiss was one of the greatest feelings you've ever had.
  519. >The soft caress of his lips...
  520. >His strong hands holding you close...
  521. >All your plots and schemes to experience it again have ended in abject failure and left you the victim of painful and embarrassing situations.
  522. >...
  523. >You...
  524. >You're done.
  525. >The universe obviously doesn't want you to have another kiss from your one true love.
  526. >Quitting while you're already far behind is the only smart move left to you.
  527. >You'll just go to Pinkie's party then go home and cry yourself to sleep so this day can finally end.
  528. >Losing any interest in watching it hit the ground, you turn away from the mistletoe and slowly fly toward the bustling Sugarcube Corner.
  529. >Out sight and mind, the ornament starts to pick up speed as it nears the street.
  530. >But before it can reach its final destination, it's harmlessly intercepted by the head of a passerby.
  531. >"Huh?"
  532. >He goes to scratch his head as he searches the ground for what could have bumped into him.
  533. >Finally spotting the mistletoe, he bends down to grab it with his hand.
  534. >He curiously examines it before gazing up at the sky, wondering where it could ever come from.
  535. >His current field of view incidentally misses the speck of yellow growing smaller in the distance.
  536. >Failing to solve the mystery of the flying mistletoe, he shrugs in eventual indifference.
  537. >Dumping it to the ground, he blithely continues on his way.
  538. >Abandoned and forgotten, the mistletoe is vulnerable to the traffic of the road, soon becoming trampled under the uncaring hooves of passing ponies.
  540. ¬¬>Tipping your head back, you open your mouth wide to welcome another cascade of creamy goodness from the mug carelessly clasped in your hooves.
  541. >It takes you far longer than it should to realize that nothing is coming out.
  542. >Closing one eye, you peer into your mug.
  543. "W-who drank my eggnog?" you drunkenly ask nopony.
  544. >Receiving only silence, you allow the mug to fall so it can join its fallen brethren on the table.
  545. >You look down at them, shedding the tear that they could not.
  546. >*sniffle*
  547. >They were so young.
  548. >...
  549. >This isn't working.
  550. >Slumping back into the booth, you recollect on the events of the last hour.
  551. >You thought getting hammered like Rainbow Dash would atleast give you the illusion of being happy but if anything you just feel worse.
  552. >Guess you're a sad drunk.
  553. >Heheh...ugh.
  554. >Coming somewhat to your senses, the sounds of the party around you reassert themselves.
  555. >The moment you had arrived at Sugarcube Corner, you grabbed a mug of Pinkie's brew and picked out an empty booth of the restaurant, trying to drown your sorrows.
  556. >Each of your friends had approached you and tried to convince you to join in the festivities.
  557. >And one by one you turned them away, telling them that you were perfectly fine and to enjoy themselves.
  558. >Rarity was the only one you couldn't drive away immediately and she managed to drag out what had happened after you left her place before you could send her away.
  559. >You were always a wallflower when it came to big parties but today you couldn’t even be bothered to make half-heartened attempts at small talk.
  560. >Once again you stare at the empty mugs before straightening up in your seat.
  561. >You've haunted this corner of the shop long enough.
  562. >You're just going to go home, lie in bed and have Angel feed you a big tub of your favorite ice cream while you cry yourself to sleep.
  563. >You start to slide out of the booth when the doorbell chimes.
  564. >With several other ponies, you look towards the entrance to see who the newcomer is.
  565. >Your breath catches in your throat when you realize who it is.
  566. "A-anon..." You mutter under your breath.
  567. >The knot in your stomach gets tighter at the sight of him, making your nausea worse.
  568. >You swiftly return to your seat and try to shrink into yourself.
  569. >Anon couldn’t see you like this!
  570. >A pink cannonball rockets into Anon before he can even take a step further inside.
  571. >"Nonny!"
  572. >While anypony else would have been knocked down, Anon manages to stay on his feet as he cradles Pinkie Pie in his arms.
  573. >Just as he steadies himself, Pinkie grabs him by his cheeks and plants a big, wet kiss on his lips.
  574. >Though you're stricken with grief at seeing yet another kiss stolen from Anon, you can’t help but have your focus stolen by Pinkie’s bouncy mane.
  575. >It seemed to have a new occupant, something that stood out from the pink curls.
  576. >It kinda looked like a mistl-
  577. >You have the sudden urge to slam your head onto the table.
  578. >Anon takes the kiss without complaint for once, giving as many bucks as you are after this whole day.
  579. >After Pinkie finally releases him, Anon looks down at his left hand.
  580. >A mug filled with Pinkie’s holiday brew had inexplicably made it there.
  581. >He gives her a look but she just smiles back at him expectantly.
  582. >Anon stares into the concoction before shrugging and taking a swig.
  583. >He licks his lips, pleasantly surprised at the taste.
  584. >”Not bad Ponka. Best nog I’ve ever tasted.”
  585. >Practically bursting with glee at the compliment, Pinkie jumps to the floor and drags Anon in by his free hand.
  586. >Any energy you had left leaves you after witnessing that spectacle and you finally surrender to gravity, smashing your face into the tabletop which muffles your groans.
  587. >Everypony returns to their previous holiday activities, much of the human’s novelty having worn off long time ago.
  588. >Everypony except for Rarity.
  589. >Her azure eyes roam over your dejected form in sympathy.
  590. >She lingers on you for a moment longer before she turns away and takes off in a determined strut.
  591. >Rarity quickly finds Anonymous chatting amicably in a group of familiar ponies, still nursing his mug.
  592. >With expert grace, she effortlessly weaves in and out of the crowd toward where Anon is.
  593. >When he finally sees her coming, Anon tries to utter a greeting but it dies in his throat when her magical aura envelopes his sleeve and pulls him to an relatively empty corner of the restaurant.
  594. >Before he can protest the rude treatment, Rarity lifts a hoof in your direction.
  595. >Following her hoof, Anon looks at the reason for all of this.
  596. >The moment he recognizes you, his expression drops in annoyance.
  597. >Anon looks back at Rarity with a shrug brimming with indifference for your condition.
  598. >Overly shocked by his apathy, Rarity tries to plead your case.
  599. >She begins to recount all of the events of today that she managed to pry out of you.
  600. >At first Anon just scowls at the fashionista, determined to not to give a buck.
  601. >Eventually though, his scowl morphs into a look of disbelief as he listens.
  602. >His gaze returns to you once again, his expression much softer than last time.
  603. >Anon questions Rarity if all of that is true, skeptical that you went through so much trouble for just a kiss.
  604. >Rarity reminds him that this is you they’re talking about.
  605. >He can’t argue with that.
  606. >He goes back to staring at you as he chewed over his thoughts.
  607. >Eventually he leans his head back with a sigh, uttering a single word that makes Rarity giddy.
  608. >She quickly levitates something into his hand before shooing him away.
  609. >Just rolling his eyes at the silliness of all of this, Anon makes his way over to your booth.
  610. >You’re so occupied with your melancholy that you fail to notice him sliding into the booth beside you until he loudly clears his throat.
  611. >You would have just ignored the unwelcomed guest but a familiar scent tears you away from your melancholy.
  612. >Eyes bulging, you whip your head up at him.
  613. >Something you immediately regret but you power through your headache to focus on his figure.
  614. “A-anon…?”
  615. >He looks away to let out a breath before turning back to you with a forced smile.
  616. >“Oh hey Fluttershy, didn’t see you there. How you been?”
  617. >What?
  618. >Before you can question his odd behavior he speaks up again, this time looking up into the air between you “Hmm, what’s that?”
  619. >Growing more confused by the second, you look up as well.
  620. >With as little subtlety as possible, a mistletoe is clenched between his digits above your heads.
  621. >You’re dumbstruck
  622. >”Oh no, a mistletoe! How did that get there?”
  623. >You can only blink in amazement at this obvious charade.
  624. >”Geez, guess this means we have to kiss now huh?” he declares in a dull tone betraying his words.
  625. >Anon silently looks at you, as if waiting for you to do something.
  626. >You stare back dumbly until your brain finally catches up.
  627. >O-oh, you know what this is.
  628. >A pity kiss.
  629. >A pity kiss for poor, pathetic Fluttershy.
  630. >…
  631. >You can live with that.
  632. >Flustered from both excitement and nervousness, you rush to fix your tousled mane and bleary eyes.
  633. >All the while Anon waits for you patiently, not all too eager for what was coming.
  634. >When you finish fussing over yourself, you scoot in your seat closer to Anon and pucker your lips, eyes closed.
  635. >Anon hesitates for a moment before leaning forward.
  636. >A jolt shoots through you when he finally makes contact.
  637. >Your back hoof trembles as you're bombarded by all the lovely sensations from the kiss.
  638. >Yes!
  639. >This was the feeling you were craving all day.
  640. >Whether or not he noticed the strong taste of alcohol on your tongue, he doesn’t show it as he continues with the kiss with more enthusiasm than you thought possible.
  641. >He might be doing this out of pity but he’s not sloppy about it.
  642. >He ends it before it can get too heavy though.
  643. >Despite that, it leaves your cheeks aglow and breathing hard.
  644. >By the small smile on his face he enjoyed it atleast a little.
  645. >Coming down from your high, you muster the energy to form words.
  646. >Words you’ve been dying to say all day.
  647. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Anon.”
  648. >”Happy Hearth’s Warming, Flutters.”
  649. > Anon relaxes into the cushions of the booth, silently watching the party proceed around the two of you.
  650. >While the silence between the two of you is comfortable for once, your body is urging you to break it.
  651. >Maybe it's from the kiss or the large amount of liquid courage but you get the confidence to scooch even closer to him and lay a hoof on his inner thigh, moving it in small circles.
  652. >He turns back to you, brow raised.
  653. “H-how about a blowjob, big boy~?” You ask seductively, your goofy grin ruining the attempt.
  654. >Unfortunately his expression darkens and he levels a glare at you.
  655. >That sobers you up real quick.
  656. >Oh dear, you messed up again didn’t you?
  657. >You swiftly withdraw your hoof from his leg, sweating profusely.
  658. “Anon, I'm so sorry I-!”
  659. >*HICCUP*
  660. >You rush to cover your mouth to smother the embarrassing, high-pitched sound in vain.
  661. >It shocks Anon as much as you, his glare switching to a look of surprise.
  662. >Neither of you make a sound, the awkward silence making the blush on your muzzle even worse.
  663. >Hooves still clasped over your lips, you begin to sink into your seat in a desperate attempt to hide.
  664. >Why do you always have to ruin everything?
  665. >Why couldn’t you keep your mouth shu-
  666. >*snrk*
  667. >You’re snapped out of your thoughts as Anon lets out another snort followed by a second and a third.
  668. >He soon bursts into full laughter, unable to hold it back any longer.
  669. >Blinking slowly, you lower your hooves as you stare at the human in full hysterics.
  670. >S-should you laugh too?
  671. >He finally ends his fit then suddenly slings his arm around you, pressing you firmly against him.
  672. >The abrupt action causes you to release another squeak.
  673. >”Fucking Fluttershy,” he sighs, his catchphrase containing a trace of humor.
  674. >Comforted by his calm demeanor, you yield to the embrace and snuggle deeper into the side of the warm human.
  675. >Best. Hearth’s Warming. Ever.
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