
Skill proposal: Slit/gash/bleed/gutshot/shiv

May 5th, 2016
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  1. Technique Name: Slit/gash/bleed/shiv
  2. SP Cost: (??) + Level
  3. Syntax: s lit/gash/bleed/shiv <target>
  4. Skills used: thief traps, combat martial, combat attack
  6. Description:
  7. Using a deadly combination of martial arts and street smarts, you will attempt to slip a dagger under your target's arm and slice into the axillary artery. When successful, you will cause them periodic damage to the body and dizziness from blood loss. The duration of the skill and the severity of the effects depend on your skills.
  9. This skill requires that a dagger is wielded in either the main or the off hand.
  11. (Okay, so this is a basic DoT. Bleed damage scales with combat martial and attack, thief traps governs whether the attack is successful at all and combat martial determines how bad the dizziness effect is. Dizziness is either an effect similar to quickhands, sp drain or endurance drain. The attack itself wouldn't do much, if any damage. This is all about the DoT.)
  13. 3rd person windup:Player closes in on Target
  14. 1st person winduup(player):You close in on Target
  15. 3rd person success:Target sticks his emerald dagger under Target's armpit, releasing a torrent of blood.
  16. 1st person success(player): You slide your emeraldd dagger under Target's armpit, grinning with satisfaction as you open his artery wide.
  17. 1st person success(Target): You hiss with pain as Target's dagger slips under your armpit, opening your artery wide.
  18. 3rd person failure:Target backs out of Player's reach!
  19. 1st person failure(player):Target ducks out of reach of your dagger.
  20. 3rd person bleed proc: Player stumbles as his blood drains away.
  21. 1st person bleed proc: You fight off dizziness as your life-giving blood drains away.
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