
2012-07-23 diff

Jul 23rd, 2012
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  1. UPDATED at 24/07/2012
  3. [+] - new item
  4. [-] - removed item
  5. [*] - changed item
  6. (x => y) - group changes
  7. [+] - effect or attribute has been added to item
  8. [-] - effect or attribute has been removed from item
  9. [y] - effect is implemented
  10. [n] - effect is not implemented
  12. Items:
  14. [*] Executioner
  15. [*] powerOutput: 42.0 => 45.0
  17. [*] Covetor
  18. [+|n] shipBonusIceHarvesterDurationORE3
  19. [*] armorHP: 1250.0 => 1800.0
  20. [*] capacity: 4000.0 => 500.0
  21. [*] cpuOutput: 200.0 => 255.0
  22. [*] hp: 1875.0 => 2000.0
  23. [*] shieldCapacity: 781.0 => 2200.0
  24. [*] shieldRechargeRate: 625000.0 => 1000000.0
  25. [*] shipBonusORE2: 3.0 => 4.0
  26. [+] specialOreHoldCapacity: 7000.0
  28. The Covetor is a mining barge with superb mining yield.
  30. Mining Barge skill bonus per level:
  31. 4% bonus to Strip Miner yield
  32. 3% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
  34. Development
  35. The mining barge was designed by ORE to facilitate advancing the mining profession to a new level. Each barge was created to excel at a specific function, the Covetor's being mining yield. This additional yield comes at a price, as the Covetor has weaker defenses and a smaller ore bay than the other mining barges.
  36. Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules.
  38. [*] Procurer
  39. [-|y] shipMiningBonusORE2
  40. [+|n] iceHarvesterCapacitorNeedMultiplier
  41. [+|n] iceHarvesterDurationMultiplier
  42. [+|n] miningYieldMultiplyPassive
  43. [+|n] shipBonusShieldCapacityORE2
  44. [-] shipBonusORE3: -3.0
  45. [*] armorHP: 313.0 => 5000.0
  46. [*] capacitorCapacity: 187.5 => 800.0
  47. [*] capacity: 1000.0 => 350.0
  48. [*] cpuOutput: 125.0 => 250.0
  49. [*] hp: 469.0 => 5500.0
  50. [*] powerOutput: 35.0 => 45.0
  51. [*] shieldCapacity: 195.0 => 6000.0
  52. [*] shieldRechargeRate: 625000.0 => 2500000.0
  53. [*] shipBonusORE2: 3.0 => 5.0
  54. [*] signatureRadius: 90.0 => 200.0
  55. [+] iceHarvestCycleBonus: 0.3333
  56. [+] miningAmountMultiplier: 3.0
  57. [+] specialOreHoldCapacity: 15000.0
  59. The Procurer is a mining barge with exceptional defensive capabilities.
  61. Mining Barge skill bonus per level:
  62. 5% bonus to shield hit points
  64. Role Bonus:
  65. 200% bonus to Strip Miner yield
  66. 66.66% reduction in Ice Harvester Duration and capacitor use
  68. Development
  69. The mining barge was designed by ORE to facilitate advancing the mining profession to a whole new level. Each barge was created to excel at a specific function, the Procurer's being durability. With that in mind, the designers could only make space to fit one mining or ice harvesting module. To mitigate the effect this would have on the ship's mining output, they came up with a unique loading system that allows this one module to work at triple efficiency.
  70. Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules.
  73. [*] Retriever
  74. [-|y] shipMiningBonusORE2
  75. [+|n] iceHarvesterCapacitorNeedMultiplier
  76. [+|n] iceHarvesterDurationMultiplier
  77. [+|n] miningYieldMultiplyPassive
  78. [+|n] shipBonusOreHoldORE2
  79. [-] shipBonusORE3: -3.0
  80. [*] armorHP: 625.0 => 3200.0
  81. [*] capacity: 2000.0 => 350.0
  82. [*] cpuOutput: 125.0 => 235.0
  83. [*] hp: 938.0 => 3500.0
  84. [*] lowSlots: 2.0 => 3.0
  85. [*] shieldCapacity: 391.0 => 3800.0
  86. [*] shieldRechargeRate: 625000.0 => 1500000.0
  87. [*] shipBonusORE2: 3.0 => 10.0
  88. [*] signatureRadius: 120.0 => 250.0
  89. [+] iceHarvestCycleBonus: 0.6666
  90. [+] miningAmountMultiplier: 1.5
  91. [+] specialOreHoldCapacity: 20000.0
  93. The Retriever is a mining barge with an extensive ore bay.
  95. Mining Barge skill bonus per level:
  96. 10% bonus to ore hold capacity
  98. Role Bonus:
  99. 50% bonus to Strip Miner yield
  100. 33.33% reduction in Ice Harvester Duration and capacitor use
  102. Development
  103. The mining barge was designed by ORE to facilitate advancing the mining profession to a new level. Each barge was created to excel at a specific function, the Retriever's being storage. Although it only has space to fit two mining or ice harvesting modules, a fast loading system allows those two module to do the work of three modules.
  104. Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules.
  106. [*] Hulk
  107. [*] armorHP: 1013.0 => 2300.0
  108. [*] capacity: 8000.0 => 500.0
  109. [*] eliteBonusBarge2: -3.0 => -4.0
  110. [*] hp: 2531.0 => 2500.0
  111. [*] shieldCapacity: 1519.0 => 2700.0
  112. [*] shieldRechargeRate: 625000.0 => 1000000.0
  113. [+] specialOreHoldCapacity: 7500.0
  115. The Hulk is a mining barge with superb mining yield.
  117. Mining Barge skill bonus per level:
  118. 3% bonus to Strip Miner yield
  119. 7.5% bonus to all shield resistances
  121. Exhumer skill bonus per level:
  122. 3% bonus to Strip Miner yield
  123. 4% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
  125. Development
  126. The exhumer is the second generation of mining vessels created by ORE. Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Hulk's being mining yield. The additional yield comes at a price, as the Hulk has weaker defenses and a smaller ore bay than the other exhumers.
  127. Exhumers are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules.
  130. [*] Mackinaw
  131. [-|y] iceHarvestCycleTimeModulesRequiringIceHarvesting
  132. [-|y] iceHarvesterMiningAmountBonusMultiplier
  133. [-|y] shipMiningBonusORE2
  134. [+|y] eliteBonusBargeMiningYield
  135. [+|n] iceHarvesterCapacitorNeedMultiplier
  136. [+|n] iceHarvesterDurationMultiplier
  137. [+|n] miningYieldMultiplyPassive
  138. [+|n] shipBonusOreHoldORE2
  139. [-] shipBonusORE3: -3.0
  140. [*] armorHP: 788.0 => 3700.0
  141. [*] capacity: 6000.0 => 350.0
  142. [*] cpuOutput: 198.0 => 270.0
  143. [*] eliteBonusBarge1: 10.0 => 1.0
  144. [*] eliteBonusBarge2: -5.0 => -1.0
  145. [*] hp: 1266.0 => 4000.0
  146. [*] iceHarvestCycleBonus: 25.0 => 0.6666
  147. [*] lowSlots: 2.0 => 3.0
  148. [*] miningAmountMultiplier: 2.0 => 1.5
  149. [*] shieldCapacity: 1181.0 => 4300.0
  150. [*] shieldRechargeRate: 625000.0 => 1500000.0
  151. [*] shipBonusORE2: 3.0 => 10.0
  152. [*] signatureRadius: 120.0 => 250.0
  153. [+] specialOreHoldCapacity: 25000.0
  155. The Mackinaw is an exhumer with an extensive ore bay.
  157. Mining Barge skill bonus per level:
  158. 10% bonus to ore hold capacity
  159. 7.5% bonus to all shield resistances
  161. Exhumer skill bonus per level:
  162. 1% bonus to Strip Miner yield
  163. 1% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
  165. Role Bonus:
  166. 50% bonus to Strip Miner yield
  167. 33.33% reduction in Ice Harvester Duration and capacitor use
  169. Development
  170. The exhumer is the second generation of mining vessels created by ORE. Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Mackinaw's being storage. Although it only has space to fit two mining or ice harvesting modules, a fast loading system allows those two module to do the work of three modules.
  171. Exhumers are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules.
  173. [*] Skiff
  174. [-|y] eliteBargeBonusDamageCloudReduction2
  175. [-|y] eliteBargeMercoxiteCrystalBonus1
  176. [-|y] shipMiningBonusORE2
  177. [+|y] eliteBargeBonusIceHarvestingCycleTimeBarge3
  178. [+|y] eliteBonusBargeMiningYield
  179. [+|n] iceHarvesterCapacitorNeedMultiplier
  180. [+|n] iceHarvesterDurationMultiplier
  181. [+|n] miningYieldMultiplyPassive
  182. [+|n] shipBonusShieldCapacityORE2
  183. [-] shipBonusORE3: -3.0
  184. [-] warpScrambleStatus: -2.0
  185. [*] armorHP: 450.0 => 5500.0
  186. [*] capacitorCapacity: 375.0 => 900.0
  187. [*] capacity: 4500.0 => 350.0
  188. [*] cpuOutput: 188.0 => 270.0
  189. [*] eliteBonusBarge1: 60.0 => 1.0
  190. [*] eliteBonusBarge2: -20.0 => -1.0
  191. [*] hp: 633.0 => 6000.0
  192. [*] medSlots: 4.0 => 5.0
  193. [*] powerOutput: 35.0 => 50.0
  194. [*] shieldCapacity: 675.0 => 6500.0
  195. [*] shieldRechargeRate: 625000.0 => 2500000.0
  196. [*] shipBonusORE2: 3.0 => 5.0
  197. [*] signatureRadius: 90.0 => 200.0
  198. [+] iceHarvestCycleBonus: 0.3333
  199. [+] miningAmountMultiplier: 3.0
  200. [+] specialOreHoldCapacity: 17500.0
  202. The Skiff is an exhumer with exceptional defensive capabilities.
  204. Mining Barge skill bonus per level:
  205. 5% bonus to shield hit points
  206. 7.5% bonus to all shield resistances
  208. Exhumer skill bonus per level:
  209. 1% bonus to Strip Miner yield
  210. 1% reduction in Ice Harvester duration
  212. Role Bonus:
  213. 200% bonus to Strip Miner yield
  214. 66.66% reduction in Ice Harvester Duration and capacitor use
  216. Development
  217. The exhumer is the second generation of mining vessels created by ORE. Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Skiff's being durability. With that in mind, the designers could only make space to fit one mining or ice harvesting module. To mitigate the effect this would have on its mining output, they came up with a unique loading system that allows this one module to work at triple efficiency.
  218. Exhumers are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules.
  220. [*] Ibis
  221. [-|y] shipHybridRangeBonusCF
  222. [+|n] shipECMScanStrengthBonusRookie
  223. [+|n] shipHybridRangeBonusRookie
  224. [+|n] shipMissileKineticDamageRookie
  225. [+|n] shipShieldEMResistanceRookie
  226. [+|n] shipShieldExplosiveResistanceRookie
  227. [+|n] shipShieldKineticResistanceRookie
  228. [+|n] shipShieldThermalResistanceRookie
  229. [-] shipBonusCF: 5.0
  230. [*] armorHP: 149.0 => 125.0
  231. [*] cpuOutput: 80.0 => 100.0
  232. [*] hp: 118.0 => 175.0
  233. [*] launcherSlotsLeft: 0 => 2.0
  234. [*] lowSlots: 1.0 => 2.0
  235. [*] maxLockedTargets: 2.0 => 3.0
  236. [*] medSlots: 1.0 => 2.0
  237. [*] powerOutput: 11.0 => 20.0
  238. [*] scanGravimetricStrength: 4.0 => 6.0
  239. [*] shieldCapacity: 118.0 => 200.0
  240. [*] shieldRechargeRate: 475000.0 => 860000.0
  241. [*] signatureRadius: 45.0 => 54.0
  242. [*] capacitorCapacity: 125.0 => 130.0
  243. [*] capacity: 120.0 => 130.0
  244. [*] maxVelocity: 296.0 => 295.0
  245. [*] rechargeRate: 93750.0 => 65000.0
  246. [*] warpCapacitorNeed: 8.65800865801e-07 => 8.66e-07
  247. [+] rookieECMStrengthBonus: 30.0
  248. [+] rookieMissileKinDamageBonus: 10.0
  249. [+] rookieSHTOptimalBonus: 20.0
  250. [+] rookieShieldResistBonus: -10.0
  253. The Ibis is a common and versatile Frigate provided to all Caldari pilots free of charge.
  255. Special Abilities:
  256. 20% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
  257. 10% bonus to missile kinetic damage
  258. 30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
  259. 10% bonus to shield resistances
  261. Development
  262. The Caldari Ibis frigate is a small but stout frigate that fits admirably well as a cargo hauler or small-scale miner. Its reliability makes it a good choice for novice ship captains.
  265. [*] Impairor
  266. [-|y] shipEnergyTCapNeedBonusAF
  267. [+|n] shipArmorEMResistanceRookie
  268. [+|n] shipArmorEXResistanceRookie
  269. [+|n] shipArmorKNResistanceRookie
  270. [+|n] shipArmorTHResistanceRookie
  271. [+|n] shipBonusEwWeaponDisruptionMaxRangeBonusRookie
  272. [+|n] shipBonusEwWeaponDisruptionTrackingSpeedBonusRookie
  273. [+|n] shipEnergyTCapNeedBonusRookie
  274. [+|n] shipSETDmgBonusRookie
  275. [-] shipBonus2AF: -10.0
  276. [*] armorHP: 188.0 => 200.0
  277. [*] cpuOutput: 80.0 => 100.0
  278. [*] hp: 156.0 => 200.0
  279. [*] launcherSlotsLeft: 0 => 2.0
  280. [*] lowSlots: 1.0 => 2.0
  281. [*] maxLockedTargets: 2.0 => 3.0
  282. [*] maxTargetRange: 20000.0 => 27500.0
  283. [*] medSlots: 1.0 => 2.0
  284. [*] powerOutput: 11.0 => 20.0
  285. [*] capacitorCapacity: 125.0 => 140.0
  286. [*] capacity: 120.0 => 110.0
  287. [*] maxVelocity: 296.0 => 300.0
  288. [*] rechargeRate: 93750.0 => 70000.0
  289. [*] scanRadarStrength: 4.0 => 6.0
  290. [*] scanResolution: 475.0 => 485.0
  291. [*] shieldCapacity: 79.0 => 125.0
  292. [*] shieldRechargeRate: 300000.0 => 520000.0
  293. [*] signatureRadius: 45.0 => 52.0
  294. [*] warpCapacitorNeed: 8.65800865801e-07 => 8.66e-07
  295. [+] rookieArmorResistanceBonus: -10.0
  296. [+] rookieSETCapBonus: -20.0
  297. [+] rookieSETDamageBonus: 10.0
  298. [+] rookieWeaponDisruptionBonus: 10.0
  300. The Impairor is a common and versatile Frigate provided to all Amarrian pilots free of charge.
  301. Special Abilities:
  302. 20% bonus to Small Energy Turret capacitor use
  303. 10% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
  304. 10% bonus to Tracking Disruptor effectiveness
  305. 10% bonus to armor resistances
  307. Development
  308. The Impairor-class frigate has been mass-produced by the Amarr Empire for decades. It is the most common spacevessel sighted within the Amarrian boundaries, and is used both as a basic trade vessel and as a small-scale slave transport.
  311. [*] Reaper
  312. [-|y] shipVelocityBonusMF
  313. [+|n] minmatarShipEwTargetPainterRookie
  314. [+|n] shipSPTDmgBonusRookie
  315. [+|n] shipShieldBoostRookie
  316. [+|n] shipVelocityBonusRookie
  317. [-] shipBonusMF: 5.0
  318. [*] armorHP: 173.0 => 150.0
  319. [*] cpuOutput: 80.0 => 100.0
  320. [*] hp: 133.0 => 150.0
  321. [*] launcherSlotsLeft: 0 => 2.0
  322. [*] lowSlots: 1.0 => 2.0
  323. [*] maxLockedTargets: 2.0 => 3.0
  324. [*] maxTargetRange: 15000.0 => 22500.0
  325. [*] medSlots: 1.0 => 2.0
  326. [*] powerOutput: 11.0 => 20.0
  327. [*] scanLadarStrength: 4.0 => 6.0
  328. [*] scanResolution: 475.0 => 490.0
  329. [*] shieldCapacity: 79.0 => 175.0
  330. [*] shieldRechargeRate: 300000.0 => 730000.0
  331. [*] signatureRadius: 45.0 => 50.0
  332. [*] warpCapacitorNeed: 8.65800865801e-07 => 8.66e-07
  333. [*] rechargeRate: 93750.0 => 62500.0
  334. [+] rookieSPTDamageBonus: 10.0
  335. [+] rookieShieldBoostBonus: 15.0
  336. [+] rookieShipVelocityBonus: 10.0
  337. [+] rookieTargetPainterStrengthBonus: 10.0
  339. The Reaper is a common and versatile Frigate provided to all Minmatar pilots free of charge.
  341. Special Abilities:
  342. 10% bonus to velocity
  343. 10% bonus to Small Projectile Turret damage
  344. 10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness
  345. 15% bonus to Shield Boost Amount
  347. Development
  348. The Reaper-class is the smallest of the Minmatar frigates, just barely reaching frigate status instead of a manned fighter. The Reaper is very cheap and is used en masse in daring hit-and-run operations by Minmatars either side of the law.
  350. [*] Velator
  351. [-|y] shipSHTDmgBonusGF
  352. [+|n] shipArmorRepairingRookie
  353. [+|n] shipBonusDroneDamageMultiplierRookie
  354. [+|n] shipBonusDroneHitpointsRookie
  355. [+|n] shipBonusEwRemoteSensorDampenerMaxTargetRangeBonusRookie
  356. [+|n] shipBonusEwRemoteSensorDampenerScanResolutionBonusRookie
  357. [+|n] shipBonusMiningDroneAmountPercentRookie
  358. [+|n] shipSHTDmgBonusRookie
  359. [-] shipBonusGF: 5.0
  360. [*] armorHP: 188.0 => 175.0
  361. [*] cpuOutput: 80.0 => 100.0
  362. [*] hp: 149.0 => 225.0
  363. [*] launcherSlotsLeft: 0 => 2.0
  364. [*] lowSlots: 1.0 => 2.0
  365. [*] maxLockedTargets: 2.0 => 3.0
  366. [*] medSlots: 1.0 => 2.0
  367. [*] powerOutput: 11.0 => 20.0
  368. [*] scanMagnetometricStrength: 4.0 => 6.0
  369. [*] scanResolution: 475.0 => 480.0
  370. [*] shieldCapacity: 79.0 => 150.0
  371. [*] shieldRechargeRate: 300000.0 => 625000.0
  372. [*] signatureRadius: 45.0 => 56.0
  373. [*] warpCapacitorNeed: 8.65800865801e-07 => 8.66e-07
  374. [*] capacitorCapacity: 125.0 => 135.0
  375. [*] capacity: 120.0 => 140.0
  376. [*] maxVelocity: 296.0 => 305.0
  377. [*] rechargeRate: 93750.0 => 67500.0
  378. [+] rookieArmorRepBonus: 15.0
  379. [+] rookieDampStrengthBonus: 10.0
  380. [+] rookieDroneBonus: 20.0
  381. [+] rookieSHTDamageBonus: 10.0
  383. The Velator is a common and versatile Frigate provided to all Gallente pilots free of charge.
  385. Special Abilities:
  386. 10% bonus to hybrid turret damage
  387. 20% bonus to drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield
  388. 10% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
  389. 15% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness
  391. Development
  392. The Velator class frigate is one of the older vessel types in the Gallente fleet. It was first deployed on the market as a fast passenger craft but the extra passenger quarters were later modified into weapon hardpoints as the newer models came to be used for small-scale security and military duties. The Velator is still a very solid mining and trading vessel.
  395. [+] Medium Ice Harvester Accelerator I
  396. [+|y] iceHarvestCycleTimeModulesRequiringIceHarvesting
  397. [+|n] rigSlot
  398. [+] canFitShipGroup1: 543.0
  399. [+] canFitShipGroup2: 463.0
  400. [+] capacity: 0
  401. [+] hp: 40.0
  402. [+] iceHarvestCycleBonus: -12.0
  403. [+] mass: 200.0
  404. [+] maxGroupFitted: 1.0
  405. [+] metaLevel: 0
  406. [+] requiredSkill1: 26252.0
  407. [+] requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
  408. [+] rigSize: 2.0
  409. [+] techLevel: 1.0
  410. [+] upgradeCost: 50.0
  411. [+] volume: 10.0
  413. This ship modification is designed to reduce the duration of ice harvester cycles.
  414. It works solely on Mining barges and Exhumers.
  415. Only one mining or ice harvesting rig can be fitted at a time.
  417. [+] Medium Mercoxit Mining Crystal Optimization I
  418. [+|n] mercoxitCrystalBonus
  419. [+|n] rigSlot
  420. [+] canFitShipGroup1: 543.0
  421. [+] canFitShipGroup2: 463.0
  422. [+] capacity: 0
  423. [+] hp: 40.0
  424. [+] mass: 200.0
  425. [+] maxGroupFitted: 1.0
  426. [+] metaLevel: 0
  427. [+] miningAmountBonus: 16.0
  428. [+] requiredSkill1: 26252.0
  429. [+] requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
  430. [+] rigSize: 2.0
  431. [+] techLevel: 1.0
  432. [+] upgradeCost: 50.0
  433. [+] volume: 10.0
  435. This ship modification is designed to increase the yield modifier of those modules using Mercoxit mining crystals.
  436. It works solely on Mining barges and Exhumers.
  437. Only one mining or ice harvesting rig can be fitted at a time.
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