

Dec 18th, 2017
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 1 Compensate the attacked peoples (Lose 3 Wealth, gain +1 Social and better relations with Freeholds and Eastward): (screamapillar)
  3. [X] 2 Go and tell the Eastward farmers what they’ve learned. (Locks Seeker action to ‘Spread knowledge’ next turn): (mizzet, Ct613hulu)
  4. -[X] 1 Go and tell the Eastward farmers what they’ve learned. (Locks Seeker action to ‘Spread knowledge’ next turn): (mizzet)
  5. [X] 1 Plan Breaking Chains (Not us): (mizzet)
  6. [X] 4 Plan Buy one Goddess get one free: (1986ctcel, Citina, UrsaTempest, Jiven)
  7. [X] 3 Plan [INSERT PLAN NAME HERE]: (mizzet, Vicjer, Pinklestia)
  8. [X] 4 Start issuing decrees that make sure this doesn’t happen again. (Lock in -2 Authority high chance of adoption culture action to take care of this next turn.): (mizzet, screamapillar, Ct613hulu, askldjflkajskje)
  9. -[X] 1 Start issuing decrees that make sure this doesn’t happen again. (Lock in -2 Authority high chance of adoption culture action to take care of this next turn.): (mizzet)
  10. -[X] 1 Start issuing decrees that make sure this doesn’t happen again. (Lockin -2 Authority high chance of adoption culture action to take care of this next turn.): (1986ctcel)
  11. [X] 1 Study the crop cycle further first. (Locks Seeker action to ‘Study crop cycle,’ next turn.: (screamapillar)
  12. [X] 1 Study the crop cycle further first. (Locks Seeker action to ‘Study crop cycle,’ next turn.): (askldjflkajskje)
  13. -[X] 2 Study the crop cycle further first. (Locks Seeker action to ‘Study crop cycle,’ next turn.): (1986ctcel, Vicjer)
  14. [X] 2 [Breeding] Breed dull Labor (Costs 2 Wealth, lowers chance of slave rebellion, allows Labor to rise above Martial without imminent rebellion.): (mizzet, Ct613hulu)
  15. -[X] 1 [Breeding] Breed dull Labor (Costs 2 Wealth, lowers chance of slave rebellion, allows Labor to rise above Martial without imminent rebellion.): (mizzet)
  16. -[X] 2 [Breeding] Breed for beauty (Costs 2 Wealth, Gain 1 Social, all factions have improved mood.): (1986ctcel, Vicjer)
  17. [X] 2 [Breeding] Study and educate, so children are only born when the Saka want them to be born. (Allows population control. Doubles the speed at which Bred for Battle stacks.): (screamapillar, askldjflkajskje)
  18. [X] 1 [Cinnabar] Don’t mine. (No change): (screamapillar)
  19. -[X] 1 [Cinnabar] Don’t mine. (No change): (1986ctcel)
  20. [X] 3 [Cinnabar] Mine it. (Lose 1 Labor per turn. Gain 1 Wealth.): (mizzet, Ct613hulu, askldjflkajskje)
  21. -[X] 2 [Cinnabar] Mine it. (Lose 1 Labor per turn. Gain 1 Wealth.): (mizzet, Vicjer)
  22. [X] 1 [Crucible] Add chains, restraints, tools and devices custom made by Freehold blacksmiths. (Costs 2 Wealth, bonus to breeding attempts.): (screamapillar)
  23. [X] 3 [Crucible] Expand the library significantly and add a training program for The Crucible, so that more of the magus can read and keep accurate records. (Costs 3 Wealth, more reading Saka, bonus to ‘Bred for Battle,’ ‘Bred to Work,’ and ‘Bred for Beauty’ culture options and continuing bonuses.): (mizzet, Ct613hulu, askldjflkajskje)
  24. -[X] 2 [Crucible] Expand the library significantly and add a training program for The Crucible, so that more of the magus can read and keep accurate records. (Costs 3 Wealth, more reading Saka, bonus to ‘Bred for Battle,’ ‘Bred to Work,’ and ‘Bred for Beauty’ culture options and continuing bonuses.): (mizzet, 1986ctcel)
  25. [X] 2 [Crucible] Surround the Crucible with a huge amount of grazing land, so that they can raise cattle, sheep and other meat animals for feeding the war animals bred within. (Costs 2 Wealth, Locks 2 Labor per turn managing herds and tending pasture. Grants additional point of Martial every turn, due to extra gryphons and demi-gryphs being bred.): (mizzet, Ct613hulu)
  26. -[X] 3 [Crucible] Surround the Crucible with a huge amount of grazing land, so that they can raise cattle, sheep and other meat animals for feeding the war animals bred within. (Costs 2 Wealth, Locks 2 Labor per turn managing herds and tending pasture. Grants additional point of Martial every turn, due to extra gryphons and demi-gryphs being bred.): (mizzet, 1986ctcel, Vicjer)
  27. [X] 1 [Godsearch] Build grand temple. (Locks build action next turn.): (askldjflkajskje)
  28. -[X] 1 [Godsearch] Build grand temple. (Locks build action next turn.): (1986ctcel)
  29. [X] 3 [Godsearch] Go with Egil on a quest to free his father.: (mizzet, screamapillar, Ct613hulu)
  30. -[X] 2 [Godsearch] Go with Egil on a quest to free his father.: (mizzet, Vicjer)
  31. [X] 1 [Personal] Alysida will rule from the shadows. Nobody will know about her extensive involvement, or if she gets involved, much less her sentience. As far as most people are concerned, the king is just skilled at using a magic weapon.: (screamapillar)
  32. [X] 1 [Personal] Kings mostly get their preferences. You’ll stop them making stupid decisions that will damage the Saka, but you’ll let them live their own lives. (You’ll still get votes, but kings will notably follow their own interests within those confines.): (askldjflkajskje)
  33. -[X] 2 [Personal] Kings mostly get their preferences. You’ll stop them making stupid decisions that will damage the Saka, but you’ll let them live their own lives. (You’ll still get votes, but kings will notably follow their own interests within those confines.): (1986ctcel, Vicjer)
  34. [X] 2 [Personal] Kings will be allowed a limited amount of freedom… with their private life. (Alsyida’s personality will come across in each king.): (mizzet, Ct613hulu)
  35. -[X] 1 [Personal] Kings will be allowed a limited amount of freedom… with their private life. (Alsyida’s personality will come across in each king.): (mizzet)
  36. [X] 4 [Rebels] Give the governor some dedicated troops. (Lose two Martial): (mizzet, screamapillar, Ct613hulu, askldjflkajskje)
  37. -[X] 2 [Rebels] Give the governor some dedicated troops. (Lose two Martial): (mizzet, 1986ctcel)
  38. -[X] 1 [Rebels] Send the army to guard against raids and keep the people safe. Also to guard the goods being sent back to the Saka. (Locks army action next turn.): (Vicjer)
  39. [X] 3 [Reveal] Keep your identity secret for now. There’s not much you can do anyway.: (mizzet, Ct613hulu, askldjflkajskje)
  40. -[X] 2 [Reveal] Keep your identity secret for now. There’s not much you can do anyway.: (mizzet, Vicjer)
  41. [X] 1 [Reveal] Reveal yourself as a god and offer your protection. (Not guaranteed to work, you’re a young, minor god, still finding your way in the world.): (screamapillar)
  42. -[X] 1 [Reveal] [Reveal] Keep your identity secret for now. There’s not much you can do anyway.: (1986ctcel)
  43. [X] 1 [Saka] If they fight for the king, they are Saka!: (Ct613hulu)
  44. -[X] 2 [Saka] If they fight for the king, they are Saka!: (1986ctcel, Vicjer)
  45. [X] 1 [Saka] There is a second layer, above slaves, but below Saka, the intelligent demi-humans and non-wolves reside here.: (mizzet)
  46. -[X] 1 [Saka] There is a second layer, above slaves, but below Saka, the intelligent demi-humans and non-wolves reside here.: (mizzet)
  47. [X] 2 [Saka] They are family. Whether they breed, weave, fight, study, or book-keep, they are Saka!: (screamapillar, askldjflkajskje)
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