
Iron Anon: Sleeping in the Lion's Den

Sep 7th, 2012
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  1. >
  2. >As you run, you switch your grip to holding the gun around the hammer and trigger guard to prevent a misfire
  3. >Tonight was quite… eventful
  4. >Shit, there goes your chance of getting home
  5. >You had a bad feeling it was going to be a long time till that happened, now with these ponies out to get you having lost your only leverage over them
  6. >The sound of hooves, pounding furiously against the earth draws closer behind you
  7. >Speak of the devil…
  8. >For a second you think back to the cave
  9. >Rainbow would, not doubt, tell them where it is
  10. >That made your hidey hole and the sled inside of it compromised
  11. >Dammit.
  12. >You trip on a rock
  13. >Dammit, Dammit!
  14. >Gus turns around and gets back to you, barking in your face
  15. >He’s right, you have to move
  16. >But to where?!
  17. >With no plan, you run aimlessly through the woods hoping some helpfully scenario would present itself
  18. >But you were getting tired, and those ponies weren’t slowing down
  19. >Suddenly Gus reveres left and you, deciding to trust your faithfully canine friend, follow him
  20. >Soon you see the rays of moonlight again as the canopy begins to break down and the forest becomes less dense
  21. >You emerge with Gus out of the forest, facing… Ponyville
  22. >The yellow cottage you saw before is about 50 yards to your left, the road father down
  23. >Why did he-
  24. >Applejack:”It went this way!”
  25. >Gus stops and barks again, already 20 yards ahead of you
  26. “Ok Gus... Guess I don’t have many options, do I?”
  27. >You swear you see him nod
  28. >He takes the lead, you lagging but still following behind
  29. >You can’t help but hesitate when he takes you over the bridge into the town
  30. >You were pretty sure there were no humans by now, so this place was going to be infested with ponies
  32. >But it’s the dead of night and the streets are deserted
  33. >Gus better not be screwing you both over…
  34. >As you run through the streets, you finally able a close up look at some of the cottages
  35. >The majority of the town is made up of them, being very traditional with hay roofs and sturdy wooden walls
  36. >Even in the dark, you could spot the abundance of different colors
  37. >As you move deeper into town, you notice some unique buildings such as an extravagant shop with carousal on top of it and… was that a gingerbread house?!
  38. >You near what must be the Town Square
  39. >Gus rounds a large, worn down tower-like structure before passing a fountain and heading straight through some huge, well-trimmed hedges
  40. >You push through them too
  41. >On the other side, you see that the hedges complete encompasses you
  42. >Like an empty box with walls of green shrubbery
  43. >Gus was sitting idly, tongue hanging out and staring at you
  44. “You expect us to hide in a bush? In the middle of town?!”
  45. >You silently shout at him
  46. >He just sits there
  47. “Gus, why the hell did you take us here? Hell, how did you even know about this place!”
  48. >Suddenly, he turns and disappears out the back
  49. >Puzzled, you decide to wait for him
  50. >He comes back a few seconds later, an apple in his mouth
  51. >Walking over, he drops it into your lap
  52. >You pick it up
  53. >It covered in saliva and has teeth marks all over it
  54. >You look up to him, raising an eye brow
  55. >All he does is wag his tail and licks his lips
  56. >You sigh… this damn dog
  57. >You toss him back his ‘gifted’ apple to you, which he carelessly enjoys as you think
  58. >On second thought, where did he get that apple?
  59. >…Doesn’t matter
  61. >These hedges were tall enough to keep you out of sight of any passing ponies
  62. >Still, you were hiding in the MIDDLE of town
  63. >They’d never suspect it, but only because it was so risky
  64. >You had to lay low for awhile till you figured out a new plan on how you could get those unicorns to send you home
  65. >You let out a yawn
  66. >But first, you're beat
  67. >Without your sleeping bag, you’re forced to get close up to the hedge for shelter against the wind
  68. >Gus, without command, comes up and lays besides you
  69. >Better to share his body heat with you
  70. “What are we going to do Gus?”
  71. >You causally pet his white coat for a few minutes before falling asleep
  72. >…
  73. >You haven’t been asleep for even 10 minutes when your awaken by the sound of voices nearby
  74. >Twilight:”What do you think it is?”
  75. >Applejack:”I-*grunt* I don’t know, but it sh’ure is heavy”
  76. >You hear the runner of your sled grind against the ground
  77. >They found it; you had called that one
  78. >Twilight:”Rainbow? Any ideas?”
  79. >Rainbow:”I told you already, he never really mentioned it”
  80. >Rarity:”What do you mean by ‘he’, darling?”
  81. >Rainbow:”Well, I think that freaky thing was a dude… sure talked like one”
  82. >There’s a bit of irritation in that last bit
  83. >Applejack:”Ah’ still kan’t believe we let that MONSTER get away!”
  84. >???:”Don’t worry, AJ. We won’t let that meanie pants take our little Dashie away again!”
  85. >You hear something squeak, almost like a dog toy
  86. >Rainbow[winded]:Pin-k-ie, you-re hu-rting m-e”
  87. >Applejack:”Hehe… Come on everypony, GROUP HUG!”
  88. >You kind of wanted to take a peak, but didn’t want to risk being spotted
  89. >Eventually, the hug ends as you hear Rainbow take a huge gasp for air
  91. >Fluttershy[quietly]:”We- um-... we were really worried about you, Rainbow…”
  92. >Rainbow:”HA! Worry about Rainbow Dash? The most awesomeness, daring and fastest pegasus in all of Equestria!”
  93. >You hear a little ‘meep’ come from Fluttershy, followed by the sound of a hoof resting on a shoulder
  94. >Rainbow[sincerely]:”Thanks.”
  95. >None of them talk for awhile so you assumed another hug was going on
  96. >These ponies didn't seem like such bad peop- er animals
  97. >Maybe if things had worked out differently...
  98. >But you had long since blown your chance of redemption
  99. >There was also the fact you were seen as a walking freak to them
  100. >Rainbow:"Ouch!"
  101. >Applejack:"Dat' reminds me, we got ta get you ta the hos'pital after what 'dat thing did ta you..."
  102. >Twilight:"Where did you get those bandages Rainbow? They look... different"
  103. >Rainbow:"Oh yeah, that thing put them on me as well as some kind of goo stuff..."
  104. >Applejack:"And ya jus' let him?!"
  105. >Twilight:"Rainbow, it could be poisoned!"
  106. >Rainbow:"I don't thi -OW- Pinkie Pie?!"
  107. >Pinkie Pie[innocently]:"Sorry..."
  108. >Rainbow:"It’s a long story..."
  109. >Twilight:"One that you can tell us all about AFTER you get your rest. Pinkie Pie, can you take Rainbow to Ponyville General?
  110. >Pinkie Pie:"Okie Dokie Lokie"
  111. >With that said, you hear Rainbow let out a "Woo!" as something runs away with her at incredible speed
  113. >Twilight:"Applejack, I'll need you to bring that craft to the library so I can further study it. And Fluttershy, could you ask your animal friends if they've seen anything unusual like Rainbow's assailant in the Everfree forest as of late?"
  114. >There's a moment of silence
  115. >Twilight:"Also Fluttershy, I'm-….I'm sorry about the… you know"
  116. >Fluttershy lets out an inaudible whimper before she trots away
  117. >Applejack:"Shucks Twi, she's not taking it well"
  118. >Twilight:"I know, but she'll get over in due time... but right now, we got to be grateful we have Rainbow back"
  119. >Applejack:"Yeah, yur' right... I really thought we lost her, Twi"
  120. >Her voice trails off
  121. >Twilight:"We all did Applejack, but that’s in the past... She's here now"
  122. >The mare's voice turns to a more soothing and appreciated tone
  123. >The orange pony instantly perks up
  124. >Applejack[happy]:"Yeah, thank Celestia"
  125. >Twilight:"Now come on, there's research to be done!"
  126. >Soon the two more away, the sound of your sled being dragged behind them
  127. >The stillness and silence of the night is restored once again, allowing you to close your eyes
  129. >You awake up to your dismay in a familiar fashion, the Moon just barely disappearing over the horizon
  130. >Damn, you thought you were over with this bullshit
  131. >You curl up in a tight ball, trying to force yourself back to sleep
  132. >It doesn’t work of course, but you couldn’t really do anything else hiding in a bush
  133. >Eventually, you feel the Sun’s rays hit your form as well as hear the muffled sounds of doors opening and yawning
  134. >But you are too tired from last’s night events to care about them
  135. >Finally around midday, you give up trying to go back to sleep and get up for the day
  136. >Peering through the bushes, you see the busy morning routine of a street market that had been set up while you rested
  137. >And ponies…
  138. >Ponies everywhere
  139. >All with their own unique combination of mane and coat color
  140. >Some were even wearing small articles of clothing, such as hats and things...
  141. >As you stare out onto this alien world, you feel something touch your back
  142. >You jump and turn to see- Oh it’s just Gus
  143. >He was poking you with his snout, before using it to point to a pile of slobber and half bitten apples over to the left
  144. >You sigh
  145. >Have to use what your given, you suppose...
  146. "Thanks bud"
  147. >You pat him on the head before going over to retrieve some apples
  148. >Finishing rest of your canteen while trying to force the grubby apples down, you listen in on the common street talk of the ponies
  149. >You thought they'd be talking about stupid things like hay and oats
  150. >You know, horse stuff
  151. >But it seemed these pony folk were a lot like you, gossip spreading rampant
  152. >Though you didn't really hear anything negative or degrading rumors about other ponies. For the most part, everyone was buzzing about Rainbow Dash
  153. >Seems you had ran into a pretty important and popular pony
  154. >She was (apparently) the leader of Ponyville's 'weather' team, champion of the Best Young Fliers Competition, had a fan club of foals solely dedicated to her and to top it all off was friends with the 'Princess'
  155. >Needless to say, you were mentioned occasionally
  156. >Oh ok, a lot
  157. >Word had spread quickly that Rainbow had crash landed in the forest but had then been captured by some strange, menacing creature.
  159. >Some versions said that you were going to eat her before she escaped, others said you were trying to extort 'bits' from the Princess
  160. >Well, at least the ponies with conflicting stories all agreed to wait until "Mayor Mare and Twilight Sparkle" made their statement today at town hall
  161. >The town hall must be that tower structure you saw earlier
  162. >You'd probably be in earshot from the hedges when they released the statement...
  163. >As you finish your last apple, you turned to see Gus had vanished
  164. >Whatever, he seemed to know how to stay out of sight of the ponies
  165. >Just then, you hear something crash out in the market place as well as distressed pony shout
  166. >???:"My cabbage!"
  167. >You peak over the hedge to see one of the stalls completely toppled, cabbage everywhere
  168. >On top of the wreckage, you see three familiar fillies… Apple bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle
  169. >The stall man er- pony stood idly by, mouth agape
  170. >You can't help but smile at the odd scene
  171. >The three fillies jump up instantly and then... looked their own butts?
  172. >What the fuck?
  173. >They all give sighs of disappointment in unison
  174. >Applebloom:"No cutie marks... looks lik' overturin' cabbage stalls isn't our special talent"
  175. >Cutie Marks?
  176. >The one named Sweetie Belle goes over to the stall pony, who still looks like he could have a heart attack any second
  177. >Sweetie:"Sorry about the mess Mister, we were just in a rush to go see Rainbow Dash. She's might be getting out of the hospital tomorrow!"
  179. >For a moment, you're scared for the little fillies's fate
  180. >However, the pony's face quickly changes into a subtle smile
  181. >???:"Oh it’s ok, girls. Go on, don't let me hold you up... tell Rainbow Dash I said hi"
  182. >Apple Bloom:"We will! Thanks mister!"
  183. >Scootaloo:"Come one, guys!"
  184. >You see Sweetie Belle toss over some coins to the stall pony (must be those 'bits') before running off with her friends
  185. >The stallion waves a hoof goodbye and then gets to fixing his stall
  186. >He had just let them go... Just like that
  187. >Was it because they were just kids or were these ponies just as kind as they were colorful?
  188. >Before you can finish the thought, a trumpet sounds from the village center
  189. >The ponies begin to follow the call and filter in and around the Town Hall
  190. >Soon the streets of the market are deserted as it seems the whole village gathers before a stage, where you can barely make out the outline of two ponies.
  191. >Unlike you had previously thought, you can't seem to make out what they are saying
  192. >Shit, you need to get closer
  193. >Everyone’s attention is focused on the tan coated mare speaking as a purple unicorn stands by her side
  194. >Must be the 'Mayor Mare'
  195. >What a disgusting pun
  196. >Slowly, you gather the courage and roll stealthily out of the hedges
  197. >You land behind a stall that sells cherries and you can't help but snag a few
  198. >Definitely better than your average cherry...
  199. >You slowly make your way closer to the crowd, crouching behind the carts for cover
  200. >Finally, you dive behind the sculpture of a fountain, only a few mere feet from the crowd
  201. >Mayor Mare:"-which is why the Princess Celestia is advising everyp0ny to lock your doors at night and stay alert until this creature has been captured"
  203. >The mayor takes a short pause from what must have been long speech, which you’d pretty much missed all of
  204. >Dammit
  205. >Mayor Mare:"I now give the floor to Twilight Sparkle, so that she may clarify the rumors you all have been hearing concerning the incident"
  206. >The purple unicorn moves into position behind the podium as the mayor gracefully sidesteps
  207. >Twilight:"As you all may have heard by now, the pegasus pony and good friend of mine, Rainbow Dash was captured and held against her will by the creature Mayor Mare just described to you."
  208. >Soft mumbling pass through the crowd
  209. >Twilight:"After talking to Rainbow Dash and consulting Princess Celestia, I can confirm that this creature has never been seen nor described before in any historical documentation since the founding of Equestria... Which has the Princess and I to believe this creature is of a whole new species"
  210. >There is a peal of a few gasps
  211. >Twilight:"Rainbow Dash said that the creature called himself 'Anon' and told her that it was... not from this world and had been seemingly transported here to Equestria by an unknown magical phenomenon."
  212. >There is so much mumbling between the ponies Twilight has to wait before speaking again
  213. >Twilight:"It seems that the creature was holding Rainbow Dash for ransom, so that in return, we, specifically Rarity and I, would send it back to its home world using our own magic."
  214. >The crowd becomes quiet again
  215. >Twilight:"Though I can try and understand the creature's desperation in its given situation, that does not excuse it from being held accountable for its actions."
  217. >You see some nobs of agreement in the crowd
  218. >Well, shit
  219. >Twilight:"The creature is believed to be extremely dangerous and SHOULD NOT, under any circumstances be confronted alone. If spotted, immediately contact the nearest authority figure, along with me or any other wielder of the Elements of Harmony"
  220. >The 'Elements of Harmony'?
  221. >That sounded... regal
  222. >Mayor Mare takes over again for closing statement, which is a sign for you that the little public announcement was coming to an end
  223. >You make haste back to the hedges just as you hear the ponies behind you start to disperse
  224. >A few minutes later and the market is alive again
  225. >The place was buzzing about you even more this time, but you weren't really paying attention
  226. >God, what had you gotten yourself into?
  227. >Hell, even the high up royalty of this country was on your ass
  228. >It was only a matter of time before somepony came to trim these bushes
  229. >You were going to be found if you stayed in this place eventually
  230. >And despite having totally destroyed that manticore thing, you didn't want to go back living in the forest knowing now what possible monsters lay within
  231. >What to do...?
  232. >Your finger traces the curves of the revolver in hand
  233. >Maybe you could waltz into this hospital with this and take back Rainbow or just any other helpless pony as a hostage again
  235. >You sigh
  236. >No, you'd just make things worse...
  237. >You slide the gun back into your pant’s waistband
  238. >You soon get bored of sitting and decide to do pushups to past the time
  239. >Escaping this place at night seemed like the most sane option
  240. >But where would you got?
  241. >Even if you did find some safe, non-pony infested place to hide, what then?
  242. >Only these unicorns could get you home
  243. >Without their help, you’d simply be stuck here for the rest of your life
  244. >You were in a tight pinch and you didn’t like it
  245. >They would find you eventually… and as bad as that sounds that was your only hope
  246. >Maybe after you had proved yourself to them and made amends, they'd choose to help you
  247. >Heck, they might send you back home right away just to get rid of you
  248. >So if you were just sitting here, waiting for them to find you… why didn’t you just walk outside and reveal yourself?
  249. >You can imagine yourself stepping through the hedge and out into the square in front of them all but you couldn’t actually do it
  250. >A tiny tang of fear held you back
  251. >Just like the sailor that refuses to abandon a sinking ship in open water. Not because he can’t swim but because of the uncertainty of the sea
  252. >He does not know what the waves carry or what hides beneath the surface
  253. >It terrifies him that he must jump out into something he does not know nor does he truly understand
  254. >And it is that fear that glues him paralyzed to the ships’ deck, even as it sucks him down with it
  255. >The anxiety of not knowing what will happen cripples a man into desperately latching onto whatever he DOES know, even if it inevitable brings his own death
  256. >Right now, the secret corner in the hedges was your ship
  257. >You're little safe place from the surrounding foreign world
  258. >And you were going to sail on it for as long as you could…
  260. >The market begins to die down as the Sun leisurely creeps down over the hills
  261. >The baby blue sky also slowly begins to fade into its nighttime plum-colored haze
  262. >Soon enough Gus returns, trotting through the back of the brush
  263. >By then, the Moon had just started to ascend and the stall ponies had already left
  264. "And where exactly have you been-"
  265. >You cut yourself off as the bush continues to shake even after he had come through it
  266. >Something else was coming through…
  267. >You place your hands on the ground, ready to pounce on the thing when it emerges
  268. >Walking slightly behind Gus, a memorable figure appears
  269. >Despite its similar features to Gus, he dwarfs her considerably
  270. >Its Winona
  271. "...son of a bitch"
  272. >Well, at least HE was making friends
  273. >It doesn't take the little hound long to recognize you
  274. >You try hard to put on a smile
  275. "good… girl?"
  276. >She stops in her tracks, eyes on you
  277. >Maybe... maybe she had forgotten about your little kick?
  278. >Her eyes quickly narrow as she bears her teeth
  279. >Not a very threatening set of canines there, but nonetheless you slide back a little trying to look as non-threatening as possible
  280. >Gus now sits promptly on his bum, looking to back between you and Winona, confused
  281. >She starts to advance, a low growl escapes her maw
  282. >You put up your hands defensively before Gus decides to jump in
  283. >He walks over and softly nudges Winona with his long white snout
  284. >She stops and turns to him, puzzled
  285. >He then walks over to you, lowering his head so you’re able to catch his drift
  286. >You reach out with your hand to meet and pet his head gently
  287. >The stock dog stares blankly at the two of you, bewildered on what to do
  288. >Slowly, you offer your other hand to her
  291. >She flinches and begins to retreat
  292. "I’m sorry about earlier Winona... I promise not to bite if you don't"
  293. >Though the meaning of your words allude her, using her name combined with your soft tone causes her to stop backing up
  294. >Gus gives a little whine of encouragement to her as you let your hand hang open in the air
  295. >Slowly, she makes her way to your hand but hesitates when she's within a few inches
  296. >You avert your gaze, looking off to the side to try and ease her worry
  297. >…A warm grin crawls onto your face when you feel her soft fur against your palm
  298. >You turn back to look at her, softly scratching at the base of her ears
  299. >She smiles the only way a dog can smile, wholeheartedly
  300. >That’s one atonement down...
  301. >If only they’d all be this easy
  302. >You continue to pet Winona and Gus for awhile, until she eventually pulls away
  303. >She briefly goes over to Gus and passively nuzzles his face
  304. >The white wolf returns the gesture, easily dominating the cuddle with his huge, furry maw
  305. >After it ends, Winona heads back out the way she came
  306. >You and Gus both turn to each other at her departure, you giving him a big shit eating grin
  307. "Getting lucky with the locals, eh boy?"
  308. >That was kind of doubtful, seeing their obvious difference in size
  309. >But then again...
  310. >Love will always find a way, right?
  311. >You laugh as he manages to roughly push you over, playfully
  312. >Caught in the moment, you wrestle with him like a pup before going to bed
  313. >In light of what had just happened, you admitted you felt kind of... good
  314. >Better than you had the days pass
  315. >Despite the obvious bad, you couldn't help but look hopefully up at the beautiful night sky
  316. >As Gus gets down and nestles himself beside you, you begin to curiously count the stars
  317. >There seemed to be as many as the ones back home, but these stars seemed… different
  318. >Like you could just reach out and pluck them from the sky
  319. >Each one was equally as bright as the next but with its own unique shine
  320. >Like someone had specially crafted them and arranged them like that
  321. >Eventually, you give up counting and just stare openly at the breathtaking view
  322. >You drift peacefully into sleep
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