
Punny Pinkie: Avalanche

Jan 27th, 2014
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  1. >As your boots sink through the soft snow, you continue making your way up the mountain.
  2. >The cold wind beats against your face relentlessly, but not as bad as the annoying voice behind you.
  3. >Pinkie convinced you to go up the mountain with her and Rainbow Dash to go to her family's vacation cabin.
  4. >She continues to babble on about the party she going to throw when you get there, making your ears nearly bleed.
  5. >Looking up to the skies, you don't see any sign of Rainbow anywhere.
  6. >She's probably at the cabin by now.
  7. >The squeaky, pestering voice continues to etch in your ears like nails to a chalkboard.
  8. "Pinkie! Would you shut up? If you make too much noise, you're going to caus-"
  9. >"AN AVALANCHE?" she shouts with a large grin plaster across her face.
  10. >Her voice echoes louder that that of a loud speaker, crossing over the mountains and cliff.
  11. >A low rumbling sound begins ringing in your ears.
  12. >Turning around, you watch in horror as a giant pile of snow comes crashing down towards you.
  13. >Grabbing Pinkie, you curl yourself up over her and let the wave of frost hit you.
  14. >As you open up your eyes, you see nothing but white.
  15. >Using your hands, you dig out a small hole for you two to fit in.
  16. >Panic quickly settles in.
  17. "We're gonna die here. If the cold doesn't kill us, the lack of air will. I didn't want to go like this!"
  18. >Pinkie turns her head with the evil, devious smile.
  19. "NO. NOT THIS TIME!"
  20. >You wrap your hands around her neck and begin squeezing.
  21. >Her smile doesn't fade as she uses her last bit of air to say:
  22. >"Anon, you should really chill out!"
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