

May 29th, 2017
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  1. Steven, magical everyman raised by monks
  2. Ophelia, sarcastic sapient AI with a lot of strange futuristic baggage (my oldest character still in use)
  3. Mysterious Stranger, perfectly logical emergent AI survivalist
  4. Ambroise D'Archambault, closetted lesbian in search of a husband
  5. [redacted] Flowers, closetted trans boy with a lot of mental illness, corporate security officer (ouch)
  6. Akemi Ohashi, further information is not available here
  7. Nobuyuki Shinohara, severely depressed boy pressed into a magical adventure
  8. Sachi Shinohara, his completely manic twin sister
  9. Erinn Beery, dysthymic nonbinary genetically-modified corpkid, doctor/dominatrix
  10. Victoria, cognitively-limited AI whose ambiguously-awful owner died in front of her
  11. Cordelia, gynoid spokesperson for an anarcho-syndicalist collective run by robots, once fucked a priest
  12. Atai, spark of gnosis enmeshed in a body of machine code, loves anime and her friends
  13. Belle Fournine, space cowgirl raised by robots
  14. Simone Doerr, albino slavegirl with a hell of an ego
  15. Adi Kaz, very very very tall autistic girl who collects drones like old ladies collect cats
  16. Takara Maki, angry nonbinary rich kid who pretends to be a pirate and fights a lot
  17. Miranda, severely abused robot kid turned BRUTALLY EFFECTIVE SPECIAL OPERATOR
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