
ATR chapter titles

Mar 30th, 2016
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  1. PART 1
  3. 1 - in which namine has a nightmare
  4. 2 - in which namine and riku find a new home
  5. 3 - in which sora and kairi discuss a certain shadow
  6. 4 - in which sora and kairi visit hb
  7. 5 - in which kairi and namine talk
  8. 6 - in which sora and kairi go home
  9. 7 - in which namine TRIES to tell riku about the thing
  10. 8 - in which sora talks to his parents
  11. 9 - in which namine and kairi talk again
  12. 10 - in which riku says some scary shit / "i'll kill her"
  14. 11 - it begins
  15. 12 - in which someone who didn't want to be rescued is rescued
  16. 13 - in which we go to the beach. i mean. have a discussion
  17. 14 - in which we got another beach and have another discussion
  18. 15 - uh oh
  19. 16 - in which aerith has an unwelcome guest
  20. 17 - in which aerith feels kind of badass
  21. 18 - in which, er, shit goes down / in which um, crap
  22. 19 - in which vexen does something surprising / in which ok that's fine
  23. 20 - in which riku is immensely relieved
  24. 21 - in which we wrap things up
  27. PART 2
  29. 22 - in which kairi and riku enjoy some time together
  30. 23 - in which, wait, that wasn't supposed to
  31. 24 - in which a certain special someone returns
  32. 25 - in which namine has doubts and sora does his best to soothe them
  33. 26 - in which EVERYONE goes to CO
  34. 27 - in which everyone LEAVES CO
  35. 28 - in which we meet some familiar faces and discuss something, discomforting
  36. 29 - in which aqua (finally) recieves a message
  37. 30 - in which ven is further disgruntled
  38. 31 - in which ven is even further disgruntled, and kairi makes... a discovery??
  40. 32 - in which kairi REALLY makes a discovery
  41. 33 - in which kairi and sora have an argument i mean a discussion
  42. 34 - in which, hmm, that STILL wasn't supposed to happen
  43. 35 - in which someone really embarrasses themself
  44. 36 - in which sora makes a promise
  45. 37 - in which we go.... TO THE LIBRARY!
  48. PART 3
  50. 38 - in which riku has a bad dream
  51. 39 - in which, wait, where'd he go
  52. 40 - in which sora has a less than desireable conversation with his father
  53. 41 - in which, thank goodness, he's alright
  54. 42 - in which sora and kairi have another, er, 'discussion'
  55. 43 - in which they visit yen sid
  56. 44 - in which the visit with yen sid is over
  57. 45 - in which riku is reassured by his friends about various things
  59. 46 - in which namine, riku and aerith take a walk
  60. 47 - in which namine and riku... discuss things
  61. 48 - in which kairi brings her dad to hb
  62. 49 - in which kairi makes a mistake
  63. 50 - in which riku tries to fix kairi's mistake but then makes it worse
  64. 51 - in which sora is completely adamant on his stance
  65. 52 - in which riku trusts kairi with a heavy burden
  66. 53 - in which we have some quiet and then some yelling
  67. 54 - in which sora enjoys his first day of training
  68. 55 - in which kairi is not as kind as she should be
  69. 56 - in which ven asks a question and sora tries to be patient
  71. 57 - in which namine and kairi hang out
  72. 58 - in which leon gets a phonecall
  73. 59 - roxas is here
  74. 60 - in which riku wrestles with a moral dilemma
  75. 61 - in which sora wrestles with his own moral dilemma
  76. 62 - in which aerith makes an unexpected visit
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