
Dirty Whore (1 - A dangerous dance) by tailsopony

Jun 1st, 2014
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  1. //------------------------------//
  2. // A dangerous dance// Story: Dirty Whore// by tailsopony//------------------------------//
  4. A Dangerous Dance
  6. She's always in her box, that muddy brown earth pony. And she always has that sign. The mare was blind, you can tell that by her glossy eyes, and somepony else must have written the sign for her. Sitting on the edge of the road, out on the edge of town. It's like she wants to be seen, but doesn't want too many ponies to see her. You guess that from here she mostly gets travelers instead of town ponies.
  8. You've seen her before plenty, but you've never seen anypony take her up on the offers on her sign. It had been a while since coming to Equestria, and you've had a certain ache, but it's never been strong enough to make you approach her.
  10. Being human in an all pony world had it's downsides. Nopony found you attractive, and you had lived a single life, not knowing the touch of another for the past few years. Your ache acts up, a little stronger than normal. Nopony has removed her from here, so it must be okay. Surely nopony would begrudge you for indulging in her offer this once.
  12. "Excuse me, miss. I may be interested in purchasing your services. I'd just like to check that you know what's on your sign, right?" You had to be sure this wasn't a cruel prank played on a hapless pony after all.
  14. She shuffles nervously, and responds quietly. "It's... 5 bits. 5 bits for me to give you a hoofjob." She closes her eyes, and tears start to leak from her shut lids. "10 bits for a full service. I'll use... my whole body on you." She sniffles a a bit, and turns her head towards her box, away from you as she spoke. "And for 20 bits, I'll let you do anything you want." You hear her tail swish back and forth in the box, perhaps at some memory. "Anything at all..."
  16. Well, her attitude is a little off, but what she's offering is exactly what you were looking for. You quickly scan the area to make sure nopony is watching, and find it decidedly pony free. What the hell, you have bits to burn right now.
  18. You crouch down to get close to her. "Are you open to any sort of negotiation right now, miss?"
  20. "I... haven't eaten in a few days. And all I have to drink is this puddle. I'd be willing to... barter for food..." She sounds desperate, and you can hear her voice falter. She is on the edge of crying.
  22. Well, you had nothing going on for the rest of the day. Maybe you should make the most of it.
  24. "Miss. I have a proposition for you. If you follow me to my house then I will feed you, and give you something a little more substantial than a puddle to drink. I will also pay you a sum of 180 bits." Her ears picked up at the mention of food, and you can see her empty eyes peer at you with the prospect of that many bits. You smile at her sudden eagerness. Maybe you can turn her attitude around.
  26. "Of course, for this transaction, I will be taking advantage of your 'anything' offer for the duration and I would require you to spend the rest of the day and the entirety of the night with me. If you stay till sunrise, I'll even cook you some breakfast.” You can see her start to drool at the prospect of food. This little blind pony will be eating out of your hand before the night was over, and you were going to enjoy it.
  28. She shuffles a bit, and stands herself up. Now that she is standing you can get a good look at her. She's a bit on the skinny side, but not completely emaciated. She seems young, but not too young. If she was a human, you'd think early 20s. You can tell that maybe once she had been a more fit pony, but due to recent circumstances her condition seems a little worse off. Her coat looks greasy, the same as her straggled mane. Perhaps the strangest thing about her is her lack of a cutie mark. How odd.
  30. “I'll also offer you the chance to bathe. I'll... accompany you of course.” A bath would be necessary before you let her into your bed. She seems conflicted, and stays quiet for a moment
  32. Being so close to having your desires fulfilled, you begin to really smile. This started out as curiosity, grew into a fantasy, and now you are really going to do it. Your going to pay a pony to suck your cock and let you fuck her and use her all night long. Just because you are bored and have the bits that she so desperately needs.
  34. You should feel sick and depraved, but in a way you feel righteous. Nopony has romantically given you the time of day since you got here, so fuck them. Here is a lost little pony just looking for some bits and you are buying what she is selling. It's perfectly fine and if anypony has anything to say about it, well they can go buck themselves. Because that's what you've been doing for the past few years.
  36. Lost in your own fantasy, you barely catch her response. “O... Okay...” The pony seems defeated. She closes her eyes and turns her head to the ground. “Just let me put my sign in my box.”
  38. And now you've successfully hired an equestrian whore. You smile as you respond. “Sure. But there is one thing you need to know about me first.” You don't think it will be a deal breaker, but you'd rather know now then later. “I'm not a pony. I'm a different creature. A human.”
  40. She puts her sign in the empty cardboard box and sighs. “It really doesn't matter to me anymore mister. I can't turn down your offer. Besides, I can't see what you look like anyways.” She sounds despondent, almost disconnected now as the reality of her decision has sunk into her.
  42. Your grin reaches shit eating proportions. “Well, can you follow me? Or shall I lead you somehow?”
  44. “I can just bite your tail mister, and you can lead the way. That's how I usually get about.” She stands patiently, waiting for something to grab onto.
  46. “That isn't going to work with me. I don't have a tail. You can walk next to me, and I'll rest my hand on your back to nudge you one way or the other, alright?” She gulps a little at the strange request.
  48. “Sure mister.” You walk over to her and place your hand on her, gently tugging her to your side where she heels like an obedient dog. You could get used to this.
  50. “You're very tall... and feel strange.” She seems nervous again, rethinking your alien biology.
  52. “Well, we all have our differences. I don't know why you're in this business, but I can quickly tell you why I'm a customer in it. Nopony wants to be with me because I'm human. And Ponies just don't seem to find humans attractive. So I'm a lonely man, or as you would say, stallion.” You can feel just a little bit of bitterness creep into your voice.
  54. You see her visibly cringe. “I'm sorry for bringing it up mister. I think I know how it feels when people bring up things you'd rather not think about.” She seems genuinely concerned that she may have upset you. Cute. But you aren't spending a day and a half's worth of bits on her for moral support.
  56. “Come on. Lets go.” You lead her away, taking the back route to your place so no one see's your new guest. She follows quietly and closely, never losing contact with your hand.
  60. The first thing you do when you get to your place is offer her a seat at the table. She's hungry and a little weak, and for what you're planning she's going to need some energy.
  62. “Here. Have an apple.” You put it on the table right in front of her. You also grab a glass and pour some lemonade. You make sure to mix in a little extra sugar, she's going to need the carbohydrates and the fluid.
  64. The pony hungrily sniffs the apple, and then slowly starts to eat it. It's obvious she's holding herself back, savoring the flavor. You watch as she bites a chunk of it out and rolls it in her mouth, sucking the juices out of it. She carefully chews her bite to a fine pulp and then swallows, taking a moment to breathe in and out a little. “Thank you for...” She starts to cry a little.
  66. “Are you alright there?” You want to make sure she's not hurt, she seems a little more delicate sitting in your kitchen crying than she had been in that box.
  68. She sniffles a bit, and calms down. “I'm sorry. I just haven't had fresh fruit in a long time. Most of what I eat is usually rotten. It's all I can usually beg off ponies.” You sigh. Ponies were a strange lot. Kind and generous most of the time, they were really stuck on haggling and bartering things. It was why you didn't see many pony beggars.
  70. Once you had something to barter, be it a service or a product of some sort, you could usually get them to be very generous. It's one of the reasons your business did so well, you were a cutthroat human. But most ponies would never consider giving away free anything unless they feel they had slighted the other in some way. It would make sense that a pony would “graciously” throw out their bad food to a hungry beggar, avoiding the social faux pas of giving away something for nothing.
  72. You need to get this show back on track. “Don't worry about it. Plenty more where that came from. And I plan on having a real dinner with you later. I just wanted to give you something to get your energy up. Speaking of which, you should drink this lemonade. It's a little better than muddy water.” You put the cup down next to her half eaten apple.
  74. She holds back a heavy breath, and then takes a sip of the drink before she takes a big gulp. “Thank you.”
  76. “Don't thank me yet, miss. This is a trade.” You gently try to steer the conversation towards why you brought a muddy earth pony into your home to begin with.
  78. Her face seems to harden as she remembers that this isn't entirely an act of kindness. “Of course...” She eats her apple a little faster, and washes it down with the rest of the lemonade.
  80. You watch her eat, and ponder what exactly you are going to do with your little whore tonight. Well, you should probably clean her up first. Of course, she doesn't need to be clean for you to look at the goods.
  82. As she finishes the lemonade, you stand up and walk around the table until you're next to her. “Alright. Lets start with a little peek. Stand up, and put your tail to the side so I can see what you have going on down there.”
  84. She silently gets up and stands next to your dining room table, facing away from you. As she moves, you can see the resignation in her face. Her dirty tail swishes from side to side for a moment, and then raises itself up and to the left, providing you a full view of all her delicate pony parts. You smirk at how quick she complied.
  86. Her pony pussy is relatively clean compared to the rest of her coat. She must occasionally wash it in that mud puddle. The lips are dark and large, her pussy being comparatively big for her size. She has a large nub of flesh at the bottom, and a tight puckered hole on top just beneath her tail. Well, if her pussy is going to be too loose, then at least there's always her asshole.
  88. “Huh. Neat. Come on, lets go upstairs. I have a shower where we can get clean.” You watch as she slowly and carefully lowers her tail. When you put your hand on her to lead her, she shudders but you don't think much of it. You probably just surprised her is all.
  90. “This way.” You take her to your bathroom, and direct her to the shower. “Alright! Do you like the water hot or cool?”
  92. “Hot please...” She answers quietly, almost like she's not really paying attention.
  94. “Hot it is then. I'm going to get it warmed up.” You turn the water on, and step out of your clothes. Ponies never seem to mind your nudity, so it doesn't seem to matter if you tell her you're undressing. Putting your hand in, you find the water is pleasantly warm, now is a good time to get in.
  96. “Step this way, miss!” You cheerfully guide her towards the shower, instructing her to step over the tile lip that guards the water basin inside. She seems to enjoy the water, briefly smiling as she faces directly into the spraying nozzle and closes her eyes.
  98. You step in with her and grab some jasmine scented soap. You always thought the scent was soothing, so having a little in your shower helped after a rough day. You gently put some on her back, and begin to rub it in, letting it lather up and carry the dirt and grime away. She shuffles awkwardly as she tries to keep her balance.
  100. You dig your fingers in a little, working the soap into the hide under her fur, getting her a deep cleanse. She sharply sucks in a breath in response, but makes no move to stop you. “Nice, isn't it?”
  102. She has a hard time answering as you keep scrubbing her down, working your hands up to her shoulders and neck. “Ye...Yeah...”
  104. You can feel her start to relax a little, start to let go of that burden she seems to always be carrying. For the moment, she isn't a whore. She's just a mare getting a good cleaning in your shower. As for you, you enjoy the touching.
  106. Feeling her skin and making her respond to your touch is nice. There's no awkward stare or weird pause when your hands touch her, rubbing deep into her fur, lathering it up and massaging it. Instead of a glare or a quick jump away, there's a sharp intake of breath when you hit a good spot and a gentle sigh after. It's nice just being with somebody like this, pony or otherwise. You suddenly realize just how lonely you've been, and how desperate you've become.
  108. As you continue to cleanse the mares body, removing her dirt and grime, you feel a building wall of shame. This pony is a person. A person with hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes. And you've been planning on treating her like a piece of meat. You think back to how she shuddered every time you've touched her. How she looked so lost and forlorn. How she cried over a simple piece of fruit, an off handed gesture of kindness. You think about how desperate she was when you found her.
  110. This is a person so bad off that she's willing to sell her dignity. It's clear she doesn't enjoy this, you've observed that much. You've just been ignoring it, being too busy thinking about getting your rocks off. While she suffered for your amusement. Your excitement ebbs. It would take a real asshole to keep doing what you've been planning on doing. You look intently at her face. Right now though, she's enjoying this. This is something she's loving, and you know what? You like it too.
  112. You put a little more effort into scrubbing the back of her neck, moving up to her mane. You see her start to get a far away contented smile. Working your fingers into her scalp, you start massaging the soap into her skin, pressing your digits tightly against her flesh. Her coat is looking cleaner, glossier and healthier. And her face doesn't look so worn. As you finish washing the grime out of her hair, you gently coax her into turning around to face you.
  114. “Look... I've been thinking.” She turns her head up to face you as the hot water runs down her back. You can see a change in her demeanor, a slight downcast sensation as she remembers where she is and what's been going on. She remembers what she agreed to do. What you wanted her to do. You can't bear to see her mood change like that, it breaks your heart as her face goes from the happily dreaming person back into the broken mare you originally brought in. “I... Don't think this is going to work out.”
  116. She speaks up, nearly interrupting you. “I'm sorry. I got a bit carried away there. Please, I need the bits.” You can hear the edge in her voice, the nervous fear.
  118. “But this is... You don't want this. This is wrong.” You stand up straight and look down at her. She's a quarter your size, easy.
  120. She lifts a hoof, and for the first time, she touches you of her own volition. Her hoof is warm and much softer than you'd think. It comes to rest on your thigh, and she feels around with it as she speaks. “I was the pony with the sign, advertising.” You see her harden her face in thought, and you feel her hoof explore up your stomach a little, and then back down. “And you. You're the weird tall creature that other ponies think is ugly.”
  122. Ouch. That hurt. It's one thing to know you're ugly, but it's completely another to have somebody call you ugly. She keeps talking as she moves her hoof over your groin and lets it come to a rest. She had it on your cock. “But you know what? I can't see you, so as far as I can tell you're just another voice. And you wanna know what else?”
  124. Her sudden change of demeanor is confusing, and you barely have time to ask, “What?,” to her rhetorical question before she speaks up again.
  126. Her face loses all emotion and her voice becomes monotone as though she is stating one of the very simple rules of the universe. “I'm a whore.”
  128. You don't even have time to think before she leans forward and takes your flaccid dick entirely into her mouth.
  130. Holy shit.
  132. Her tongue is like wet velvet, strong and soft at the same time. It runs down your length and presses at the base of your shaft where your balls hang. Her lips tighten around you, holding your member steady while her tongue starts to move, massaging and coaxing your little prick into a much larger and more erect cock.
  134. You grab the sides of her head as she works your cock with her mouth. It's been so long since your dick has had any action other than your hands that you're fully erect in moments, your throbbing cock getting a wet bath as it grows. She pulls her mouth off of your dick with a wet squelch, and moves to your ball sack, licking and suckling on your dangling package as your cock rests on her cheek.
  136. You realize that you have completely misidentified this wayward pony. She isn't just a whore, she's a very experienced whore. Working slowly, she nibbles from your sack up the underside of your cock, teasing and gently pulling on your skin with her strong lips and leaving little red marks from the suction.
  138. As she gets to your tip, she slowly pushes her tightly closed mouth over it and presses her tongue tightly against it, making it feel like you're penetrating something. As you bottom out in her mouth, you realize that your cock has to be at least a little down her throat, probably a lot more than a little. And then she swallows.
  140. You actually shudder as your cock tip is squeezed, and the undulating movement presses warm and wet flesh up your shaft. She keeps the sensation up all the way to your base by using her tongue to compress you as she breathes hotly into your groin. You aren't going to last, this intense session is way too much for your long forgotten libido.
  142. “Stop... Whoa... Hold up a second there...” You gasp for breath as you hold your orgasm back, and she lets go of your dick with a wet plop.
  144. “Did you enjoy that?” She asked curiously.
  146. You take a moment to collect, letting your body's excitement ebb just a little, getting yourself under control. “You... are very good at that.”
  148. She leans into your groin, resting her nose right next to your erect cock. Her voice remains neutral, and she expresses no emotion as she responds. “I told you. I'm a whore.” You can feel her tongue hanging out of her mouth after she speaks, and it's long. Without moving her head, she licks from your inner thigh, to just behind your dangling sack.
  150. You ruffle the hair on her head. Fuck it. She got over her hangups, you can too. “You're a dirty little pony.” You say with amazement.
  152. Her tongue slowly pulls back into her mouth, leaving a trail of saliva around one side of your sack. Her voice sounds far away as she speaks. “I haven't been dirty yet. This is dirty.”
  154. You feel her nuzzle down under your sack, and then you feel her tongue again, licking your taint and moving carefully towards your asshole. The tongue wetly parts your cheeks, and strokes across your tightened pucker. You had not expected this. The little mare was full of surprises it seemed. The sensation is something you've never felt before, and as she licks your bunghole you feel a tingle deep inside. It almost feels like burning, but in a good way. A white hot fire of pleasure emanating from within your groin.
  156. You stutter as you try to communicate to her, leaning over her body and resting your hands on her back. With each breath she licks you and grinds the top of her muzzle against your shaft. It takes all your self control just to speak your wonder. “Ju.. St.. Oh.. Ah... Just how dirty … are... Ahh!... you?”
  158. She doesn't respond with by talking, but she does use her tongue. The mare shifts under you just a little, and rams her tongue right into your ass, spreading your sphincter with her potent muscle. At first it hurts, and you clench in surprise. When you tighten around her firm tongue, that white fire that had been building cascades across your body in a wave and you shudder in ecstasy.
  160. You're not sure how, but you find that in your confusion, she's pulled you down on top of her and flipped herself over. You're sitting on her face, leaning over her body while she roughly tongue fucks you in the ass in your shower. You're vaguely aware that this isn't at all how you'd imagined the evening to go, but as you convulse over her body in ecstasy, you couldn't care less about that.
  162. She's lifting you off the floor with her head as she impales you on her tongue, and you feel your cock grinding against her chest each time she thrusts you forward. Each wave of white fire that burns your nethers brings you closer to the most intense orgasm of your life. You know it'll happen soon.
  164. You feel her soft hooves grasp around your cock and begin to pump you, pulling and pushing in time with her tongues filthy task. You tighten your grip around her waist, and bury your face in fur. It's too much for you, you can't take it any more. Her tongue presses strongly against something inside of you, something up and behind your ball sack, deep in your body. You grit your teeth into her body as you explode, thick strands of pent up cum painting the space between you and the whore.
  166. You keep thrusting as her tongue forces more and more of your jizz out of your body. You've never felt this empty. You've never felt this alive. Groaning, you feel the burning sensation flow away. You begin to hurt, first your ass. It's sore. Really, really sore. Then your ballsack hurts too. It feels sore in a new way. Like it's just gotten the best exercise of it's life.
  168. You're confused. You feel violated. But you also feel good, content with what happened. You relax a little and rest on her body, feeling her breathing up and down, feeling your slime between you and her. It's a little reassuring, having the sticky memory of what just transpired close by. You replay it in your head, focusing on the sensations and the way she moved. That was hot, more intense than you had expected from a pony.
  170. After a minute or two, you feel something tapping on your legs. Oh yeah. The little mare probably didn't want to keep staring at your ass anymore. Then again, she couldn't see it anyway. Still, the position was probably uncomfortable for her.
  172. You get up, letting her get up as well. After a moment, she speaks first. “Did you enjoy that?”
  174. You grin even though she can't see it. “Best 180 bit's I've ever spent.”
  176. She taps gently on your knee and you kneel down to her height for her to speak. “That wasn't for the bits. That was just for the food. I believe we still have the rest of the night for me to work off the bits.”
  178. You put your hand on the side of her head, and she presses into it. “I think we can work something out. Your tongue is amazing.”
  180. She moves forward, pressing her muzzle into your ear. “My tongue is only one part of me you know.” She breathes heavily on you, and licks behind your ear. “All of me is a whore...” Your eyes are drawn to the base of her tail, lifted high and pressed to the side. Exposing herself for the world to see.
  182. You reach forward, grabbing her ass cheek and pressing your fingers against her puckered hole. You feel her nearly imperceptibly wince at your touch, but her voice doesn't betray her like her body does. “And all of me has a few tricks.” Your finger resting on her tight asshole is suddenly sucked in up to the first knuckle, and she gives your ear a light bite.
  184. “So, how about I start working off those 180 bits?” Your trapped finger is given a tight squeeze and your aching cock rises up to a half chub. It's not even dinner time, and it's going to be a long, dirty night.
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