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packages depending libgtk2.0-0

a guest
Aug 18th, 2012
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  1. apt-cache showpkg libglib2.0-0 | grep "," | sed 's/,.*//' | sed 's/ //' | sort | uniq
  2. -----
  3. 100boxes
  4. 3g2g-mode-selection-applet
  5. abiword
  6. abook-dtmf
  7. abook-qrcode
  8. actionmanagerdaemon
  9. active-desktop-sp
  10. adobe-flashplayer
  11. aisleriot
  12. alarmclient
  13. alarmd
  14. alsa-policy-enforcement
  15. amsn
  16. angrybirds
  17. app-search-app
  18. app-search-widget
  19. applet-datetime
  20. applock
  21. arapp
  22. as-config-applet-0
  23. as-daemon-0
  24. as-utils
  25. asterisk
  26. ati85
  27. autodisconnect
  28. avahi-ui-utils
  29. azimuth
  30. bambuser
  31. battery
  32. batterygraph
  33. battlegweled
  34. beifahrer
  35. belltower
  36. bermudasyndrome
  37. bfan
  38. birthday
  39. blessn900
  40. bluez
  41. bluez-cups
  42. bootscreen
  43. braek
  44. browser-eal
  45. browser-neteal
  46. browser-switchboard
  47. bullshitbingo
  48. butaca-server
  49. cal-home-widget
  50. calendar
  51. calendar-home-applet
  52. calendar-ui
  53. call-forward
  54. callerid
  55. callerid-widget
  56. callforwarding
  57. callnotify
  58. camel-as-provider-0
  59. camelisync
  60. camera-ui
  61. camkeyd
  62. capsule
  63. carman-location-wrapper
  64. carmand
  65. case
  66. cbrpager
  67. ccchh-dooris-widget
  68. celltowerinfo
  69. cfmradio
  70. cherry
  71. chledclk
  72. cinaest
  73. cinaest-plugin-catalog
  74. cinaest-plugin-google
  75. cinaest-plugin-imdb
  76. cl-launcher
  77. claws-mail
  78. claws-mail-html2-viewer
  79. claws-mail-pgp-plugins
  80. clipboard-manager
  81. clock-ui
  82. clockd
  83. cloudgps
  84. clutter-gesture
  85. clutter-imcontext
  86. colem
  87. conboy
  88. conboy-midgard
  89. conboy-unstable
  90. conky
  91. conky-n900
  92. connectnow-home-widget
  93. connlock
  94. connui-btsettings
  95. connui-cellular-settings
  96. connui-conndlgs
  97. connui-conndlgs-bluetooth
  98. connui-conndlgs-cellular
  99. connui-conndlgs-wlan
  100. connui-home-cellular
  101. connui-iapsettings
  102. connui-iapsettings-gprs
  103. connui-iapsettings-wlan
  104. connui-statusbar-bluetooth
  105. connui-statusbar-cellular
  106. connui-statusbar-internet
  107. contact-zoom
  108. contacts-merger
  109. conversations-inbox-widget
  110. cps2emu-ng
  111. cpumem-applet
  112. crazygardens-free
  113. crazyparking
  114. csb
  115. cuesheet-widget
  116. cumulus
  117. currency-exchange-widget
  118. custom-operator-name-applet
  119. custom-operator-name-widget
  120. cuteexplorer
  121. datejinni
  122. datetoday-home-widget
  123. dbus-scripts
  124. desktop-clock-widget
  125. desktop-cmd-exec
  126. desktop-file-utils
  127. desktop-switcher
  128. deskypplet-applet-fremantle
  129. desmume
  130. diamondscapture
  131. diamondscapture-free
  132. diamondsparadise-free
  133. dicejinni
  134. digiaatscene
  135. digiclockwidget
  136. diskusage
  137. dlh-widget
  138. docstogo
  139. drnoksnes
  140. dsme
  141. dsme-thermalobject-surface
  142. dtg
  143. duke3d
  144. duke3dsw
  145. e-uae
  146. earthcomber
  147. easychem
  148. ebook-tools
  149. echognomix
  150. ecoach
  151. eds-monitor
  152. eds-tools
  153. eightyone
  154. emerillon
  155. enhanced-lockscreen
  156. enigma
  157. epdfview
  158. epubreader
  159. espeaktime
  160. espeaktime-daemon
  161. estardict
  162. ettercap-gtk
  163. ettercap-ng
  164. evince
  165. evolution-data-server-addressbook
  166. evolution-data-server-addressbook-backend-sim
  167. evolution-data-server-addressbook-backend-telepathy
  168. evolution-data-server-backend-dummy
  169. exo-utils
  170. expenselog
  171. extcalllog
  172. extended-contacts-search
  173. extkbd
  174. exult-studio
  175. eyes-widget
  176. eyrie
  177. fastsmsevo
  178. fb-migrator
  179. fceu
  180. fcitm
  181. fcitm-kbd
  182. feedhandler
  183. feedservice
  184. feedservice-plugin-amazon
  185. feedservice-plugin-ap
  186. feedservice-plugin-fb
  187. feedservice-plugin-fb-common
  188. feedservice-plugin-hs
  189. feedservice-plugin-lemonde
  190. feedservice-plugin-lesechos
  191. feedservice-plugin-myspace2
  192. feedservice-plugin-netflix2
  193. feedservice-plugin-photofeed
  194. feedservice-plugin-svd
  195. feedservice-plugin-tv2
  196. feedservice-plugin-twitter2
  197. feedservice-plugin-vg
  198. feedservice-utils
  199. feedservice2
  200. fennec
  201. file-roller
  202. findmine
  203. fizwoz
  204. flashlight-applet
  205. flashlight-extra-gtk
  206. flipclock
  207. fm-carkit
  208. fmsx
  209. fmtx-faker
  210. fmtx-middleware
  211. france24
  212. free42
  213. freeciv
  214. freemap-il
  215. friendstatus
  216. fring
  217. frogatto-engine
  218. frozen-bubble
  219. fuelpad
  220. funpic
  221. gargoyle
  222. gas-balls
  223. gboggle
  224. gcompris
  225. gconf-editor
  226. gconf2
  227. gdigicam-examples
  228. gdspeak
  229. gdspeak-cli
  230. geeqie
  231. gegl
  232. gftp-gtk
  233. gftp-text
  234. gir1.0-glib-2.0
  235. gir1.0-gtk-2.0
  236. givemefive
  237. gjiten
  238. gjiten-dics
  239. glom
  240. gmessage
  241. gnokii-gconf
  242. gnome-keyring
  243. gnome-nettool
  244. gnome-python
  245. gnome-vfs-filechooser-backend
  246. gnumeric
  247. gobject-introspection
  248. google-album-art-downloader
  249. google-poster-downloader
  250. google-search-widget
  251. gpe-calendar
  252. gpe-contacts
  253. gpe-filemanager
  254. gpe-sudoku
  255. gpe-timesheet
  256. gpe-todo
  257. gpesummary
  258. gpesyncd
  259. gprs-provisioning
  260. gps-data-logger
  261. gpscorrelate-gui
  262. gpsjinni
  263. gpspm
  264. gpsrecorder
  265. gpxview
  266. gqview
  267. granule
  268. grilo-0.1-plugins
  269. groupsms
  270. grsync
  271. gst-dmtx
  272. gst-nokia-wm
  273. gst-opencv
  274. gst-zbar
  275. gstreamer-tools
  276. gstreamer0.10-alsa
  277. gstreamer0.10-av
  278. gstreamer0.10-dsp
  279. gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
  280. gstreamer0.10-flac
  281. gstreamer0.10-flv
  282. gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs
  283. gstreamer0.10-ipp-nokia
  284. gstreamer0.10-maemo-xiph
  285. gstreamer0.10-mkv
  286. gstreamer0.10-modplug
  287. gstreamer0.10-mpegaudioparse-maemo
  288. gstreamer0.10-musepack
  289. gstreamer0.10-nokia-speech
  290. gstreamer0.10-ogg
  291. gstreamer0.10-openmax
  292. gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
  293. gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-extra
  294. gstreamer0.10-plugins-base
  295. gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-subtitles
  296. gstreamer0.10-plugins-camera
  297. gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
  298. gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-extra
  299. gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
  300. gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
  301. gstreamer0.10-pocketsphinx
  302. gstreamer0.10-rm
  303. gstreamer0.10-sdl
  304. gstreamer0.10-shoutcast
  305. gstreamer0.10-theora
  306. gstreamer0.10-tools
  307. gstreamer0.10-tracelib
  308. gstreamer0.10-vorbis
  309. gstreamer0.10-vp8
  310. gstreamer0.10-wma
  311. gstreamer0.10-x
  312. gtk2-engines-sapwood
  313. gtk2.0-examples
  314. gtkaml
  315. gtkhtml3.14
  316. gtklp
  317. gtkmm-booster
  318. gtkparasite
  319. gtktetris
  320. gtktide
  321. gtranslate
  322. gucharmap
  323. guitar-chords
  324. gvfs
  325. gvfs-backends
  326. gweled
  327. gypsy-daemon
  328. hal
  329. hald-addon-bme
  330. handy
  331. hangman
  332. headphoned
  333. headset-control
  334. heliummobilebrowser
  335. hercui
  336. hildon-application-manager
  337. hildon-control-panel
  338. hildon-control-panel-personalisation
  339. hildon-desktop
  340. hildon-desktop-python-loader
  341. hildon-home
  342. hildon-im-common-virtual-settings
  343. hildon-im-fkb
  344. hildon-im-keyboard-assistant
  345. hildon-im-keyboard-assistant-scv
  346. hildon-input-method
  347. hildon-input-method-configurator
  348. hildon-input-method-framework
  349. hildon-input-method-plugins-scim
  350. hildon-mime-summon
  351. hildon-plugins-notify-sv
  352. hildon-startup-progress
  353. hildon-status-bar-usb
  354. hildon-status-menu
  355. hildon-systray
  356. hildon-theme-cacher
  357. hildon-thumbnail
  358. hildon-update-category-database
  359. hildon-welcome
  360. i2c-tiny-usb
  361. ibus
  362. ibus-mozc
  363. ibus-pinyin
  364. icd2
  365. icedtea6
  366. idw-1-astro-boy-movie-adaptation
  367. idw-1-dreamland-chronicles
  368. idw-1-gi-joe
  369. idw-1-transformers
  370. idw-1-transformers-all-hail-megatron
  371. idw-transformers-shockwave
  372. im-chooser
  373. imageviewer
  374. imgur
  375. imsettings
  376. ines
  377. iodbc
  378. ironcope
  379. irreco-backend-commandline
  380. irreco-backend-internal-lirc
  381. irreco-backend-lirc
  382. irreco-core
  383. irssi
  384. jamendo
  385. jammo
  386. jammo-bin
  387. jammo-loader
  388. jellywars-free
  389. jenirok
  390. jspeed
  391. kanatest
  392. kandis
  393. kanjipad
  394. kblayout-status
  395. ke-recv
  396. ke-recv-extra
  397. kilpuri
  398. kimi
  399. kimi-console
  400. kimi-hildon
  401. kismet
  402. kmplayer
  403. knips
  404. knots2
  405. kobodeluxe
  406. kofficemaemo
  407. leafpad
  408. led-pattern-editor
  409. lens-cover-reminder-sp
  410. libaccounts-glade
  411. libaccounts0
  412. libas-common-ui-0
  413. libas-common-utils-0
  414. libatk1.0-0
  415. libavahi-glib1
  416. libavahi-gobject0
  417. libavahi-ui0
  418. libbonobo2-0
  419. libbonobo2-bin
  420. libbonoboui2-0
  421. libbonoboui2-dev
  422. libcail-common
  423. libcanberra-gtk-module
  424. libcanberra-gtk0
  425. libcanberra0
  426. libchamplain
  427. libchamplain-0.4-0
  428. libchamplain-0.4.1-0
  429. libchamplain-gtk
  430. libchamplain-gtk-0.4-0
  431. libchamplain-gtk-0.4.1-0
  432. libcinaest
  433. libcityinfo0-0
  434. libclockcore0-0
  435. libclutter-0.8-0
  436. libclutter-1.0-0
  437. libclutter-1.2-0
  438. libclutter-1.3
  439. libclutter-1.3-0
  440. libclutter-1.4
  441. libclutter-cairo-0.8-0
  442. libclutter-gtk-0.10-0
  443. libclutter-gtk-0.8-0
  444. libcodelockui1
  445. libcomapp0
  446. libconbtui0
  447. libconbtui0-hid
  448. libconic0
  449. libconninet0
  450. libconnsettings0
  451. libconnui
  452. libconnui-cellular
  453. libcontactsdb0
  454. libcpaboutcssu
  455. libcroco3
  456. libcumulus0
  457. libcv-dev
  458. libdbus-glib-1-2
  459. libdevlock-bin
  460. libdevlock1
  461. libdicto
  462. libdres0
  463. libdsme0.2.0
  464. libdsme0.2.0-meecolay
  465. libebook
  466. libecore-x1
  467. libecore1
  468. libedata-book
  469. libedataserver
  470. libeggdbus-1-0
  471. libeggdbus-1-dev
  472. libenchant1c2a
  473. libepc-1.0-1
  474. libepc-ui-1.0-1
  475. libethos
  476. libethos-1.0-1
  477. libethos-ui
  478. libethos-ui-1.0-1
  479. libevas1
  480. libeventdb2
  481. libevince1
  482. libexo-0.3-0
  483. libgail-common
  484. libgail18
  485. libgconf-bridge0
  486. libgconf2-6
  487. libgconfmm-2.6-1c2
  488. libgda3-3
  489. libgda3-bin
  490. libgda3-postgres
  491. libgda3-sqlite
  492. libgda4-4
  493. libgda4-bin
  494. libgda4-postgres
  495. libgda4-sqlite
  496. libgdamm4.0
  497. libgdigicam-gst-camerabin0
  498. libgdigicam0
  499. libgdiplus
  500. libgee0
  501. libgee2
  502. libgegl-0.0-0
  503. libgirepository1.0-0
  504. libglade2-0
  505. libglib2.0-0-dbg
  506. libglib2.0-cil
  507. libglib2.0-dev
  508. libglibmm-2.4-1c2a
  509. libglom-1.12-0
  510. libgmime-2.0-2
  511. libgnome-keyring0
  512. libgnome-menu2
  513. libgnome2-0
  514. libgnome2.24-cil
  515. libgnomecanvas2-0
  516. libgnomecups1.0-1
  517. libgnomeprint2.2-0
  518. libgnomeui-0
  519. libgoffice-0-6
  520. libgoffice-0-8
  521. libgoocanvas3
  522. libgoocanvasmm-0.1-4
  523. libgpepimc1
  524. libgpevtype1
  525. libgpewidget1
  526. libgpx0
  527. libgq-gconf0
  528. libgraphviz4
  529. libgrilo-0.1
  530. libgsf-1
  531. libgssdp-1.0-2
  532. libgssdp-gi-1.0-2
  533. libgstfarsight0.10-0
  534. libgstmodplug0.10
  535. libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0
  536. libgstreamer0.10-0
  537. libgstreamer0.10-dev
  538. libgstreamermm-0.10-2
  539. libgstreamermm-0.10-dev
  540. libgtk2.0-0
  541. libgtk2.0-bin
  542. libgtk2.0-cil
  543. libgtk2.0-dev
  544. libgtkadi1
  545. libgtkextra-x11-2.0-1
  546. libgtkhtml2-0
  547. libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a
  548. libgtkmozembed
  549. libgtksourceview2.0-0
  550. libgucharmap7
  551. libgupnp-1.0-3
  552. libgupnp-av-1.0-2
  553. libgupnp-av-gi-1.0-2
  554. libgupnp-gi-1.0-3
  555. libgupnp-igd-1.0-2
  556. libgvfscommon0
  557. libgwobex0
  558. libgxim
  559. libhandoff0
  560. libhighgui4
  561. libhildon-extras1
  562. libhildon-fmmm
  563. libhildon-im-ui3
  564. libhildon-im-vkbrenderer3
  565. libhildon-thumbnail0
  566. libhildon-time-zone-chooser0-0
  567. libhildon1
  568. libhildondesktop1
  569. libhildondesktopmm
  570. libhildonfm2
  571. libhildonmime0
  572. libhildonmm
  573. libhildonnotify0
  574. libhildonnotifymm
  575. libi18n-locale-resolver0
  576. libi18n0
  577. libicd-network-gprs
  578. libicd2
  579. libidl0
  580. libillumination0
  581. libillumination1
  582. libimagecache
  583. libimengines-wp4
  584. libimengines4
  585. libimlayouts0
  586. libisi-glib0
  587. libjson-glib-1.0-0
  588. libkimi-calendar-backend
  589. libkimi-google-calendar
  590. libkimi0
  591. liblas1
  592. libliqbase1
  593. liblocation0
  594. liblomesa0
  595. liblongcat0
  596. liblongcat1
  597. libloudmouth1-0
  598. libmaemosec-certman-applet0
  599. libmaemosec-certman0
  600. libmaesync
  601. libmafw-shared0
  602. libmafw0
  603. libmagickcore3-extra
  604. libmaliit-plugins0
  605. libmaliitframework0
  606. libmappero0
  607. libmatchbox1
  608. libmcclient6
  609. libmeanwhile1
  610. libmeegoimframework0
  611. libmeegotouch-bin
  612. libmeegotouchcore0
  613. libmeegotouchviews0
  614. libmidgard2-2009
  615. libmidgard2-2010
  616. libmimedir-gnome0
  617. libmissioncontrol-server6
  618. libmissioncontrol-utils
  619. libmono-system-data2.0-cil
  620. libmono-system-data4.0-cil
  621. libmono-system-windows-forms4.0-cil
  622. libmono-winforms2.0-cil
  623. libmpd
  624. libmsafb
  625. libmsafl
  626. libmsamm
  627. libmsapb
  628. libmsavk
  629. libnavigation0
  630. libnice-gstreamer0.10
  631. libnice0
  632. libnotify1
  633. libnotifymm
  634. libomap3cam
  635. liborbit2
  636. liborbit2-dev
  637. libosmgpsmap0
  638. libosso-abook
  639. libosso-gnomevfs2-0
  640. libosso-gnomevfs2-common
  641. libosso-gsf-1
  642. libosso1
  643. libossomm
  644. libpango1.0-0
  645. libpangomm-1.4-1
  646. libpeerhood-0
  647. libpoppler-glib-dev
  648. libpoppler-glib2
  649. libpoppler-glib4
  650. libpoppler0c2-glib
  651. libprolog0
  652. libpulse-mainloop-glib0
  653. libpurple0
  654. libqalculate4
  655. libqmf-facebook
  656. libqmf-vkontakte
  657. libqt4-appdownloader-comm
  658. libqt4-core
  659. libqt4-declarative
  660. libqt4-examples-maemo5
  661. libqt4-experimental-core
  662. libqt4-experimental-declarative
  663. libqt4-experimental-gui
  664. libqt4-gui
  665. libqt4-opengl
  666. libqtm-11-contacts
  667. libqtm-11-location
  668. libqtm-11-messaging
  669. libqtm-11-multimedia
  670. libqtm-11-publishsubscribe
  671. libqtm-11-systeminfo
  672. libqtm-12
  673. libqtm-12-contacts
  674. libqtm-12-location
  675. libqtm-12-messaging
  676. libqtm-12-multimedia
  677. libqtm-12-publishsubscribe
  678. libqtm-12-systeminfo
  679. libqtm-bearer
  680. libqtm-contacts
  681. libqtm-location
  682. libqtm-messaging
  683. libqtm-multimedia
  684. libqtm-publishsubscribe
  685. libqtm-systeminfo
  686. librest-0.6-0
  687. librest-extras-0.6-0
  688. libringtoned
  689. librsvg2-2
  690. librsvg2-bin
  691. librsvg2-common
  692. librtcom-accounts-ui-client0
  693. librtcom-accounts-widgets0
  694. librtcom-call-ui0
  695. librtcom-eventlogger-plugins1
  696. librtcom-eventlogger-ui1
  697. librtcom-eventlogger1
  698. libsdl-pango1
  699. libsexy2
  700. libsharing0
  701. libsignon-glib0
  702. libsofia-sip-ua-glib3
  703. libsoundgen0
  704. libsoup2.26-1
  705. libsoup2.4-1
  706. libspectrum7
  707. libspectrum8
  708. libspeechd2
  709. libssoautologin
  710. libtangle-0
  711. libtelepathy-farsight0
  712. libtelepathy-glib0
  713. libtelepathy-qt4-farsight0
  714. libtimeshop
  715. libtinymail-1.0-0
  716. libtinymail-camel-1.0-0
  717. libtinymail-gnomevfs-1.0-0
  718. libtinymail-maemo-1.0-0
  719. libtinymailui-1.0-0
  720. libtinymailui-gtk-1.0-0
  721. libtododb0
  722. libtopos0
  723. libtotem-plparser12
  724. libtpsession
  725. libtrackerclient0
  726. libunique-1.0-0
  727. libvte0.16-cil
  728. libvte4
  729. libwebkit-1.0-1
  730. libwidgetutils
  731. libwnck-dev
  732. libwnck2.20-cil
  733. libwnck22
  734. libwrt-api-experimental1
  735. libwrt-api1
  736. libwrt-experimental1
  737. libwrt1
  738. libwv-1.2-3
  739. libwv2-1c2
  740. libwxgtk2.6-0
  741. libwxgtk2.8-0
  742. libwxgtk2.8-dbg
  743. libxfce4util-bin
  744. libxfce4util4
  745. libxml++2.6c2a
  746. libzbargtk0
  747. libzeemote-conf
  748. libzlibrary
  749. live-wallpaper
  750. livecast-hildon-n900
  751. livecast-hildon-n900-duetto
  752. load-applet
  753. load-applet-ximagewsrc
  754. location-control
  755. location-daemon
  756. location-home-applet
  757. location-proxy
  758. location-status
  759. location-ui
  760. loldongs
  761. lowbatled
  762. lugdulov
  763. m3w-gps
  764. madbomber
  765. maefat
  766. maemo-applet-fmtx
  767. maemo-applet-profiles
  768. maemo-applet-tvout
  769. maemo-bluez-compat
  770. maemo-geolocation
  771. maemo-input-sounds
  772. maemo-installer-utils
  773. maemo-launcher
  774. maemo-mancala
  775. maemo-mapper
  776. maemo-recorder
  777. maemo-scrobbler
  778. maemo-statusmenu-fmtx
  779. maemo-statusmenu-headset
  780. maemo-statusmenu-volume
  781. maemo-tvout-control
  782. maemo5-load-applet
  783. maemoblocks
  784. maemomm-booster
  785. maemosec-certman-applet
  786. maemosec-certman-tools
  787. maemosweeper
  788. maenotify
  789. maep
  790. maepad
  791. maesync-backend
  792. maesync-controller
  793. mafw-dbus-daemon
  794. mafw-grilo-source
  795. mafw-gst-renderer
  796. mafw-gst-subtitles-applet
  797. mafw-gst-subtitles-renderer
  798. mafw-iradio-source
  799. mafw-lastfm
  800. mafw-playlist-daemon
  801. mafw-scrobbler
  802. mafw-tracker-source
  803. mafw-upnp-source
  804. magnusplus
  805. mailcmd
  806. maliit-context
  807. maliit-inputcontext-qt4
  808. mambo
  809. mame
  810. mancala
  811. mancala-free
  812. mapbuddy
  813. mapper
  814. maptool
  815. marble-plugins
  816. marhythm
  817. matchbox-window-manager
  818. mathjinni
  819. mauku
  820. mauku-widget
  821. mbarcode
  822. mbarcode-core
  823. mbarcode-plugin-qrcode
  824. mbarcode-plugin-webrequest
  825. mbarcode-plugin-wifi
  826. mc
  827. mcabber
  828. mce
  829. mceledpattern
  830. mcip
  831. mcip-nt1
  832. mdbus2
  833. mebook
  834. media-im-status-updater
  835. media-player-widget
  836. mediabar
  837. mediaplayer
  838. mediaplayer-restore
  839. mediaplayerhomeapplet
  840. meecast
  841. meego-im-context
  842. messageblocker
  843. mg
  844. miano
  845. microb-eal
  846. microb-engine
  847. microb-geolocation
  848. microfeed-utils
  849. midgard2-bin
  850. minignumeric
  851. mmagnetic
  852. mmmrpc
  853. mmpc
  854. mobile-maps
  855. mobilemind
  856. modest
  857. modest-as-plugin-0
  858. modest-home-applet
  859. modest-nokiamessaging-plugin
  860. mono-devel
  861. monorail
  862. moobox
  863. moonphase-home-widget
  864. movie-schedule
  865. moviefinder
  866. mp-fremantle-generic-pr
  867. mplayer
  868. mrawviewer
  869. msaqtwidgets
  870. mscim
  871. mscim-hangul
  872. msid
  873. mstardict
  874. mstatus-applet
  875. mstopwatch
  876. mttalk
  877. mupen64plus-arm
  878. mupen64plus-arm-gles2n64
  879. murmeltier
  880. mvrdo
  881. mx
  882. mycontacts
  883. mydicto
  884. mypaint
  885. mysocials
  886. mysocials-core
  887. mysocials-driver-console
  888. n900-fmrx-enabler
  889. n900-quran
  890. n9profil
  891. nako
  892. nameday-applet
  893. navit
  894. navit-graphics-gtk-drawing-area
  895. navit-gui-gtk
  896. necrolongplayer
  897. nehegles
  898. neverball
  899. neverputt
  900. nhouselite
  901. njurassiclite
  902. nlarn
  903. nokia-maps-core
  904. nokiamaps-navigation-provider
  905. nokiamessaging
  906. nowplayingd
  907. nspeed
  908. numptyphysics
  909. nwtbible
  910. obexd
  911. offscr-airport
  912. offscr-alarm
  913. offscr-anglemeter
  914. offscr-backgammon
  915. offscr-banderol
  916. offscr-banner
  917. offscr-blackboard-lite
  918. offscr-bubbles
  919. offscr-candle
  920. offscr-coin-toss
  921. offscr-converter
  922. offscr-counter
  923. offscr-cube
  924. offscr-discs
  925. offscr-ebook-emma
  926. offscr-eggtimer
  927. offscr-electric-beams
  928. offscr-elements
  929. offscr-fifteen
  930. offscr-freecell
  931. offscr-labyrinth-lite
  932. offscr-level
  933. offscr-mirrorball
  934. offscr-pendulum
  935. offscr-pocket-calculator
  936. offscr-resistors
  937. offscr-sand
  938. offscr-seismometer
  939. offscr-snowglobe
  940. offscr-solitaire
  941. offscr-speedometer
  942. offscr-watch
  943. offscr-xploder
  944. ofono
  945. ohm
  946. ohm-plugin-prolog
  947. ohm-plugin-resolver
  948. ohm-plugins-misc
  949. ohm-utils
  950. omweather
  951. omweather-gismeteo-ru-stations-db
  952. omweather-weather-com-stations-db
  953. omweather-yr-no-stations-db
  954. openconnect-gui
  955. openfetion
  956. openmediaplayer
  957. openssh-server
  958. opera-mobile
  959. operator-name-cbs-widget
  960. orbit2
  961. orbit2-nameserver
  962. orrery
  963. osm2go
  964. osso-abook-home-applet
  965. osso-abook-import-many
  966. osso-abook-plugin-merge-contacts
  967. osso-accounts-plugin-skype
  968. osso-addressbook
  969. osso-af-utils
  970. osso-applet-device
  971. osso-applet-devicelock
  972. osso-applet-display
  973. osso-applet-languageregional
  974. osso-applet-memory
  975. osso-applet-notificationlight
  976. osso-applet-screencalibration
  977. osso-applet-screencalibration-fix
  978. osso-applet-textinput
  979. osso-backup
  980. osso-bookmark-engine
  981. osso-calculator-ui
  982. osso-chess-ui
  983. osso-filemanager-ui
  984. osso-games-startup
  985. osso-gnomevfs-extra
  986. osso-lmarbles
  987. osso-maesync-plugin
  988. osso-maesync-ui
  989. osso-mahjong
  990. osso-memory-backend
  991. osso-mission-control
  992. osso-notes
  993. osso-obc
  994. osso-pdf-viewer
  995. osso-rss-feed-reader-applet
  996. osso-sketch
  997. osso-startup-wizard
  998. osso-systemui
  999. osso-systemui-actingdead
  1000. osso-systemui-alarm
  1001. osso-systemui-devlock
  1002. osso-systemui-emergency
  1003. osso-systemui-modechange
  1004. osso-systemui-powerkeymenu
  1005. osso-systemui-splashscreen
  1006. osso-systemui-tklock
  1007. osso-wlan
  1008. osso-wlan-security
  1009. osso-xterm
  1010. ota-settings
  1011. otp
  1012. ovi-promotion-widget
  1013. packagerate
  1014. packageview
  1015. panorama
  1016. pcmanx-maemo
  1017. pcsx-m
  1018. pcsxrearmed
  1019. per-contact-ringtones
  1020. personal-gprs-mon
  1021. personal-ip-address
  1022. personal-photo-frame
  1023. petrovich
  1024. phonelink
  1025. phototranslator-alpha
  1026. pid
  1027. pidgin
  1028. pidgin-libnotify
  1029. pidgin-maemo-docklet
  1030. pidgin-openfetion
  1031. pidgin-sipe
  1032. pinentry-gtk2
  1033. planaris
  1034. planner
  1035. pogacsa
  1036. portrait-keyboard
  1037. powatool
  1038. pppoe-dialer
  1039. preenv
  1040. presence-notifier
  1041. pricegenie
  1042. profiled
  1043. profilesx
  1044. prolog-extensions
  1045. proximityd
  1046. proxyswitcher
  1047. psswitcher
  1048. psx4all
  1049. psx4m
  1050. psx4m-dbg
  1051. pulseaudio-module-gconf
  1052. purple-extra-protocols
  1053. purple-plugin-pack
  1054. purple-protocol-bonjour
  1055. purple-protocol-sametime
  1056. pushit
  1057. pushover
  1058. pustynia
  1059. puzzle-master
  1060. pwsafe
  1061. pygi
  1062. python-clutter
  1063. python-clutter-gtk
  1064. python-conic
  1065. python-conic-dbg
  1066. python-dbus
  1067. python-dbus-dbg
  1068. python-ethos
  1069. python-evolution
  1070. python-gconf
  1071. python-glade2
  1072. python-gnome2
  1073. python-gnome2-extras
  1074. python-gobject
  1075. python-gobject-dbg
  1076. python-gobject-pygi
  1077. python-gst0.10
  1078. python-gst0.10-dbg
  1079. python-gtk2
  1080. python-gtkhtml2
  1081. python-gtksourceview2
  1082. python-hildon
  1083. python-hildondesktop
  1084. python-location
  1085. python-location-dbg
  1086. python-mafw
  1087. python-matplotlib
  1088. python-midgard2
  1089. python-notify
  1090. python-opencv
  1091. python-osmgpsmap
  1092. python-osso
  1093. python-pygoocanvas
  1094. python-zbarpygtk
  1095. python2.5-dbus
  1096. python2.5-gnome2-extras
  1097. python2.5-webkit
  1098. q-extras
  1099. qalc
  1100. qalculate-maemo
  1101. qimageviewer
  1102. qstardict
  1103. qt-components-10
  1104. qtirreco
  1105. qtlockscreen
  1106. qtm-modest-plugin
  1107. quassel2go
  1108. queen-beecon
  1109. quick-launch
  1110. quick-widgets
  1111. quiver
  1112. qutim
  1113. qutim-maemo-docklet
  1114. qwerkisync
  1115. r-base-core
  1116. raeddit
  1117. rdesktop
  1118. recorder
  1119. remotesms
  1120. reversi-free
  1121. rfk
  1122. ringtoned
  1123. rockbox
  1124. rockpaperscissors-free
  1125. rtcom-abook-skype-plugin
  1126. rtcom-accounts-plugin-gtalk
  1127. rtcom-accounts-plugin-jabber
  1128. rtcom-accounts-plugin-nokiachat
  1129. rtcom-accounts-plugin-sip
  1130. rtcom-accounts-plugin-vkontakte
  1131. rtcom-accounts-ui
  1132. rtcom-call-ui
  1133. rtcom-messaging-ui
  1134. rtcom-notification-ui
  1135. rtcom-presence-ui
  1136. rulerjinni
  1137. scim
  1138. scim-anthy
  1139. scim-gtk2-immodule
  1140. scim-pinyin
  1141. scopa
  1142. scout
  1143. scv-reader
  1144. sdcv
  1145. sdlmame
  1146. searchtool
  1147. sflphone-client-gnome
  1148. sgt-puzzles
  1149. shake-n-surf
  1150. shared-mime-info
  1151. sharing-account-manager
  1152. sharing-cli
  1153. sharing-dialog
  1154. sharing-fmms
  1155. sharing-manager
  1156. sharing-plugin-blipfoto
  1157. sharing-plugin-mobilblogg
  1158. sharing-plugin-mysocials-mymail
  1159. sharing-plugin-mysocials-photobucket
  1160. sharing-plugin-mysocials-vkontakte
  1161. sharing-plugin-yfrog
  1162. sharing-plugin-youtube-uploader
  1163. sharing-rtcom
  1164. sharing-service-blogger
  1165. sharing-service-evernote
  1166. sharing-service-facebook
  1167. sharing-service-flickr
  1168. sharing-service-ftp
  1169. sharing-service-ovi
  1170. sharing-service-photobucket
  1171. sharing-service-picasa
  1172. sharing-service-pixelpipe
  1173. sharing-service-tinypic
  1174. sharing-service-twitpic
  1175. sharing-service-twitter
  1176. sharing-service-yfrog
  1177. sharing-service-youtube
  1178. sharing-twitter-multi
  1179. shermans-aquarium
  1180. shortcutd
  1181. signon-utils
  1182. signond0
  1183. simple-brightness-applet
  1184. simple-fmtx-widget
  1185. situare
  1186. sixad
  1187. skyhost-vengine
  1188. slide2answer
  1189. sliderule
  1190. smart-storage-logger
  1191. smpeg-gtv
  1192. sms-manager
  1193. smssend
  1194. sociality
  1195. sofia-sip-bin
  1196. sopwith
  1197. spawned-free
  1198. spb-tv
  1199. spbbrainevolution
  1200. speccy
  1201. speech-dispatcher
  1202. speech-dispatcher-flite
  1203. speedfreak
  1204. speedo
  1205. speedy
  1206. sshfs
  1207. stargus
  1208. starling
  1209. starmemorygame-free
  1210. status-area-applet-activesync-0
  1211. status-area-applet-battery
  1212. status-area-applet-mediaplayer
  1213. status-area-applet-tor
  1214. status-area-displayblanking-applet
  1215. status-area-orientationlock-applet
  1216. status-menu-applet-profiles
  1217. status-menu-applet-tvout
  1218. statusbar-alarm
  1219. statusmenu-fmms
  1220. stdl
  1221. sticky-notes
  1222. stopish
  1223. stratagus
  1224. stratagus-dbg
  1225. strongswan
  1226. strongswan-applet
  1227. synaptic
  1228. sync-time-now-widget
  1229. syncevolution
  1230. sysinfo-tool
  1231. sysinfod
  1232. systeminfowidget
  1233. tablet-bookmark-manager
  1234. tablet-browser-controls
  1235. tablet-browser-daemon
  1236. tablet-browser-default-plugin
  1237. tablet-browser-dialogs
  1238. tablet-browser-mediaplayer-plugin
  1239. tablet-browser-ui
  1240. tablet-browser-view
  1241. tablet-browser-view-test
  1242. tablet-browser-widgets
  1243. tabletbridge
  1244. tapankaikki
  1245. tear
  1246. telepathy-gabble
  1247. telepathy-haze
  1248. telepathy-idle
  1249. telepathy-ring
  1250. telepathy-salut
  1251. telepathy-sofiasip
  1252. telepathy-spirit
  1253. telepathy-stream-engine
  1254. telescope
  1255. term-app-launcher
  1256. theremin
  1257. tickstill
  1258. tictactoe
  1259. tictactoe-free
  1260. tiltstick
  1261. timerjinni
  1262. timeshop
  1263. timidity-interfaces-extra
  1264. togglecamera
  1265. tone-generator
  1266. touchmegames
  1267. tracker
  1268. tracker-distutils
  1269. tracker-extractor-flac
  1270. tracker-extractor-mod
  1271. tracker-extractor-vorbis
  1272. tracker-utils
  1273. transmission
  1274. travelapp
  1275. tshark
  1276. tuner
  1277. tunewiki-applet
  1278. tunewiki-community
  1279. tutorial-home-applet
  1280. tuxpaint
  1281. tuxrace
  1282. tweakr
  1283. tweedsuit
  1284. txpad
  1285. txtmsgtomail
  1286. uae
  1287. ubahn
  1288. unrar-fm
  1289. unzip-fm
  1290. usbip
  1291. vagalume
  1292. vala-dbus-binding-tool
  1293. vgb
  1294. vgba
  1295. vicar
  1296. vice
  1297. vidrot
  1298. vncviewer
  1299. vodafone190
  1300. vor
  1301. vox-mobile
  1302. vpnc-gui
  1303. vpngui
  1304. wappushd
  1305. wargus
  1306. web2sms
  1307. webtexter
  1308. weightjinni
  1309. wesnoth-core
  1310. wgames
  1311. whoami
  1312. wifi-signal-applet
  1313. wifiinfo
  1314. wireshark
  1315. wireshark-common
  1316. wmctrl
  1317. worldclock-home-widget
  1318. wormux
  1319. wpeditor0
  1320. wrt
  1321. wrt-experimental
  1322. wv
  1323. xarchiver
  1324. xchat
  1325. xhyperoid
  1326. xournal
  1327. xplanet
  1328. xsane
  1329. xscreensaver
  1330. xulrunner
  1331. yandex-fotki-sharing-plugin
  1332. yaspot
  1333. yellownotes-applet-fremantle
  1334. zeesteroids
  1335. zenity
  1336. zhiing
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