
Fall From Grace (ch7)

Feb 7th, 2021 (edited)
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  3. Maya is coming back to school, so naturally Claudine will do everything possible to help her adjust.
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. -----------
  9. Chapter 7. Reassurances
  11. Claudine is anxious all through the next morning, in spite of the fact that Maya texts her to confirm she's being discharged. It takes her a lot of effort to focus in her classes.
  13. It's around lunchtime when Maya's parents bring her back Seishou. They had already visited the dorms to drop off all of her belongings from the hospital beforehand.
  15. Now, Claudine and the others wait at the doors to welcome Maya back. She's on crutches, but thankfully it doesn't seem to be affecting her ribs too much. As Maya's parents head to the main office to discuss things with staff, her friends form a little group around her as they chat and walk with her back to the cafeteria. Claudine stays as close to her as possible without risking getting in her way.
  17. "Hey," she says softly. "Don't you think you should've gotten a wheelchair for this?"
  19. "Oh?" Maya purrs. "So that you could help escort me at all times?"
  21. "Mechante va! So that you don't have to put crutches up against your broken ribs!"
  23. "They aren't broken, just minor fractures. And I must say they really don't hurt all that much anymore," she smiles. "Besides, I'd think it's best to keep moving as much as possible. I don't want to become sedentary."
  25. "But I think under these circumstances-"
  27. But before Claudine can finish her argument, they've reached the cafeteria. Dozens of their classmates stand up and call out and wave when they see Maya, welcoming her back to school and wishing her well.
  29. Nana and the rest go to claim their usual seats and table, and to set up a chair for Maya, as well as clear a bit of extra room for her to put her crutches. Before Claudine and Maya can join them, there's a small cluster of girls who run up babbling away.
  31. "So Tendo-san has returned?"
  33. "You really fell off the stage, huh...?"
  35. "In the middle of a performance? That's crazy!"
  37. Right away, Claudine goes on the offensive. These were the kind of rueful types they'd been worrying about. Their words of concern are flat and they're smiling far too much to be genuine. With a quiet snarl, Claudine steps up to address them.
  39. "Excuse me, but don't you think-"
  41. "Yes, it was rather hectic," Maya cuts her off. She flashes Claudine a pacifying look, one that also conveys that she's grateful for Claudine's efforts to defend her. Maya faces the trio of girls as cooly and calmly as ever. "But it was merely an accident. These things happen in theatre, wouldn't you agree?"
  43. "Yeah," one of the girls drawls. "But like, you're technically not head of the class now, right?"
  45. Claudine almost lunges this time, glaring intently. But Maya responds to the comment with swagger and confidence.
  47. "I don't believe I lose my position because of a brief medical vacation." She doesn't so much as blink as she sweeps her haughty gaze across their faces. "Besides, I'm not concerned. There isn't anyone in the entire world, let alone here at this Academy, who could ever surpass me and claim Top Star for themselves. My position shall remain mine until I rightfully step back up to reclaim it. Now, if you'll excuse us."
  49. Her words leave the trio of girls speechless and humiliated, and they turn to limp off together, muttering. Claudine is still fuming, trying to control her breathing and prevent herself from giving chase. A soft hand on her shoulder snaps her out of it.
  51. "Saijou-san?" Maya has taken to leaning against one of her crutches so she could reach out to touch her. "Thank you for stepping in on my behalf. I apologize for stealing your thunder. It's just that I've been out of practice for a few days and I wanted to try my hand at them."
  53. Claudine's anger toward the girls slowly melts away. She turns back to Maya, expelling the last of it with another huff.
  55. "I should report them-"
  57. "Now, now. I wouldn't say there's a need for that. A few insincere comments isn't anything I haven't dealt with before." Then she leans a little closer, until she can brush her forehead with hers, lowering her tone. "I'm all right, Claudine."
  59. Claudine might've been irked at how quickly and effectively Maya could soothe her, if not for the fact that it felt so refreshing. So she decides to let the annoying girls off the hook.
  61. "Fine. But they aren't getting a second chance. They're already out, in my book."
  63. They join their friends at their table, where Claudine helps Maya sit down. Junna pulls Maya's chair out for her and helps keep her steady from one side as Claudine supports her from the other. Futaba brings an extra chair for Maya to rest her cast on. Mahiru has already brought a tray of food over for her, Karen excitedly offers her a baumkuchen, Nana gives her a muffin, Hikari gives her some sushi, and Kaoruko offers her favorite vitamin drink. Karen starts up a little cheerful chant to welcome Maya back.
  65. "Hip-hip, horaaaay!"
  67. From there, it's a lunch block filled with mirth and smiles.
  69. It's now when her more sincere classmates come up to welcome Maya back and wish her well, and she gives a charming smile and words of thanks back to each of them.
  71. When lunch is over, Claudine carries Maya's bag to their next class for her.
  73. All throughout the remainder of the day, the teachers and other students welcome Maya back, and Claudine sticks diligently to her role of staying by her side and helping her with as many things as possible.
  75. It's only at the end of the day for their dance classes when Claudine has no choice but to leave her.
  77. Maya sits at a small table on the sidelines as the rest of them practice. She is given a few books and papers involving dance and theatre to read and complete, but for the most part she uses her time to listen to and observe her classmates in their routines. She knows much more can be learned from watching people act than simply reading about it.
  79. When they dance, she imagines herself following in the same footsteps, moving to the same rhythm. She can't even join them in song due to her ribs, but she does her best to at least hum softly.
  81. It's almost maddening though, being forced into the audience rather than participating in her own field. The most she can do is stretch a little bit from her seat and tap her good foot to the beats of the songs. Envisioning herself in the dances doesn't satisfy the itch to get up and move, but it does provide a bit of solace for her, at the very least.
  83. When the class moves on to acting, she is finally able to participate directly and read over some lines. Even if she can't dance or sing, she can at least demonstrate her articulate inflection, annunciation, tone, and overall vernacular prowess.
  85. When the class is officially dismissed, the rest of the girls file out. Maya speaks to the instructor for a few moments while Claudine hangs back. Once the teacher has taken her leave, Maya and Claudine are left alone in the studio. Claudine walks over to the table where she's still seated.
  87. "So? How was your first day being benched?" She doesn't say it meanly, and Maya doesn't interpret it that way either. She smiles hopelessly up at her and sighs.
  89. "It could have been worse, I'm certain. But I had such a lovely assistant helping me through all of my classes."
  91. "Flatterer." Claudine takes a seat at the extra open chair across from her. "How are you feeling?"
  93. "Immensely better now that I am back at school and able to see such an angel sitting right across from me."
  95. "I swear, class only ended 2 minutes ago and you're already doing this…"
  97. Maya chuckles.
  99. "But in all honesty, I feel fine. Nothing particularly hurts more than it should. It's just a little stifling to be unable to practice alongside you all."
  101. "I can only imagine," Claudine grimaces. "Hopefully you won't go mad before these two months are up."
  103. That brings her to the matter of what to do for the rest of the day now. Typically, she and Maya would stay in the studio to continue practicing until nearly suppertime or so (or rather, Claudine would stay to practice and then act surprised or offended when Maya showed up to join her every single time).
  105. But now that Maya can't even stand on her own two feet, Claudine almost feels guilty about the idea of staying here longer to flaunt her own able-bodied abilities. She decides against it, at least for today, and gets up from her seat.
  107. "I'll go change and then we can head back to the dorms."
  109. Maya seems surprised by the decision.
  111. "Eh? You don't plan to stay and practice?"
  113. Claudine pouts.
  115. "I don't think it would be fair to you if you had to watch me do all the things you can't do right now…"
  117. "Nonsense." Maya reaches out across the table to touch her hand. "In fact, nothing would bring me more joy than to see you dance right now, Ma Claudine."
  119. "You're really pushing it…"
  121. "I speak only the truth," Maya assures her. "And besides, you study me as I dance, do you not?"
  123. "Wh-?! H-How did you-?!"
  125. "It is only natural," Maya continues. "We Stage Girls learn a great deal by observation."
  127. Claudine swallows and tries to suppress her blush.
  129. "I doubt there's anything you could learn from me…"
  131. "I beg to differ," Maya says firmly. "Much of what I have already learned is thanks to you, Saijou Claudine. I've no doubt there is still so much more you can teach me."
  133. And so, Claudine relents - even though she feels like she'd been affectionately bullied into it.
  135. She goes through several routines and dances, and Maya commends her and gives her pointers as per usual. They go over lines and roles of characters from relevant plays, being that speaking is the best field Maya can work in at the moment. But she does join Claudine in singing a few songs as well, albeit she keeps her tone a bit softer and less intense, not projecting more than she'd done last night in the hospital. They're both relieved to know that there are still ways Maya can still practice and participate.
  137. After about an hour, they decide to head back to the dorms. They hang out with the others in the common room lounge, doing homework and playing games and watching TV. Supper comes and goes, and then it's time for the showers.
  139. It had been decided that it would be best for Maya to use the baths instead of risk standing up in the shower for an extended period of time, so the rest of her friends join her in the communal bath for this evening. Once they've sat for a while and washed their bodies, Claudine helps her out to the little stools and shower-head against the wall to wash, rinse, and dry her hair for her.
  141. Maya manages to dress into her sleepwear by herself, but will likely require some assistance with getting into her blazer and uniform in the morning.
  143. For now though, she and Claudine part ways with their friends and head back to their rooms. Well, Maya's room, because Claudine insists she stay with her until she's settled into bed. And of course, Maya makes no protests.
  145. When they reach the bed and Maya lets go of her crutches, Claudine is right there waiting to help her sit down and move her legs up onto the mattress. Maya leans back against the headboard for the time being as Claudine busies herself with fussing.
  147. "All right. Do you have everything you'll need for tonight? There's some water on your night stand and your pain medication pills are there for you to take in the morning. And you've got your phone so you can text me if you need anything."
  149. Maya dips her head.
  151. "Yes. Everything is in order. Do not worry yourself, Saijou-san."
  153. "Don't you tell me not to worry. I'll worry all I like." Claudine pokes her lightly on the nose, and Maya laughs.
  155. "But in all honesty, thank you for your care. You have already alleviated much of this burden from my shoulders, Ma Claudine." Maya takes her hand gently and gives a little tug, having Claudine sit down on the edge of her bed. "If only you could stay the night with me."
  157. Claudine tries to ignore how her heart flutters.
  159. "I don't think it would be the best idea to sleep with someone who has a broken leg and fractured ribs. One wrong move and you're back in the hospital."
  161. Maya sighs. "Very well."
  163. "But…" Claudine clears her throat and casually looks down at her hands. "I suppose I don't see anything wrong with my staying until you've fallen asleep."
  165. Maya presents her with another inviting smile.
  167. Gingerly, Claudine leans in to curl her arms around her shoulders, while Maya reaches out and pulls her in by her waist, fanning her fingers across her sides. Again, Claudine kisses her very lightly, very softly, breaking it every few seconds to ensure Maya can breathe all right.
  169. They part for another moment, eyes meeting. Claudine's gaze travels downward just a little, silently seeking permission to touch her. Maya nods without any hesitation.
  171. So Claudine slips her hands down to Maya's sides, so gently she's barely making any contact at all. She moves her palms up and down her sides in slow, soothing strokes.
  173. Maya sighs and rests her head against Claudine's shoulder. Her tentative, but loving touch does wonders for Maya's sore ribs. It truly feels like she's being healed.
  175. Claudine does this for her for a few moments before moving her hands back up to Maya's shoulders again, cupping her face to give her forehead a little kiss.
  177. "Getting sleepy yet?"
  179. "My dearest Claudine, if you keep spoiling me like this, I'm afraid I might stay awake all night just to continue being with you."
  181. "Hm, then maybe I should stop?"
  183. "Surely not."
  185. They share a smile and come together for another kiss.
  187. Claudine is about to ease away when she feels Maya pull her back in, extending and deepening the contact. Claudine figures she deserves this much, at the very least, so she lets her have it.
  189. But she doesn't miss the sudden little intake of breath on Maya's part, followed by her posture stiffening. Claudine immediately pulls away to look her over.
  191. "Maya? Are you all right?"
  193. Maya nods as she brings a hand to her side.
  195. "I'm fine. I suppose I simply got a little carried away with that one."
  197. "You idiot! Don't scare me like that! Should I call the nurse?"
  199. "There is no need for that," Maya soothes her. "It was just a pinprick."
  201. "Cette femme, Je jure devant Dieu-"
  203. "Please," Maya chuckles. "My apologies, Claudine. I'm all right." She can see Claudine had almost - almost - been on the verge of tears with worry just now, so she atones by pulling her in for a soft embrace. Claudine huffs into her neck.
  205. "This is so unfair. You can't do this to me, Tendo Maya-"
  207. "I'm sorry. It's because I was being greedy. It won't happen again."
  209. A huff.
  211. "Well, maybe not now…" Claudine mutters. "But after you've recovered we can… go back to doing that sort of thing…"
  213. Maya hugs her tighter.
  215. "But of course."
  217. For a moment they are both still and silent, indulging in the comfort of the mutual pulse beating between their chests. There's another tiny sigh on Maya's part, and Claudine doesn't miss it. She looks down into her eyes sternly.
  219. "Be honest with me, Tendo Maya. Does anything still hurt?"
  221. Maya finds one of her hands and uncurls her fingers until she loops her pinkie around Claudine's for a promise.
  223. "No. Although… I still can't help thinking about what might happen if-"
  225. "Don't." Claudine stops her with another kiss. "Don't think about the "mights" and the "ifs." It won't do anyone any good." Her eyes are soft now, though Maya can still see a bit of firmness behind them, reinforcing the notion that she truly believes what she is saying. "These kind of injuries are common. They heal all the time. And something tells me yours isn't going to somehow be one of the few tragic cases that doesn't." She cups Maya's face and kisses her again before gazing with the warmest and utmost adoration into her eyes. "You will be fine, Tendo Maya."
  227. Maya blinks, and a tear falls from each eye. She isn't sure if it's from the sheer relief of hearing those words spoken to her so honestly it's as though a healing spell has been cast on her. Or if it's because of the profound deepness of Claudine's eyes, the unshakable affection that speaks volumes to their inseparable bond as parters, as soulmates.
  229. Something poignant and pleasant fills Maya's chest as she buries her face into Claudine's collar. She cries very softly, but Claudine knows it isn't the bad kind of crying.
  231. She holds her tenderly, and for the first time since the accident, she feels honestly and truthfully calm. She has no doubt that the words she'd spoken were the truth. These things she's feeling for Maya deep in her heart would never lead her astray in a proclamation as crucial as that.
  233. The minutes pass until at last Maya's tears come to a stop. Claudine thumbs her cheeks dry and leaves sweet little kisses behind.
  235. "You'll be fine," she whispers, looping their pinkies together again. "I promise."
  237. Maya reaches out to cling to her shoulders.
  239. "Thank you…"
  241. The little seeds of doubt that had been trying to dig their roots into Maya's system have been washed away now by the flood of Claudine's love and belief in her. Now, she can rest easily, even without her resting beside her.
  243. Claudine helps her lie down onto her back, checking again to ensure she's as comfortable as possible. They make the promise of seeing one another again in the morning before Claudine stands up to take her leave. Maya watches her go, and when she reaches the door, she calls out to her softly.
  245. "Thank you. Goodnight, Saijou-san."
  247. Claudine turns back to her and smiles.
  249. "Bonne nuit, Tendo Maya."
  251. And that night, in spite of being in separate rooms, both of them sleep soundly.
  253. -----------
  255. A/N: I see Maya as the type to brood and worry about something like her body not healing properly if something were to happen. She'd pretend to be fine in front of everyone, but still worry a lot by herself... And of course Claudine would see right through her.
  257. After this we will finish up with a quick ending!
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