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a guest
Oct 6th, 2015
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  1. Installing build modules...
  2. Installing apm...
  3. Installing modules ✓
  4. Installing atom-dark-syntax@0.27.0 ✓
  5. Installing atom-dark-ui@0.51.0 ✓
  6. Installing atom-light-syntax@0.28.0 ✓
  7. Installing atom-light-ui@0.43.0 ✓
  8. Installing base16-tomorrow-dark-theme@0.27.0 ✓
  9. Installing base16-tomorrow-light-theme@0.9.0 ✓
  10. Installing one-dark-ui@1.0.4 ✓
  11. Installing one-dark-syntax@1.1.0 ✓
  12. Installing one-light-syntax@1.1.0 ✓
  13. Installing one-light-ui@1.0.4 ✓
  14. Installing solarized-dark-syntax@0.38.1 ✓
  15. Installing solarized-light-syntax@0.22.1 ✓
  16. Installing about@1.1.0 ✓
  17. Installing archive-view@0.60.0 ✓
  18. Installing autocomplete-atom-api@0.9.2 ✓
  19. Installing autocomplete-css@0.11.0 ✓
  20. Installing autocomplete-html@0.7.2 ✓
  21. Installing autocomplete-plus@2.19.1 ✓
  22. Installing autocomplete-snippets@1.7.1 ✓
  23. Installing autoflow@0.25.0 ✓
  24. Installing autosave@0.22.0 ✓
  25. Installing background-tips@0.26.0 ✓
  26. Installing bookmarks@0.37.0 ✓
  27. Installing bracket-matcher@0.76.0 ✓
  28. Installing command-palette@0.36.0 ✓
  29. Installing deprecation-cop@0.54.0 ✓
  30. Installing dev-live-reload@0.46.0 ✓
  31. Installing encoding-selector@0.21.0 ✓
  32. Installing exception-reporting@0.37.0 ✓
  33. Installing find-and-replace@0.181.0 ✓
  34. Installing fuzzy-finder@0.88.0 ✓
  35. Installing git-diff@0.56.0 ✓
  36. Installing go-to-line@0.30.0 ✓
  37. Installing grammar-selector@0.47.0 ✓
  38. Installing image-view@0.54.0 ✓
  39. Installing incompatible-packages@0.25.0 ✓
  40. Installing keybinding-resolver@0.33.0 ✓
  41. Installing line-ending-selector@0.0.5 ✓
  42. Installing link@0.30.0 ✓
  43. Installing markdown-preview@0.150.0 ✓
  44. Installing metrics@0.51.0 ✓
  45. Installing notifications@0.59.0 ✓
  46. Installing open-on-github@0.38.0 ✓
  47. Installing package-generator@0.40.0 ✓
  48. Installing release-notes@0.53.0 ✓
  49. Installing settings-view@0.216.0 ✓
  50. Installing snippets@0.99.0 ✓
  51. Installing spell-check@0.59.0 ✓
  52. Installing status-bar@0.79.0 ✓
  53. Installing styleguide@0.44.0 ✓
  54. Installing symbols-view@0.104.0 ✓
  55. Installing tabs@0.84.0 ✓
  56. Installing timecop@0.31.0 ✓
  57. Installing tree-view@0.187.0 ✓
  58. Installing update-package-dependencies@0.10.0 ✓
  59. Installing welcome@0.30.0 ✓
  60. Installing whitespace@0.31.0 ✓
  61. Installing wrap-guide@0.36.0 ✓
  62. Installing language-c@0.48.0 ✓
  63. Installing language-clojure@0.16.0 ✓
  64. Installing language-coffee-script@0.41.0 ✓
  65. Installing language-csharp@0.10.0 ✓
  66. Installing language-css@0.34.0 ✓
  67. Installing language-gfm@0.81.0 ✓
  68. Installing language-git@0.10.0 ✓
  69. Installing language-go@0.37.0 ✓
  70. Installing language-html@0.41.2 ✓
  71. Installing language-hyperlink@0.14.0 ✓
  72. Installing language-java@0.16.0 ✓
  73. Installing language-javascript@0.94.0 ✓
  74. Installing language-json@0.16.0 ✓
  75. Installing language-less@0.28.2 ✓
  76. Installing language-make@0.17.0 ✓
  77. Installing language-mustache@0.12.0 ✓
  78. Installing language-objective-c@0.15.0 ✓
  79. Installing language-perl@0.29.0 ✓
  80. Installing language-php@0.30.0 ✓
  81. Installing language-property-list@0.8.0 ✗
  83. npm ERR! not a package /tmp/d-11596-11810-6c8dl8/package.tgz
  84. npm ERR! addLocal Could not install /tmp/d-11596-11810-6c8dl8/package.tgz
  85. npm ERR! Linux 4.1.6-200.fc22.x86_64
  86. npm ERR! argv "/opt/atom/apm/node_modules/atom-package-manager/bin/node" "/opt/atom/apm/node_modules/atom-package-manager/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js" "--globalconfig" "/home/cslansing/.atom/.apm/.apmrc" "--userconfig" "/home/cslansing/.atom/.apmrc" "install" "/tmp/d-11596-11810-6c8dl8/package.tgz" "--target=0.30.7" "--arch=x64"
  87. npm ERR! node v0.10.40
  88. npm ERR! npm v2.13.3
  89. npm ERR! path /tmp/npm-18326-f3b6f5bc/unpack-39b06be3283b/package.json
  90. npm ERR! code ENOENT
  91. npm ERR! errno 34
  93. npm ERR! enoent ENOENT, open '/tmp/npm-18326-f3b6f5bc/unpack-39b06be3283b/package.json'
  94. npm ERR! enoent This is most likely not a problem with npm itself
  95. npm ERR! enoent and is related to npm not being able to find a file.
  96. npm ERR! enoent
  98. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
  99. npm ERR! /opt/atom/npm-debug.log
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