

Mar 29th, 2015
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  1. [16:04] == Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant] [webchat@] has joined #RPGStuck_wheremakingthishapen
  2. [16:04] == mode/#RPGStuck_wheremakingthishapen [+nt] by
  3. [16:07] == embellishedDeadbeat_ [] has joined #RPGStuck_wheremakingthishapen
  4. [16:07] == AnionCation [] has joined #RPGStuck_wheremakingthishapen
  5. [16:07] == mode/#RPGStuck_wheremakingthishapen [+o embellishedDeadbeat_] by Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]
  6. [16:07] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Hey there dude!
  7. [16:08] == mode/#RPGStuck_wheremakingthishapen [-o Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]] by Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]
  8. [16:08] == You're not a channel operator: #RPGStuck_wheremakingthishapen
  9. [16:08] <AnionCation> hi
  10. [16:08] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Oops
  11. [16:08] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> oped the wrong person
  12. [16:08] <AnionCation> so, what has happened so far?
  13. [16:08] <AnionCation> it doesn't matter who is opped
  14. [16:08] <AnionCation> i can still clear chat
  15. [16:08] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Basically, I connect to Nick (roo_inline)
  16. [16:08] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> got him all set up
  17. [16:08] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> and he entered the medium
  18. [16:08] <AnionCation> uhu
  19. [16:08] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> in the process I got him connected to Byron
  20. [16:08] <AnionCation> so now you are the client of eD
  21. [16:08] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Currently Carlos has just entered the medium, it seems that Aberrant is sitting on his bed.
  22. [16:09] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> and Byron entered as well
  23. [16:09] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Yeah.
  24. [16:09] <AnionCation> ok
  25. [16:09] <AnionCation> have you done anything yet
  26. [16:09] <AnionCation> apart from get nick in
  27. [16:09] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen got pretty traumatized violence and near-death on both entry accounts
  28. [16:09] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> since then I've done some stuff
  29. [16:09] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> let me get the post
  30. [16:09] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Oh dear.
  31. [16:10] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]>
  32. [16:10] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> that
  33. [16:10] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I posted that a while back right after we did all the IRC stuff
  34. [16:10] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> tl;dr
  35. [16:10] <embellishedDeadbeat_> I know this isn't very important... but how exactly are we going to communicate?
  36. [16:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> and then there was the post you just saw
  37. [16:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]>
  38. [16:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> with the intention of continuing via IRC
  39. [16:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> tl;dr Byron shot his mom in the face
  40. [16:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen flipped out
  41. [16:11] <AnionCation> reading......
  42. [16:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> they had a feelings jam
  43. [16:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> < >
  44. [16:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> all the <>s
  45. [16:11] <AnionCation> ah yeah
  46. [16:11] <AnionCation> i litterally just replied to that :P
  47. [16:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> then Faerzen set everything up in his house to prepare for his entry
  48. [16:11] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> oh you did?
  49. [16:12] <AnionCation> yeah
  50. [16:12] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> oh lol
  51. [16:12] <AnionCation> i was saying how it was kinda hard to DM that
  52. [16:12] <AnionCation> since you didn't end on anything
  53. [16:12] <AnionCation> rule no.1
  54. [16:12] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> oh yeah, I didn't end on anything on purpose
  55. [16:12] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I assumed we were going to IRC to finish it off
  56. [16:12] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> sorry about that
  57. [16:12] <AnionCation> NEVER EVER EVER end on a rhetorical question
  58. [16:12] <AnionCation> unless it is an argument piece
  59. [16:13] <AnionCation> because if you end on a rhetorical question you can't start with anything, because there was no action or statement to end on, you can't reply to the question because it is rhetorical
  60. [16:13] <AnionCation> but anyway
  61. [16:13] <AnionCation> so basically you are in your room, and eD is connecting to you
  62. [16:13] <AnionCation> eD has already entered i presume?
  63. [16:13] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Will definitely keep that in mind when we pick up doing post-by-post
  64. [16:13] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> thanks for the advice
  65. [16:13] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I believe so
  66. [16:13] <AnionCation> ok
  67. [16:13] <AnionCation> so i will clear chat
  68. [16:14] <AnionCation> you will then describe what your surroundings look like
  69. [16:14] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Soooo should I quickly do an intro for Carlos to start acting on stuff inside the house?
  70. [16:14] <AnionCation> in as much detail as you feel is required for the server player to place things
  71. [16:14] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> cool
  72. [16:14] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I got some relevant details for that
  73. [16:14] <AnionCation> you don't need an intro for carlos, you will just be able to talk to abberant and interact with things
  74. [16:14] <embellishedDeadbeat_> I already have a good, detailed post on the location of things inside the house.
  75. [16:14] <AnionCation> ok, 3, 2, 1...
  76. [16:14] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> So, do you want a description anyway, Anion?
  77. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> or are we good
  78. [16:15] <AnionCation> you want to describe your area so your server player knows where they can place stuff etc.
  79. [16:15] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos pants for breath as sweat rolls down his forehead. He wonders what atrocities would have awaited him if the timer had reached zero before he was transported to… wherever this is now. Sadly, it was all too obvious to him that he is taking part in some type of virtual reality experiment. The sprite seemed to be staring down at him as if expecting something. He slowly rose from the du
  80. [16:15] <embellishedDeadbeat_> out the window and investigate, the computer suddenly flicked off the ‘wait’ screen and onto something a bit more… creative. It was like someone was given too many lego blocks then was requested to build a house.
  81. [16:15] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> I already sent adventureflame a description via PM
  82. [16:15] <embellishedDeadbeat_> ((That is a true fact!))
  83. [16:16] <embellishedDeadbeat_> The interior seems to resemble a futuristic setting, but contains a few gizmos here and there in what appears be workshop. Carlos notices that there seem to be different options laid out on the bottom of the screen which are quite similar to what currently resides in his room. Apart from that rather messy situation it appears that the style of the house is rather couth. It just seems veryâ€
  84. [16:16] <AnionCation> (yeah, but this will be put into a pastebin so others who read it will need to know too, and i also need to know, a PM doesn't help me or anyone)
  85. [16:16] <AnionCation> (That works)
  86. [16:16] <embellishedDeadbeat_> I'll paste it in during the pastebin edit.
  87. [16:16] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> (cool)
  88. [16:16] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Quite fitting for the first level of this strange virtual reality experience.
  89. [16:16] <embellishedDeadbeat_> A boy that looks not much older than Carlos himself is sitting on a bed in one of the rooms. It looks like he’s tinkering with some type of machine - nothing Carlos recognises. He also seems to be quite heavy on security as there is a live video feed of his workshop, basement, backyard and front porch which are being displayed holographically through a strange pair of glasses. Must be a f
  90. [16:17] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos notices, while looking closer at the odd holographic display of the workshop, that there are rather odd rectangles of green tape left on the floor. There are also strange messages on each that read “PUNCHER”, “ALCHEMITER”, “CRUXTRUDER and “LATHE”. There names seem to match exactly what Carlos currently has on his toolbar. This first level seems a bit too easy…
  91. [16:17] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Well, better now than never!
  92. [16:17] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Place machines in designated spots.
  93. [16:18] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen sees movement on the video feeds out of the corner of his eye and bolts over to look at the holo-screens to identify the source of movement.
  94. [16:18] <AnionCation> You place the "PUNCHER" in the corner of the boy's room and begin to slightly recognise it
  95. [16:18] <AnionCation> you place the "ALCHEMITER" in a large open space in the room
  96. [16:18] <AnionCation> you select "Cruxtruder" and place that next to the boy.
  97. [16:19] <embellishedDeadbeat_> ((WOAH WOAH WOAH, I THINK YOU MEAN WORKSHOP!))
  98. [16:19] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *It's beginning!* Faerzen's heart begins pounding as he slides down the fireman's pole into his workshop where the equipment is mysteriously appearing out of nowhere.
  99. [16:19] <AnionCation> (a workshop room is still a room)
  100. [16:19] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Observe and make sure everything goes where it belongs.
  101. [16:19] <AnionCation> you select the "TOTEM LATHE" and place it up against the wall of the WORKSHOP (happy now?)
  102. [16:19] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> (hehehe)
  103. [16:19] <embellishedDeadbeat_> ((Very happy! ^.^))
  104. [16:20] <embellishedDeadbeat_> ((How exactly is the chat introduced? Is there a textbox on the side of the program or...))
  105. [16:21] <AnionCation> (esperchum... it is a program on your computer, you can have it open at the same time)
  106. [16:21] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Point at the captchalogue card outline you delineated with green table on the workshop desk earlier and give an enthusiastic wave to whatever unfortunate soul also got roped into this messed up game with you.
  107. [16:21] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((Oh, we can communicate even though we're from different time periods and haven't entered yet?))
  108. [16:22] <AnionCation> (Err, well items are currently being placed across timezones so i don't get what the problem is here)
  109. [16:22] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos raises his eyebrow as the NPC displayed inside the strange virtual reality program appears to wave at him. Is he trying to indicate that something needs to be placed on the green table. What the hell, this first level is TOO easy!
  110. [16:23] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Place down the only matching item, the prepunched card
  111. [16:23] <AnionCation> You place down the pre-punched card in the table
  112. [16:24] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen gives a cautionary glance up the spiral stairs to make sure all of this equipment thumping down in the basement hasn't awoken his mom. She really needs the sleep right now, poor woman.
  113. [16:24] <AnionCation> The boy notices the captchalogue card with small rectangular holes in strange places in it
  114. [16:24] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen grins widely now that everything has gone exactly where it was supposed to.
  115. [16:24] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Admire aesthetic arrangement of workshop.
  116. [16:25] <AnionCation> You admite the aesthetic of the workshop. You notice that the cruxtruder is placed with several centimetres more away from one corner of the workshop than another
  117. [16:25] <AnionCation> You feel incredibly irritated by this fact
  118. [16:25] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "GASP"
  119. [16:26] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> *Oh well, everything can't go /perfectly/, can it? Sometimes other people just make mistakes, you know?*
  120. [16:26] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos notices a strange 'virus' option along with the other more creative ones. This is exactly what he needed to spice this first level up! This'll show the stupid VR creator that everything can be made more difficult with a little altering.
  121. [16:26] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: As you rehearsed, grab the punch card and make a beeline for the punch designix
  122. [16:27] <embellishedDeadbeat_> He quickly proceeds to touch every available object inside the workshop.
  123. [16:27] <AnionCation> (what time period are you eD? Modern or future?)
  124. [16:28] <embellishedDeadbeat_> ((Modern.))
  125. [16:28] <AnionCation> (wait, no, sorry Faerzen...)
  126. [16:28] <AnionCation> (what time period are you)
  127. [16:28] <embellishedDeadbeat_> ((Future.))
  128. [16:28] <AnionCation> (hehe, this will be very fun then...)
  129. [16:28] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((Indeed, future))
  130. [16:28] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((oh dear))
  131. [16:28] <embellishedDeadbeat_> ((Fuck me sideways, what the hell did you just do Carlos?))
  132. [16:29] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Look incredulously at the cursor whizzing around your workshop tipping everything over
  133. [16:29] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "W...W-what???"
  134. [16:29] <AnionCation> One by one, the machines begin tipping over to the side
  135. [16:30] <AnionCation> It makes a very loud noise, and you hear your mother wake up
  136. [16:30] <AnionCation> She begins walking down towards the workshop
  137. [16:30] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen starts frantically waving his arm up towards the ceiling at whomever is ruining everything! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? Please stop mak---"
  138. [16:30] <AnionCation> You can almost feel the heat of her anger from down there
  139. [16:30] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos smiles at the newfound horror present in this NPCs eyes. He would've expected everything to work in his favor and for the level to proceed as planned! This will teach the developers a thing or two about making their first level THIS simple!
  140. [16:30] <AnionCation> You hear your mother shout "COULD YOU KEEP IT QUIET DOWN THERE!"
  141. [16:31] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Run to stairs and look in horror
  142. [16:31] <AnionCation> Your mother begins stomping down towards the pole
  143. [16:31] <AnionCation> You attempt to run to the stairs and hide from her, but as you turn around she grabs you by your shirt and pulls you back
  144. [16:31] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen runs over to the bottom of the stairs. You really don't have time for more of your mom's sarcastic quibs!
  145. [16:32] <AnionCation> MotherWoman (mW): WHY DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOUR!
  146. [16:32] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Uhhhhh.... Hi, mom!........ Glad to see you made it home from work okay."
  147. [16:32] <AnionCation> mW: Don't you dare give me any of that cheek! I am going to stop what you are doing, RIGHT, NOW!
  148. [16:32] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Sorry, you know the drones can get sometimes. I was just experimenting with putting a new type of lens material in their proximity sensors, and as it turns out, it doesn't work very well."
  149. [16:33] <embellishedDeadbeat_> There seems to be some type of strange interference with the NPC. Is this maybe the 'god' like character who helps them when trouble approaches? This'll be a lot more interesting if they were removed from the scene - might force the level to reach an early completion.
  150. [16:33] <AnionCation> she grabs your pre-punched card and throws it to the other side of the workshop
  151. [16:33] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "They just fly around and run into everything... hehehehe"
  152. [16:33] == IcyByron [] has joined #RPGStuck_wheremakingthishapen
  153. [16:33] <AnionCation> mG: How VERY FUNNY! I am LAUGHING MY ARSE OFF!
  154. [16:33] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Throw the new NPC across the room just like the pre-punched card. Show that they can't control your progression through artificial means!
  155. [16:33] <AnionCation> (whoops that should be mW)
  156. [16:34] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Glad to hear you are so entertained, mother DEAR!"
  157. [16:34] <AnionCation> You throw the 'NPC' across the room and see her get incredibly angy at this
  158. [16:34] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Give motherWoman a sass-ful hug
  159. [16:34] <AnionCation> she sprints over to you and slaps you in the face, knocking you over
  160. [16:34] <AnionCation> mW: if you EVER do something like that to me again, so help me..!
  161. [16:35] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Lie on your back completely stunned for the third time today
  162. [16:35] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Wha......?"
  163. [16:35] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "I......"
  164. [16:35] <AnionCation> The woman turns around and begins hitting the alchemeter, attemping to dislodge the platform
  165. [16:35] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Was that not enough? This new NPC really needs to just leave this place as soon as possible. Seeing this first NPC get hit after going for a hug seems a bit too... real for his linking.
  166. [16:36] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "Sorry, mom..... It's been a really rough day, and I guess I..."
  167. [16:36] <embellishedDeadbeat_> Carlos: Give that woman a good slap with the alchemeter. Show her that machines have feelings too.
  168. [16:36] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "MOM! No, don't hit that! That's a new piece of equipment I just got today!"
  169. [16:36] <AnionCation> You pick up the alchemeter and "Make the aesthetic adjustment required"
  170. [16:36] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "I wanted to try and replicate some of the experiements you were telling me about that you started in your lab!"
  171. [16:36] <AnionCation> You move the machine towards her, and place it down
  172. [16:37] <AnionCation> Knocking her back, the machine drops with the mass of several large trucks
  173. [16:37] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Facepalm like there's no tomorrow
  174. [16:37] <AnionCation> Breaking both of her legs instantly
  175. [16:37] <AnionCation> You feel that facepalming is not acceptable for this, and dent the wall with your cranium
  176. [16:37] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!"
  177. [16:37] <AnionCation> Your mother seems even more annoyed by this, still somehow remaining concious
  178. [16:38] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen starts screaming up at the ceiling
  179. [16:38] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> "THAT"S MY MOM!!!! DON'T YOU DARE LAY ANOTHER FINGER OR MACHINE ON HER!"
  180. [16:38] <AnionCation> She grabs a tool nearby and throws it at Faerzen,
  181. [16:38] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: Run over to mom and inspect the damage
  182. [16:38] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> Faerzen: try and dodge flying science implement
  183. [16:38] <AnionCation> (1d20+5)=(18
  184. [16:38] <embellishedDeadbeat_> HA! Now that the new NPC has been ridden, Carlos decides that the old NPC might need a little helping hand. Carlos goes t- wait,hang on... why is the old NPC screaming? That isn't what usually happens in games.
  185. [16:38] <AnionCation> roll 1d20+AC faerezn
  186. [16:39] <AnionCation> ( use this if you don't have dice)
  187. [16:39] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((AC is 5+Dex, right?)
  188. [16:39] <AnionCation> (+1 for basic armour (clothes))
  189. [16:39] <AnionCation> (but yes)
  190. [16:40] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((17))
  191. [16:40] <AnionCation> (so that is 6+Dex mod)
  192. [16:40] <AnionCation> (dex mod, not dex)
  193. [16:40] <Faerzen_Norstov[aberrant]> ((yup))
  194. [16:40] <AnionCation> You fail to dodge the wrench, and it hits you in the chest for...
  195. [16:40] <AnionCation> 3 damage
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