Guest User

Kolejny update Lucky Block

a guest
Aug 1st, 2015
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  1. options:
  2. tag: &8[&eLucky Block&8]
  3. command /luckyblock [<text>]:
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg 1 is not set:
  6. send ""
  7. send ""
  8. send "&7&m - -"
  9. send "{@tag} &aInformacje"
  10. send ""
  11. send "&6Crafting lucky blocka:"
  12. send "&e█ █ █"
  13. send "&e█ &b█ &e█"
  14. send "&e█ █ █"
  15. send "&7(Przedmioty nie sa blokami!)"
  16. send "&e█ &7- Zloto"
  17. send "&b█ &7- Diament|"
  18. send "&7&m - -"
  19. if arg 1 is not "dodaj":
  20. send "&cPoprawne uzycie: /luckyblock"
  21. if arg 1 is "dodaj":
  22. if player don't have permission "luckyblock.gutek":
  23. send "&cNie masz uprawnien! &7(luckyblock.gutek)"
  24. else:
  25. add 1 sponge named "&6&lLucky Block" to player
  26. on tab completion for "luckyblock":
  27. add "Autorem" to completions
  28. add "jest" to completions
  29. add "xKubson606!" to completions
  30. add "dodaj" to completions
  31. on script load:
  32. register new shaped recipe for a Sponge named "&6&lLucky Block" using gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot, diamond, gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot
  33. on break of sponge:
  34. cancel event
  35. set block to air
  36. chance of 10%:
  37. spawn 5 Sheeps at block
  38. set the display name of last spawned entity to "&e&lLucky Sheep"
  39. chance of 4.5%:
  40. drop 1 diamond sword of Sharpness 5 and Fire Aspect 2 named "&e&lLucky Sword"
  41. chance of 11.5%:
  42. drop 1 wooden sword
  43. drop 1 wooden pickaxe
  44. drop 1 wooden axe
  45. drop 1 wooden spade
  46. chance of 6.5%:
  47. drop 1 iron sword
  48. drop 1 iron pickaxe
  49. drop 1 iron axe
  50. drop 1 iron spade
  51. chance of 2.3%:
  52. drop 1 diamond pickaxe of Efficiency 5 and Unbreaking 3 and Fortune 2 named "&e&lLucky Pickaxe"
  53. chance of 5.5%:
  54. spawn 10 Chickens at block
  55. set the displayname of last spawned entity to "&e&lLucky Chicken"
  56. chance of 20.4%:
  57. strike lightning effect at block
  58. chance of 0.01%:
  59. drop 1 beacon named "&6&lLucky Beacon" with lore "&dBardzo trudny do zdobycia! Gratulacje!"
  60. broadcast "{@tag} &cBeacon zostal znaleziony! Gratulujemy!"
  61. chance of 17%:
  62. damage player by 4 hearts
  63. send "{@tag} &6Aww! Nie miales tym razem szczescia!"
  64. chance of 5%:
  65. spawn 5 zombies
  66. set the displayname of last spawned entity to "&6&lLucky Zombie"
  67. chance of 6%:
  68. send "{@tag} &aFarciaz!"
  69. drop 25 diamonds
  70. drop 5 emeralds
  71. drop 50 obsidian
  72. drop 10 bottle o' enchanting
  73. chance of 10%:
  74. drop 1 skeleton spawn egg named "&6&lLucky Skeleton"
  75. chance of 7.8%:
  76. set block 5 meters above player to anvil
  77. chance of 1%:
  78. loop blocks in radius 5:
  79. loop-block is not bedrock or obsidian or air:
  80. set loop-blocks to air
  81. chance of 1%:
  82. spawn 1 zombie at block
  83. give diamond chestplate of Protection 4 to last spawned zombie's chestplate
  84. give diamond leggings of Protection 4 to last spawned zombie's leggings
  85. give diamond helmet of Protection 4 to last spawned zombie's helmet
  86. give diamond boots of Protection 4 to last spawned zombie's boots
  87. set the displayname of last spawned zombie to "&6&lLucky Zombie"
  88. apply speed 4 to last spawned zombie
  89. apply strength 4 to last spawned zombie
  90. send "{@tag} &cUwaga! Ten zombie moze zabic!"
  91. chance of 5%:
  92. spawn 1 skeleton at block
  93. give diamond chestplate of Protection 4 to last spawned skeleton's chestplate
  94. give diamond leggings of Protection 4 to last spawned skeleton's leggings
  95. give diamond helmet of Protection 4 to last spawned skeleton's helmet
  96. give diamond boots of Protection 4 to last spawned skeleton's boots
  97. set the displayname of last spawned zombie to "&6&lLucky Skeleton"
  98. apply speed 4 to last spawned skeleton
  99. apply strength 4 to last spawned skeleton
  100. send "{@tag} &cUwaga! Ten szkielet jest grozny c;"
  101. chance of 15%:
  102. drop 11 tnt or 15 tnt
  103. chance of 1%:
  104. set block 10 meters above player to tnt
  105. set block 11 meters above player to fire
  106. chance of 4%:
  107. drop 1 horse spawn egg named "&6&lLucky Horse"
  108. chance of 3%:
  109. loop blocks in radius 2:
  110. loop-blocks is not bedrock or obsidian or air:
  111. set loop-blocks to lava
  112. on join:
  113. display "&6Nowy update &e&lLucky Blokow &6(v2)" on bossbar with 100 percent by 2 seconds for player
  114. wait 2 seconds
  115. display "&6Nowy update &e&lLucky Blokow &6(v2)" on bossbar with 75 percent by 2 seconds for player
  116. wait 2 seconds
  117. display "&6Nowy update &e&lLucky Blokow &6(v2)" on bossbar with 50 percent by 2 seconds for player
  118. wait 2 seconds
  119. display "&6Nowy update &e&lLucky Blokow &6(v2)" on bossbar with 25 percent by 2 seconds for player
  120. wait 2 seconds
  121. display "&6Nowy update &e&lLucky Blokow &6(v2)" on bossbar with 0 percent by 2 seconds for player
  122. on death:
  123. if entity is wither skeleton:
  124. chance of 1%:
  125. drop 1 wither skeleton head
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