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May 5th, 2013
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  1. # Default config for ZavAutoMessager.
  2. # Visit for more help
  3. # Plugin created by the ZavCoding Team
  4. # Authors: javoris767 and zachoooo.
  5. # Make sure all your messages are inside of single quotes. (This makes sure that color and special characters work properly)
  6. # If you want to make your own line breaks MAKE SURE WORDWRAP IS FALSE!!! Custom line breaks are only supported when wordwrap is off.
  7. # Update checking requires an internet connection.
  8. # Set update checking to false if you have no internet connection or you have a very strict firewall.
  10. enabled: false
  11. wordwrap: true
  12. delay: 60
  13. permissionsenabled: false
  14. chatformat: '[&6AutoMessager&f]: %msg'
  15. messageinrandomorder: false
  16. updatechecking: true
  17. messagesinconsole: true
  18. requireplayersonline: true
  19. dontrepeatrandommessages: true
  20. messages:
  21. - !!com.zavteam.plugins.ChatMessage
  22. message: Thanks for choosing this plugin :D!
  23. permission: default
  24. - !!com.zavteam.plugins.ChatMessage
  25. message: Test Message
  26. permission: default
  27. - !!com.zavteam.plugins.ChatMessage
  28. message: '&4Made by zachooo and javoris767!'
  29. permission: default
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