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Nov 14th, 2016
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  1. Hitler was working for the Jews. When it was all over, 50 million Christian Gentiles lay dead, the Jews took over both Germany and Palestine.
  2. Hitler retired on a nice remote lake, 400 miles from Buenos Aires. There are pictures of his villa complete with guard towers, and his place is now up for sale. Teams have gone in there and interviewed people that worked for Hitler. That area is a haven for Nazi's who got out of Berlin before the Russians got there. The "suicide" was staged so people wouldn't go looking for him.
  3. During the middle of the war, many of his own staff knew he was a liar and would destroy Germany, they tried to kill him.
  4. Hitler was the best thing that ever happened to international Jewry, he gave them what they sought.
  5. The truth is that Hitler was working with the Pope to destroy Protestantism in Germany and get the Gentiles to kill each other.
  6. That is how the international Jew operates, aka. "the synagogue of satan."
  7. In the end the Lamb of God, destroys the Lion of Judah.
  9. Hitler = Jew
  10. FDR = Jew
  11. Churchill = Jew
  12. Stalin = Jew
  14. Patton was on to the game, so they took him out. He didn't understand who the enemy really was, but he was starting to. (Talmudic theology)
  15. Well...maybe you can explain for us why Hitler, Mussolini and Franco signed a concordat with the Pope in 1933, the same year International Jewry declared war on Germany.
  16. That looks collusion to me. One thing is for certain, Protestant German got hammered and the Jews took over both Germany and Palestine.
  17. Both Jews and Rome have an equal hate for Protestantism, that goes back a long way. The number 33 is significant within the construct of Jewish Masonry/Gematria as well.
  18. If you don't get it, that isn't my fault.
  19. The whole Hitler thing was a Jewish/Masonic set-up to fool the Gentiles, with the help of the Protestant hating Vatican.
  20. Who benefits?....Jews
  21. How about 9/11, who benefited?.....Jews
  23. Getting the Christian Gentiles to kill each other is a Jewish hobby. The Vatican is nothing more than a front for Talmudic Judaism and has been since Simon Magus, Rome is a feminine deity worshiping cult.....just like Babylonian Judaism.
  25. Ever wonder why Luther turned his back on Rome?......give that some thought. It was Luther who wrote...."The Jews and their Lies", in 1543. Rome and Jews are 2 peas in a pod.
  26. Jews got fooled as well, many Jews know that Zionism is a big fat lie.
  27. Hitler = Jew
  28. Churchill = Jew
  29. FDR = Jew
  30. Stalin = Jew
  31. Ike = Jew
  32. Pope = you know why he wears that kippa on his head, and why Martin Luther got the hell out. If you like looking at Jewish/Masonic symbolism, take a walk through the Vatican....bring a camera.
  34. When you own all the horses in the race, you can't lose. Patton on the other hand was getting to close to the truth.
  36. I don't get paid.....I'm a Protestant, like Luther.
  37. It is true, but Patton didn't know that Hitler and the rest of these so-called leaders were all Jewish, even his own boss.
  39. @Gittl G......Hitler was in fact Jewish, if you buy into Jewish theology.....that is what makes you Jewish.
  40. The Jews that converted to Christianity in the book of Acts....threw those evil Jewish occult books (Talmud, Zohar and Kabbalath) in a pile and burned them.
  41. Hitler?.....he loved that stuff, Helena Blavatski's "Secret Doctrine". He and his kooky Jewish buddies were deep into the occult that comes from those books.
  42. His dad was a Jew, that is why Hitler destroyed his home town to keep people from finding his roots. Many of his Generals were in fact Jewish.
  43. No....It was a set-up, a theatrical play. The goal was to wipeout Protestant Christianity so the Jews could take over Germany and gain sympathy for the conquest of Palestine.
  44. International Jewry declared war on Germany in 19[33].....12 years later, they owned Germany and a couple of years later, Palestine.
  45. Notice the Pope and his Bishops and Cardinals all giving the Nazi salute. The Pope signed a concordat with Hitler, Franco and Mussolini the same year....19[33].
  46. This is all Jewish/Masonic geo-political theology.....that they will rule the world from the Levant. They need money and military might to accomplish that they created the U.S. Federal Reserve in 19[13].
  49. Look at the Israeli Flag
  50. Upper blue band = Nile River
  51. Center = "star of Remphan" from Acts 7:43
  52. Lower blue band = Euphrates River
  54. Look this up.....Jewish/Masonic grandmaster Albert Pike and his 3 world wars, his statue is in DC, next to the "Temple", the same one they want to build in Jerusalem.
  56. Masonry is Jewish, it was created in Jerusalem in AD 37.
  57. The Nazi's were Jews.....Ashke[Nazi]
  58. Even Kissinger said that this fake thing called "Israel" is going to collapse.
  59. I'm with Luther who wrote, "The Jews and their Lies" in 1543.
  60. WW2....was an organised Jewish/Masonic plot to destroy Protestant Germany so the Jews could take over and then to seize Palestine.
  61. The papacy was in on it, the Pope signed a concordat with Hitler, Franco and Mussolini in 19[33].......the very same year 19[33] that international Jewry declared war on Germany.
  62. If there is anything Jews and Catholics hate....that would be Protestantism. Why is that?....Because Luther called out the Jews and the Pope as liars, which is what they both are.
  64. I agree.....this thing called "Israel" is a lie. The real "Israel of God" are those that follow Jesus Luther taught.
  65. Zionism is the biblical "false prophet."
  66. Interesting that rather being a Christian, Hitler was a devotee of Helena Blavatski a Jewish kabbalah occultist who wrote "The Secret Doctrine."
  67. There is much more to Hitler than what he said for public consumption.
  68. There are now teams going into Argentina that document how he escaped from Berlin and that he, Stalin and Franco had all this planned from the beginning.
  69. The FBI found no evidence in Berlin that Hitler committed suicide, but the found substantial evidence of his presence in Bariloche, Argentina. The locals all say Hitler lived there until he died in 1965.
  70. After WW2 the Jews took ownership of Germany and then Palestine, and over 50 million Protestants lay dead.
  71. You should pay more attention to what a person does.....rather than what he says.
  72. "By their fruits, ye shall know them".....he gave the Jews exactly what they wanted, with the help of his Jewish partners, FDR, Churchill, Stalin and Franco.
  73. It was a Jewish/Masonic plan from the git go, starting in 19[33], the very same year they all signed a concordat with the Pope.
  74. It's easily explained if you understand the world wide Jewish/Masonic brotherhood.
  75. Hitler was part of a team to insure the Jews a takeover of Germany and Palestine. After that was done ....he retired in luxury. His estate, on the lake just north of Bariloche is up for sale.
  76. Hitler =Jewish/Masonic
  77. Stalin = Jewish/Masonic
  78. FDR = Jewish/Masonic
  79. Churchill = Jewish/Masonic
  80. Ike = Jewish/Masonic
  81. Patton = Goy who was starting to catch on.
  83. The Idea that Hitler was a hero is absurd, all he did was throw a big rug over the eyes of the German people, and was paid handsomely for it.
  84. The Holohoax story was another concoction, as the people died of Typhus, they were not murdered like the TV would have us believe.Yes.....but it took me years compile. I went deep into the background of each of those individuals and found an interesting pattern.
  85. They do indeed belong to the same fraternity, as do most world leaders, like Putin for instance.
  86. See Jewish/Masonic grand master Albert Pike and his 3 world wars. His statue is in DC, next to the "Temple", the same one they want built in Jerusalem.
  87. Jewish Masonry is a very old club, having been established in Jerusalem in 37 AD according to Mackey's Encyclopedia.
  88. Nothing important happens without their stamp of approval.
  89. They are the ones who constructed the Georgia Guidestones and the ones who brought down the Twin Towers.
  90. In my opinion, both Trump and Hillary belong to the very same organization.
  91. The part you don't get is that there are no good guys in leadership, because you can't get to leadership without them. They will always come up with an excuse to go to war, even when not attacked.
  92. If Hitler had taken the Christian route, he might have been able to do something good for Germany....but he went to the dark side instead. Everybody knows, or should know of his deep personal involvement with Jewish occultism.
  93. They needed Hitler to give international Jewry and zionism the sympathy it needed for the conquest of Palestine.
  94. After the war, Ike ordered Patton to kick out German Christians from their homes so that Jewish immigrants could move in.
  95. Christianity(Protestantism) was crushed and a Pro-Zionist government took over in Germany. It is illegal now in Germany to question the lie of the Holohoax....the Jews will put you in prison for even mentioning it.
  97. If Hitler had wanted to end Jewish influence in Germany, he could have done so by exposing it rather than going on a rampage.
  98. He didn't care how many Gentiles would be sacrificed.
  99. In my opinion Hitler, Stalin, FDR, Churchill, Franco, Mussolini and De Gaulle were all on the same team.
  101. Hitler scurried away long before the Russians got near his bunker. Same thing with Goebbles and his family and the FBI knew it.
  103. Of course, we are supposed to believe the Jewish Bolsheviks that all these people committed suicide. lol, how convenient.
  105. Truth is, they escaped Europe through Spain and the Port of Viga and departed for the Nazi sub base in the Canary Islands....then on to Argentina.
  107. Now that the FBI files have been declassified, there are teams working out the details of how they pulled if off.Right....he didn't die in the accident, he died in the hospital a little later of a "blood clot". Somebody gave him a shot that he wouldn't recover from.
  108. They had to get him out of the way before Ike (Jewish) starved a couple million German Christians in the camps.
  109. Jews hate biblical Christianity, and Germany was a Protestant country. Not anymore, thanks to Hitler.
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