
Alex/Lyra/Tarane memo

Sep 3rd, 2015
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  1. -- frozenFire [FF] has started messaging snuffshotMartyr [SM] --
  2. FF: So, I heard you're legally insane now.
  3. FF: Congrats, I guess.
  4. FF: So what's been going on with you? Still doing alright?
  5. FF: And by that I mean soul, three bodies, mental state etc.
  6. SM: I'm gonna go ahead and assume Faerzen told you
  7. SM: I'm assuming they painted me as some hyper-sadistic psychopath, as liable to turn on them as Carl?
  8. SM: And they were just barely managing to keep me from exploding all over the place?
  9. SM: You should at least know they're probably being possessed into saying that
  10. SM: Anyway
  11. SM: Other than that, I'm about as fine as can be expected
  12. SM: Catching up with some people
  13. SM: Alex and I are trying to find the Brofessor after he kinda fell off a cliff
  14. FF: No, he didn't?
  15. FF: He did mention the fact that you Stole and Traded with a powerful Entity
  16. FF: And you allowed said entity To hold a Favour over you.
  17. FF: What were you thinking there?!
  18. FF: Seriously that's on the List Of " Things You should Never Do"!
  19. FF: Sigh...moving on, could you tell Alex to respond to my messages?
  20. FF: It looks like all of us are just talking now.
  21. FF: How's the healing flask status?
  22. SM: He doesn't have a computer
  23. SM: I'll get him to use one of mine. Gimme a sec to open a memo
  27. [21:38] <Lyra_Bel> "Hey, Tarane wants to talk to you. Grab a computer?"
  28. [21:39] == UnmotivatedMeatshield has changed nick to Alexander_Pyrite
  29. [21:39] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Huh, alright
  30. [21:39] * Alexander_Pyrite grabs a computer
  31. [21:39] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Oh shit"
  32. [21:39] <Alexander_Pyrite> "i have 6 unread chats"
  33. [21:40] <Alexander_Pyrite> "4 from Tarane, one from some dude named Zach, and one from you"
  34. [21:40] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Later I guess."
  35. [21:40] <Lyra_Bel> "Zach messaged you, eh?"
  36. [21:40] <Lyra_Bel> "He said he was going through the list"
  37. [21:40] <Lyra_Bel> "Huh"
  38. [21:40] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Yeah, it was a while ago
  39. [21:40] * snuffshotMartyr began pestering frozenFire [FF] and unmotivatedMeatshield [UM]
  40. [21:40] <snuffshotMartyr> Alright
  41. [21:40] <snuffshotMartyr> So
  42. [21:40] <snuffshotMartyr> Tarane
  43. [21:40] <snuffshotMartyr> Whaddaya need?
  44. [21:41] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I am alive, by the way
  45. [21:41] <unmotivatedMeatshield> sorry to worry you
  46. [21:41] <frozenFire> About time you answered, Alex
  47. [21:41] <frozenFire> What happened?
  48. [21:41] <frozenFire> And how did you get to Lyra's land?
  49. [21:42] <snuffshotMartyr> I dropped him through the gate
  50. [21:42] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Yeah almost broke a leg
  51. [21:42] <unmotivatedMeatshield> And almost went insane a couple times
  52. [21:42] <snuffshotMartyr> Yep
  53. [21:42] <unmotivatedMeatshield> But im alright now
  54. [21:42] <snuffshotMartyr> Fun times
  55. [21:47] <frozenFire> ...
  56. [21:47] <frozenFire> How? No, Wait, Why?
  57. [21:48] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Hm...
  58. [21:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Because I am not good at making decisions
  59. [21:48] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Yeap
  60. [21:48] <unmotivatedMeatshield> pretty much Lyra, sorry
  61. [21:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Don't apologize, it's true
  62. [21:48] <snuffshotMartyr> I kinda tend towards screwing stuff up
  63. [21:48] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm actually pretty good at it
  64. [21:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I was the one who kicked my totally chill bro off a cliff
  65. [21:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> hes now insane and driving us insane
  66. [21:49] <snuffshotMartyr> Right
  67. [21:49] <snuffshotMartyr> Still gotta get him outta there
  68. [21:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Without going insane
  69. [21:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Easy
  70. [21:50] <frozenFire> WhaT
  71. [21:50] <snuffshotMartyr> We kinda buried him under like a ton of rock
  72. [21:50] <snuffshotMartyr> By accident
  73. [21:51] <unmotivatedMeatshield> He fell into a crack when i pushed him off a cliff
  74. [21:51] <frozenFire> I'm not even going to ask
  75. [21:51] <frozenFire> So what's been going on with you?
  76. [21:52] <snuffshotMartyr> ...
  77. [21:52] <snuffshotMartyr> I can just copy-paste this whole memo for you
  78. [21:52] <snuffshotMartyr> If it didn't sink in the first time
  79. [21:52] <frozenFire> Apart from Being legally Insane of course
  80. [21:52] <snuffshotMartyr> We buried the Brofessor
  81. [21:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Went crazy
  82. [21:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Chilled on Derse
  83. [21:52] <snuffshotMartyr> More crazy
  84. [21:53] <snuffshotMartyr> I can't feel my legs
  85. [21:53] <frozenFire> This is what, The 4th Time you've been driven crazy?
  86. [21:53] <snuffshotMartyr> At least
  87. [21:53] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Second for me, not as bad
  88. [21:53] <frozenFire> What happened On Derse
  89. [21:53] <snuffshotMartyr> The usual
  90. [21:53] <snuffshotMartyr> Went crazy
  91. [21:53] <frozenFire> Can you just Stop going Insane for a single day?
  92. [21:54] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Probably not
  93. [21:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Would if I could, trust me
  94. [21:54] <frozenFire> Un huh
  95. [21:54] <snuffshotMartyr> It's kind of becoming a pattern
  96. [21:55] <frozenFire> So your Legs being numb is also because You're Crazy?
  97. [21:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah, probably
  98. [21:55] <snuffshotMartyr> They just kinda shut off
  99. [21:55] <frozenFire> Legs don't just do that
  100. [21:55] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I've had to carry her around
  101. [21:56] <snuffshotMartyr> They do when you're crazy
  102. [21:56] <frozenFire> You hurt Yourself, didn't you
  103. [21:56] <snuffshotMartyr> I did not
  104. [21:56] <frozenFire> Alex? Confirmation?
  105. [21:56] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Well
  106. [21:56] <snuffshotMartyr> None of this was my fault
  107. [21:56] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Well
  108. [21:56] <snuffshotMartyr> At least the insanity parts
  109. [21:56] <unmotivatedMeatshield> she stabbed herself, after the legs turned off
  110. [21:57] <snuffshotMartyr> ??
  111. [21:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh shoot, right
  112. [21:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Forgot about that
  113. [21:57] <frozenFire> You Forgot that you stabbed yourself.
  114. [21:57] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I guess that hapens when theyre numb
  115. [21:57] <snuffshotMartyr> I wanted to see if I could get feeling in them
  116. [21:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Hasn't started hurting yet, so...
  117. [21:58] <frozenFire> I'm not sure Whether I should facepalm or gape so I'm going to do both
  118. [21:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Of course
  119. [21:58] <frozenFire> One moment applying Hand to Face
  120. [21:58] <snuffshotMartyr> How about you? What sort of idiocy have you been dealing with?
  121. [21:58] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Cool
  122. [21:59] <frozenFire> Byron
  123. [21:59] <frozenFire> Nick
  124. [21:59] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Whos byron
  125. [21:59] <frozenFire> Bit o' history slash exposition from Faerzen
  126. [22:00] <frozenFire> Byron is this fat guy from the future who can float and died via dorito spike
  127. [22:00] <frozenFire> MasterfulShooter
  128. [22:00] <unmotivatedMeatshield> a dorito spike?
  129. [22:01] <frozenFire> His land had those
  130. [22:01] <frozenFire> I think
  131. [22:02] <unmotivatedMeatshield> ok then
  132. [22:02] <frozenFire> So you got thrown out of a gate, nearly fell to your death, then were part of court?
  133. [22:03] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Yep
  134. [22:03] <unmotivatedMeatshield> And i killed a massive spider
  135. [22:03] <unmotivatedMeatshield> and found a dragon
  136. [22:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait dragon?
  137. [22:03] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Yeah on Prospit
  138. [22:03] <frozenFire> A spider and a dragon?
  139. [22:03] <unmotivatedMeatshield> thats why i flew to derse, i was bored when the palace guards woudnt let me see him
  140. [22:03] <unmotivatedMeatshield> yeah
  141. [22:04] <frozenFire> Bored. So you went to Derse.
  142. [22:04] <frozenFire> What Were You ThinkinG?!
  143. [22:04] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I wasnt really
  144. [22:04] <unmotivatedMeatshield> that kinda happens a lot
  145. [22:04] <frozenFire> Obviously
  146. [22:04] <snuffshotMartyr> It actually turned out pretty good, all things considered
  147. [22:04] <unmotivatedMeatshield> like when i jumped off a cliff
  148. [22:04] <unmotivatedMeatshield> or when i fought a giant spider
  149. [22:05] <unmotivatedMeatshield> or when i jumped up a cliff
  150. [22:05] <unmotivatedMeatshield> or when i fought a telekinetic statue
  151. [22:05] <unmotivatedMeatshield> or when i kissed lyra
  152. [22:05] <unmotivatedMeatshield> shit happens
  153. [22:05] <frozenFire> You what?
  154. [22:05] <unmotivatedMeatshield> yeah jumped up a cliff
  155. [22:05] <unmotivatedMeatshield> cant explain that one
  156. [22:05] <frozenFire> Wasn't talking about that but sure
  157. [22:05] <Lyra_Bel> "Y'know"
  158. [22:05] <Lyra_Bel> "There's some stuff you don't need to advertise"
  159. [22:06] <frozenFire> You kissed Lyra? I Knew It!
  160. [22:06] <Alexander_Pyrite> *spoken* what do you mea- *looks at computer* Ah
  161. [22:06] <Alexander_Pyrite> ...knew... what?
  162. [22:06] * Alexander_Pyrite facepalsm
  163. [22:07] <frozenFire> You hvea Crush on Lyra~
  164. [22:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Tarane
  165. [22:07] <frozenFire> I'm kinda surprised you're not dead though
  166. [22:07] <unmotivatedMeatshield> is that a swirly thing
  167. [22:07] <unmotivatedMeatshield> what is that swirly thing doing
  168. [22:07] <unmotivatedMeatshield> ~
  169. [22:08] <frozenFire> Future people. Sheesh.
  170. [22:08] <frozenFire> Yes Lyra?
  171. [22:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Drop it
  172. [22:09] <frozenFire> Ok. For Now
  173. [22:10] <snuffshotMartyr> No
  174. [22:10] <unmotivatedMeatshield> or ever works
  175. [22:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Not for now
  176. [22:10] <frozenFire> I'll keep my observations to myself then
  177. [22:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Better
  178. [22:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Not good, but better
  179. [22:10] <frozenFire> Nothing's good to you
  180. [22:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Objection
  181. [22:11] <snuffshotMartyr> There's a whole lot of stuff that's good
  182. [22:11] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Like?
  183. [22:12] <snuffshotMartyr> Well
  184. [22:12] <snuffshotMartyr> I've still got some of those cookies
  185. [22:12] <snuffshotMartyr> That's pretty good
  186. [22:12] <frozenFire> Cookies.
  187. [22:12] <snuffshotMartyr> Yes
  188. [22:12] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Oh yeah those cookies were really good
  189. [22:12] <snuffshotMartyr> They're so awesome
  190. [22:13] <frozenFire> Save some for me/save the code?
  191. [22:13] * snuffshotMartyr sends frozenFire the code for [Maskwraith's Cookies]
  192. [22:14] <frozenFire> So. Cookies. What else?
  193. [22:14] <snuffshotMartyr> Hmm
  194. [22:14] <snuffshotMartyr> Lanased made me this rockin' spider armour
  195. [22:15] <snuffshotMartyr> So that's pretty sweet
  196. [22:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh, I got the chance to pick up some of the stuff I lost at the beginning of the game
  197. [22:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Some of the few things I have from the real world
  198. [16:37] <frozenFire> Isn't this the "real" world now?
  199. [16:37] <snuffshotMartyr> Dunno
  200. [16:37] <snuffshotMartyr> Hard to say for sure
  201. [16:38] <frozenFire> Seems pretty real to me
  202. [16:39] <snuffshotMartyr> No comment
  203. [16:40] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Is the real world even still existing
  204. [16:40] <snuffshotMartyr> *shrug*
  205. [16:41] <snuffshotMartyr> Probably not
  206. [16:41] <unmotivatedMeatshield> There were meteors raining last I checked
  207. [16:41] <frozenFire> Well relative to me and Lyra it's still alive
  208. [16:41] <frozenFire> To you... maybe not
  209. [16:42] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Great
  210. [16:42] == unmotivatedMeatshield has changed nick to UM|Vossum
  211. [16:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Well, if we're using the splintering dimensions theory
  212. [16:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Then there's probably a version of home that survived Alex's apocalypse
  213. [16:43] <frozenFire> Not quite splintering dimensions?
  214. [16:43] <UM|Vossum> The what theory
  215. [16:43] <frozenFire> I mean, the world obviously didn't end when we left
  216. [16:43] <frozenFire> Because Alex is here
  217. [16:44] <snuffshotMartyr> He IS here, but was he FROM the same dimension we left?
  218. [16:44] <snuffshotMartyr> The one that got meteor'd to death?
  219. [16:44] <frozenFire> True
  220. [16:45] <snuffshotMartyr> It's impossible to say, I s'pose
  221. [16:45] <frozenFire> Mmhm
  222. [16:45] <snuffshotMartyr> What I wouldn't give for a guidebook
  223. [16:46] <frozenFire> Ha
  224. [16:46] <UM|Vossum> like this game would give us a guide book
  225. [16:47] <frozenFire> Somehow I doubt this thing even has a guidebook
  226. [16:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Of course
  227. [16:47] <frozenFire> I mean, it's as if everything was randomly generated
  228. [16:47] <snuffshotMartyr> But I can dream
  229. [16:47] == UM|Vossum has changed nick to unmotivatedMeatshield
  230. [16:47] <frozenFire> That reminds me. How's Derse?
  231. [16:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Sucks
  232. [16:48] == unmotivatedMeatshield has changed nick to UM|Vossum
  233. [16:48] <UM|Vossum> Not bad to be honese
  234. [16:48] <frozenFire> Really
  235. [16:48] <UM|Vossum> almost went crazy
  236. [16:48] <frozenFire> Again.
  237. [16:48] <UM|Vossum> but now theyre just letting us chill
  238. [16:49] <frozenFire> Really?
  239. [16:49] <frozenFire> That's new
  240. [16:49] <UM|Vossum> Yeah its kinda boring so we woke up
  241. [16:49] <UM|Vossum> then almost went crazy there
  242. [16:50] <frozenFire> So... you threw your shield off a cliff
  243. [16:50] <frozenFire> Went to sleep
  244. [16:50] <frozenFire> Nearly went crazy
  245. [16:50] <frozenFire> Woke up
  246. [16:50] <frozenFire> Nearly went crazy
  247. [16:50] <UM|Vossum> yep
  248. [16:50] <snuffshotMartyr> We are not good at this game.
  249. [16:50] <UM|Vossum> never know, this could be the point of the game
  250. [16:50] <frozenFire> What even makes you "crazy"?
  251. [16:50] <UM|Vossum> resist insanity against all odds!
  252. [16:50] <frozenFire> I mean, Byron counts for me, but still
  253. [16:50] <UM|Vossum> halucinations
  254. [16:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Schizophrenia
  255. [16:51] <frozenFire> And... both of you are having it?
  256. [16:51] <snuffshotMartyr> Yup
  257. [16:51] <frozenFire> At the same time?
  258. [16:51] <snuffshotMartyr> Eeyup
  259. [16:51] <UM|Vossum> yep
  260. [16:52] <UM|Vossum> i amost gouged out my eyes and stuck my hand in my mouth
  261. [16:52] <snuffshotMartyr> My legs've been numb for like an hour now
  262. [16:52] <frozenFire> I'm starting to get worried that this seems normal now
  263. [16:53] <snuffshotMartyr> Dude, I am so far beyond worried
  264. [16:53] <snuffshotMartyr> It's just 'oh hey now this is happening'
  265. [16:53] <UM|Vossum> Well it did just happen
  266. [16:53] <UM|Vossum> so
  267. [16:54] <frozenFire> Bluh.
  268. [16:54] <frozenFire> Well, you're near your gas station right?
  269. [16:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah
  270. [16:54] <frozenFire> You could make some medical stuff
  271. [16:54] <snuffshotMartyr> We aren't hurt, though
  272. [16:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Not physically
  273. [16:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Just getting messed with in the head
  274. [16:55] <UM|Vossum> I have the code for some whiskey
  275. [16:55] <UM|Vossum> could help a bit
  276. [16:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Heck no
  277. [16:55] <frozenFire> I'm not even going to ask
  278. [16:55] <UM|Vossum> well ok then
  279. [16:56] <frozenFire> Then again I mixed a molotov with healing gel so I can't really judge you
  280. [16:56] <UM|Vossum> did you make a healing bomb woah
  281. [16:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait wait wait
  282. [16:56] <snuffshotMartyr> You can combine stuff with the gel?
  283. [16:56] <snuffshotMartyr> O.O
  284. [16:57] <UM|Vossum> I dont even have any gel
  285. [16:57] <frozenFire> Well, some sort of gel that Faerzen gave me
  286. [16:57] <frozenFire> Future stuff
  287. [16:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Bluh
  288. [16:57] <snuffshotMartyr> I've got a health potion, don't need much more
  289. [16:57] <frozenFire> Won't it run out soon?
  290. [16:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Supposedly, it refills
  291. [16:58] <frozenFire> Lucky.
  292. [16:58] <snuffshotMartyr> From the recovery gel that imps drop
  293. [16:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Wasn't luck that Maskwraith gave it to me
  294. [16:58] <frozenFire> Maskwraith?
  295. [16:59] <snuffshotMartyr> Evil Nickolai
  296. [16:59] <frozenFire> Evil Nickolai?
  297. [17:00] <frozenFire> Wait, the one from that alternate timeline or something?
  298. [17:00] <UM|Vossum> Evil Nickolai.
  299. [17:00] <UM|Vossum> yeah
  300. [17:00] <snuffshotMartyr> Eeyup
  301. [17:01] <frozenFire> Why Maskwraith?
  302. [17:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Whaddaya mean?
  303. [17:02] <frozenFire> Why would you call him Maskwraith?
  304. [17:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Dunno
  305. [17:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Just kind of did
  306. [17:03] <frozenFire> -_-
  307. [17:03] <frozenFire> I think your land is making you crazy
  308. [17:04] <UM|Vossum> I did jump like a mile high in a insane stupor
  309. [17:04] <snuffshotMartyr> That was a thing that happened, yeah
  310. [17:04] <snuffshotMartyr> ... Probably
  311. [17:05] <frozenFire> Un huh
  312. [17:05] <frozenFire> I don't think Alex was this crazy until he went onto your land
  313. [17:05] <UM|Vossum> Neither do I
  314. [17:05] <frozenFire> Maybe you should go to someone else's land. Like Faerzen's. Or something. Take a break.
  315. [17:06] <frozenFire> I mean, cliffs must be pretty depressing
  316. [17:06] <UM|Vossum> Not as bad as endless ash
  317. [17:06] <UM|Vossum> and coffins
  318. [17:07] <snuffshotMartyr> I like the cliffs
  319. [17:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Pretty sure they aren't screwing with us any more than anywhere else would
  320. [17:07] <snuffshotMartyr> B'sides, my fist real breakdown was in Faerzen's planet
  321. [17:08] <UM|Vossum> What even are the other planets
  322. [17:08] <frozenFire> Iunno
  323. [17:09] <frozenFire> I have purseland which is a depressing gray
  324. [17:09] <frozenFire> Faerzen has some sort of lightbulbs and stuff
  325. [17:09] <frozenFire> Dunno about the rest
  326. [17:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Does it really matter?
  327. [17:10] <UM|Vossum> I guess not
  328. [17:10] <UM|Vossum> but we do live here now
  329. [17:10] <snuffshotMartyr> True
  330. [17:10] <snuffshotMartyr> So we find somewhere less terrible than the others and set up shop there
  331. [17:11] <frozenFire> Not mine.
  332. [17:11] <frozenFire> Screw mine. It's so boring.
  333. [17:11] <frozenFire> Maybe you could scout out the lands?
  334. [17:12] <frozenFire> You have some sort of pen wing shenanigans, right?
  335. [17:12] <UM|Vossum> Yeah, but Lyra isnt strong enough right now
  336. [17:12] <UM|Vossum> I could try to jump somehow
  337. [17:12] <frozenFire> Somehow I doubt that would work
  338. [17:12] <snuffshotMartyr> Worked the first time
  339. [17:12] <snuffshotMartyr> Kinda
  340. [17:13] <UM|Vossum> Maybe I have to be insane to jump really high
  341. [17:13] <frozenFire> Un huh. You sure it wasn't just your mind playing tricks on you?
  342. [17:13] <snuffshotMartyr> Probably was
  343. [17:13] <frozenFire> Then yeah it probably won't work
  344. [17:13] <UM|Vossum> Well we were there
  345. [17:13] <UM|Vossum> and now we are here
  346. [17:13] <snuffshotMartyr> But considering I saw it too...
  347. [17:14] <frozenFire> Well you two somehow go crazy at exactly the same time
  348. [17:14] <frozenFire> So...
  349. [17:15] <snuffshotMartyr> It's Sabath, it doesn't need to make sense
  350. [17:15] <UM|Vossum> Plus its reggie being a dick
  351. [17:15] <snuffshotMartyr> That too
  352. [17:15] <snuffshotMartyr> May need to rethink saving him after all
  353. [17:15] <frozenFire> You sure about that?
  354. [17:15] <frozenFire> Reggie was... the crown, right?
  355. [17:15] <snuffshotMartyr> And the book
  356. [17:15] <snuffshotMartyr> And the shield
  357. [17:15] <UM|Vossum> and the shield
  358. [17:15] <frozenFire> Or whatever you had on your head
  359. [17:15] <snuffshotMartyr> And the mask
  360. [17:16] <snuffshotMartyr> And whatever else
  361. [17:16] <frozenFire> I thought the mask was "Abyss"
  362. [17:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Same thing
  363. [17:16] <frozenFire> And the shield was "Bro"
  364. [17:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Mask is also Carl sometimes
  365. [17:16] <snuffshotMartyr> And shield is Brofessor
  366. [17:17] <frozenFire> I'm getting another headache
  367. [17:17] <frozenFire> This is ridiculous
  368. [17:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Welcome to Sabath
  369. [17:17] <frozenFire> One moment
  370. [17:18] <snuffshotMartyr> Take your time
  371. [17:18] <snuffshotMartyr> We aren't going anywhere
  372. [17:18] <frozenFire> Taking this many pills is probably bad for me but oh well.
  373. [17:18] <snuffshotMartyr> If it makes you feel better, you probably won't live long enough to see any side effects
  374. [17:18] <frozenFire> Not helping
  375. [17:19] <frozenFire> growingsecondcreature
  376. [17:19] <frozenFire> Damnit I did it again
  377. [17:20] <UM|Vossum> what pills are you even taking
  378. [17:20] <frozenFire> Ibuprofen I think.
  379. [17:21] <UM|Vossum> does that even work on trolls
  380. [17:21] <frozenFire> Yes. Yes it does.
  381. [17:23] <UM|Vossum> are you going to overdose on human drugs
  382. [17:23] <frozenFire> I'll try not to.
  383. [17:23] <frozenFire> Plus I don't even know what Troll Drugs are
  384. [17:25] <frozenFire> I guess there's not much else to talk about now, is there
  385. [17:25] <snuffshotMartyr> Don't think so
  386. [17:25] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh, wait
  387. [17:25] <frozenFire> Actually, Alex, could you build up my house to the first gate?
  388. [17:25] <snuffshotMartyr> If you wanted to extract something from like a ton of rubble, how would you go about doing that?
  389. [17:25] <frozenFire> Uh
  390. [17:25] <snuffshotMartyr> Magnets don't work
  391. [17:25] <frozenFire> Hmm
  392. [17:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Excavators are too big for me to make
  393. [17:26] <frozenFire> Rope + Tnt
  394. [17:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Considered it
  395. [17:26] <frozenFire> If that doesn't work, that drill thingy that digs into the ground
  396. [17:26] <frozenFire> Can't remember what it's called
  397. [17:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Explosives was kinda the reason we need to do this in the first place
  398. [17:26] <UM|Vossum> I dont think i cant build your house btw
  399. [17:26] <frozenFire> Maybe you could captcha' them
  400. [17:26] <UM|Vossum> i dont have any grist
  401. [17:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Considered that too
  402. [17:27] <frozenFire> I thought it uses mine?
  403. [17:27] <UM|Vossum> and we've already thought of that but i would kill myself a bit
  404. [17:27] <UM|Vossum> Ill get to it then tarane
  405. [17:27] * UM|Vossum grabs the computer
  406. [17:27] <frozenFire> Cool
  407. [17:27] <frozenFire> It'll help me get to your planet
  408. [17:27] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait
  409. [17:27] <frozenFire> Probably.
  410. [17:27] <snuffshotMartyr> Why'd it kill you?
  411. [17:28] <UM|Vossum> My modus sucks
  412. [17:28] <UM|Vossum> It hits me wth stuff from all over the place when i overflow
  413. [17:28] <snuffshotMartyr> Ah
  414. [17:28] <snuffshotMartyr> That'll do it
  415. [17:29] <frozenFire> Ouch
  416. [17:29] <frozenFire> Have fun doing whatever you're doing then
  417. [17:29] <snuffshotMartyr> We got this
  418. [17:29] <snuffshotMartyr> It'll be fine
  419. [17:30] <snuffshotMartyr> ... Somehow
  420. [17:30] <frozenFire> ((twitch))
  421. [17:30] <frozenFire> Un huh
  422. [17:30] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay, shutting off then. Just be careful, yeah?
  423. [17:30] <snuffshotMartyr> Faerzen's got the equivalent of a nuclear bomb with them
  424. [17:30] <UM|Vossum> Fuckin what
  425. [17:30] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay no, probably worse
  426. [17:30] <snuffshotMartyr> Carl
  427. [17:31] <UM|Vossum> oh i thought yo umeant an actual bomb
  428. [17:32] * UM|Vossum builds a bit on a single wall
  429. [17:32] <snuffshotMartyr> Nah
  430. [17:32] <snuffshotMartyr> Worse
  431. [17:32] <snuffshotMartyr> For what it's worth, I tried to get it to extend protection to you and the others
  432. [17:32] <snuffshotMartyr> Sorry Tarane
  433. [17:32] <ATtheorytime[DM]> < Just tell me how much grist you spend. Costs 100 to get to the first gate >
  434. [17:32] <UM|Vossum> ((i start with 10))
  435. [17:33] <ATtheorytime[DM]> < K >
  436. [17:33] <ATtheorytime[DM]> < Build whatever you want you're 10% of the way there >
  437. [17:34] * UM|Vossum buids a rectangle straight up for 10% of the way there
  438. [17:34] <UM|Vossum> Did you see that tarane?
  439. [17:35] <[frozenFire]> You do your thing. I'm going to get Byron to do stuff
  440. [17:36] <UM|Vossum> Alright
  441. [17:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Sure
  442. [17:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Hey, tell him to message me
  443. [17:36] <snuffshotMartyr> He hasn't responded
  444. [18:02] <[frozenFire]> I will, Ly
  445. [18:03] <[frozenFire]> Ttyl I guess
  446. [18:04] * [frozenFire] has ceased messaging unmotivatedMeatshield and snuffshotMartyr
  449. [17:37] * UM|Vossum makes a shitty platfrom around the things
  450. [17:37] <UM|Vossum> and then continues the rest of the way up
  451. [17:39] <UM|Vossum> I made a diagram
  452. [17:41] <UM|Vossum>
  453. [17:49] <ATtheorytime[DM]> Do you finish building the house?
  454. [17:49] <UM|Vossum> I do
  455. [17:49] <UM|Vossum> do you understand my diagram?
  456. [17:49] <UM|Vossum> the lines are platfroms that all stick out the same way
  457. [17:49] <UM|Vossum> UM missed the gate
  458. [17:50] <ATtheorytime[DM]> ?
  459. [17:50] <ATtheorytime[DM]> No idea what it is
  460. [17:50] <UM|Vossum> dammit
  461. [17:50] <UM|Vossum> ill make it better
  462. [17:52] <ATtheorytime[DM]> If you built up so to the height of the gate that's 100 grist expended frozenFire
  463. [17:52] <UM|Vossum> yeah, and a bit more
  464. [17:52] <UM|Vossum> so alex went back down
  465. [17:53] <UM|Vossum> wth shitty platform
  466. [17:53] <ATtheorytime[DM]> K
  467. [17:55] <UM|Vossum> but you cant actually get onto the platfrom ecause its the same distance away from the wall as all the other platforms
  468. [17:55] <ATtheorytime[DM]> I have no idea wtf you're talking about
  469. [17:55] <ATtheorytime[DM]> Just build the house up to reach the gate and leave it at that :/
  470. [17:55] <UM|Vossum> fine :c
  471. [17:56] <Abyss> Frozenfire your gate is reachable now
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