
The great SMAS debate

Apr 7th, 2012
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  1. 01[21:03] <Blechy> um need other opinions. should this super mario allstars be converted to multi
  2. 01[21:03] <Blechy>
  3. [21:04] <theJUICE> ya
  4. 01[21:08] <Blechy> the tribe has spoken
  5. 03[21:08] * puchiedarcy ( has joined #smw
  6. [21:09] <MSDS3170> i disagree
  7. 01[21:09] <Blechy> y?
  8. [21:10] <MSDS3170> multi would imply that they physically switched out each game
  9. [21:10] <MSDS3170> which takes time obv
  10. [21:10] <MSDS3170> if they're all using the allstars cart/rom, that's less time to switch
  11. [21:10] <CVagts> it's all one cart so no I think it should be its own game
  12. [21:12] <spimmmm> [21:03:07] barnowl: okay, i'm not racing then
  13. 03[21:12] * dram55 ( has joined #smw
  14. 03[21:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +qo dram55 dram55
  15. [21:12] <spimmmm> wah wah
  16. 01[21:12] <Blechy> the log's gotten better
  17. [21:12] <@dram55> poop log?
  18. [21:12] <MSDS3170> although i don't think the physics are actually different?
  19. 01[21:12] <Blechy> it's even more delicious if it endsup staying as a new cart without him
  20. 01[21:12] <Blechy> I think people have said they are
  21. [21:12] <CVagts> heheheh
  22. [21:12] <spimmmm> can't stay around to watch the fun
  23. [21:12] <spimmmm> someone log it after the race is over?
  24. [21:13] <CVagts> I'll be around
  25. [21:14] <CVagts> someone should change it to multi until right before recording
  26. [21:14] <CVagts> so he never enters
  27. [21:15] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> meow
  28. 03[21:15] * BONESAWWWWWW ( has joined #smw
  29. [21:17] <MSDS3170> i know barnowl is easy 2 hate, but im actually going to side w/ him on this
  30. 01[21:17] <Blechy> how much did he pay you
  31. [21:17] <CVagts> how many points
  32. [21:17] <MSDS3170> 500 Rating Units
  33. [21:17] <CVagts> why does it matter at all what it's recorded as
  34. [21:18] <CVagts> his precious points?
  35. [21:18] <MSDS3170> of course
  36. [21:18] <MSDS3170> also for the sake of accuracy
  37. 01[21:18] <Blechy> I only care for ya consistency
  38. 01[21:18] <Blechy> mega man anniversary collection was a game but that was before the grand debut of multi
  39. [21:18] <CVagts> multi kinda throws 'accuracy' out the window :P
  40. [21:19] <MSDS3170> !race multi 1
  41. [21:19] <07milkshakebot> Results for race 4987: multi / 100% oot + 100% mm / 12 Jul 2011: (#1 Runnerguy2489 14:59:14) (#2 Keeta 15:42:45)
  42. [21:19] <@dram55> multi at its best
  43. [21:19] <MSDS3170> all downhill from there
  44. [21:19] <@dram55> !multi 100
  45. [21:19] <MSDS3170> !race multi 2
  46. [21:19] <07milkshakebot> Results for race 7985: multi / dkc1 any% all stages + dkc2 any% / 16 Oct 2011: (#1 Twig 2:13:08) (#2 neskamikaze 2:16:57) (#3 Garrison 3:18:08) (ShadowsPanther forfeit)
  47. [21:19] <@dram55> oh thats a good one too
  48. [21:19] <@dram55> lol
  49. [21:19] <theJUICE> oh yee
  50. [21:19] <@dram55> oh i did wrong cmd
  51. [21:19] <@dram55> !race multi 100
  52. [21:20] <07milkshakebot> Results for race 14319: multi / miyahon combo: smb1 (beat the game) + smw (any%) / 18 Mar 2012: (#1 barnowl 19:15) (#2 Kosmicd12 21:38)
  53. [21:20] <@dram55> ok these are all legit
  54. [21:20] <theJUICE> the farm combo
  55. [21:20] <@dram55> !race multi 69
  56. [21:20] <07milkshakebot> Results for race 13473: multi / get clean / 3 Mar 2012: (#1 jape 20:29) (#2 Rae 24:47)
  57. [21:20] <@dram55> gay
  58. [21:20] <CVagts> !race multi 3
  59. [21:20] <07milkshakebot> Results for race 10057: multi / oot team race / 16 Dec 2011: (#1 soxodus 1:54:59) (#2 Samguy2489 2:18:32) (#3 CactusTaco 2:30:57) (#4 Elminster7Cloud 2:32:53) (#5 cafde_error 3:02:06)
  60. [21:20] <@dram55> really - misc should have been made a different category
  61. [21:21] <@dram55> or something. thats where it kind of went downhill
  62. [21:21] <Rae> 69, good number
  63. [21:21] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> its ok
  64. 01[21:21] <Blechy> typical menboo, making a profit by streaming soccer games
  65. [21:21] <@dram55> lol
  66. -
  67. 01[21:21] David`Weatherproof`Streeter is * ...
  68. 01[21:21] David`Weatherproof`Streeter on @#speedrunslive @#sports #basketball #smw #sda #zelda @#baka @#impromptu
  69. 01[21:21] David`Weatherproof`Streeter using Speed Demos Archive IRC Server
  70. 01[21:21] David`Weatherproof`Streeter has been idle 21secs, signed on Mon Mar 26 14:32:48
  71. 01[21:21] David`Weatherproof`Streeter End of /WHOIS list.
  72. -
  73. [21:21] <MSDS3170> ban the f*kin idiots who started misc racing imo
  74. [21:22] <@dram55> -hist multi
  75. [21:22] <07streamy> Race history for Multiple game race / misc:
  76. [21:22] <@dram55> lets find out
  77. [21:22] <CVagts> it was JAPE
  78. [21:23] <theJUICE> HEH
  79. [21:23] <CVagts> race #5
  80. [21:23] <CVagts> and JUICE
  81. [21:23] <@dram55> Race #5
  82. [21:23] <@dram55> Date: Dec 23, 2011
  83. [21:23] <@dram55> Time: 22:03:23
  84. [21:23] <@dram55> Goal: get food
  85. [21:23] <@dram55> 1 | jape | 00:14:03 | 1000 -> 1020
  86. [21:23] <@dram55> 2 | Gragledump | 00:24:17 | 1000 -> 1000
  87. [21:23] <CVagts> and GRAGLE
  88. [21:23] <@dram55> 3 | theJUICE | 00:41:02 | 1000 -> 980
  89. [21:23] <CVagts> ban these fools
  90. [21:23] <@dram55> esp theJuice with that noob ass time
  91. [21:23] <theJUICE> what i did other stuff
  92. [21:23] <CVagts> the goal was get food
  93. [21:23] <CVagts> not get food and do other stuff
  94. [21:23] <CVagts> you're ruining the integrity of speedrunslive
  95. [21:24] <theJUICE> back in my day misc wasnt taken srsly
  96. [21:24] <theJUICE> what plz people racing flashgames are the real idiots
  97. [21:24] <CVagts> lol
  98. [21:24] <CVagts> flash games were the original witch hunt until get food came along
  99. 02[21:25] * jeanclaude ( Quit (Quit: )
  100. 01[21:26] <Blechy> people used to fear a day when minesweeper would be raced
  101. 01[21:26] <Blechy> now that's child's play
  102. [21:26] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> !pb jape sm64 120 star
  103. [21:26] <07milkshakebot> Top times for jape / sm64 / 120 star: 3:22:17, 4:34:59
  104. 01[21:26] <Blechy> I feel like future cvagts needs to go back in time and give those people a reality check
  105. [21:26] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> 3:22:17*
  106. [21:26] <CVagts> lol
  107. [21:26] <Gragledump> ,c$$$ccc,. .,,.
  108. [21:26] <Gragledump> .,cchc $$$$$$$$$$$c, ,c$$$$$$c
  109. [21:26] <Gragledump> ,$$$$$$$ ?$$$$$$$"""',,c$$$$$??""$$L
  110. [21:26] <Gragledump> c$$$$$$$$$:<$$$$$$$$$$$$?????"",n ?$$$
  111. [21:26] <Gragledump> ,$$$$$$$$$$$ J$$$$$$F"$$$$h uMMMMMMb $$$-.,,,,.
  112. [21:26] <Gragledump> c$$$$$$$$$$$F,$$$$$$P',$$$$$ MP""""MM,?$$cJ$$$$$$
  113. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$$F J$$$$$$c$$$$$$$.' 4M J?????$F $$
  114. [21:26] <Gragledump> ,$$$$$F"$$$$$F J$$$$$$$$$$$$??$$c, ,' xdMbn, d$$
  115. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$L`P',$$$$F J$$$$$$$$$$$$$ d$$$$$$$$$ xPPPPMMM $$P
  116. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$',$$$$$$P J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$cc$$$$$$$$$ 4MP $$F
  117. [21:26] <Gragledump> , $$$$$$$$P" J$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h JP' $$'
  118. [21:26] <Gragledump> $c "$$$P"'..: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c,,... J$$
  119. [21:26] <Gragledump> d$$$c,,. .::::.?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$cJ$F
  120. [21:26] <Gragledump> ,$$$$$$$$$ ::::: ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'
  121. [21:26] <Gragledump> z$$$$$$$$$F :::: .?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$."$")$$$$$$
  122. [21:26] <Gragledump> z$$$$$$$$$$> :: ,dL`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ccd$$$$$$$c
  123. [21:26] <Gragledump> .d$$$.`" $$$$'.: uMM" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  124. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$F"$P"$$$$$ : P" . $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  125. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$hcc$$$$$$ :...:' ?$$h`"".$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h
  126. [21:26] <CVagts> why an asterisk jape?
  127. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ``_` ,M>`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  128. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ dMP JMM" ""3$$"$"3$$$$$$$????$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h
  129. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ P dMP .:`$$$$$ccc$$$$$$(,cccc ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L
  130. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$$$P ..' .::: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$????$L $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  131. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$$$F :::'''::' ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$Lcch ?$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$c
  132. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$$$F ' ,mn ',db ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$',$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  133. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$$$L nMM" ,dMMP '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$h
  134. [21:26] <MSDS3170> ban this guy
  135. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$?$$$$$$$$ MP . MP" .. 3$C""$$$$$$$$$$cd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$??$?$.
  136. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$ $$$$$$$$ " ::....:::: 3$cd$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hccc$$
  137. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ::''`,`:' ,n $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$???$$$$$r
  138. [21:26] <CVagts> ban
  139. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ ,ndM .'.dMM `?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ccc$$$$$F
  140. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$P $L`".$$$$.4MM" .'.MP"... ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"" ,.
  141. [21:26] <Gragledump> C"",dc`$$$$$$$$F`" .::....:::: ."?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hJ$$$$L
  142. -
  143. 01[21:26] David`Weatherproof`Streeter is * ...
  144. 01[21:26] David`Weatherproof`Streeter on @#speedrunslive @#sports #basketball #smw #sda #zelda @#baka @#impromptu
  145. 01[21:26] David`Weatherproof`Streeter using Speed Demos Archive IRC Server
  146. 01[21:26] David`Weatherproof`Streeter has been idle 27secs, signed on Mon Mar 26 14:32:48
  147. 01[21:26] David`Weatherproof`Streeter End of /WHOIS list.
  148. -
  149. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$r'$$$$C"$$ ::::::``:::: nMb."?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  150. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$ "$$$$ $$c `` ,nM .:' dMP" . "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$".,.`$P
  151. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$c ?$$."$$c 4MM" .:: `" .::' , ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L,$$P "
  152. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$.`?h $$$c 4'.:::'::'':: uMMM- "?$$$$$$$$"??3$$$$$$$$$$P"
  153. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$h.` `$$$h ''` ,mnr .:',MP" .: "?$$$$$$$P?$$$$$$$$$P
  154. [21:26] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$$$hc `$$$$c =MMP" :::. .:: ,dMn."?$?$$hc,.$$$$$$P
  155. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$$$.""$$$$$$P" "?$$h,"P .::',nmn :: JMMP".. ` -z$$$$$$$$$"
  156. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$$$" "$$$h, ``,nMMP .:: ""..::',nMp`"?$$$$$P'
  157. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$$$P "$$$hc 4P"'.::'''_``:`,nMP" `""'
  158. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$$P" "?$$$c.'''',ndP" -' `"
  159. [21:27] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> epic fucking fail. learn to IRC plz
  160. [21:27] <MSDS3170> incoming G Line
  161. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$$$$$$" `?$$$c, "4P'.. c
  162. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$$$$" "?$$$hc, ``,P
  163. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$P" "?$$$$cc$'
  164. [21:27] <Gragledump> "" cccc, """"
  165. [21:27] <Gragledump> `"?$$h.
  166. [21:27] <Gragledump> .,,. `?$$.
  167. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$$$hc, ?$$.
  168. [21:27] <Gragledump> "??$$$$c,3$$
  169. [21:27] <Gragledump> "?$$$F
  170. [21:27] <Gragledump> ,$hd$P
  171. [21:27] <Gragledump> ,$$$"
  172. [21:27] <Gragledump> ,$$$"
  173. [21:27] <Gragledump> ,$$$F
  174. [21:27] <CVagts> what is that even supposed to be?
  175. [21:27] <Gragledump> ,$$$$
  176. [21:27] <Gragledump> J$$$$F
  177. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$$$$'
  178. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$$$F
  179. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$$F
  180. [21:27] <Gragledump> $$F
  181. [21:27] <esi> idk
  182. [21:27] <puchiedarcy> air jordan?
  183. [21:27] <Gragledump> P'
  184. [21:27] <Rae> looks like a dinosaur
  185. 01[21:27] <Blechy> it's roy from dinosaurs
  186. [21:27] <Garrison> wow, someone ban this spammer already
  187. [21:27] <CVagts> looks like a big failure to me
  188. [21:27] <Garrison> worse than minion
  189. [21:27] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> mods?
  190. 01[21:27] <Blechy>
  191. 03[21:27] * dram55 sets mode: -o dram55
  192. [21:27] <MSDS3170> wow dram
  193. [21:28] <dram55> wait
  194. [21:28] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> green metroid 72 wants 2 race super metroid w/ yall
  195. [21:28] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> big hype smany
  196. [21:28] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> ;inv smany
  197. 02[21:28] * puchiedarcy ( Quit (Quit: )
  198. [21:28] <dram55> so whats the call on the super mario all stars thing?
  199. [21:28] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> idk it should be multi imo cause its 4 diff games just on same cart
  200. [21:28] <dram55> making it its own game seems fair i think
  201. [21:28] <CVagts> agreed
  202. [21:28] <dram55> isn't mmx collection a seperate game?
  203. [21:28] <CVagts> because of mega man AC
  204. [21:28] <CVagts> or whatever
  205. [21:28] <David`Weatherproof`Streeter> mmxc is completely different than the other x games tho
  206. 03[21:28] * puchiedarcy (puchiedarc@EF88C322.F0616358.ACFE79CB.IP) has joined #smw
  207. [21:29] <CVagts> also if it's multi barnowl will never race it
  208. [21:29] <CVagts> so there's another positive
  209. 01[21:29] <Blechy> and also that was before multi was ever considered
  210. [21:29] <dram55> but it is a game
  211. 01[21:29] <Blechy> like I think oot & oot:mq would never be a new game, even though they're on that gc disc
  212. [21:29] <MSDS3170> the allstars games are apparently different from the originals as well
  213. [21:29] <dram55> like it has a seperate cart
  214. [21:29] <dram55> yeah thats true
  215. [21:30] <dram55> if its still an open issue id vote to make it a separate game
  216. [21:30] <dram55> idk if its already recorded
  217. [21:30] <CVagts> no, still in progress
  218. [21:30] <MSDS3170> same
  219. 01[21:30] <Blechy> I guess my reasoning is a) that's what multi is for, b) people play allstars versions within the usual games, c) oot logic, d) frustrate barnowl
  220. 01[21:31] <Blechy> but I'm fine with smas wotever jus twanted to poll the nation
  221. [21:31] <CVagts> i'm fine either way tbh
  222. [21:31] <@noiniM>
  223. 01[21:31] <Blechy> minion brings up a good point in this debate
  224. 02[21:31] * theJUICE ( Quit (Quit: )
  225. [21:31] <dram55> its cool though that we are practice ing our democratic system
  226. 01[21:31] <Blechy> yes
  227. [21:31] <dram55> ?
  228. [21:31] <dram55> oh he's not here
  229. [21:31] <MSDS3170> i've said my peace about it, but ultimately i will defer to the Senior Voices to make the final decision
  230. [21:32] <CVagts> also
  231. [21:32] <CVagts> if it's recorded as multi, should clarify that all four games were done on SMAS version
  232. [21:32] <dram55> also all on one cart makes swapping different too - i mean its getting picky but its different
  233. [21:33] <dram55> rather than swapping systems out and stuff
  234. [21:33] <MSDS3170> wow dram way to steal my arguments
  235. 03[21:33] * theJUICE ( has joined #smw
  236. 03[21:33] * stonenot ( has joined #smw
  237. [21:33] <CVagts> well clarifying that they're all on SMAS takes care of that I think
  238. [21:33] <Gragledump> welcome theJUICE
  239. [21:33] <theJUICE> ty
  240. [21:34] <dram55> oh really sorry I wasn't paying attention
  241. [21:34] <MSDS3170> gragle u never said what the ascii shit was supposed to be
  242. [21:34] <dram55> Ma Bu$t sOn
  243. [21:34] <Gragledump> its Rex fro mToy Story. learn the lore
  244. [21:34] <MSDS3170> g*y
  245. [21:34] <dram55> damn you were close Blechy
  246. [21:36] <CVagts> leaning towards multi because of the "make barnowl mad" argument but whatev
  247. 01[21:36] <Blechy> haha
  248. 01[21:36] <Blechy> [21:36] <barnowl> i could see some interesting things happen
  249. 01[21:36] <Blechy> [21:36] <barnowl> you could even do something like beat 2 games
  250. 01[21:36] <Blechy> [21:36] <barnowl> or beat 2 games warpless
  251. [21:36] <CVagts> he's talking about BIG THINGS for all-stars
  252. 01[21:36] <Blechy> hahaha yeah
  253. [21:36] <MSDS3170> lol
  254. 01[21:37] <Blechy> that's like that old SA site about the fake mmo
  255. 01[21:37] <Blechy> "green goblin" "green goblin with sword" "green goblin with axe"
  256. [21:37] <CVagts> lol
  257. [21:38] <CVagts> [21:37:57] <+doicm> you should get a pastebin put together of "reasons why smas deserves its own spot on srl"
  258. 03[21:40] * neskamikaze ( has joined #smw
  259. 02[21:40] * Washeyy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  260. [21:41] <CVagts> !race multi 1
  261. [21:41] <07milkshakebot> Results for race 4987: multi / 100% oot + 100% mm / 12 Jul 2011: (#1 Runnerguy2489 14:59:14) (#2 Keeta 15:42:45)
  262. [21:41] <CVagts> multi was before Mega Man X Collection
  263. [21:41] <CVagts> !race mmxc 1
  264. [21:41] <07milkshakebot> Results for race 7373: mmxc / x4-6, 24 mavericks / 30 Sep 2011: (#1 romscout 1:53:38) (#2 Stungun44 2:06:50)
  265. [21:42] <neskamikaze> !race multi 2
  266. [21:42] <07milkshakebot> Results for race 7985: multi / dkc1 any% all stages + dkc2 any% / 16 Oct 2011: (#1 Twig 2:13:08) (#2 neskamikaze 2:16:57) (#3 Garrison 3:18:08) (ShadowsPanther forfeit)
  267. [21:42] <CVagts> nes you're a neutral party
  268. [21:42] <CVagts> should super mario all-stars "beat world 1 of all four games" be its own game or multi?
  269. 01[21:43] <Blechy> no cause that first multi race was recorded as ootmm
  270. [21:43] <CVagts> oh
  271. [21:43] <CVagts> true
  272. [21:43] <CVagts> aghh
  273. 01[21:43] <Blechy> entire worlds rest on this decision
  274. [21:44] <CVagts> well I know the one argument is that the mega man collection isn't just the old games together, it has other stuff
  275. [21:44] <CVagts> but all-stars versions are way different than the NES versions
  276. [21:44] <CVagts> if that matters
  277. [21:44] <CVagts> (probably not)
  278. [21:44] <theJUICE> just make it its own game
  279. [21:44] <theJUICE> and get it over with
  280. [21:44] <neskamikaze> ya you can make its own
  281. [21:44] <neskamikaze> i would think
  282. 01[21:44] <Blechy> I'm just trying to find that sa site at this point
  283. [21:45] <CVagts> what if I told you that making it its own game justifies barnowl in some form
  284. [21:45] <neskamikaze> lol
  285. 01[21:45] <Blechy> haha
  286. [21:46] <neskamikaze> thats fine
  287. [21:46] <Garrison> down with 0,0
  288. [21:46] <theJUICE> barn owl likes herb
  289. [21:46] <theJUICE> so hes cool with me
  290. [21:46] <MSDS3170> same
  291. [21:46] <neskamikaze> what if everytime barnowl starts a race, the goal is pre-empted with WARNING: BARNOWL GOAL
  292. [21:46] <CVagts> he is a herb
  293. [21:46] <MSDS3170> also making spiteful adminstrative decisions is a slippery slope imo
  294. [21:46] <CVagts> what if we made a rule that if barnowl is the highest ranked person in a race, he gets removed after GO
  295. [21:46] <Gragledump> lol
  296. [21:47] <neskamikaze> make it a jopebot feature
  297. [21:47] <CVagts> seriously though it sounds like we should make it its own game which I am okay with
  298. [21:47] <neskamikaze> yep
  299. [21:47] <CVagts> wait
  300. [21:47] <CVagts> better idea
  301. [21:47] <CVagts> if barnowl is the highest ranked person in a race, and he finishes first, he gets auto-DQed
  302. [21:47] <CVagts> do it
  303. [21:47] <Garrison> lol
  304. [21:50] <theJUICE> whats with the hate
  305. [21:50] <CVagts> just playful jokes
  306. [21:50] <dram55> [teamOwl]
  307. [21:51] <CVagts> what's the opposite of team owl
  308. [21:51] <CVagts> team lumberjack?
  309. [21:51] <Garrison> I'm gonna challenge barnowl to an 8 robos race in mm2
  310. [21:51] <Garrison> and beat him
  311. [21:51] <Garrison> just need to trick him into a race where zips are permitted
  312. [21:51] <MSDS3170> uhh zips are cheating obviously
  313. [21:51] <MSDS3170> barnowl doesn't play w/ cheaters (Upstanding Citizen)
  314. [21:51] <CVagts> is the wii version of all-stars different from SNES version?
  315. [21:52] <dram55> never played it
  316. [21:52] <CVagts> svenne says no
  317. [21:52] <dram55> i heard it wasn't, bc weren't ppl kind of pissed?
  318. [21:52] <CVagts> I trust svenne
  319. [21:52] <CVagts> oh yeah
  320. [21:52] <CVagts> it was supposedly like
  321. [21:52] <CVagts> the ROM on a wii disc lol
  322. [21:52] <dram55> atleast add sm64 in there or something
  323. [21:52] <dram55> lol
  324. [21:53] <CVagts> too much work
  325. [21:53] <CVagts> we've got a controller with a touchscreen to make
  326. 02[21:53] * theJUICE ( Quit (Quit: )
  327. 03[21:55] * Washeyy ( has joined #smw
  328. 02[21:56] * puchiedarcy (puchiedarc@EF88C322.F0616358.ACFE79CB.IP) Quit (Quit: )
  329. 03[21:57] * puchiedarcy ( has joined #smw
  330. [21:57] <CVagts> what have I done
  331. [21:57] <CVagts> I am sorry SRL
  332. [21:57] <MSDS3170> i feel dirty now
  333. [21:58] <CVagts> like Neville Chamberlain I have appeased the tyrant
  334. 01[21:58] <Blechy> yeah you've brought about a new reign of terror
  335. [21:58] <dram55> CV you can't hear it - but I am hissing at you right now
  336. [21:58] <dram55> and shunning you
  337. [21:58] <CVagts> :(
  338. [21:58] <CVagts> I expect and deserve it
  339. 01[21:59] <Blechy> all of his words right now might as well be scar's speech from the lion king before he led all the lions & hyenas into famine
  340. 03[21:59] * theJUICE ( has joined #smw
  341. [21:59] <MSDS3170> on the bright side, this will open more oppourtunities for more creative ways to torment the owl
  342. 01[21:59] <Blechy> but it was you that killed mufasa
  343. [21:59] <CVagts> nobody gets my neville chamberlain reference? shameful
  344. [21:59] <coolkid> oh did he pm u guys as well?
  345. 01[21:59] <Blechy> it's either a harry potter or a basketball reference
  346. [21:59] <CVagts> neither
  347. [21:59] <CVagts> it's a world history reference
  348. [22:00] <CVagts> he was the british PM that chose to deal with Hitler with appeasement
  349. [22:00] <CVagts> rather than war
  350. 01[22:00] <Blechy> ah
  351. [22:00] <MSDS3170> i understood it cvagts, i just didn't think it was worth mentioning
  352. [22:00] <CVagts> what did he PM you coolkid
  353. [22:01] <coolkid> just advocating smas
  354. [22:01] <CVagts> argh now he PMed me
  355. 01[22:01] <Blechy> haha
  356. 01[22:01] <Blechy> I didn't get any pms :( but I was the first to go against it
  357. [22:01] <theJUICE> #barnowl
  358. 02[22:01] * Washeyy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  359. [22:01] <CVagts> I should throw you under the bus Blechy
  360. 01[22:01] <Blechy> he knows the truth
  361. [22:02] <coolkid> i didnt even say anything or do anything
  362. [22:02] <coolkid> He bombed me anyway
  363. [22:02] <CVagts> lol
  364. [22:02] <spimmmm> banowl
  365. [22:03] <CVagts> one of us had to fall on the sword
  366. [22:03] <CVagts> you're welcome
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